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n.i ORDINANCE NO. 619. -_
AN ORDINANCE confirming the estim-
ate of expenditures and fixing the tax
levies of the City of Port Angeles for
:the year 1920 as made and levied by
the City Connell sitting for that Dur-
pose October 6. 1919.. .
The City Council of the C1ty of Port An-
geles do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That • the estimate of ex- '
pendltures for the levy of taxes made by
the City CouacU, sitting as a body for
that purpose. be and the same is hereby
confirmed. and there is hereby fixed upon
the city and all its districts for the year
1920. upon all the property both real and
personal. subject to taxation for the sey-
ral funds shown herein. and upon each
and every dollar of the assessed valua-
tion thereof es Is shown by the records
of the Assessor's office of Clallam Coun-
ty as follows: ,w ,
au�, -i�� District No. 1.
Current expense fund 15 mills
Indebtedness fund 6 mills
Interest on municipal bonds1?_ mills
Library fund 1$ mIlis
Park fund 5 mills
Cemetery fund Ill mina
• District No. 2.
Current expense-fund 15 mills
Indebtedness fund 6 mills
.,Library fund 191 mills
Pock ;Ban
Cemetery fund 1%C mills ,
r= -'611 Section 2.. That all of said taxes are
necessary levies and needed to maintain
mid City, its district and the several de-
partments for, the year 1920 commencing
January 1st and ending December 31st.
1929. and said taxes are hereby levied
proportionately In said City and districts
• respectively in accordance with their.-
• Joint and aereral liabilities. as shown an
I v. tha; assessment roll of Clallam • County,
f. and equalised by the board' of equalise-
'.Una of asld County and extended upon
the assessment' roll' of the County As-
_sessor showing • the property within 00,11
City subject 'to taxation •; for municipal
„purposes ...as therein certified by - the
County Auditor of said County according
4Seatloa 3 ',Thin ordinance, shall take
effect and be in force from and after five
days after lta' lawful publication.
Attest:'• C. D. BEST, Clerk.
Passed Out 21st.
Approved'Oct. ' 2st,• 1919.
published Oct'B4W., 1918.
xFtFn»r� r _`?rim
61 .
)Lv.G. /7.
" v �
I. p.--7*, ...'":
-,....' • ....01.- '' "....i......_ _:-...
.EE IT RESOLVED. Bytthe CitIf -0.°.0.11 i ..
'I of' tha Cltiltif:Poit7.Airgelea...Washing.' 1 7
i .', to.T.--1. ....It, ,.4;',if- ' It : 7.14-A.4.:' •-,:v :A.. ".--'
V-1...-That ICis.the intention.of 'the City
art."- of • the: etti.,of Port;Anietieto_,
.,. the improvement: to ._,Clenstrwat 4 .
lateral sewer beginning ...Nrftlk Lot la -.In V55 •
BM; IA '.fhteegh'fliocim :164,.. 170; „ rind
'171:r- tbrangh%the'ollerrif..between Fourth
curd fifth- Streeti'frons Peabody . Street
gulch • to, Lintehrlitreirosenecting odth 4. Alt.G.. Cec.,t/fe -'et-+•C__
the Lincoln !Steet Trunk , Sewer- ' ,The
fled clar:,cernent.., brick or other suitable?. '.
str acted thereln,aball be firstelase vitri:
material:together", with '.. all 2, ireceeselF
sewer, OW for :said -hewers to -be con:: .
eiryes withlertlie-houndery Of the, &MAO..
man-holea. eatchbasIns. - openings ....and
hereinafter described.. and ell'eS.er.3rwa..";`.
In connection therewith. artdeli .shall be, cki,
neceism74-all of'sald Improvements to bek .,
engineer.' and. to' be adopted .iij, the ,Cliy.4., (Cle"-4.-&"7"'''''4"---k . '74-'6 IF 1.2. --'1...4.t ...-
dont'''. lir accordance with Sem, ends
Specifications to be prepared 'br the city!.
CouneJ1-:1., ` • -,,,,e74. ---....,-; .....„,,,-.„..,,,g •
;near italiney.rbe...all tho territoryrerhich:"
and described:: brintended _to-Include. as ;
b_6_ -7.t....,,, 6, L .
