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• • ..., '-"ORDINANDE-'140 ' 627th. ,-..
AN ORDINANCE granting ict-iicSalt
Iligtell,-Pull, Paper itiT';ith s.
successors and n8a.1go2,:the ilea, pri!,
liege . and authority "to laY.'doin• and
maintain a miter '- ph,* line aczu.
;Within aiit upou,Seaxlear Drlya,-.
Street North. Third ' 'Street . Trestle:
Third Street. Tumwater Street ,and
Tenth Street, in the City of Pint All.
, De, It Ordained by the:Clfy Council
of Port Angeles; alfollti4ki
SECTON 1:.• That thero4 be and
hereby is"granteil to Washington Petri
8.,'. Paper Corporation, 9ta..aucciassois,
and anisigus. the"right.','nrivilege and
aittl;ority- to lay. :downkCinerate:' and
Maintain a line of :writer pipo man's.
Within, :upon and, belmv.Aliosurrace
of SeriviewbriVe„; Third Street Noith,
Tbird Street Trestle, ..Third,. Street.
'rainwater St-met and Tenth Street, In
the City. of Port-Angeloe. in the man.
nu. at the 'veleta., and vi)thill the,
boundaries describes no renews, •to.
wit: ''''
t- '- ' '-'-' ' '
• Sold pipe Ilrio shall'ocimmence at
the north end of •SeaviewDriveand
extend tioutherly'farid.oesterly appro X-,
itantely, eight feet froni'•'tinOviniterly
side of said SeavleTr iniVeilo,..Third.
Street ,Nortii, thence easterly; along-,
Third Street Nra•th on tkecaoutia;aide,„
or the. pavenient,lo tno,ereet end. of
Third Street Treatle, thenco'along the
south side of Thirili.:.Street Trestle
, ,• . „...
(supported upon sato ',:„. trestle -... in
manner to be approved. by the ijCity
Engineor,) thence along Third,Street'
to Tumwater -.,'Stieet, '.;.'thenee-5411eni,
Tumwater Street ' soutit i to : 'tenth.
Street S
' Said pipe '', lino ,aball"be.laid'In it•
itrench and covet:ell; Witiait least ara"
tout tif earth froze its :point'. of Con,
Iniencement at the north', end of ' Sea-,
)view Drive to the westerly end of the
,e.xisting heard :walkOri i Third 'Street
North; from the westerly .end ofiald
board walk to Untviesterly;enti;Ofithe
Third Street iTrestbi, said pipe 'line
shall be laid ;:tinder, iiabi:board':wai
and covered ;with, earth,'" said .?'boar .
walk to be.rentoved and. retail In i
original location-, and ; original grad 'l
. .. . , •
line; from the easterly.; ena- of, said
- ..... .
Third Street Treetle. to . the beginnIn
of the existing Little : ItiVetLeggiri
Company trestle, the pipe pimp he tar
in a trench and covered with atleas
one foot of earth; ' from theteginidri
of said Logging Coriniaiin". trestle th
Pipe shall be laid on top of sold 'Wes,
tie; from the end: erj,.ealds',Lligging
Company trestle to the city Itinitatiald
Pipe shall be laid on 'the aitrfaceof
the ground or suspended upon treaties
.. .
as the grantee's convenience may, re-
quire „ :;.;.,.;
SECTION 2. ; That; said , Washing-
011 Pulp & Paper CerienSbn,lts'
acceptance of this Ordinance and the
iglus, privileges and 'authority 1iete
by granted, does :agree for 'Melt..., ita
successors and nssigns, to protect end
save harmless L Said MY of --..1E'ort.:Aii
•les [ruin all clainae;eations Ordrn2.
Wes of every Mal i and , descrintioa
loch may accrue to,or be suffered nn
Y omen oi..'periens by reason ,-,C,
Y defective Construction Or.ineinte.
ince of said pipe line In said -streets
any of them; or by reason', of au),
gligent operation nr,ase,-by,::.r.arild
twee, its successors at assigns; of
e or their saidtpikilinef:end la case,
Y action Or suit stall:be.'•' begen-
gainst said clty for damages arising
t of or by reason of said 'deiectiVe '
instruction or iniontenance, ai.:. n' g'''
tient operation or use, said. gran.... '
to successors and ,aosIgns,-maY and
ball upon notice to it or tnem a. Am(
omnencemont of such action or suit
1,m1 e ,axne at. its or rata.- :.•,l,
•uir: expense. and in ease lady-
F,1!°-° °F--)14.,4;.=W4.
iitialrfuliteathsfrenCh Incgttient ltpe
ti nineti!(90). dip's; after suck fiction
or Oat' swat be -tutatir
determined adversely tiraald
SECTION 3 That mild City Xe-=,
series to Itself . the right, whenoirei
It .may become neceisati:se to 41:14,
compel the-graitco,hereiniltse
Arm' and nisatges;:to move. relocate ot
reedinet: Ita'or: Weir ovntexpertie
. •
and within a- reasonable time altar
being i so to-do by said City.;
raid Water pipe line' witldn the II to
ef tha'aforesaid streets:In order t
rho eitylioin'fitivele., place or
all its water mein. 250W** inatioi,' s
pipea condults:and other public tail-.
Ries' witidn.-thellinita of said.atreeti
tit ;
SECTION .4; Tiat'said grani,e;;, ta
aucceasors- and assigns, ,shall replace
and put ln an.-gied order and condi.i:
Ube and to the eriginal;graileriori'e4
the:streets, -mentioneil,,,herein, as, th
Fame were In inforelhe-ingintatfil:'_
With for tile purpose of constructing,
reconatructlng ; maintaining ;,-• the •
pipe line: and appurtenances- describe
G:c leet...ealti grantee: its
succesiete,ind ensIgnst,!'dming the
cr.- 'renewing ,of said pipe Ime,lanal
not ..obstnicfitreffic • for .•-•a Perko
greater then 29 -hours; :17ted during the
period of repairing or recenstiintion.
If necessary; the mild grantee,lta 8,11C7
cacao:Send "aSsigns; shall first obtain
the, written consent cif the Seperin
tendent of Streets •before the,.,;com
mencement thereof, angle case Ofiln
terierence 'Wit:11731de walkaOr ,:board
ivalksi the mime shall be relaid in-the
originaLlocationlmegrade listems-be-
Perriods'ef ' construction--rec t - - ' i5--e-x*--P P-..-L- / ,-
tion,and,repairing,litlie grantor; herela Ct(if°9
alraWh.e,Fetiii;, hisPentar,na,,tlin;rh'
iiCtile exPeaSe lit,- fiie iiiiites. itereiii: 1-- ' , . 1
.... • •, •. ,.. . , . .
; slant*: 6.'!'that "...tido ,.franchisa
aball not ,but cons or cons ere
... .- •
an alt exclusive franchise, . but theCIty
renerves i P,e:i rig1‘t1!?.'ff; si-m? ,81M!inF:
riglitsand privileges to Vier, pereona,
arms Or C9rPortalin*: 00. idicl (4r90-
and the grantee herein,. itit ,success9'.P••
and apogiB.,.eltall. conform to ell -the
.ttlo ettui:entsztiFT of Ordinances ' rel'ar
Ingte the grantinS;9!:'D'ellehines.;,k,
.„;',.,SEuTluN.T.,:,,..That.-eabl grantee, Its
teceesoni ; and. aseinete.a11111., forte' t'
and shall .be-deinied'tahatelorleltid
.iiiiii ;titianditedjstite,.riglite,,iwivileges
end authority conferredby flits Ord'-
, .. C........;_af
mince.. by, a '. non-compliance ;tvitit."al,
conditions 'and- ',. requirements. of-, thi . .
franchise'efter.ninety„ (90/...d,nYe'!itio- ' . ,4
U .renditing-isaid;COmpliance sand , -...
