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S 01IDINANCE; 0. waTF tQ t
o/d[af th y t .b W0. t edd}tsaata�d •.
*the Ctb of Pprtr..Anleler, t : i • appl�(i i►`Mtrimm ;or_atpbattln 41 u`i
".Oak sod, �Iro:' M byer:104mM 1 tb: of ±lihteen feet%
line'ulLIMarq ifree tta:ie meth', ,,Bodum -u'-- f•tbtmoit.. sea,
't.lboedway �':ao4VNlntb Y'entb■ �R. ud 1nel16utat.vamielil/LalC�be.
• j�' ?vreMth, orblite°°tb'. Fuax" boree kv • stfie'nND'.
r t strmrta.aod. the
r.: or acid
ti ootin,the,reetRoe - tt�
f.theImaC. nd there at tap ar Drinl
VsSel� .aarthe 1roet,-
• t dl.Ked
Mated 6tt rwtth
ty-aLPort'Angeles °ban -
rpdeet't:line fox- asvonae^ot eeifd Immcre=
from tpe ankh line 0L;broadway cn: the .— F
t, south.•yto ?the aoathj #line of Pet ( �.�t �T '..
• street north, ereatlust s liW im .. sr
yra-ement .district therefor and D •+ illislOr Hof idruttinit bTw special . s�eTiw d t.D1 lg4
-thetelo br.: the mode oL payment., by s"'exDtaDeftR •—.. ~fii?t
' M-11. r1,W11 't,K -r /s[d tmWmnment ebatUog'{up t5;7 0
3•The; Ityeth a to 1 ofolliet tt o� t cantto. CtPpoifmata tot strett
gortton otlattd to a,diotanee
,.rt, seetlonTatathejimprayment .D )rem :WM ebe1eOyaa
bereb0 Ordmld O19heK.Uowtpg'ihramf. 'y'lde4 bT A
=street° aad.'eleye J.°(Aelcita o0Yort'Ant t-Tif,. on let per, *lntmesv.si
•¢e[ea*Vaablesten. to-wit h.che0UU41lab'ttie$OAtO..b01 t'DeriatlZtmu, �
dstaereliatreats. IIomaths sonth311m. abletazgombefwe Iehom,She..
ntaightil itreeblto"thn north _]roes et data drrthelr Litne_ahgl[ bejlteued 1n lmy
. Breedway sad toTtitUt:r., ihrientL. mentiofr hii a ami esq¢nso o[ ea14 -Pt
Twelfth. tb.H onCte ..wn `, DroiRmSn -,d*r. tiD> >T *1M redeetned;
• a itween aldL medesatreeta alltarern tto be l end• -
, the west7ine4bf LlncNajatreecjWYEtlte pifppTprf,Rl ,pa1able
caattlop otYy '-at' - l�StreerOulebs ten eynnitw • eilnetallet i�im�:
their%till \]ti. eft
• grading areavattng'Eam en ..
gmtio66 ,Utergravelingeto be eighteen
feet itt lridtri lalthel middle aikeit the,
atroets ithe.eonstr etleE•ofallt_
embanb feint 'Bilk ieed47cOtbingq„ ; 4
1 sings. and drahigtht giaveAWCe
(es- et aft such aDeya the L
[ the eaelaeai' -ms7$ bin
�Ing all2 otherPirf illn conneuU -- .- --e(lo
with ea Mant a feandatlec tsarY...all In °}ss.,.. a- J. 7..T
ncrordancewlth =DR D the q4 a Reece. es.—
ae, -abaA tak
,00,OOa to be0DreDOred tfe •etre4 aM betln fo[xe5s[ters'itaSp>tiuta
fromandjth ter othi6ttee [Broadway t�, land otter 11
from thUo'Woer o1�Ta _ atree,tftce' b§, da1%2afterro 11tta a pu -11mt1oB. ,
,laterfiea.tonivaBroadwa7tsnd ihe..al)eT 7titlbill4
1 - betwee �rgnrreen efieet, }'' a- jmg
I beimDroyed,b)T,__ vathlga.ebennel,ar ▪ �t
r' utlet. of�wstem_ Prism roWdF t4-. 't '4 M r •rte or
-; bo impm.ded, y,, th j}.op
Fra rteeneb( street ead:of 1 1tak.eald
-embanliOnt:rand., tbataa. 7"Oak.•and ,. ,.• •Y .. _ _.
