HomeMy WebLinkAbout0630AIJ 0zotItN CB? E idliO � Da
Etreet*a theCit (PortA*eleow i.iDr from teLeat Martfa:
auall street the west
Martin 1 o1
I.ineoIn street all in /avoidance with
Iteaoladon No. 68; and p1*7 4d aped
iticaiiuns adopted: by the Cttp Cannel[
atthe C1q ot°Poit Apgelenirareatlnd
a7tI.o .simPrasemeet District there-
fok. and'peoviding'tor, the yayment ati
said Ifnpinvement by ,,pedal aeeeas
meats upon Ute property la'; said die=
:trial::: Parable by -,mode at ."Payment
`byBoads. r cif` }
Q�The CUy Councli.of ..e_C1Cp o[ Port
9Anselets do ordain a6 follows t -+
x` Section L That Firet t_reet fro
the -East Marginf*YaUe7..Street4)l
the West Mnrglnof Llawln48traet'ba;
Improved by remwingtold1Piank, rO�;
placln6'and removing o1d Side Waike
removing ali.luinber of anyxdesc{ivtlunl
from either i embankmeflt Or4eX Ta•;
• Uon :bringinou_it- grade-,�of ra -wtty
to tb- proper ,grade jlne -6=CerTatlen.{
emhankment, drains et.t.i.40,,,,,,.i. era.
•sanely sewers fipncreteretaiNf6.
watts : connrete curds„ concretengnt�
tern concrete. 0adwa4 aP6711z ateI3
URY Yeeti in widythcillnef,„. ,,,c,...
and such other�work'as maYibe aecea -i1i
sary 16 connection, d y e r , , , , 'tto pfO -1
erly carrrfout tbec}wnattoa pfai
contemptafed InlproVemei t.,aliL,1n
cordafl a with plana.e `nd apeclflcaUona,
prepared by e�,Ctty i igIneer Sled'
with6hA91ty4 Clrk. and :which have'
heretofore been`agprkved and adopted:
} su6a!w Y ;*_ In
by [lie City CounciLy ! 3y,
c_�_�Lr�ctio aP C,v
{ Socha¢ ill.ltiat t?i eeet and e*-
t ped sea$ ut aid''flmprovement, lnclud
Ong and ineIdental ex.'
peuaes sL°all :be',borne byiind asseseed,
against th property inclviled [n the:
of . Y rt t
Angle: aanll jia,- o Tn ilbi4 dt ino' accod�e ith la� he ClEyases6.
at¢Trdnrswhherelatife (ocrthtn,Inany manner sfor y1por 8G
expense of ;eatd` Improve
r9Section IIW 4That thereals hereby:
established anlolcal imimvementridtu
lrict Lo be called LocalItnprovement.
District Noi 68. {;which • sald;idletrlct Is• :
described as follows y'All the prop-
ry,betwe¢r Uie tertnlnl- o[{sld °ilm,
{ provement+ abutting -utxju , aajaceit,`
1•iclnal or proslmate to sneh'. portlon or
saliiiiv,�eets tO •a �distance'rbacl front
the'mu.' i lines thereof, ";•as pTrov[d •
�1 by tai '0` C" 4d F1' =
Section IBOnda bearing Interest
,. •.§% rate. ofreeven percent per as
nu11!,, "yable 00 r�� Or.' before 3� twelve
years! from the, date tof `lesiianeetaball'
bee Issued to payment of �,Uie coat and;
ex.), Hof said• improvements which:
t nda'. t'
bonds ,,hall be: ..edeemed.;by the col!
leclfon Of special asseesmenfa to,b'e, iL
levt d sail) eeaedl upon` the'>pr e
ty .Y7' Ythin eafd`dietrict ptiya 14- iii toe
equa; annual installmea(s,,wit.t.::p r=
eat at thei rate.!of seven per cent per:
annum under the Mode ;ot Payment
of 'Bonds as :defined bylaw and the
ordinaucgcaloffsitf`d City oLPort :Anger,
the. ;oontracTor'In redempUoajof wa -:
rants on the.Local Improvement Dis%
tract' Fund issued on estimate,, of th'e
City?:'Engl,er' ;or the Craftylof p+1.
