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01,;:ltst--.'n'-', i.-..---: 1 • =ON; ,,.. , , • li••;4" '...7'1.4,44i'.4f.'..'"..-,:', :-1 , 'Gr.:TS m B liepE 'BTE. ."iVFORTEC' srarxr -AND, - • ' :- Allbt ?(TCLIVEGEVSOUTE,i+-111 , l'i3C,11.1,13 NT,STUEET; • ..,, U E-WITN: zr.s• el—",,,,...,--: - kr. NO To.‘72aiD4-pkalls 'Arm k,... -...ric..A.Tioxs,.2eporKEli.- . Car:COUNCIL' :OF aui..• OF •,•, SpOIFNGELES:.:-'. Cla.ealli,„_,__11:"-k LOCA.t.IMPROVEMENT ••,Dirraul.rr iteTir-aUta-zatENT::,:o17‘p - -T.LIEREFOR.VANDA.UOVID it lg.. egmBNE3uriziztv:Tsfirst.c.As4-,::- !vitcts.up..bisraitcz,.:-p •r33x..71aDDE -o07:7•7, ,42BoNns.•-!,--7.:71,441-,%,i,-,;.;.',f.e'i; paiiiiciti..",coin*u;ntimiici go! .lo .i,Fdasiwie.reitiiii. ti,..,T t7I,ArieolfiSiffie4Irriritc.. ti ;.-F...iidtot thei;Urldakbalreeli'FourIlt!'S .„, I rhdkaTU4Nlieet.T.ricAloriSMirtrzirgm iot-Fie.t7`StreetthkeipiOi..119Zi•,:ifiliv-1 114 .,auripkiak.71-rephelfie,OaaimOirlim ., arlriisiiallNIr-.,1*Oieniins$ UrnrOtrIptlaifirerdltheri . l t1- t, r i6 6-LV.1,eiun'lt orieicrtioni.4eitndi.g e3164 • oveMatilVreKaidiantuie1ft l ' , • wklUiloe.StreerT; p,IMf! zisrphriltaiii;.esiv•- %erwgiehltre;144kW4C.31i-411°. , rertiatrMg• "••.,erildtre,4Ne.-7'betagt. , b-,girti, o• coMitiont*,`emeafilfrapgr,r • Viit.orin; 6t,a4,iittltO'ther.:ProPergilAt*C•tex7"., ',I, iiiiirgerLtiatultserr„....1cgia*k _ irMilnt 1,tiffatoWt. rilaWlniTitt kali f,rol 41.3 it,iintitit.;:diatr"?et,7'::;;,'%;iiii-2„17Call-':d ,” r:;i-•:,Tilst•4 ere Ag.,i'hereb/_:ortablle te.i,"To1 1J,11,oventDIbLrIcLNO'fL .kb • ref propertrAtietivrerittim•g t Id: IroorMierrkent.01nirUrt1 Lldthiar 11...etreeri1:trod;;,.a11011, 103,130,:ilded',1464yiii■1 . _ rirrNiiit-- d"ntac. r . dl4rtct. i,oyablo Iuen.oqu1. 6. tollmniito 077i er■itettit_ • , Of Wpikini(lt oft7Ai.sw.s.-x-rke..1,5T •a reredto City Ershrcr% or.thO .CItYofort mild 'PI' ,ItArlestel'5°1-nri'O%tra#1 b� , am!' in CIV:54,In .70tc:pp*.e., han.:b.:; in ,-...4019rce, Eth.1174.04'..b0kaaed- ;,4 fritigity„ . , ec. 6 pSiOve (6)&•!lT: tOVtlr, - L lb P°1A'g:CINITI;01;PO:ttt-Wt, e ar,be. . er11' 6;?;be •Cited‘ir.ndir ath°,41$7 • Angelns, ;this: int day ".of tytho A. " In.tbt , • 264 ,-;;...!,...,,1::.7`"....°..