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'-' - : ire; bi object thereto -Or to any: pelt .. -- ...■ .....": :CRY Come.' • to order sthe' ± lam-rove: '; - 7 :: :,, oulludd Improremente' ere hereby ,noti . .; c " tient, to'constrnet : a lateral ;never,. to ". ' -_ ...... - feed to appear . and.Present 'such °Wee,. - ..- hut:- through and: along the. alleye..be-: ... ., ..."4": -.- ilons- at Ir meeting, of • the. City Coon- tween -Eighth' add !Ninth:' Ninthnd - .' - ' ' ..r../111)..thei Counr11 Chamtier in the - -Tenth.`•Tenth andEleyeuth,'Elerenth .. - ":tiall;::111--..theqtY :of :"....PortwAntelen. --::‘, 'rand Twelfth; Twelfth ,s01 ...Thirteenth. ...... -..." -_,. -. :--,..wii..6hpton;..9......the ripi,_thi.k.of .*.y. . . i. .., ‘..Thirteentli toolFourteenth;Fourteentli.--:;.....:! "":"..■ • .- t 1919i: ..4t. 8 :".0...elOck- 21.01,• Of la•Id :-.'' da2.• i','-ini'd ....Fifteenth. ',4 r I f t ei-entils .,,aod..:. --..',...",.,.'7 . _which thin Ind,pLide. are herebi Sled : : - . • mati3C and .o...itg - • -- ' - : . to and - all °bier- - , " •■ .: • - t al and through said - •-_ . - *--',- -• ,cir heiiing:all,mlitters relating to said • . -..grotideray.7all "of ,-;:eald!,...streets . and ; .. : -._ . s - proposed Izapnaremen _ • .-, alleya; pounded:by '1Aniel•-sitreeti.en -;, "' '7. t,IPas.:Ple101.i?id-f?;74.,!!!'rFlalPgth-e. tf-the east and the brink ot Valley street - -.i,: ": -:'''' _ method orthe.,paymeitt, of..":12e Bathe. •: .. 'hrough zed,-et:itts :It necessaiy." ;Li .i ;, ; ,4., . .... . .. . • - . riztiiwbe4t.1i.er,:byilhs. neethrd .. or. Pa1- "connect withtie lneoln-atreet trunk ••• meat hyiostalments -Md , sale ,,o1 -.'.'. .. - ,.•-..•,-. .: bonds or pi iamed.tatii,payment--2-21:,. sewer; :end- a..eatimiltio" 62Huhl -- ',Hi': ' ''' '"-. --. :. ,',:•.,:t'; (4) That Itlie:CityL-ngineer shall , eoht ..atrear., trunk sewer , pent the • at.',.. /. , _.- " - , , submit to ine, City Cromell.'ar or "prier :.,-. lei, betViiell . Eighth striet-,ind Neitli" -, :...„ ' l ' -,,''to, the diteilliedjer. said hearing-, •all: '....:: • ,.!, street tii:-. Laurel itreet:to-,bak streei ' r7-, -,. --:" _ .. ;law with Lithiniation .'residtid. by. bilt":f:....- i (.-. ," • ,-- theine:follewingr,Oak street to the it1-...i..:. ...... i '.."; to lie suthilittd.t including, all neces: : : • i " .----. -.. lebefiretui.--Tirelfthettett.land Tiiir-!."f: '..., ..:. '. sat:Y._ diagranesi .mtila).-:Pinr...5•• ePea...1#_,:c.'.".".., ...',.... .1 tiieitth' street; itildOE.isaarT and .exi'edit ''''" • ::." .'--;':..,-:-,: ' ..ti-OOO.;eztiiiiiitii)=ittlig;OPt.-- and :.•.'ex- 2,.:-..:..Satt:. in.,' ....ktilly.'eirry . out Tend ' accomplish ?-:',...■-.7_,.' ,-... ..i,-....e3e et feed tliapotivements:'a_State- • ;:-, the,Tginieral,PlitA14Or literal seweni "Las ,.... : ., -. -,"-- •••..:-..., lefit.,,,,kpujolioportionaw.„..tiot 4.. :-. , ....,. keriiin::' contemPlitted;4-TheSewer- pipe ,:- `'.--,;:.-f.' -•-.!,_ diereid.7ivhickehOuld be boime;bi.-the,.: ,.''.,2°I■eald'ae)T"_ -Pa_ - 'i*Tdc1115tinci-OgIfft'7 .. i-. - : ',..'.- .:.•:.. lirol)ortli"hin"4-11'6' 'Pr°6-4§d:,f"'.',: - •' 1 ' ! int:Shall: be, nrecnias rttilliediettY.T.:*:.,:-._.„_.: -,.. -..... nithic.,briati-.1* othirditiiiple-matilet. " ..--.. ., ,.., :....?: m ent,;dis...tm.etiLitit,,d:oitito....te.,m,..e,;(0rt_thh: ..',..,- ,.. ,.....i.,: ,..:.:7ttigether withialliimeeneut nnui.-Stees.---,:e7: -:--ct.:,.._2-.-, :: aFlr:gasti`i76,11,risc -46 0-17gb—r,,,.,,zente at:.iiuiaa.!7t.h.'emaee-a:rghibaihl:boun'ia':d;°arkrt'.9Pijiiiticcicniae-gl'wdeiadI:e*14is4z13j?l!ailc°t4:ta"4*j4—"61tt4eteCih12.i:''!:;;.