Made of eSi
daT, a ,d ed by�iaR'2'6T)teeptj
bonds < ney .1,4 edito t res tQr
i r���empU tiotjwarxanta�otLthe�ecisl
AtLiaf ;nCFsat4 ^a1.IuDrova ipP tit
roo▪ ., anr�ettmaiae- OC lt1eY�A
imio eer thavi 'Part An •flee,;
aura led
.Lr ,Mt y i,
Cl▪ katCler)r.
1 •Be it licfiolved by the'City Council of c?
tiw City.etiPort Aligelestettttjrx•
.a/,(1)IThatlit ?la the lntentton of the;cityb..:
t council to order the lmptoremcntlotrthat
1 par! ot'aVLey,Stteet, in'eald glty4to; wit t
l from itha reou lbtliaelof •Seond atreett to "ilp.
-lthe north llneg.att.Thlrteenth..etreetby?
:foIt vIg s d•grubbhrg the ?same 6longrita,..)e;
„fud width4wlthln saki rairovemeat ter
..mlol, by eavatiej to epnRne th e -Nat-
root V ey. Creek to ne chnnnel and'to
. a(telghten the -�aama to tcybb(ng eeaat
aide of riedway,abu on
ttong creek,ehaif
eel art avatt nt gredln¢ and coaslructing
", a. roadway atid'.gravelhng" the •sa me one lxti
foot deep dn.;gravel and!12;feet ln.w(dth
in; the middle; of. {ha roadway' the:ceete
. line Tot wtdchriis tot run ;16= feet leaaCTot
west Eon f aaldtValiey;atree! alao•bulk
Iheading with, loge or ninon; en east old
at.the atreotf removing aldewelka •and're
placing same with now )umber In place' et,
old and untlb;romoved eonatrueting •fourf
Mt : end plank:brldgee a.nd'reptacing "tout & -
', bridges crossing channel and doing! seek
other work 'as may beneceassty in con ix
ectlon therewith =ail In accordancb wltl
the ela and'. tt ap eiticationa be prc
pared ned •fUed;by the cifyjen¢Ineer•= •
z (2)t Thatall- .parsons who maY deelro i[x
to object thereto are heretiy reaulred.;to
appear andtpreeeat.auchNobjectlona stint",
meeting of thei- clty-councll to be held
' m•...the •city council Chamber le midte(tr
ol;Port Mg lee;`Waehington, t S o'clock!'
I, m. on thealr der ef-Sepe A :7)::19L9 '
' which Ume-and,'ptace (,;:hereby fixed: for
hearing ell} rijette m ° teletion to :Mid '%
ttropoaed lmprovemeo[e lnjng ll objection
thereto and'"tor,deterwlning the method
of • payment' for :mid• improvement:r:,.pry"-
mit%That ".theleity'. engineer shall evb
mit: to We clty;council. ,at .or prior -'to
seld'date'all data i and.'lntormntlon re
golfed by law to ha -aubmi[ted 4-;..,•
.;(1) Tho 'coat- andrexpenee •ot. geld. I
. provement'Isbell be: borne,_. by, and . -ai
• sealed :agelnot C the property llable there
:tor. -Ms 'provided lby law. T.,.[1t, .'''
Passed by :the e.ity.counall and elgned
by the 'Mayor". on Aug.'-12th. 1919 .' •,•''., i'-
`.. City. Clerk.!
7t L i'`- 225*
e Y
/ 1,
",.', RE ON.