1.-in-18 :witldn'il4a;130) -(11443 -af-ti, E-----',T----04,2-c-----A-e. ,2---c:4:---------,- i2c70
., '4
igrantee flies ha the office o the City.
the 'approval,;of this Ordleanee • said? ..„..„..-te, ' • .-f-• ..., 12/ c4... ...„,7_,z....,...3. .. i
. •... . . 2,
Clerk ?its ' written acceptance' of.' the 1
- 62 1 aU.u. ,--,—,-1
• • • •■ •
• • •
righhi,'privileges and authority here-
by.:2 conferred:, subject to the terms,
conditions and restraints hereby lin-
posed, and in 'case of It failure so to
di: this Ordinance hall be null _and
void and of no force: or effect whnt.-
evor cIa any . case 'this grant shall
cease and determine at twelve o'clock
midnight on April-1E4,1970,', and with-
in cninety (90) days ithereafter, said
grantee,' ite successors.' and :assigns.'
shell- have removed-froze' all.streets
and avenues:mentioned herein, all of
Seld pipe lIlies ond apptirtenaneeo '
shall ' have ". put.: the . Surfaces Said
streets and 'avenues, Where'aistaibed
for the removal of .add' pipe line, In
magood condition ns It was at the time
said' pipe line was. so removed. •
. • — Published in the Port Angeles Daily'
lieraid, the 10th dai(of April, 1920.•
SECTION:8,7.This -Ordinance shell
be; Itt ' full fotca and effect when it;
shall have,
been passed by the *City
Council' .atteted by, the City, Clerk,'
approved by ;the :City Attorney, and
from and after fivel5). dein' from its
publication once in the official news-
paper of the City» of PortAngeles, and
the City Clerk is hereby- directed to
cause the same to ha published.
Passed by the:City Council of. the
City of Port Angeles, this 6th day of
April, 1920.
--J. L. PEGRAM, Mayor.,
Attestn C. D BEST, Clerk.
Approved: G. H. KING, City Atter-
' ney.
J7.<4 ,//,. 2-0
) ;./
BE 1T 21iULVED ' by tha City
Connc11 of the Clty of Port Angeles,
Washington ..
First ,That ,1t,Is ,the'intention Of
,ih CIty4Councli to order -the improve
ment of tbst certain street In the city,�,
otNort Angeles to-wit: l.:;.,,-,..;',.? 'i
-FIRST STRE3'T trom•t6e EastoiMar
Or of Prue Street to the ■est*ar.
glu:`of Ltncolu Street;i said; imrove
meet to consist of removing old plank,'
rePia 1ng - snd•; removing .old.;_Slde..
Walks removing all lumber of any%
description from etther'embankment•
ociezcavaUn;'' tringing sub-grnda" of..
roadway: to`the proper grade llnet ex -`
cavatton, embankment, drains ';storm
, k r
sewereysanitaiy sewers; conefete re=
talninghwalls iconcreto curbs concrete.
gutters concrete w roadway. app.Oii,,
matel tiNi; feet in wtdth, nine Riches
thIek; and sndi,ptber work as may'.be
negessary In conFrection Otorewith :to
properly carry,oiiC he c011structott'91
ttie` "contemplated improvement all in
accordance e. with plane and specifies,
dons trobe- prepared by.:the City:Eo'
tgineer and"lled4with the Clty Cierk.`
econd- 3 drat all persons who de-
'alga iii ahjectithereto onto any part'
df saidtimprrovemeneate herebytnot ,
4 totappepijand present such rob-i
dee Uonakat a-meetlig of tire City Conn
x`!411 th @iCOuncil C1aimber m the Cit
m�.hoICityiof,x Port AngeIes,%
aehtn dn"'1oaithe tthi.,day ot,Aprll,
di at 7 30;p m. or said dag,: of lch.
frmo nndl place-are herebyrflzed :for:
ear searing aB uaaters�•-ela eg to ieai
s `pf`
, .,and nl oneo-;
Etea tter et O.and�iirldetermin[abo:
�elLed,iot pas- mlt oP[io sme�vtz,-
pTath rr1� v0e mthod o[ payme11t'by,
h�is rind bonds or by immed
Bird S,iTha .0140ty En sneer ab' if
*1:,to the;,City ,eunclf atec prier
Ythei,datttited far'eald dwanng.,alt'
to and;`ior0mai ion ,requL'ed byelaw
,be `submitted 73nclutiing all„nec'ee
i.0 �,;� r �.t i t "
diagrams, maps Pluns sPecUica
one estimates ]of the cost 8114' ex
W-21,4:6:,..!'-g,-.1. said , improvement a`statet
meat CL (the�i: proportionate amount`
'.lieueof wbichj%hould be .bome� by a4e.
property within the,proposcd a`usess
vtii'entidistrict` ,anda statement -of- the:
ag era
aggregate- nasesaed valuaten v oC,;the.'
s .
zealrestate; aiclusive'of5, a impreve,:
-uenes withha'said district aecording,i
tt'tie valuuatons 18st placed uponit
fot4the ;purpose of: senora': tdxaUon, • SM�a
�tdgetiv ih'a diagram or ° :.jnint.`
ohowthereon the 'lots, tracts," or:
`'ihrceil] land a other prei•�ry;
whleilY1 6 ePectallyi�enefite.1 -114,
?4 u, said bvement� and �the e3iim$Led
Wart r
fand e><pense aLrsaid;imDrovemeut
loi h�eat' boi' '. each satd lot traq.'PF
pa k of land,1or other,. propesty , ".t'li,
ti Fourth. -R� iat the cost, a11d,ei enee
ot'eaid ImproVemeiit,- emir]' ire, borne
iand asesa {ngant4'i: roperty,bis heor, w titn;sad dl8trlct,` ac-
Fording oalaw, ;the'City,
of Part'An
!$ales eball not pe liable ninny man -;
�i e0. for any portion of : said 'cost of
aipease or said improvement.
'..Paased byrthe dity.Councll andsap
rovFd..hytho Mayor won. Ure 16th day.
o[')Ma.eh .A^_D 1920 „!r -.
s -i t'` ... .1 L PEGRAid.'
Attest b.,p. BEST City Clerk.`, n
I 0.n
i. i f..:
T �
c.11 +Yes Sri+
•"1"cif • •
, ape
folovill**Mmid etreeta In *Or:
FAONT.STBEIET from the easterly
margin of Lincoln Street bithelrest,
:.erly<Mitrghtf 7Oak :f.Street;: OAK. . ,
• STREET, trim the sonth =lien
, Frolit:Streetjo :the north .inkirgin Of '
<-.. First <fitieetif and tAT111131; STREET
:• • •• hom .Pront
• 'to tbeSnortiiniarghl of knit; Street;
ing . old planking from .:.the.4resent
roadway of naidntreatn, removing:and
replacIu eldevralks.4.;,,, removing aU
woOden;.1,hulltheadi 'Tana eubelltntbg
• co0crgu?:441,iing•-,*„1143.•0;:ho,hii
any:: aeefizip Uimzam em.
• •brinkindnt
• • way,* the nitn7er:.gin*F.l1re.,; cuteaVa<2.: -
.'• <. ,
.rete,i131,-Ineiat nine MeiA121a
teadSromreta1ung wall to
• tninin9nll",011:104:1131•;,side: of
streeto 4.t:,;.et.ertti,;":.neviers;s7frianf;'„,
tary a.4.14 t;;OOnetnuction.0f:. concrete
curbs...‘inicltgititer„and.s such othe
• : • •,•• worit"..na inay: -,-bo.neeesuary,
• <;:. Con therewith hlfoh proporlyVearryOnt
,the colten-Mlated"
Lions tobeOrepared:hy,,:the;CIty...13a-
gineer,filerViiith;the.:CitYdlerk: and.
sire tO!:0131eCt"..thetetO',"er's.tli.ani.ba7t.i::::,:.;;;;
of saldikalbiliienl.aralierebyiaOi1-:':,.,
• fled to ; apiMar
• ell in 'itlini:Counell!;dhit-Mlier!qii the
GItY Hall, .nthe CIty,jt Port :to:.
