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x.91.1 INA1%,71 , Lathdr1Pc4,e
cez*:1;sa1e 'Pr.Lncai y{R➢rev
tat Bodaa.4or'Iaxl. rmprnTement
ZigtrieNa 51, to pay thetooet anl
ezpenseee:eClmproYemIta Id. t d.,dis
trict,.a3•.ordered and provided tor, in
itnd • by' Oidltrance rNar 576 lBed.,
K AN - 011DINANCB p inTidin6 " for
still "Oiderirl . the " .:.improvement tit •]iightfi ,Street- from;.the:.Center line
of ',C' Street to' "the;:Dast Line:ut,,,'F
Streetand r street= from: the north
line of.Sirteenth.Streetto F7lth street
and tbeheeNorlhwesterly over a ipor
Bon of jzfih t Street crossing ..Block
129 to Fourth Street Westerly. Over
Fourth Street Yo a point near the t..
erlytBue: of Iat 12 ',Block i4o tb Flaaenca
I.orUteasterlY .crossi56 Block 14d' B3:
Sheet and Btock 130;to a P0int`nn -the
Nort line Of the right of wa y "ot The
Seattle, Port Angeles & WOteni Ra11=
road between Lots -.4 and 5; of said
Block 130, thence_ FbaereriY over LtyL�
5y4 3.2. `and l.tcr'uealag r,Streetanti'
Blark 125, to iiiiiit.eraectfoU Of Third
street ,and Third StieeL,Norah; a11•li
accordatice with Resolution Na 61.
creating an en largedr7riatrlet''tLerefar
and •pr0VI g tbattk1ayment therefor'
he made :',bygspecIo1 set upoa!
th0 property In etd(deec payabl
by the mode of paymenby baud;. t;
Approved JWy„11tb 219171, [f=lag the.
date of the Iooii nceFOf satd bonds and;
the rate'. of inthi4p.fiiereoi4t`- ,ai.
„ The Clty Couuciiof LbtrCity o &Pena
Angeles - :do ordain as follows ,y, '
r Sect[on L' Thai:',lha biaYOr andctha�
City Clerk be and tliell areKberebytau
Uterized and directed io S issntl: Local,
lurprovenient t Bonds for 1Lora1 vim'
Pro vem at Disfiicfti1O 51, of the Cite;
of 1 erL Angeles created by Ordinance
No 5161. approved Jti1y 11t4■1917 and
in accordancepwithj Utealawell05 the.
State -:05 Wahin8 11 t and th13. Ordt
uancea of the City'.`or Port Angeles rin
tiro sun of FiCtyllr`t'gbt}Thousand ,Five
Hundred`s Stztytwo and 205 LOO�St''($58f'.
562 05); Dollara'rE, iir10fivp,
Sectlet 2.4 Thai said Bonds.ahallibe:
made. payable on es• before .;sfwelve
years from tthe,vdate' di �t6ei.lsauanet
thereof' and shaik4'elllnlereat.(,ati the
rate of seven yet seal 1'l' a enugttrp z'
able annualy >r SWdtoads shag be ia•
'stied in denonaltititiOilg qi Ona;Hundted,
($ 100) Dollars .}tch;lep1ePlitBond i■o
One (1) ;thereof, i!vhlrh abaU be of t .
denominutiva of Sii<tytwoeaad! 06300
($62.05)' Dollars hand, they aliatl he each:
numbered consecutively frotnNo S1'up -:
ward ,and each' ot'taald'bon'da •shalt
have attached thereto iutereataoupone
for. each Intereet,payment4 4sndeaeh
such bond anti ceept)lt sbn'll.bo algnen
by the, Mayor and attested by:tbe city,
Clerk, `who shall :afar. the seat of the
C(tyt lo', each of said bonds;. provided
that sattl couponsiq lieu 'a;tbeing ati
nidinni'niny havql]ie lac simBe of the'
sIgnalerea ol‘ the Maier iand Clerk,
Prtnted.;thdreon and each.ieuch bond
shall refer tto the ,Emprnvement.and
die ordinance rde
oring sWd Improve;
men[ to paytor which said bonds shlin.
be tsstied and each of }aorta bonds.
shall iprevide and estate that ,the prin,
cleat sum thereiu'�named with Ute 1n ='
teroat thereon ;hail be paybl
ae only
out of. the oPecial tend rested forrthe
pawnientQef We, cost S eipenseiot
•.mid' iutprovement Band tUlat.;ag other
Lund Hof: Uie Clty :otr Port Angeles shaf-J
ever,,.. be Bable'- tlieretor . :.;«417 t
Section J gTbaf, -tke farm ;anctimOde,
0f' •ttie Isauance4of the e;ecuttonro •
said' bonds shalt be as prescrlbed by.
the law$ of Uie State of Wiistiington,
and s of the(Ordiaancea of that Clty of
Port'Anseles ae {in such tease niacin
and ,',providedi end that' said hbeds
when so lawfuliy(eiectited and issued;
shell be placed in the custody of';Ifhen
City'; Treasures `and -by'. him; delivered
to the purchaser Or purchasers, upon
receipt by him of the amount con
Iacted to be paid for the same, nut.
lees than their par value and accrued
" V� LL�s�[✓ Z< J'LeGC ��% _6!
42 Sectfon.)4: f Said bonds nr anyyiperti
'0E them may b0 ?sold'ror eichansai. for,
the warrants Issuedt `Inlpaymeata "Co
ehe)improvement for;wltich thegiwere
Issued or, maytbe sold jtO,jany�Lpur
;chaser For cash aLtnot' leas Lhan their
par value �'"witlt accrued lnterestand:,
the proceeds' thereortisball be
to the payment oft;Uiei coal %itnii, ez
tremte df said improvement <� =y", ii >-
elf 3ectlon 6: That•eaid bonds shall be
dated tho,24th day �ot�January; .•19201
dSectionf 6: r�'hls .Ordinanco shall be
h full Lorca and effect lwbenit;ahah ",
•have beia�Passed by;Uie C1 y:Counc1m;
�apirsoyed by { the'tdlayor r attested ,by.:
tha Ctfyl Clerk approvrd iby,tiie; ,City;
`Attorney and from and after tive (6)!:
,days from'its pubUcntlon once�.In.The'
Port Angeles Daily `Herald the official"
newspaperof the Cityof PortAngeles,',
aniI the Clerk is hereby dlfected.to�
cause We seine to lie no published
-` Passed lh'e Clty Council the,27th day.
Approved tin& signed by the: Iiiyor.
the 27th', day? of April, 1920 i
'Attest C. C.D. BEST, City. Clerk.
Approved: G. 11. KING, City Attor-
Published in We fort Angeles Daily
Herald, the 20th day of April, 1920.