yf { Ml�.te i �I i4•''
ingeles bt Its ales /fai n1pY 6616 eaiS
bonds and make such redemptlon lu
6-4,,,, i h },P Y'i, aro'
v;st E91 yYlad$ ry`{ 'tit ti,.>ii 3 'fin TsbaUho
%pection Y_, yTWs ordi¢ance„ahahthe
in ?,4cll tortcednd efr,eet when,i4 shall
kat%ebeea passed byth6'.Cjty Caun6ilr
attested by ,the City Cie & apiroved
{by the City Attorney aid,ron a
after, five fb) days from its:ptlpllcatjoh
once. In the Port Angeles Dally Her
,aid, ,the official. newcpaPer of(the CIjy
.0f Putt Angeles, and, the Clerk, .., la
hereby directed to cause the same to
aML 3 0 dL
"it�'G .� %
. t
be sophbltshed ;rC
;Passed by the City Connell -fot the
City >01 Port Angeles title : 27ih day
' Appmvediand ;.signed by,tbe Mayo
this 29th dnY o[ :April a,_
s :': Mayor:'Pro Tent .
'Attest: 'Oticierk.
APprovedt ODO.. H. KI G, City M.
tomey. •
Date o[ Publication, April 30, 1920. -
43450411.110113#40:• al:— .., .:', duit.14d0;to JOIld_eiAlapt„414e.004.4; pare*.ethipa aridgidrpiojgkiric■
lr s R pVEDj$th6 ,ijiiii, stit-gbetiib.Y.;yattplOW?ir. instaW ta...('-`,. - - . , ' . . . •4!- ' - 1:4,-'1.; ‘;,44
1 Oiliiiidt144'itliejeol3040.iirt Angel* iiiO4...4114We;14,10Piii-ccs.b;;OmatiC 4,-:T.,.011.th4iT.414thoeSitV4 9 ,mPlibt
*;iihtagt en:11*',7);P:::,;,:, r- -.7: _-_ latelbaYamitt., .. - - - ,._ : ,, '. , . _ ...,.- at saKqtaprespOtte.,b31
A.Fliit.-:Thitt It Is the intentlianid the . Tit's& .milei : .tie ,..614...Endide'di t* iiseioade savv.tnoit,9patriti,
C, ttr.:_f° n161-)-thP:ci' ti.,e! po-A 'm'w;
0_31' tPe-O C- Arco`arico ", At Me hereto '*s-i.hhi aid : ' 4di:sttroiiett-Afaie
seleeto oder, iti:lopioiedent' di IkPrior to hidat-ffzjor ddd dordIng_td is Ay
iiiitei-:eiitiilOstibuisliiii-e-i. 0.0eiii IltIF,in,sj,tVitt.t.,-”4 -P.t.Ps1:10..ttn.:Fc7 Saki.: Slia31:isotibia'llable in- anyinka4.,
&met tii'. the city ot: i*t..itiiseies;:to- Oiled 1:T-J.V".A0'el050.q0■:1#PPV not 4cir-, any tiFti94:t!ikiltididitO§34d!
wit in iiegiesaari akitt*.f.. ,..*P14,F..-• expense 01 81114;1umilaTPlaent-t •i• : fi.!..
.s:!Sticlet.:,3i 1 kee.CIii .;Si-d'iii-;:iiii,:ie'iii .3.1,5924.-WF4W. 4,VW:090-ate-5-A.IM. ,7-Paased by. the CUP:remote-IL and
L •-,,,,,,-. - :•,,,,,.,.. . . .__ cqt, ,—a-a,a :i•..v... iagiiea.,; th Mayor . , - - -
1 ..3..„. ,..,, th. 44,3,...4.-gie.. center . tdr--,;114. . a, ;,- DT inen,e -i,---ira.tli. - en. t.,,-01:, the, p.,,,,,,,mmou- t- .i. May ,i9207 e .. thi_ , ii 11th day, ,-,r.
ff iPPIN4Ptt flt.1045049,t,istr trArn-„,--T„,---....,.,,_:----;,,--,-, ---.,h, vn---„,, ,,- ----_.-.--,„; ---, _
Lot - 10.'skieJi-js-;,&31-. sieris lied.- w. -,--F, -.‘--,--a-,t-_-,------.z........--m.."-....-7,-,..-rt...,. 1-41-1, ,, !..!-: -i-,..,:: ,:- :-; , FRED P HENSON
1 37Ient4ycankthe;Forth-weati:eoiner: -,'"-Zirtrt--.P"fK--1--.-- `.!"'' - -!---7.-- .PAt' 1,•-7:-- r.- - ,;--#-„-, -- . - -!: . ':-_, :114cir Pre' Ten;_
,..iis-el't -tilitql-g91.-61.-c.-ii,-0;:i:',-Pi.-0t .diiii'it ii.;.ja.}34111•L City 61.i.ii.