-"'1::;,l.',1:yTrv7"ailliri°.:hual:n.j."t:-ijiji:°...,liidiilit''-j:Zatia;4ejieit...aiti.ier:iiill,:.e4t:taie:6;:,,j'°titirit'i..:'I'tg.ta,h:6iot:iar..wrih;:i:°ti:tcgr'::.:...:::}" •,-,1-,,: lateral ....newer . either: 11-::: the:liters •ort-i:,,! '''.-.:-.. .•..: ti.i.ei.ini-.,the"...mta; tracts; Or - parcels ..- Of--... stiieti `end all'ether!.Work,in.*iitnec,: , tion,,thereivitti",-*Iiich'.-shall';:b4::N.,..'',4r-,:!-7'-':f:.'''i'-'14 ill4.6th.-6`:1'.9p7e."1.,..th'de.h-huirmparoi"vb6e ..., neertssary':.and4expedientt)all: of 80r..1-... .....-: -"; mene-anethe,estimated: cost and ex, - -. . Iraptizienient[ta':be done.itiO1 iiiieilkqq:-...' 'C''.:;.r.,"• - .Uenses , at; . .---:entd:tiniiroveinent ..-..- ..,.. ..., ni,.."1:11ifeleitI. Conditiolitrtn,7-tiecordance .;;;-..;--....."‘.. - - ." 1..."-.. with : maiii; plans' and -speciliCatiens to " -,-!........,: .-..- -` telbe - borne by.:ea_cli.Leidd lot;tract: or ; .. parcel o ;land or okaer property there- bej.iiieliarecl--tiy:.theiCity:Ilkiatileer and„.."'.......; -;-,....-_,-,,,... :_.:‘,:,-, iii:F.:,t,.*,64,-,..,..,6.,4i4i:....,.,..,i;,40;,,,,,!,,,,.,..,....,... ,i......., adopted by , tne.Citp.ceu*lifti-W:4Pi9t.4:::-..,_ --".• ,%..'".,..;-.: -"-- .,...,(6).-f„That.t.tie • dost-n4d. eiTe,Yie`')f N.."-!(,. (2) t iThatf.Afie::disiiict'...1TerebY.7,9iit,;. ":-.,., .-.-"" aaid:- - initiroreirteitt' sling -pe";,beriteit-y.:-..•.:::,::".. •.4.! ileetitand.'descrliterl: is i.'.1eletiden..•to'...nt.:74.,'3'.;,;!:.-:- -i, .: Cr.11tud6.7.e:7-11hil tekar*n1113'b9!r5e. liv7eF;11:41'.'Pb7":..cilbF7:....`,..;:::-.....1:.:;.thlitcbdie'idinl'Clasigr..;e4tai6i‘e.11;'W4iii°4i1.41511-1h4O.i"iiiii:hitird:11i:.°°71s•tiiiir9°11.144.:ina6';i'....-,,:.".:1 •.;..:,....seiveri. as:',herein-Uropusedtoj.,he-con..,'. " ....,-.;..< :::_...; ...-.,...8-t-iiidt.,,,yi. iiiid,,-op,,,,.t.e.fisitha.......64-. sii!d:., ,.,.,.... .!,_!. , , ;..iiiigeltisfsrkitl,....iiii :.niiiiiti44:14:....,).61atbsaild.'d.itie. onnst);:e7lr.,nern--:.;:::' F PidafW.Otiliet'#110.:416**.,.114--'1e6e... It '::7, .."!.. --• : ' pen-sit-,Of ' Said .-.1mtiroifeniaite. :444' '..,!..: saiii",":#0' al-144Le--prIiiietty'i-*41:4_,_.-.--.."6...:43',. '':_-" .-}.:'..i'J:4;;;;....':';*'-,ii.sieit\ liyt the• Citp:".Counc117 and ell- .. : '..-• :,•.:: be.,.benedifed;:bklaid!",,,elliate_rom.,.. !",•,."...--'...,,,''.:-:-:..,proired,..bYlfthe ',11layor lot1,1 he ....:"„ist ':,,,:■.f,r.: and the,"Pi-tiii.eity"...i:tel.bo (toseeetiedatO,---" r... ...:".;•-:".i., ..;',..Alz.i.tc.1.91.9.--"--...,;,..:::,..:,.--, ti',..S.;•:!..?.3;,-..2.,.,,,..'?,..‘r.:4-:.j,,.:,',,,-,,...,...,. !, Poi.--.thi):Pest4O,1=eil'9';163;°E"1P"IgC.'*=;-'...--;',7*iet-s;:"- ate •,' at ill'ilt" Publiclitifift• ,:APril.. "4,- i..;.:.:brpyiAiieht.a;.:ta-wit:::-.A41:.tLe :. property --. ' i...,.•-•:-....... ill,. ■.,, ',,::::. bet-vieed:tkedeseilbetttermint. or said .....,:...,. .::: : ll,Pr9l'elien4,...a,1?,0110i-PPq9.1-.4i117,.:;..- , ...7,, .;--1919.,,,:li"-c ".. •-;;-„""---.-; ' ,,..:i..•,..,,-":;"'A",...,-.`"7-'.:,-,--q..-:,,,.. ' -.....:' .3.,■••• Date - of ituitt" publication., Apr11,itli. "",.-:::. (cent. ,",i•leinal ". ory approximate • to such i"-..,-,." ;1:-1--"::: ::".-'.- :.." ..:,.-, ....,- .:.:-:.;:.:-,.... T...1. l'ECITLAM.. iiortion to . said - streela and alleys ' to 'a- : '' ^. '' •:-.--:'..: .. ..._.,....Titei.j7.;;;R...: ,: '',-.' : ..Sr.! Mayor. r... ...-. ., distance back from the niargimil.tile.S ;:,.:' .. • ... ;,,,.:',...' ,,,,. ,. AtteSt.: ' C. D.:.i3EST: '.. '..-......";::;: .. ' ' ...1.'.1-' . , • - • .A1.C1st34 l2 -j28 ' ........ 6--/ //y, dew ,