• geles, Washington, : on.(the 13th dayof
1920;;',. at) 7:30:o'elock op.
said 'da:***7;.e.ti*!'!alit).:114e76:FEITe
, the sarlo: Viz:, *het:he:: r3y...:
od .of 0vaynjent bylnstaflments1 <' and
bonds :. on bY;lmtuudintn!littYnlF44t2.1`:i;.....,..;,:i
• iiiIrd::_t:.Thiliiri:.0ity:Prigiiieer" shall • •.!.,
• submit to iiieaiti:dinnCO.iii:Z;z.Pi-joi
'f to the date.tixed for said. hearing -all . =
: • :;< data and Inlornoation required by la*
to _be 'eub*itted,!<*cinding •:a0'
oenso of ua1t ijNi3ioN•;609*,::. 10444, -::,•
• ] ment of :,.,th1..,<:prOnoitiOnatarnotitif.'"..:,'.'.<:,''?
. thereof, which should te borne :bythe'
F. property,iritignA4:;joroliOned,:naSe'se-;,.<:::<'.?
< ; meet diOtrlet,:ancil a stabinient 4f 4.?:
41 .• ,• aggregate : aaseose1yaivaUon '• of the
real estatoneltielVelof,,the,tralixiSVe:,<<.<,<:;
meats „Nyithlo:eale,dletiict;' accoding
to the' yaluatlanslant-",niacerf. upOnAt
for the purOoseof 'tejlerertaxattop,,,:
together _with le: diagram ..<'or prhit..., • •
showing thereop ,thelotai,7tract9; :o7
which may be-aneetallihetiefited
said 'imafevemptitand,:,th ettinated
cost and exeense<of sad lnlprovernent
• to be borne' bY each sahl let; tract. Or ."
Parcel of land 01'6-the! property :there2;
Folarth:..f,Thatthenost. anctsecroonse . •
of said: linproVeMent. sheik ba:bknir by
• , and-asSeaserl, against the property
i• lia-
ble therefor ..*Iihiff:Said dlstrlct, ac;"
cording to la*- thei'diti Of Prift-An-
geles shill not be "liable in' any
aer fOriany.pOrtiOn. of paid Cost ore.x...
'1 • Dense of sald;IMPliiien1Mit:<
• Passoil`h.y the.tit.y. Council and ap-
'■ Droved by tho Mayor on "the,23rd day
of March, 4.D.;
'Attest: C. D. BEST; . ••
• • • City' C1erk. . •, ,
• APP:oved: GEO. 11.-KING. • •
• • City Attorney. '"
19D20a.to of First Publication, March 27.
01a9te01 Second Publication, March
29, 1920,
,: i;., • ' ' ' . ..i.,,f•,•-,,
b-.-1 . --f-,.,_ . :./ .--=---;91:;:d7-.-..,„ ,:.
• ,- : . , , ,„
---1-7--- ---a---"..,--P
_.., /7 *--,--(-- -- ,1 -cc.--;-i.:p
. • •■•-•-••••••
BE IT BFSOLVED'by the, CIty Cotmdl ,_
ot�tha'C1ty or.1;6,•Anelee; wit,::!-7.
Ingtun- i&n,k :4: -;
'..brat; `,TLat it is the lnntentU•of the:
CO; &..* Connell. to - older: the ,improve
'ment'of that ceitain street in the City
- - -t'rii that eto-wit , ;s,,,
.. LINCOLN' STREET from the soIll:-
semi o[- thet.Hrldge between'POnrth
Street andJP'!tt! - street to • the South
maigin SctYront Sweet, said 1hprovo-
rent to coastal o[ removingold plank• _'
j [eplacing a , removing• .bldg Slde
W Walks, removtngisall lumber' of any
deecrtpdon from • either embankment
or mvations.. extending trestle . be-
r,lt.tween Third Street and Elfth:8treet.
a full wldlh.ot street,' - placing; asphalt
wvering over ®tire 'length' and'
L-esUe repairing; said tree -.
sn gra e o 'roe wa
..the proper'. d !ln U
bankme iC drains "storm saw
tart' era concrete retatniag'_walls, `
utbs, 4cbncrete
,....may Lam ta1Nn .wall to .'
-�ret` t s+`.g'•;waf on either sloe nice inch
ev thlck,:_and such other work-as,
,be' ieccessaiy to connection therewith
to Properly carry out'the construction
r t D - P t
accordance with l
cations to' ,i prepared by the
h°-8v d. -"That all �� •+ �
4 - persona who d�
.'sire t''o bb ect thereto ar to an
'1wtdfh of
n bringing b- d f d y to.
gm a e, excara on em
ecs,, anal ` •
re g
gutters con
°E the canter lated�im rovemen
in Pans and specifl
- Engineer asd fded � wtth the City
Clerk, ;
y part
'of aald� improvement -are berebj• nail
S'ified ko /appear and'`preaent such ob•
er+ijections,at.a,meeting of ills City Coun
r ffi [he`'Counctl Chamber is the City!
Hall, In.,'the City iZ.of- Port ;.Angeles, i',
Mrashmgtdn on the131h clays ,of Apr11,.
19201aty7' 30loelock P 00 1of, said
twhlcli,t.ttme an ac
djple are; hereby'
• Uxed forfLearWg4al1 •mattero• :relaUng?�
r ,3�td�suidiproDosed improvement;'and.all�,
tloblecUtlns fi�hereto :and, for determin
`ing''iLd!met4odof� Paymentrut ythe''
asame, Ya.`,`,�jwhether;by the mufhad of .'.
-' a}m ht -by installments and bonds or,`.
by'ilm`9nediate Payment. ills.- tiOKt
,il Th}nl ,;That 9 the City Engineer :
sffill+�submitltolthercityF Council; at or
'prior td�ttliedateatized for�said Lear .,
ng all data and, lnformatlon required
'`law to: be submitted including all
cessntpdiagrams,'mapa plane spec ,
�'; ;3�mcatlons, . estimates; oP the cost and
d •!;expense of said improvement's state- }1
4 , nienttof `i the proportionate amount .4 :
thereof. which should be borne by,, the
•i� property :withins the `proposed asaeae. "c "v
.anent' district and' a statement .of the 'r
aggregate' ussessed.,,valuation- of hike';
real estate; exclusive of the improve -,
meats within said district according
to the valuations last placed' upon ' it7 - -'i
fl r lose tirpose of :` general taxation ?:
oget1er'wlth a. - diagram ,or.kprin:.,_
a Z s q
6howlag>`tltereon -ttie lots tracts or•��
Rlnrcels :` and,:: and other!'pioPerty.i :'
rrwhich may' be'specially benefited ; by
. ^said isnpio .meat
"and 'the'
;'cost sind: eipense of said improvement
+ "to be :borne by each said lot,'- tract or •
panel df'la'nd orother.property there- -.
at :the, cost and expense.' of' said '
mprovement£ shall be borne by and as: ..• •
Bee'fiat.' againat '-the prol?erty; liable' :'
Ajtlrerefor; within Bali district, Recording
, to law .the' City of Port Angeles shall
;not be liable in any manner for any
portiasof said cost or- expense of: said
k improvement, •: r -• ;•pi
el Z'assed-;, by the City' Council, and ap
1i'pr ved by- the Mayor on the 23rd day.
