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.TH•e-TEAW:1919. rA13",.... MADE -'1,AIVD - •
- FOlt",171A.X., P,IIRPOSB, OC-
TOBNR11818.' -9
JrheT CItF Couitcll . of 150 clty at Port .&n ,
••••,tXeles do .ordaln
Sectlore-X••■=,„That.'„the sethrials 06 ; ex
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CIO' CO 'arra,: Irdtthig!sta,,a-
purpose.,be'. and Abe' &hie is hereby.,
„?.contlroted: anh, thersi. Is hereby,: fixed •
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1,1r Section 3. ThIs :ordtpance-,
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afet and be eltmand te, ,
doys ter btb117pulaton.•
,„••,: •
_WALTON. ••••
mayor. .
Clerk.•,"'"` - •„••,, -
ponied Oct:, 12.
612-7 (
%--• /19-/c7 4-6 //gr,
NtbkitrOprialiket. - •
, Victoria Streetl-,Wa ee ;
Columbia Street,'Ca lin‘-Street,
Wolcott.Street,--,Alde S:4740t,
Pnnis Street, Libe'rt
Jones: Street,,Chadier Arkl:t
anCRace Street, and cart
alley-ways, in the of]
) No. 58
) clq14
:_-.,, ;.. ,.,WEEREAS, the Slew, Carey-fl. S. KerbanghporporationAhas
filed,with'the City,,Clerk andresentedto thiEv:CpunciI,its,
petitionlpraying forthe.vacati:o*:nf certain:pOrtinns'ofj3treets
4,. and'7a11ey7ways,.in:the townsiteof-Port Angeles;. aaid'portions, of
said :streets and alley-ways being described in said petition as
followa, to-wit:
Thatl.portion,b1 Railroad Avenue, lying :!
East-othelast.line'of Francis Street:
and through Blookneight (8),
eightand-nne-half;(&i).,,ten (10), ten
and one-haIf(10-i).; ' eleven (11).eleien
andionehalf (11i), twelve (12), twelve
and.onehalf(14), and the TidgLLands
lying in front .of.Blockthirty7three
RaserveBlock., andArrban BlocksOnejll.
and one amC,one-half ,(1i),,all-East'nf
Francis Street, in,theCity of'PortAngeles.
ALSO that portion of ,Victoria Stre,et,from
theEast.linenf Suburban'Lot3h#ty7three
(33),tn-theWest lineof,LibertOtreet.
thetEastjineof Liberty Street,AO
point:where said WaterStreet joins Gales'
Addition,to_Port Angeles; .
ALSOthatTortionnf Columbia Street
coamencing ata point two hundred and
fifty (250) feet West of the West line
.ofEnnisStreet, to the East line of Block
one?hundred and sixty-six (166) of Chambers'
Sub-divisionnf,,Suburban.Lots thirty-seven
(37)and thirtylight..(38).
ALSOithat portion ofCaroline Street
commending.fatthe East'line of Ennis Street
to thecEast line of Block one hundred ,and
fifty-two (152):of,Chambers' Sub-division.
of.Suburben lots thirty-seven (37) and thirty-
eight (38).
ALSO that portion of:Wolbott Street,.from
the Southside of Caroline Street, to the
North line of Water Street.
9r71t7ChifAId-er Streetfrom,the •
Seutliside of Caroline Street to thelfortbr-----
- 'line of Water;Street.
ALSO.that portionof Ennis Street, from the
North line of Caroline Street to the North
line ofWater Street:
ALSO that portion of Liberty Street, from
the North line of Water Street to the inner
harbor line, or Rnnis Cieekl7ater-way.
ALSO that portion of Jones Street; from the
South line of Victoria Street to the inner
haebor line.
ALSO that-portion of Chambers Street, from
the North line of Columbia Street to the
inner harbor line.
ALSO that'portion of Race Street, from the
North side of Victoria Street to the inner
harbor line., A,
ALSO tha alley-ways froM a point one hundred
(100) feet East cithe East line of Liberty .
Street and-runningsithrough Block two (2)of
qColn'sSub,4ivision'of Suburban Lot thirty-
six (36)andBlocksiune.hundredand sixty-
four (164),,one.;hundred and sixty-five
(166),aWone hundred and sixty-six .(266)
of:Chambers' Sub-division of Suburban'Lots
thirty-seven (37).a:6d thirty-eight
vALSO the alley-waistrunning•through BlockEq
one hundred and fifty-two (152), tne'hundred
and fifty-three (153), and one-hUndred-and7::.
fifty-four (154) of Chambers%Snb-division
of Suburban Lots thirty-seven (37) and
. thirty-eight (38).
ALL of said property being in the City dL. •
Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of
Washington, and
.WHEREAS, said petition appears to this Council to be suff-
icient in form and substance, as providedby Section,7840,of
Remington's Code awl -Statutes of the State;of Washington, pro-
viding for the vacation of street& and alleys in Citi6s.
IT IS THEREFORE, by the City Council of. the City of Port
Angeles, RESOLVED:
That.Tuesday,_the 12th.dayof November 1918, at;7:30-P.,11...
be 'fixedas the time when, andthe Council Chambers, astheplace
where, seed petition shall be hearcUand:determined;:and'theCitY
Clerk is hereby ordered and lnstrupted-to give twenty-(20)daYs'
notice of the pendency of-said:petition, by,a"written'or;printed
notice set'up!in three.(3).of:the most public .places'in•said7City,
and. like noticeshn the portions of the,Streets.snught tote vacated;
which said notices shall contain a statement :that a petition has
been filed tovacate..said parts-of saidstreets;'which shall be
described in said notice, together with .a statement of the time ahci!
place fixed for the hearing of'said petition.
F. 3. Walton
Mayor •
ATTEST „4*...
By 0YD . Best
City Clerk. 7,4
.• •