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C+ a �. {�v4- � p c< '✓ . 'r
y n ORONANOE NO. 601
AN ., ;OItD1AANCE\ACATI1■40 iUl,
,p O,1,L11\Y -1hG S IthErt• ANO
• �l!2liTS..0 :GixEYs 1N Tri. �:fi'\
OF PO81 aL GFB.fw f l L U.t:nrQ -
eO111VIR, . �VASgINt3TOil. .
ti:8a11road ;AVesu0. 1v3ne Easl'*o'
• .Eaetline'ol. Francis atredt-and
mm�mg throog� Blocks eleht (8) .
ght and one- haRt(8%) ten "_(19)
.tee`, au1r one half ^ (1031),
"(11) �elevea and oha•halt (11,10
tivelve (12) twelve. - and' one-half
,(12ysand',the Tlde Laadall'ing:in.
',,tidntioPElocic s `ihlrty ;three •+:'(33)
kaowa sa'the II:tited'Statea Hosyi
'tal+ReserveM9lock.'g and :'.Urban
;Blocks one ;(1):and•one nnd_ one•
:>iatit (iii): ;all 'Easf�of ,+,;Francis
Street In the Clty:of POrt:Angel4e.
);.; AY.SOr�t3iat portiotf?of victoria
Street:fronithe ;Tyast'Ifne o Subur.
baII Lot*thtrtytbree.`(38) to tha X
WOat Ine.tiftiberty Street'+ °:zs
3ALSO4tbatatportion ao
Street from thelgaat'llne oL1Thtr-
tyySf[eet toa:yeiat:wherersirid 7"
Water-Street jo)nsc ;G�alea Addition
yortion_;o• Columbia
Sireet+icoinmenetng at�a4potut.two
7itmdred .and fifty (250) eet;;We;t
of +the West line of -Lnala Streit, 2
Ito 4he.East llae or Hlock one Lou
tdredt andtsi=tysla (166) of Ohim
ybers SubiUy1elon of Suburban J.iitat
t6 {rty seven:" (37) ai:d thin 3 eight •
t„F(38) cI s11' u ?2s t
n%(', \7380 g t yortton °of) Cavlire
Street,- cammene1ng at the East Ilea
}, ;o1•rEaniaiStreet to the 1!.ast lone -
'Hlodk�one hundred "�?$ad Lly tn'o� • _
tF2)tof'taambers Siba1 1 i.)i Of
#Suburban6Lot. 'thirty seven t 3t�
and thirty -eight (38) `')
v .el SU tth�at portipg: of i\Vui;wlt
Street, trohr the South side o Carr '{-
)ineiStreet-to the, North line u
.Water Street �t ' a to
1}�5i11801r(i aa[,i_ portion 4noZ•-.11der .,
'.Street -1mm Urn 5outh,atde o[ }.;oto % ',
t -Y a,K, a.n. -etho ?the North hn g.0
ibs .gs0:1uie.t pnrttoa o1 Lunis /�
treet) :r- bmstyileiNor(h�llae oL
��,1(no $ire io t 'r4u 11ne
h'n'{er tre r
at "u t*
i f��HO that portion; of L[btsty
�f'rSt�t obi �om�rthe'7Vortli line af' Vat - t
�. yerJ 'trees to the'tnner )tarbbr- li•.iE
#• o t'G'nnislCreelt Waterway '?{rya
it•`»�sISO ttbat purUoa' of R Jcnea
1 trtet, Srom the Sou(h 11ae of.l�)c J
rlk.=Street to t 'i11Cuer hai•bur 1`
n0? �1v�`K;e7z"/12�'�a"ct�nci.�a;, i 1•
9O tluW poriroa'oL G\hatubeis
!S%reet /frotn, the (f orth `line a tip-
ilttmbla Street to ttie''lnneri harbor
'line iv4f�';'4+,�K�4 ^h�aPa S14t1` ;'4`
- A,SO'ittat portioii:o[ Aace ott•u`r
from }the =North slde'ito Victor
Street,loiflie inner
i b) SO,the alley wnye from i pmnt
on(. aulkdfeu tlou) - =art ua�t`ei:'tac
•,: tst,itna °of Liberty Street an run
'n4Ig taruoga;Bioeas, two t,(.)'. u
i,a.,r n i,a'uo 1tViston {'. "of i''4'Subur.:an
•.rot _thti'¢ata (36,. and Elucks.'oa
' ;3hundcet[l and sixty-four (164) `one
fhundred.': :and alxty' *five (165) and
?� pus nununyt �ano'sixty ela (toe); of
�4oainuers buo4isision of
r: ;b•(nt.Lgts4ithirty-sovent (37) -1.44
. thr[y= l ht (38) ^92k.t i,•tM- "tn t '
,tPo t'ae,ralleyways rut tin,
+thruugn'Dlocks On hundred f4 ;and
�= ' tifty two ('152) oat. ahundre won t
fi tr• three,' (153) Lands one ,hundi•
11 'ty four (154) Lw;;or ;,Ctiambern
;,(. Sub - division o4Subprhan,LOts. -,1.1
_"very nnd• thirty eight x(381
`.n BE IT.,ORDAINED BY THE .t �'tl
etitYt;1•,LY,S"AS bOLLOWS ` 1 `6''%
se;.'Section l ;That'uyon'a petition duly ,
,sisaed ;by more - than ;two-thirds ; (23)
eand tthe proporty,'abnttfng on the -sera a
; alleyways ? hereinafter °r vaeatec
".;;and upon 'wtiich'dueilegal'- nnd'Umely
notice of `heating ;.was ;.g van, - and. no
S:Tiateats having been ; mado ) to a LhO
' j r8ating o!'� @a(dc.peUUon,'th&iOliow
; ingstreete andparta -ot, streeta, alleys
;find i p a r t s of galleys, as prayed' ur ie
,s'atd petition to the City of Port'An
•�telea be and are kereby"vacattd: s
' S, I(ailroad: AVeaue, `Iying:'Baat' of
the East (Inc' of Francis Stree!,end
;ronhing-tlfrongb BleekeeisliCtS)
"'eight and are Salta (84) ten (i0)
ten end:ono-ltalt (1036) eleven ill). •
- 'eleven and ;bnebilf. (1114):' trel-re.