11 "of Mntch;A. ,D , 1920 '
• PEGRAM •( ..
- - :' Mayor• .3
Attest O D BEST City Clerk.
• Approved::.. GEO..11. h1NG, : City At- . A,: ->
torney. -
Date of First Publication, March 27,
Date 01 Second Publication, March
L� N N9:'7f:-"-1.
-. ;' rt+
t �� 13 t - ti
".;BE T J I I S S G L Y E D BJ ,the city..
Coondl= ot,the C1t7 Of PoctAfgelee
Waye hiina ton. .> t r`' .
` ,lrat: , Tbalt -.:la �illtif ticix o..
• the C1ty Council. of heeQy of Port
Angeles to iprder the: improvement t6'.....-
cosatruct . a lateral:.eewer . ni
with .lot 18 - In; bloeltI T; . then, west-
ward tiirodgh bloelts,197. 198. 199, and -
. 200, through the :e11 y: between IFfth
and Stith '.Streets; :.from Peabody • -
street Gullh;}o=Lincoln,,atreet con
11 _ :neeting.witb the Lincoln etreet Trunk •
sower. :.This eewur,plpe,for -said sew -
ers to be constructed thereln':shall be
.first-class vitrified clay cement, brick
'or, other suitable mate-iaL;:.together •
With- all naceauary manfiolee catch-
I,asion, flush tanks., openings and wyea -
wiWia, thoj boundary of the.= district
hereinafter described and :ell-, other ..
work is cmtnectlon therewIP..t which
shall • be necessary: all of f sald Ifs
provements to be -d40a accordance
1 with maps' plans and spoeit[catioas to .
s be Prepared Dy v . the City. plan*, and
'i l0 be adopted by the City :'ouncll.'{
Second That too district 'I.-he-van':
outlined and described to intended t9
include as nearyas;ma - be" all the ter
ritory which nay he cowered by said
lateral server sis lteretaratoposed to.. - •, •
be constructed - and ail o; property
which may be benefited byreaid,im '
provement Mid: the BtnDt9t ,to be ae -'..
sessed to pay „the cost and, expenses r
of said improvementsh *.o.w1t c all the . ` ,
•property betwben,thnd cribed te.m
ini` of said lmprovemtint 1abuttiag up- `,
on, adjacent vlcinat or�aDpreximate
to said streets sad allerya trio: dletance . .
back from th ;marginal. Saes. thereof
acco7ling to law-'{ ''It r''�.1 `xr,,e I
Third. , That all pdreone who may
desire to objectL,tbereto or to any Dart:.:-
of said improvement 9 -heroby not —_
tried to appeariand present each ob- `
t �
jections at a.meetin6 (tfi,9:thelicity",
Council 1n the Council Clinmber is the'"•._
City hall, In ibe City of port'Ange}es
.Washington oa,•,thor -itbt day oC }Nay t,..
1920, at 8:00 o'clock p m't`.ot said day -4'
;Odell time and' place are bdeby flied
for bearing all nattero relating to Bald?`;;
proposers' improvement aad,�all objet -
Lions thereto, tand for determining the
method of payment of the samo',� „s
viz:” whether.. by ,'
payment-byInstall -,,. -' 1.
meats and sale ,of. bonds or by lmmed
kale payment? S' <'v k i t i3.
Fourth Thht the , Cityffigineer
shall submit to'the,City, Council at o,;,,'.
prior to the` dale: fl=ed for said hear - -; v,;..;
ing, all data and information required S,:
by law, to be "submitted including all
- necessary diagrams „maps, d, plane
specifications'," e°alimates bt',the coat,
and expense oft!satdl improvement, a ;
statement of the ty Droportionate
amount thereof- ,�whtett- .;.should c be
'' borne by the p- rijpert* within the pro -':.
posed assesameat dfatrlet and a state- •;!
went of the a 667¢gate assessed value
.,lion of the real': estate, - exclualie of:-::
improvements: within- said hdlatrlct'.av'.∎ .._,
cording to Uhe'valu deli, last plaeed r
upon It for' thc'purpeae of general tax --
. scion, together_jwittr -a ` diagram '..oc '
print, showing,thdson- the - ots, tracts .,
or parcels o.1and and other property
wh{cit may be: apeclally benefited by
said improvemeatt and 1, the estimated;'
cost and expenseelof each of •said ini '-
'Movements tobe borne: by each Bald!'.'
lot, tract or parcel of land or other,
I:perty therein.' L}; ray lr (�
Fifth '' That: the cost and 0110080 .' �\�
of said improvement shay ibe,borne,by,(.,,■
and assessed againstthe property lia -''
b1e therefer, withll said diatrl -.ac..
cording to 'law. '. the City � of. Port An-
getes shall not tie ilablo In any, man- '
acr for any ' Dortioa; t~i
of said cost or - r'
Dense of said impro,vement „'�i .
J. L. PeGIIAM, .tnYa:, -) ' q
Attest: C. D. BEST Cleric l'.'
•5pprcivcd, GEO. Ii: KING. City At-
Passed by the City Council.
kpproee1 by the Mayor.
Date of publication. April 3 and 5.
. .
GA- -V
l 1T
.•✓Wad ��+'� -L . .�
xBBD ,IT:IEESOLVED -by. ,the :=.
Cottnrll of the elt_i of Port Angetea:
Wa i gton
I+'Irnt. What' tt is Ahe Inteatton of
' the City "- Cotmctl to cider• the eon -
t' etRation of a Iaterallsewer is eLe'7E,1-
I` 1 between' tiC,orgtana
` Streets," from Ft beet AO. Race
Street, together wit.4�the necessary•
catch' ^basins,, �vyee, manholes and op-
eil�n6s to b e:constracted,Oeconcrete,
Drink, fl=at�cltiee vitrltted'.claT orotlt,
,e:,!etiitable material, x11, fn.accordauce
witle`plaas "Wand specUteatlona to.';bd' _:
preparoti by;the Cily,£n8ineer -adopt
ed'by the C1tp;CouncU and tlled with
the, - CIty Clerk.
ESecond That aU persona who de-
sire to object,thereto or" to aayt; part
of rea d Improvement are hereby notl
✓to appear and Present sach.`bb
oast at a meeting of the City
C6uncll in theyCouncll Chamber la the
CSty`Ha 1 is the city of Poft AnBo-
Iea waehiagtga On; the nth-MY of
Aprll 1920 at' 8 00 o clock 13; m. of
Cad - t
said.- day which tim atW p D _
hereby fixed . for ,„ hearing= all matters j a-'-'4
relating ` o ry said proposed improve- -
^mtoher e n t ° d eeatnhd o d a 2 -L o bpjaeyctioens t. thbery eto and _____,.....1 ........4"............4"....,_ ' f ^ termining the method of pay
11114f the same via 7whethr by „•• V O K „
',.9 ' install
immediate -1 i
mente anddbonda or by
payment ! ': t a .z'E
Thar••' That the City h'nglaeer `
shall `,mit to the Clty Councll -at s
• o[ Lt's 'i1 the date tfinfo n for ai said , /U/ /
peai'.z dI data and information io- �%%+
gnlied /° Iaw to lie. submitted includ
al ` neceasary,"diag:ame ximene
t Piano ;:l imeclThmtions'tl estimates of the
cost,"and ezpenae of said Improvement. •
a• atate Bent k of -=the r.proporf tonate �
y%, amouat�,thereof i,,whleh;,4 should Abe
5 �bdr1 by tiie•.pmperty' within the�Dro-
Deed assesatnent district and a stato-
�rw et Lfof' the. aggregate assessed'ya1u
a4loas of� the; Zeal $estate- }ezclusive %of y.
