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AN ORDINANCE providing for the con -
struction of a lateral sewer beginning
at the intersection of the Lincoln Street
Trunk Sewer .and: the ■ Alley between
Fourth and Fifth Streets.- Block -169.
thence . following said , Alley through
Blocks 169 and 170 to and Including Lot
16 re In Block 171...: from the ..Lincoln
Street Trunk Sewer to the break - of
Peabody Guleh.crosaing Chase and Pea-
body Stmt.. a ;total - distance of 1461
lineal feet. In the Clty of Port Angelea,
Washington: creating a Lmcllmprove-
ment Dstrict No. 66: and providing for
the• payment of the cost and expense
thereof-by special assessments upon the
property within said district according
to law and by the "Mode of Payment
by Bonds." ail In accordance with Res-
olution No. 66 of the City Council of
said City, and In accordance -with maps.
plans and specification. prepared '. by
the Clty Engineer and herein approved
and adopted.
The City Council of the City of Port An-
geles -do-ordain as follows: •a
>' Plrsl:r That there Is hereby ordered the
construction of a lateral sewer beginning
at the IntersecUOn of the Lincoln Street
Trunk Sewer and the Alley.. between
Fourth and Fifth' Stints. ?-Block x 169.
thence following said c Alley ' through
-Blocks 169 and 170 to and Including Lot
18 In Block 171 from the Lincoln Stmt
Trunk Sewer to the break of Peabody
Gulch crossing - Chase and Peabody
Stints. a' total distance of si1i81 "lineal
feet. in thg,City of Port,A,Seles. Waah-
to ington. sewer pipe shall, be sewers
class vitrified. clay. cement. brick or oth-
er suitable material: 'together awith
necessary man -holes. catch - basins. open-
,' -. Ings and. - wyea within the boundary of
the district herelnalter described. and all
I: other work In connection therewith which
shall be necessary: all of said Improve -
menta to be done in = accordance: with
maps. plans and specification prepared
by the City Engineer and herein : and
hereby adopted. and In accordance with
•Resoluti n No. 61 of the Clty Council of
snld Clty .. -
Seto d_ That the cost and expense of
said Improvement including all necessary
;-and assessed expenses shall ty borne -b7
and included within property - shunted
• and included within the District herein-
after created and described. bed. In accord-
' ance with the law and ordinances of the
City of Port Angeles. Said city shall not
be liable m any manner for any part of
the cost and expense of said login.e-
-.. Third: . That there Is hereby created .a
Local Improvement Dlatrlet to be called
"Local : Improvement District' No. 66'•
which said district, Is 'described an fol-
lows: - All the property between the de-
scribed termini x of 4 said', improvement
abutting 11000, adjacent. vlcinl or ap-
eroximate to said streets and alleys to a
distance back from_ the marginal lines
thereof, according to law..
Fourth: Bonds bearing interest at the
rate of seven (7) • per cent per annum,
payable on or before twelve years from
the date of their Issue shall be issued In
'. payment of. the cost and expense of said
r improvement which bonds may .. be re-
deemed by the collection of epeclal as-
sessments to he levied and assessed
against the property within said district.
Payable In ten equal annual installments
wlthdnterest thereon at the rate of sev-
en (7) per cent per annum. under - the
"Mode of Payment of Bonds ", as defined
by law. These bonds may be dellvered,to .:
the contractor in redemption of warrants
on the special fund of said Local-, Im -`"
provement •Dlatrlct herein created, -on es-
timates of the City Engineer. or the City
of Port Angeles, by Its election, may sell
said bands and make such redemption In
cash or cash warrants. •
Fifth: - Thin ordinance shall . take effect
and be In force after its passage and ap-
proval and from and after five days after
Its lawful publication.
Passed: Nov. 25th, 1919.
Approved: Nov. 26th, 1919.
First publication Nov. 29, 1919.
Attest: _ .
6. C. D. BEST, City Clerk.
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