twelvac and`one biE :and Lands' lyfns ;in- front
,d.,.Block : ttlrty- three, (33),^'ikaown
sa , the' United •Statee- Hospital Re-
serve` Block; and Urban'Blocki, One
(1).'one.and onehalt`.(13i):' all
�Ea4 of. Francis Street. in the Cny - - -
,; of Port Angeles. :'1 3 .+,, ':
ALSO' that portion 9 of vlatoris
Street,.fiom the East line of Snbar,
bas ttott thirty -three (3S) to - the
West Une o[ Liberty. Street '`-Cr
%�.,A1S0�, that- portion 71+ 1 .Water
▪ Street.''.trom the'East line o• -fiber
• ty Street` to.,a, point where said
Water;Street - join Galea'Add1Uon
Poit Angeles. �'%A iE sJ ?Kt% u`+,'. ,
ALI30 ;1 that!Pertton : of Columbia
Street +.'commencing at it point; fwd
htmdred. and Sfty ;(250)feet'West
of the' West line'ot Ennis S•tree'
-to the East'line of Stock oaa_hnn
died cad • sixty- a)z.:(186) t o1'Chant-
berg', SubAiviaion:ot Suburban -Ldte -
, .:.=- 1L)rly -eeyen (37): end *. thirtl-eight
(3• A8) L ' SOp
e that orUoi of Carob e •
Street. •aommeneinB atthe E is: lino
of Ennis' Streel;;tor lire East Ine bt
:'Block ane hundred;8and ^�ti�iyitwo
(152) o: _Chambers•, Snbdivtsio ba
Su rban jLotesi`thirty- sevest= (t7) 1,
• and thirtjxlght (38) ,.v^ -.
r ALSO ;.that Portion of x Wolcott
Street from the Sonth aide of (hm
line street to the - .North line 'of Nat- 4 C)
er Street ri x1 �% :,,
°' ty ALSO'1that' portion + O Alder
Street from the Sonth side of t ato-
':-line- Street to the North f15E n
"A[ 30.i5that` pOrt10lLZ' o[ Ennnt
`'Street, from the North line 61 :f'aro
�hne Street to the -North ' of -d
Water Street
.,ALSO'that portiQa' of Lioerty
Street;fivm the,Northline or t'! i •
treet todthe inner Irarbor• l ne
or Creek Water way
ALSO. )i that portion's of "a')oles
,' Street '-ram the SouUh Bne of ;Vie,'
__- tor15.44treet to the inner .harbor
ALSO:•tlmt portion of • Chambers
Street, fro North'11ne of ra
> Iumb1n Street to';the inner'charbor -ts
r nt ().that•portton o[ Bace',Saeet
unm the North side O.ot ,� Victims
Street tothe inner'harbor line..,,y -�
"i4 L50 they alleyways 'fromr)a
" point one hundred' ' (101 feet•East
of the :;East llna ot,Leberty; Street
' and rtinaing through Y'Blecka'"8 tw ,,, •
(2), of ;Cirri - Sub - division otSubur
ban "Lotahlrtysis ; ;(36) and- "•Blocks
one hundred nnd`aixty four {(164) 1
one hundreds and g�stzty Sve -s; (1653
and one _hundred aird siityisiz (166)
OI'(iltnrOhera'13nbdt9tal0n ;OL aus-
:urban Lota_ thirty-seven (37)?: and
thlrtyolght (38).'s,5c;4 '= ,s+6?y ,
fa A1SO the 'ti,alley` ways C.runncrt;
�'i• Urroagh`'Blocka;one )inndred i1 a� i
fi•tyfryo�(152), • one hundred ran,l
fifty three and one • ed
' hundr -
�: „and fifty-four (154)) of zSChambers
Sulydlsislon 01 SUbnrbaa Lota thlr- '
ty- seven - (34), and- thirtyelght
r'4SecUo "n •2c
Tine 'ordinance :shall take
' clfect and ";be in Oros .rom and after
"n Svc days after its ..pnblleatton: as re-
quired by law
Passed • the City Council December
,.3rd 1918. �. ;3l •':'
>y. Approved. December 5th. 1918. •
Published, December 7, 1918.
���:Mayor Pro "Tam.' "
`Attest .C.`4D.•BEST, 7
1 v - ,
�i► -o..�, arc Q
/ o f .
1 /9/g. -
iii -'.F xr G.