7.tli`e improvetaentt4 within: said diatrlct, ";
w1 k
� (gcgordingwto :the va�»d`ftons last ylacyd ,
��h upoaitt fo^ the purpose of general tar
' t� ,•ratfon?togetheri4wit�ha'.'a diagram or
s's' � print ehowln� theron the Iota tracts
§� r{ r or �pa�'ce{e jof :Ian I and, othoc property
�! which ma� be epecia11yy� benef tad... by
said Improvement and'. the e0titaated -"
?cost aml.exyen e"or said Improvement •,
ta-hbe bcrne•.bY eaei said tot trkct c
paice1 ot,land or other "property re
Fourth: ':: That the cost aod"expease
1m�rovement �shaU ibe • -borne ,.
hy;,ancl asaessed'againet the property ,",;�
liable therefor within ;aaid district',' ^ac
co:ding toslaw the:.City or Portrt'n
} .g I e shat} `not be ii iiie in any, man
?,per for any "portion of'satd cost or ea '
penes of said improvement. Yz
} 4Passed by; the City ;Council ands ap•
., proved •hythe Mayor, on the 90t1r,duy
of -March 1920 ;J;
J L. PEf1ltAlti Mayor.
Atie�sZ. C D. BEST _:gerk
••Approved:, OEO. Ii.:ICINC. City At -.
t ' torney
r'• s '%Da a of First Publication =April '�,
''Date -o( Second Publication,: Aprli
's•,hoceby. given t seats'"
:bide iwlllbe r vas! �ti a Lity�'C ik'
1, the City; of Angeics'yuaill .:
" not later),
rnlahing cf,1 000 fe• sf _}�:,;;
HOSe r ri^ ly uty4i ;1
7 .
BE .1T: HESCLVEII, By the: C1tr
Council of the Clty of Port Angeles, ,
f' .. t F brat: That
At is- •he.lntentlou of
: -` they City - Connell. -of •tic City- of- Port -
'Angelee,'to order -.the conatrucUon of
:, 11 Lateral'- sewer, be6hiaing with -Lot
18, In Block 226, :thence westerly.:-
-., through Blocks 227..228;'229 and 230;: '
,- _through the 7.alleys between Seventh
T '`'.and Elgnlh Streets, from.,.: Eunice
street or the b:eak:of Peabody'. Gulcli.—'.
•, on the /East to Lincoln Street. on the
Went, connecting r.wlth the '>otacoln
Street Trunk Sewer, together with all
necessary " man -holes Batch- basins
;Cush tanks openings'ead ayes. Tae..
sewer.PiDe,for said sewers sli be
,tirst class vitrified slay cement, ink
or other- suitable make, and alt In as
s co:danee with maps plans and: spect•
- flcationa fo be prepared by ..the:. City
Englneer 'adopted by the City - Council ' :.
and filed,-With', mnd the ..City Clerk.
Se ?y, That the ldistrlct' herein
outlined and described is Intended to
include as neap as may be all the tar '
ritory which may be'eeweted:, br.ald
lateral sewer as herein proposed to be
cousL-ucted and �, all $the �prQperty
which' may be benbfltted, by said im s
provement and tbe;property toy be as-
sessed :to 'paytthe`'cost sad .ezpenaes�
r. of said tmProvementa; to-wit all Ube
• property,' between ., the Iescribed i ter -
mint of said :mprovement„ abutting
upon, "adjacent, vicinal or app ;oximate -
tu said streets and alleys to a- distance -.
back from ?the marginal lines thereof,
-according to
Third4 That all persons who may,,
desire'taobiget thereto or to any hart
of,said 'improvement -are bereby; nati
- i�fied' to appear and:, present such ob
/ 'jectione at'a meeting'ef the City,�G'aun'
ell m the Council Chamber In tLo Clty
Hall *the, CSty'of tPort "''Angeles
't Washington on the` 41h day-oL Slay,'•.
1920 at „'St00 «o'clock m.,, otNaabd.
day, which: time`and place are'hereby
filed' for heearing all matters :elating{
to said Proposed °improvements, and
all 'objections thereto, and -for.detet
mining the method; of the- paymenLaf''
the same; viz• whether by paymenC by
Installments and sale of bonds or by
immediate payment' S v
l'ourtli: That the V' Clty"'Engineer
shall submit to thS:. City., Council, 'at or
prior ,to' the ,date for -said bed
lag, all; data ana'7aformatlon requIr -d
ed by, law to be submitted,'' ineluding
all necessary diagrams maps, .plans,
apecipoations, SesUmatea et; tLe cost '.
and expeoso, of said improvement a.
statement of the` ,proDortlonate;`
amount lheyeof.� +whtcli should be
borne by the property.wlthln the pre
Paled assessment district, and a state -
ment of. the aggregate assessed valu-
ation of; ttietreal estate,' exclusive of
lmprovementh%withtn: said district,,
according; to the- voluation last placed'
upon It' >ior Z the `purpoeeof., general
taxation; togetbkwith a diagram er '.
print, showtn¢'thereon the loto, tracts
or parcelsof.landand other property,;,..
' which may be specially benefltted
laid improvement�`and the estimated ��
,' cost and expenses, of each of e'a d lm
provementa to be borne', by each "Bald ;
101, tract 01' parcel of 1{tud or .`other
;:.ir-opert. - - -` ylherei} "•�K4�+ri -S. &:
� Y
7 3
11fUi $.That -th oatrind ezpease - �t.
oC:said 'Improvement ahall:be ao�o.;: ,�
'by and assessed agalnst_thei property'''
liable - therefor within said district ac-:`
cording to law -:", The City of Port An- :
geles shall not be liable in any man - •
'ner for any portion of said cost or ea.,
"'pease of said Improvement'
.., Passed, by the Cityt, Council andap proved'by; the Mayor,` this 6th day','
Attest: C.' D. BEST, City Clerk.
6' Approved: • G. H. KING, City Atior
/- tc of First Publication,'April 10; .
190 4 ..,r...
to of Second Publication, April 12
NO ::74
i BED :1�''BE.4OLVEE� _Bye the c'Cit! _
Council o[ the "City of Part Angeles,
-a Firs. That,. it is the utentio
Cit _
the -City Cotinrll of Sse y o['Port
Angeles to order the ;Improvement to
construct a lateral:, sewer beginning
with Let-5, Block 205, through • Bloeks
X104: : :zos 202
and 2ol, - through`. the
Slleys between�'� SiztL�.; slid Seventh..
Streets, from Uie-.b- eak-.of Peabody
Gulch on the' East to ;Lincoln Street •
on the West, ;connecting.,with the Lin
Cain Street:!trunk Sewer:'. The:sewer
plpe,tor said sewer to be .constructed
herein s'hail be fhst.clasa vitrifi
clay `,cement brick oe oils: Sultaole
materiel together, with necessary
man -totes catch basins, push tanks
{openings and-;wyes within the boon
daryyo[ the district hereinafter 7 des.
cribed, and all -'other work In copper
to therewith which eLall be neces-
all of said improvements. to -be
e In accacdance with'nmps plane
and specifications to beJPrepared by
the City i�gineer adopted by theCity
Coenc1L and tlled� with the City Cierlt
and ;_to establish and create a Local
Imp mrii't;1trIct- tleretorj
Sec nThat the district herein
tltndd and described is• intended: to
include as near -as may be all the ter
ritoy which -may be saviernd try said
lateral, sewer' as herein- propeSQu ',�to
constructed; and all [the property •
.�be assessed• toipay :the cost `and
- expenses of. said impio ninent, iu -wit
all ;the property between S the ; des-
cribed ;,termini of said ! Improvenieitt
'butting upon„ adjacent,. vicinal,or'up --
roihnate to said streets and alleys to
distance , back,i, from „,the marginal.