, ., • That . the district' herein - outdo- -
roay tuf„newerecl-hyveald' lateral sewer. as
all the propertY„which may be benefited: ,
by said improvement:and the property )
bo eeooseed to;nairthe cost and experthea
of - said 4;tiraproVements. .to-it: 'oil". the-
of sakt,hier —Ott :abutting llfon.'-ndt a-•••1--eti
jacent; viciMler _approximate_ to sale
property „betweithe deicribed,termini,
street„ and alleys...to -a ;distance back ,„ 6
from . the ;Worglind lines thereof, accord ,
ing to lawr;r4f4:44,4:4,1-rt.W.s...-.4irit.44,i.:*; '
3.-r.That,011.personawho, may' desimoto V 11
Object: theretkortio'bey...tarit'of Oald.inii .e--4-
proveinentraM:hemby.:nottilid- to appear
and •preeenterucktobjeCtilini,•at‘ ahrieet
itog.; of .-ther,Cifyr.Conlicilllii„‘the ,,Cornibi
Chamber Inither.C1W.Hall:-In: the,City ,ofi
Port, Angel* Washington. YenrUnri,LIth'
day.of lialrernber....1.919,:-at;8;:b•Cirielep!in.
of Wild' -day,/ whirl; , time and; Place rare'
hereby' flaradffoi.-fhearinga11 metters'rg:
taring to. saidilrietiefiedfinfprevernerit.,,ind
.Olt" Objecions,' thereto,,oxid' fOr..detennin,
.. .ilili ' the...-inethod'AOL..tile ;Payment 7Of",,the
mine., vix:,rliether hi, method. Of . pail!
ment_by:71istirllin entsCariCsala of , bondi
or bi- Immediate .Valineot-441.4);0,..z7.-... ,
., 4. - ThehrlCity- Engineer ,',Oairsub=
mit to thrticify .:..Comielli:: at' or _prier -Ito'
the data:flied-jar -iraid,,.hearing..i all 'dila
nod Infornintionr'reduired:bk.&lior...to,be
submitted..:leCinding ,.. all , necesSarYZ„.dbl-.
grams.' irialla.-;Plans,' erecifications: esii,.
mates. of i„theleoit; nieffeitrinse;af4Intld
tionate.nnionnt.' tliereof,'„which'ilhorild_be
., . -..
borne .by-;:theProPertk„,:withinttio"tpro,
nosed assenanieriti.dlitriet.",TrinCO:eetate,:.;
meet" of, the:aggreiabiOsieased ;Valuation
of to ient.'estirte;■eicierrive of !Iiinircraro.
ramits, wItiditisidd7distriet.aricorrling .i.i
_the„.tralnatiOns' litetnlicedt ripen-it for the
.,nurirm: so of Menairteltaiittlernl.ftogether
4,04th,,,a, ciiagrainfor,ipilet.qliig:there-:
en "the;letin.traetar cieferreelecitrland' arid
l'otheripionerM:Whieh-,,Mayr"ba, sPeciallY"
Ilientifitedibyisaid" linliramniend ,the
1 7 eent.liiiiitecV,co:st-Lquld thciieniiii. 'of-each %of
eildXhiniriiieinents - to .be..tiorne by .each
saIddot:. tract or,,parcel attend or other.
,...'.5:Y•That:thirliewit,anEeinense,en said
braPrOvemenOrhell';Ire .lierne'..brOndies-,
seased-agairiet.the„property..-Ilable there.-
for ;within, said' district according -.to .lew ;
the: CitY .6f-446ft-7-Angeles; shall, not,'be
"Labio . in ink, thinner for-any - nerthth 'ef
said,: cost, or ' expense of said . Improve:
meet: -;,..,,,,,--..:.r"..rkr.444-11,........4,...-',..,x -1'-',
• PasSed . by "..tire -*City7 Council', and , op-)
proved by the meyeron the 14th: of OcL.
1919. ';'i'''':. :: :.1.,..1,"'''''''''''!`''''''''''''.•'..t4t,,,,,,,,,:.,;,
Attest*,' i4F.", Or.o'hicryor. Fro Tem.
C. D.,BEST;CIM Clerk: -,....4,,,,,
. . '-,
First -pribliCation Oct:17th. 1919.,"„4„