[! 1.esoI,edb y, the pV 6~
4C aa♦ ndl
(Ytt:o[ Fort Anceeer, +WaU O na01,
(1)' "That .: It Is the'. Intention of ' he
City eoundl 01 the :dty :of .POrt Angeles
"to: - ender; the- improvement of the follow
,',' Int_aamed streets• and-alleys In the. City
t of: Port .Angeleb"to -wit: r.+- ::>•.st .'.:.,
▪ ," Cherry ' Oak 'and • Laurel, streets from
.':'the"! south .Ilse ot. Eighth stmt to the
• north line Of BNadw. ; and Ninth. Tenth.
Etirenth.:S,Twd[th.. '.Thlrteeath.:mPOur -. •
▪ ti taeoth' and;P7fteenth streets:• and ,the 'sl -.
ley.: rtmningi 'between ighth "sad ".Ninth`
• streets: N1atb, and Tenth streets Tenth -.
aod;r}Eleventh ' streets; Eleventh:*' and • -
Twelfth streets:; Twelfth and -Thirteenth
•8treeta ;'+' :Thlrtoenth • and;;;,Hburteentle
/streets; Pburteeath ands }y% Plttemth
edgers:- +s1µ+ *. +pr M- ••4?
fJ Theaaid atreets•to be improved witnln" •
the fo -
sealed'oterminl. :
Prom t*0. west line °I-Lincoln
street 'en
theteast- to kthe east or ,top 'of eNallalr
Street GUleh on the- west 'end, from the
aouthAla • 0* Eighth street: on the north
Ito the north.11oapor Broadway en. the
aoath Vsdd Improvement to consist kot .
1'014 ing grubbing. ezmvating, the eon
atrnctlon of all necessary .embaakmants..
bulkheedn. curbing.. croeeings: drabrs. • the_ :.
grrvellng of n8. Bald .treats 111 feet ln• t
; width ;,lquid'.thatesald3Iaurelr- Oakl ands ,8
i,S Cherry., street.. wtthlo ;s.ld'termlol:40• be;Y.';
'.further;Improved byJ roulog <and- .Dplying.if
bitumen or{aapbaltic' oUja. a bloder ::
mid. soiling -'and oiling ttqq��bbe, limited 1
eighteen- (19 }tg4CTn'th0 middle o[rsatd
streets' and the ;north twenty flue t3) •
feet of(Broadway` from the;Interseetion
of Isaiah emote to'theO alley'F between:
Fourteenth andl:Flfteeoth':etnweta to bo.
Imt roved by 3xcavating a chancel for 11 e::
•nutlet ',of water'and In deldg,•Such other':
etr,;•Kea'n,nl' •b+'neeeolsery.In,connection.
.,'tb;'all of astEha9roveaiente n 1 In ncf
eMdanee ,with Ne+_plaas ead;specirtatlths
pat " d'..,A.- flled.:,with Ihs cltY -•
clerk. by the -clRy_ 'engineer. -6ltt Gi0'-e?;a0uf
�s`;;(2)- Tbat 011 00*aens ho' may desire: -4
thereto "or t
to any., part Tof •asid
ImPbrierhent ere, hereby'notitled m'.n4=
penr;-,ap8d l.brarest .such obJectiaos -at 's.
ling -dt.;tho clty council :to be "neld t;
• tharcouootltchnmbernrin°the City hall a!
PnrtliAmng,el1q,'t1- ashIngton t; eight"
docli.l. ,On Jfiel2nd daYO! Soptem
'' her. 1139 whlrh <t{me nnd,plsee s
for{hegring;a illmatteia' rolatlor
oj'snidtpropoeedImprovements and - all;
obJectlons thereto :end torathe
40[000010 :4
:1ng. the methed;.0Gt, gq0RYYtuentt of the Bald;
Improyement.ynamdly.twhether 10 ,4 the':`
methedyofalphent by 1mtailmenL and,
lJThat�thmm ty t�paymenh I
ttl th.+�Wt�!� . ,rsouncLLlat ;olrprior eo *1*