ltnes thereof iaccording'tb law -_
,i'il, Tidrd. r That all persons who may
snits to object iheremoi• to any`.liat't
f Bald improvement are: hereby,noU �
-y to appear» ind present sutdi, op-
tons nt atmeethig of,the City Coun
atlNin'tlie CouncU t11 tuber fn thd'Citl
"�k7a�1; In they "City t of, 'Port ,•Angeles,
iWityitington:;on the 4th' -day of;May
41i0;"'• at 8 OO.o'cledr p in io! saidlday
Which UmeNand place a.re, hereby flied
pf'jhearingallmntterarelatiag tot'said
osed improve ibiit,'"and all,obiec
tluin1thtdroto -and for,�ilt;termining .Ute -
;method e,paymenta[ „the, same, -:,
it: whether by payment by _install -
uents;and' "sale of boiios Or -by, immed -"
ste' payment•:r
Fourth:: ,That she`. City Engineer'
hall. submit' to the City:.CoudtIl,'' -•it
or,�pr[or to the date ' fixed fort said:,.;
Iiearing,' all'.data -and, Intormation. re- ....r,
iuired by laws to be submitted; anclad
agj all necessary , dlagrame '.maps .
lens, epecifieaUonss,'estimates of -
post and expense•of "said 'improve -
S men[ a'statement at the. proportionate
amount thereof ohichshoeld'be borne:
by`^,the property the proposed .; -•
assessment district; 'and a J statement
of the. aggregate assessed valuation -of•
the real estate exclusive o[ improve -
inents within,' aafd district,`'according
to .the valuation last `placed, r
upota it
fo'r fhe'pbrpoae of get�ieral taxation; to;
..t.., •- ,
gether•ivitil a.�diagram,or. print,show-
.:ing thereon - the' lots,'. tracts or parcels ''
Of land. and other property watch may
be epeolally benefited by Cali improve
went and the estimated cost and ex
penses o[ each of said .improve aienta
to be,i erne `by each eafd lot, tract or
parcel'o? and or other property,. there
fifth That .the cost and expense' "`
of. said' improvement shall be :borne by
and assessed hgainst tae rpoperty tin -.j'
bled therefor 'within maid;; district `ac-
cording to Ilaw,'the City of Port An-
geles .,
shall not be liable in any man-
ner„ ior any `Peroan •of said coat btu
expense of said improvement
Passed by the . City ".. Council . and
signed by the_. Mayor, this '13th 'day.
of - Aprlt, 1920.
.1. L. PEGRAM,
4/ Mayor:,;
Attest C D. BEST City'Clertc. ti
APprded: , `,CEO, I5.• MO,' City,
• -
WasMngto Firet Ttiiit :. it is- the "intention ot deslre 10 ohjeet:'iiiereto ;or:gni:pert"
the • Clty COuntill herehi)tot-.
Afigeies:tr-- order thehingovernent:tA. lfted to appe and Drenent sach'oti=
Oi the qt1i4itin--
- , With tot is. BloCit 67; thence. weefer- -cflintheCoun0ilCbamberintheClty,
ly tbrOtteb the 'Alley- between'. Second UaU, In the Clty 02 Port ‘nieleff.. ,
and Third StieetS,' firma Vine Street to Washington, : on the4th day 02 .14f1y. -•
Peabody Street: therlieigeitherir fol- 1920 at 8t0i.-eclocli:1,:. M. 02 sald
; • lowing Peabody : Street to the north day wltich time and place are here*
• etde of Second Street; :thence ;Wester- tlxdforheing all.,,matters;
ly 'Iollowiii",Secencl.. Street • befiveen' ini.t;i)ke":sitid2yreposed-heprovintent,
- ,Blocks 29 and 56 to iiieisTO and for -
. • Chage;.":terininitg -the' nietiferr of the payment
Stieet.: to "pirsif Street;einineettes of the same :riz:;-whether by payment 1 -
with First Street tiewer:%7'4O..,:diee.1::- by inicalinient:_ited 'sale 02 bonds ,or:
trlct to bli8134/7E•dtiabiqindedo.:gii! by lmmedlate paymenl 7 ; ;
Bea- by t the
Block 28 on
between Flrat and. Second -Seete.' en or 'pilot. tii`itityciate fixed for aniS her --, • • -
tot 16 13Itck 56,th
- toc.h `itreee, !.?.tollowhig, .
''''' -•i; "e ''' --- -skinit' and '-',". iricationsp-e9---7 - --.",... - ^ , • ,.
si.,...,,' -AlleY'tietween' dimiroveMeets. a*et4e. -... • .'", ,.',..'."-••
-;'".---7-- -.- ' the siiith biti-TI4ra L','eFD91s9.9. • -,,,--- -' ' i.2:,inetiet. -• -;":,-;..",r.." .
- - '. • tte...-tesf:or. the2 co tn.. - --,-...•:. -
- ," " • :' . Secoild". Stied,: on .-._ .. - ., --,5,16 :-iiiefiroi,..1..ihe:5-.6109/191%, . if''' - ..:,,I-N,ii.•:•,-:
;,,,.:7. ' 'Artnii-Sireet ' t°‘41..3t ' thereof '-' -'" ti. uld,be thrne. by the
"•-1"4"9-.... -1.,' ,,-.,' „..- ,.1,':--,...-eiliad:v.:§tiet PI9-..P47-"';'`V.(14,n'',- t,;"--iii.eOCtlie"-', ',---
lug- the break ... ;,-......, ■ ... ,_. .,,d ,...ess.,,,
.:".fej.'re°.•;"'-.i."'" ii&iii,-""-i.07.iie::::::.MenCrtiiiiilci::. 44:a '-!'u.i...7:_.; ,.2,,,:i.h,;',-' •'..
1.,,::...,. -,. :;-::•'.„ 1'he..tieWe...'ill;!:: ".'..F'' ...- ..,ii;,iiiiii: a ,:=;*igrog..-4e.tisire6i64_ ...v.9?'t ;. , ="-.,• --,:,7 '
'-' '-ifi ''■'l.'..- 7.:'‘ s'"s;.= .:.- ;1 0s ..- 4 ;.:'-':' c '.-o..., .- 2- 2 '.• :4- ' b: r..,. e- • ' e.•-.,.;,',..-•'.' ., ".-.-i,',c,- i,i"-.;' - e • ', ;1:-' .;"'i ell. :ee,'itaie;e...xc'...-laf 4 i`;■ v:',.'.. a0 ‘...-= : i.r n9' ...:..,.F° °•''..-.7gultahie`entt0e1:t46#Sr11?4tfi.Wiiii eticiitetrietic&idIng'1c.,.l0.i- ..- ...,. " 6i :. ,
tei741i'°4-Ii!e3:qatPle7;.ibitanTlist7oltCed ePeettt,f 0r,9r
titih:aiiiioleling#'!nA773.Yiiii togetbei-
the „:blkari=ef.thi" tilq?I91r2wii,3„41agfran or1'111115i1Vrngi
, 1 e erhei'' ard •A c4rwor,, i1iiiii..iiti.'treeti,!'PFP1.4
6ffiliiiji 'ieieWlti'1!te1.fiat^be:Aand'enl.?,,-er , i,h:iii::whichneY - of ....Anion:moments be apectaily beneflted .br 340 Iip.9o: : ,,:-..',-•- ....=. .," ,- . :
: -
' inent'and 'the -.,iiittetztiTlaiii!.,=-:...:,:.„...,;:„::,,,,,,,,:.:,...,„ be pre' pease oti�1iof - - lila .,iainl:"81,Pcifieat,iC'T14°', ' ' ,:,.1-----'1;3 eaCb. said let: 4114°T...P ., .:-,,,-.3 - •..--,:
• '''': '..' a h.' he Citi'Sigiiieer,*1614Pc1,-! 'Y.9 borne - - ..- " . i.6peitiitieieni:
pared 3% t e':' and rill&i'9711.ii---,,--Cellaf•-fitPdbf- PP1r.-"P, --' ',',„•'-'...
