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OROIAc NO 29 ".. ‘‘a.°01t11.#:tz.614 17t ' ril'144t j4.for the fluettonvur NcZ thgbtba e'crstLliin., F4.91' 6'44iiiP41°4 'LEItlyonth an4 Twelftb , Sirimis; Four andrpourteenth,Stieels 8,,io'rthini RFICherry,;:nuil cb4e:Sittr.U.:. exeluoing assesinUn4 6.., 1, ,i.m„gfa'f,4,104 ji111)73.7arnant: Of;V90: Of, Pork 'filet314046 !Ifillreltngee01141idt'''&43.146%qWer.. tOMINgi4i'.Z161011f.'jiteeeld1eeptrF, hthiraffeirdnin3 SteNlntlaI1d , eiTtWaiiiittniii(4,111SSraanOik dteetreet1and: be.: latir.4.1iteexit.41,,*.retita0;14f911,4yLay.,;,, ThtreePI14. cLX C-0277 L,9; 4_ 4- 0 rega1ii4iiithiliidT:eetiEeilifii4kTI, 14e iie,4 i 1i; 11) ;. fIn d 'i...g..-.i.srPa 1l.,1e1, I belng'regulur-1 tigaiCL'Iine I iiiiieatIlfrierfe`ri be and 'i '' li b 11PllieziPects Weibing'tiPpinVetland:qonfiriirecl.:72; i I l 04a..e0ki1- ;- Ti—eiL,t lt•-.. t?..-,. t . „ , , . , :?. .‘.--,, ... ... L .,....... i ,w4),4. ;itfr il id roll 16wiiv5.s.:,r..-i. iyiL ir• (' ' 14.;.#.. '4f4: i.'' i iriP.L..'IF 'i7/by:i .aredP to , ie; pecialy,behe- tue, utidig,ert.co.fc413 f Ordnance u4dbrsadjmprox4mant; pt)eari tidlaiseiementrolb;shay.i?0 place d .,. We?iiini'''''' eiiiitcliiiiik)„ Ilitr,,,:,1r;,.:„.!.,.,k,",,,',,• ,..,1ii.,..in).fl.it11'?`.:, a- ne'' in ttt4n.■.;di'1.9,tii ;'t:air-iiie,dii,.'""6: iiisFi:t44;!i#'00? ,_1' iii'iiIia hstliteieit0i;prQ t0 ,R:, .!?r1P.?''PT'L&,iw.6161,iiiiiiiiIii;.iiis eraIiaY*8f99nt3TtRPPI-;;9:..,dia;iioiiiliii,ir;;iidii,iidied foliianit tidehs!Ier40Fr1PePT:lev; in,s6iiiil4;iikii&iifi;6. L.... . ., ' ..„7, IL,;41-•-•-L LL'.iiliiii;',' , .., ,L . 'T .r section .6. • Thhi 0 nallee be 1 . a , Be , . egaiP ..,.'1''.. ' ' • • , ffetCwhen..It” shall' e iLiOr41PurCLL'elii--644nn''. 4..8..ald , roll .111-.1tal...,!.49_Fa0' anFl ' e _.,..:• ..... ,..,; tt..`fiiiiiiiii0iinniti1,eliarged:I.Iii: '41: n"YTqf.,..."9°':Pa8 8°I,L'3'theC10:':C‘6unie,,111, i ,,,.1,i.. approved -L4 by,ithe., mayor, atteetea.voY • Be41.P... a 'Ht9Fe.'7'.`... ....,,...,..''V''''''N, ii,il tityr OlbrIC.c, approved; by ,thOL ,PitLY 64416nr.!'i.:j.ft#C*01ir4TC i''''-1i4-..:e'rqbF- '''..1''' iii+ilidifiliiii#iitY[fve15), criii:acilinegstAbli019:1.,,foi"iititd, ,+!cztl' !kt n,.. er!„., ..L., L 3"Pr? 9#7'47 4' i'.r, 'int'iL!. .NO' 6L 1 Vii;c. dNsfe!ults'0 3 ! 1 1CL 4, 1...911 ..:Ti c e ...30......':.,,.,ne .. iL'L 1difanit1,.,9.'b0,,.'kIr. ' l i'1..,. :.. .1` d . designated ,• ` ' . PO riA b i.g,' e.., lc 0 1:0,.,.1' Y', ,..4. aliiF P- -,e:°Te.,.'l..—1 aa uan!: PiaOre :FaPdjy;iler of the'GitY'o!;POri'Angalaa• N046jfore9e 1U a and purposes andLpe Clerk ,!!i„rpb,, iidat6a,Ici Wii&d.bif,iivaeiqiii.,a,n.8:6f ,..eo 10 be kit.e.l-li.-,1010,- .',k : .i.:.1.!'.')'*...:::',it'i- ...(,iiinited,triebiti',-..couli0„ !,;#iFi'.?ftl 7§eitiiiii;.1.:14d1.4414isn?6(iiglat: hql dai..o.ii.4641:90::;.A0'.4,;0'.,7;',.•:.-,::.: gi,t.4:ieii,'JiiiTiitti)=."ti ,,..-4:ii,oied:,,iii'd,s■ple(1:':b9i l.1!0':Lin0T•: ki)tiik(iiiiia'Vitb""nr.;-#,*60)...!Int 61 this' 31thL. clay';0f,APFgL.1i4gdN'''''t'LL:::''. rk0i1V::‘;;441.00*0-410t;4bliantLianl '..'',. L ,',. ..:. P'sO.P. S7NSON, Ott.10Giti:=TreaMiri?ire',.'.nQl100.'.40'.!Pfli :;;;:,., .;'.. ;:;'..;: -.• , '.:::::::, Mayor Pro Tem,. iiii, iiiniiijil'.istiuite(r:b1+;,litvi ,. to: be ;Aitest:. d.:D::BE71#,citY"-"ch?ri-;.: *vela:, and :all ', assessments not ,p . Approved: G. 14. KING, dity ,Attop, ivlihin Said thirty 430). days period Shall thereafter, he paid' in ten equal annual installments with interest thereon at the rate nf Seven (7) per cent per annum. Published In The Port Angeles Daily Herald, the 30th day of April, 1920.