filii4iiii i.of.14).'i3i6ci ---'" ' . ' .1 bt ule '1-gWe463-146‘A4d iiiluiitatt ' ed-- - ' • '
. . _ 75..-thenee.;ian:, --, e.,..,--...-I.,1 ,,, -,.- 1 vpfyy, ..... (3p;:t H. .13:mg.,. citie..*.l.
• Ring P.•,, 08 itei:Oisee.*..k-i.O t414.4.03 tin F'!.4."t6-,.-fi?!..41,54914"91.411Pt?T. ■-;..- tp*Xr.' •---•=,' -:::•..-",,:.,.'2.::-q: .."..',":. ' ,.',',
Station - 1;i.11dis,57 iiildi44.-rinii3liii--.5: -withbi.,-'881...,0, ,..- -.c.C. _,'rdbig iiidd..4 ilia .,.,Putiliciiicni. riai. 12
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i(eizicIE4P;.th!...!1'. ce,-cif*...,_,_ Iiiglji °NI, iiitiii- . , -.., Pl=efl iiii61'' '
"1- . - to; Date 01 Second .PublICation; May 14
1029 411iiclOd;•: diedoe=4-4uinio*.19:::desi, lie -,,':-titj!*‘ths1;railiju ' ' ' - --n.
.frkidederfiFf.to...Engidedes_pta n=2.1d.d.s, ..,
..,, •UbeflivId;40,11eat::,,I;TIP!":"?.*:
_ ietlirougli'.1.1Oe12:431iicit471K1-114edde ?Vail, -17-nd.,-_-:•_: ,---i-Cl.=-.-'''''''DeArt71:1dr.Pi'ree- '''' ''''' -''''''''''''' ''''''44i4H4';'::
,,.,.F., 9k..:..f.7-:7:111,1.1061ill.,,,Aria,ii..138mg...M: ..:eili/Z,i3',1_, :Iiry,s"!''''t es'-alls,g4ce.Ar:ii-lee,..;•-•-:•:arti4. :±xt*r-47ii.07:5
erunninivS.:15'.deg.7.0-0,Ber-Z-W; to:7- : 13 aP
,ctit; (iii ..,, 'F''1er:?'851-ni":^",E' •-• - ''''' 'Ll borne ' '''.1.-'s141.71xi i‘i°4' WtO
Engin n,. 7. degi..„35, . , ..„ yft:11..iich'ialidlicit;:1
46-4iitti':: 'IY. ±71FP4'ilghlii'vt'l' ..
prook433:i.0196-cr91,441g-P' 9=A-IIe- Y-14 c....6,-.6,-
P; -1-31(0qP 4WitP.
'thence 'e..i'dAing
S.,47 deg. sec. through,Lot: 9.
43A191kMi.4111Ts96P., 4Txpegi.,39 -Aco;47iy.1
1210,•',141, ;b9...-M.,IPI4dK,9q;:t.,0-,,t:Pinili"!it-1
1,....**40#g,74.1, ,kaRiligli
4.114: APM!cli;grtilY*ii.ilg;'i,.-0i0ria:c.v.
topcdpelly, carldodt:the.dono,trdqtionl
! iit .'01:1*Ai7411),Iii4,'.5PeOtt'
copal:Ls' to ztrdtkeParedbi'ittte.:.citill
..,,,Eigili ecf.IV90(035ii#9.„3•94-Y '..c9'!!i
siovitted,,oltulteei City Ofiric:J and
to establish i a:nd 'create - a /nal lei
desire30-03Ji4s.tlie'reit;,*ia in.'iiiir partl
'-le4iiiillsile,4-CluO&**'i-6e City
'elf,in'Alie;douVeif Cliaraher izi'thirCity
.1404: In the .,cityro0,-Poq ...., engetes,
.Noilefi.iiiiieandiiikere tiereoy:Aika
for -neoitokoit:ootiere.ieiktpg;tOsiila
Li iijiliise ii•; Iiktiviein eat; and ;;Eill i. obieel
' ' ' 4i344•14PAHIPOit, ,-tdi.i0:44,
aM F /