.. • -.1iy,-62e.,;Citi'?°u4ell''''!n7-'-• '-'• '."..- , um,. -17. That-.. the .Cos('ett,t- e.xP9!-.,- L.'• ••."-".
' : a -tti'ist:ii,Itik-1 =':!!‘../:---"..1,-*'-'''''`' L. shall . be ' tioinO
create 'T..ac!P1,1"vem9 - .•_••f•-,•; c-••7." ...• '- geaed ggipist.ilie-i,00F!1. ;•,-,•• ,
t District 1- Of.' eaid-"InTycn!TWP-'P.....
'- cr4 ' - - .;. :,..,;-1-r-F,4',.;',.;E:';*",'; br, '10,'...”., aii,,:ibcii...
:-.. tteiefer.,:••"::-4,-.;•.«,.-:6,"'-----,"=": - ..' - --.1.'• if Idetherefer.,Withilid: - .. . • .,-. :_..' , .• -
.,.-..,-, 4:;- Thal.'= thedietiiet1F-1,...=.;..,.!,1„ .'-',•,.•., 66: etti-.‘of, i*Ort..An-.- .. :L';;-
-:_in-:(?., 1". ..,.. .: ..,_ .,---..-- ,,,. be:iiil'elieqtr-,..-:;geles .sks ,.4.,...,.. ......, :....‘,"- ,-,-,• costs .6i.,:..i.f'i
efede5aer,seeras".''kL .,---,-',iii -.„„-: foiitniVorii0n1,9b.341..,.,'_
11.‘' Ot 1 bellable ,In!a,!Y- ti:!!T ........, ,
lateral BeWel,:tia herein prep.?... ....,....„ tobe
which lie,sewere.g93.y,P, 7,•-•-:, i ili*tteetti,'-'"-,-,
,'Ziriiic ed:,and .."7"itit '':'::. the ;;;' DF.9.....TE- .. ''.t ; - • this '111.11 , "dai, , et : ,:i..^-'..;':,,,,, -.•
6 s '-'' Pas sed tiy- the dfty povinc..11 and shin- ,.... , ,. ., ,...
.'-'-c----"".' t 1,..' iiid-Ltir',siful -,tiii- ..-,, ea-. 4'..,.. tlio•: /?1!13'9.F.,- ..-.:-..,.-..4,,. :: ,.•: • ...-.1:..:':.',
• -.•whiau,.1saY.;:be! -eng.....,e,..4.,. ., .. - - n ,. 1990. . ,-:_;...., - .,,,:=, ...,,,L.
=-- '-';.i. tice p-Operti,..te:.=he, !,.7, -Apr - .. -pEartAgi .:,•,;...'..., 4,,,,,.., '
- 7
Movement an.t' "--. ii ielse;"a ,. 2 '--- .....".-"...,-7... `L. T''.,•. „r'....."';'7:',,,'
ie40"d tc'-'•-iliY''.' "!'t”' ee- °"-tt ' j;i4,.7.:..,,-...A.'g".:gN.,',.;:i;'[.XiZv iii-.:,-], ..;',4'z4?'..
.,,iidiiitoroilettle4,. " '1"11
t'." 4- -- •' " of ,': Atre;e::::C:.`b.'.13Est.diti.C1prk,..
L cEo'.:51-''.16:' 0Y :it
• ,s9
'l '..5-, E ,
0.---o-.-,---,-- Q--.. —.1
U g--e.— et-.."4-- 1 •›P.--c. _ '
0--P-x-.-.-,-- /,- Q---A-e- •5 '? &K.-
d- 6-7 a,,,,:ti -f.--04-•
---1-.L a --,..--c a-4 -i,-,).......--,— c 6S e.....–_-__ 7z---. ?
u 4 2t
BE: IT RESOLVED b7 the CIf1• :.,
Comeil•of the City of Port Angeles; •
Ftet. That It- Is tLe, lateation
Ybe, City. CouncU to order the tmproTu-
ment oi.that certain street In the City {.
of Port : Angeles., to-wit:
ASg,LINCOLN STREET from the south'.
end of "the Bridge between Fntnth ;i
Street: and Fifth Street toi, the $oath '
margin, a[ F-ant Street. sald,imDrovo-
consist o - removing old plank.
replacing and; - .,removing 6 old
walks 'removing all lumber of any flea -
crlptloa; from • elther -emtianidaenit or
excavations eitending trestle between^
Thitd"$treeY .sad „Fifth street, fall:
Width, of .street. ; placing asphaltum
covering entL'e - length and width of
trestle >.repairing said. trestle bring
lag sub-grade of roadway to the
1N' err�grsde line i ezeavatlon,;'; embank -
ment,4 drains storm sewers,. sanitary i
a erers'-'conr~ eta- retaining walla, con _
Crete roadway nine, inchea:thick, or -�
bitltulltic. t asphaltum, Ir brick y wood =
)#kicks;;er other -:t suitable,' material;
from ref fining wa11 t0 retaining wall
n,gtther side concrete curbs aim gut 72t:.:..
re or, other avitable material to con
orm WIth material used for roadway :F
construction, and - sueVother work a
may be necessary ; in 7Cannection there•
with to Properly, ...tearr9 "out` e con
stractlon o[ the ountemplatedth
,Jmprove 1
m6nt all±ia accordance with plans
,7md speciticatlons totbe ytepared
11M, ity Engineer, adopted'by the eityt �. d
unciL and with the City Clerk1. :”
to cstabllshl and create a Local.-
improvement District therefor
4tSeecnd. Thal 'aB persona who de ?io
to' object't4ere[o on to any part.',{i
tf said improvement are hereby noU,-'trs
ed to. appvear and present suds objectt ,
s -•at n meeting• of tilexCl y Coith
cil fA -.the Council Chamber. in the Ort;
s Hall i�in the Cttyl o[ Port=Angale •
•WeaMhgton: on'.the. llth'day fid May:..
tlt'LO'at 8 OG o'clock P' -M. tiof said:`:
day ;:wbieli time and place pare hereby,:f,:
tied'. for bearing all matters relatwg. - '
o said proposed`lmprovement, and "alh';
objections thereto 'and, for determin
ing ..the4.methOd of payment of toe'
save,'. viz whether. by the method of <;
payment by, installments sand bonds u_^,..t.
b°a _mmediate .,,.....t
Y Payment_ .: ; ` y V.
e ,.Third Thni[be City Engineer a4a,11l
cubit to tiro City Council. at or prior_ -,i
to the date 'fixed for said. hearing _all,
datd-and LnfornlaUon required by-law
to'be:. submitted,' including- all neces-
s ry. diagrams .maps t Plans, speclflca: __
tlons,t` estimates of :the. cost :and' es:
pease of said' Improvement, a "state=
`meat :of proportlonate amount " -_i
htereof w1ticli bhould be; borne by.he
property within °the Proposed assess.'
ant' district, and a statement ofrtho �
ggr'egate 'assessed. valuation of.etlie
real estate , exclustve‘ of :the improve-
ments within said district; sccording..,.4.�
o the valuauonsjast' placed uponpf[
or'. the •purpose , of; general tazaU n,
together, with- .a diagram qr print;',
showing ;thereon ; the' lots, - tracts, -or
areels of -land and ;Othery, propertY.,
whieb may bg. apeclaily benefitted •by
�aid'i'lopinplrment tayfe 'home by each •'
ili/t, tfaut oi`l��rcel of land or. oth- -'
.propertY,thepefn. Y :,..".es .�'.
Fourth. That thi4costand expense -', t ,y
of sal'd insprovcment shall be borne. ,ti �.t
4,1 4.; and assessed- agalnet the .property, e -
lta i I ?the -efor within saididlstrlct,.no'
cordlnS 10 1aw; the City of Port-An-'.-
geles hall Eat be liable. In any me-
nerfDr any port. on of said cost or ez;:
r, 'paid paid improvement„ezcept ltd
proportion' upon such property owned ;'
bYsd Clty 's r„ ,c.
Pas' e d by the lty Council anit alga =,
red jiy7 the 'Mayoron the 13th fay of
• .: : +. Mayor..
Attest: C D. BEST City Clerk. Y .
Approved GEO. H. 'Kl't6 City Al
torney. .. .. ,.,.
f,t*. e'Rtentlfsigt
rilieStbc#11Wiigtlia -e10iit ri
41Wiring peeled stelifII`the Ci
,J-sliOirr:...sTattik • 91612 kast
'w• ide 'or-Fin/4 --Street4'.ilto -1441t
tit'olt, Street; -pail iminnie-
pent i.4-cOnoist Ot:reinovAg old blank-
; ,y!
and indiatitiitingt-nnnere• tef4T4
itdignid0 0t,ninict*tdi to; pie preen
Ingw4s4onet h
t4ry concrete curt,s and gu
,,,63• :-be",:ne*st347.1.14..ntzt019;',Pqre
41141' to•:proPer)ic'airry..„outi;thes,.: con,
PO.• YeiOnt; all,.„intacPrdPnce:witit
by the CltngIneer adopf by tire
clw 0,0049.0pp:a ,:*14.ftb4.;city:
qinri:;.i and
Seeond:Tbat:aLrzanswho may
desire '401-0dict **P'0-19;-*-11Ft2.
o f. ram inipieretnenylern„,,trern14,190;
cu ,
Hall, intheC1tyfortAngeles
at 8 origefoa T,;1%1.1,11:17k
0,44g u*fyi9$,Ipd6V,thW-...yiiii,i;ii-Li;i"
Tli!rd That ethoCltyninear
prior:to Aliet 44451
ed by lavrtiorl§eltentiiiiiAd,lieludii.
entimaten, ots Sad cost
ement proportionate'
aniount dWiti 'r"4
9 he,
borne 133r ;...f.ho,prOporf3;:. Within- be' 001=
posed enseseWenedliatria,'Inili:i.euite'-'
hnprovuent2It• ald1It1ldtt
accoicikig: to4e'..:+ii1initthri:IL44411te.ett
upolt-fo4the-purpoae:Of- general
taxationthgetherwitha cIntnianAnr
iwnich may "..be anew it
tlald It0039,!n914-.4iid the estimar thCIt1Cee aid
cp.13t- an exnseat 7eiCcti of
proveeni114.4 boxbp nroved-qp/ ' tne:_MeSor. doS,
lot,',fiit-JC or of lima_ ;;i06;i,:if of "Afril,
fl 25
..,., .
..... • • 11.__'... _..yjiteAb74.4.0!:
- ,itIzTorty ..._,......,_
""j-'iiii,-4'1...4V-Kliii)1,b" In
v: FIRST;STRE:ET, :Isom the-,Eirmt
`an.lif ;Yelley.Lii&et 'to the Weat
,. .
gin pt,,Libeolii Street; said :;: fm
"iiiiielWititsifinkitll itibiber Ottitiy.
-;(60);','feet1,11r.widthiLriliati: ittettesi
rthicit;irbt cititerete;i'.tiltlittiltic:`Minlikib'
lible!imitecmiCrefe- enitie:atidgittj
iik1iiii;-13ii';'ne*gar 3 ' iii:*00?1‘q
llaViheretittii244 f.firiiierbecalifilt
' 5In'Air11$14erdaii'ee:•15iiiiiT'
i1niisd'iiecifitiibliaA0 -be?itlii5iirl.
OA*-0431.*gl..14-er405rfe'r by
qiie:-Ciii,%i &inal:ilia:: fiod:*iiiikr the
City Cjetrki'itildjo iiiititlatiihand-create'
,p4,LotitilZ,pnprovetent7DLItrIct. I there:.
I'M haCtillh3ei aOiiIr Mayi
ideaTi Iosfatjeeliiiirreigii'18:- aty
'.9!1_, - 44.u.k....rqem.e0-j•filiiJi541iu:
14:46.4tif:004rif ik01*:6i4.;
ffltb*,:iliiiilioi;.4;'1„cioiti:'i?' t'.-4.4;--"'"•-• 0. ----H";:
4 f46iiiiscillil 8,164Lall''iii:dti.;' 91:-L;e1)74:4-i1:3.-41iiitafi8;i741;Ciill'ii:
1,01,AMF big 5.11'111ra
17'61%4ait ii-416,,_-,--,....., FA, ,1'9•_ ,..1glio7 - ;
.r :1:14:e:::::::::),4?'P":„.'t.;:':n1:ii:ty':::9i::i'::14,..;tii.L1.7:1t;
" '''''DF.9---' ii•lialciiihi404 ze-.'„.
alebilicincii rbi..iMtled:'
moutitthere -..: t. h e 010110139 ,.
4.4'ilili:41:1114441TIitifi; 14461
.iitiiiin-leCeSPqq, ,,,,-.4,-iii 1.:toi,:;
...ai,,.., cCeip.e..of-,,,,,.?„-,te-,e
:leVeleSZ44.;14raid n stntemen
iiic21Q1', fit.iii;- '..xciiiiiii(Z *-;rl'iii ' -
iiri,4:-,F4hhioatco-atstd4, aacoidiii-g
1".aiiip3-fi1naioi::;0.. placed 'SitZn, it-
tqliiisl:Iii9i!-:gPj1e=zi1.iii*E4i 4 c;-•
thereon:• Ltialiiis;-.1*Ii*■r:ilirciiiii.
f,:t014,:"Fd -c,trtP.F9Per!..Y";/**,i*ay,
nlitit.44n4Lthe eistitnated-;copt.:76:14t:a-.
ponsei!elliclitiit 7fildfilififirdi3Oiiiviiiii'
to.leberno by each Bald lot; bract-or
meet Orland' or Other=protieutyttlMit.
• 00,j,ktilip;ie'ciikVenieitlie11e:
EAMIA:,,irOtireveMen:Crthell be borne 'by',
itiIiiS'aie.kse'd :itgli'filt :In& ,I;i01,1".•ti.“,,kw
liIP.O'LlAr-:.30-h!!i i 410 ',-Filitii6t-ac:
t4rigii_tiviatt, theCitY&OLilri .A--7.
6:1iliblbstyitpe', Hanle iii-anymiiii:.:
iOi.; iiiii, ,. iTruon' of0d:: t6st. ',• (4 •
ilivsli09.,6r sa1(1,11EIPibv!n10t-c:::.'•;-.'.:',s,:-
• as.8iir(!tkif ,+ giv--.,, ccinc:ii, ' unit
iiiibeb1 'it4-alrOi., thi.,,iitiiidair,'
ii'1tAPOV'I9201 ''C''',';;;''.;:'''','..;
"J. L. : iSsRAii;
timit: C.-D.-BEST. CItys-"Clerit
proved: '. ti,EO. H. KING; City At
. `. :Date of First PublIcatiob„Aprll 24,
1920. . .
Dete of Second Publication, April
26, 1920.
/71 .