--82.CItir'. -:' --' h...1:7. • ., cinwroto...7„,,,:..,.;„ 4roldtooroblala.gle4 , - eVtaliff i eat.Cwwiduie eat o ,X.4-11114-. :.:f3-11,-.. + AV.:.-11n4:feet, 400n, thO,NOrth ,:iorner: . : Aborierruitialng V. 09'.dega: OS • 'Asoi 'feet stlirouoli,Lot 10.,13lock,75;.. ■ 00i4g.;<'03.-orie..-Lx...45...00 z,sod411..09, &B.. is W. 10.70 feet,Illiougli■ : Lot erl: 3Ibek, , 5743.1telidi:.'1Oroit0 the.:"A1lerilOk1136*:75:: • ithen404,3,:e09 :ilegg.38-ser.AN.O., 01.184oet; iild '5.15 Aiem Ber.4,91:47.05.Treecit.r..2( 1 I.et:,,12:400.r.45:•-thekdell-iirs•Attf■iiP ; -8&..--NZI:114:33 :feet :and:4.-42T! fIkee•ST:- arig... i,W:.j339::"feeteiossilLOtta?L . .. . theacO'cadir.-VOurt.h. Street:- • '.27,1 det.67. eoe2W.: 22.564OctOorTlg ., d‘g2;:f.:' i '. 11' secjlit...;'freeTscroaa .1..a.:8t731Ock- '■ 834theilitei:rOiroailukuoima4packVa3e inemieficaiiimfAlteitibi.;wock:113-4thencA ,-----_,,. 1 Tax.w-dee-;--,mie..-,:weass:Efoer,.:nuicsz-, (----- 4si,a16'-eviii;L----:-3y2142.4stfea,,gictdia.4.0E4 ..13,,,--Bros31,Jnea*7W.,>;48,deg.-01,-5136-c.t4 • W.67:11,1eot scroaro'por .f1!. „,a3r#4.--13:4 . • :t.bience46,Foistt1Itti?sixeet:fthcpc-s--;‘41 • Zat.iial,secWs.1314;47;feetiocroasLlie-4,;. =110r-k::..96,,.Afit.p.cpitsic48,,iieg.tsst1 ll*.);FW:7, 1,1=7,taitit.„.-Mri!..iiraEllifigf 4!1;lihae3rftl qs 1 4;'- on. - -,wapmr .eitV.Xts 1--- 7-6-' ,O.e:PLT:eet4br, Agr9bPipime.1•19tw.-. 1` ....4.1grame4,- Ci.--- 'iiittft'arpKl'lr..ftAgtgre,W.qC1! , lieci1O4AligAtli43ikOli_tileolirrikritiil 64--c..-- ---- -td 1 4 :tkboi,,itetestion:orilh&coniemplaled:lidirr. 'r 'aiigisiiiiilliciitiousION'e-Firilented' tor4lho 6 ___--...:,f,'” ....s( 'I '14-aveafilift-f Tdtkcpbiiis .i :CtfrAarlibieer-tOd. ooted1b30.theieltiACouoill Ce 4 raran.CT..e.d4-#1*AthiPitz*C716k'*14).161, 1 'efttablia ,w.Ahd,;:-.r.friite a.,,J..: oliatWOOrovi,-; I ;i mOnt,P.Tritrlailb-oWor- Prif.” : i TOOrVandfkreoeTit;iitichtObJeit.IOWLat:3O',4 IitiO*-optlioCitilcolincilSiolthOTPOW1 I cl1I.thOWItylEtall:Sli.; the- ClEr: . . 1 otTert*A-ogeTher.`,Washlio' itoOf- ohTuier um: (-------12 1 iii4aTiitsiiiunV4itttoo:*aocleP2:124 _______ iz_:;_e 6::?_..-- .: ''"Otioatc~4ii1O.914alilieioncriNOOO .iie-lj 1 berektlfriedUiniehbarineitlinmotterim ; ------- -1----j---'c-6 --- IAridjan:1141§iild.Oratitioe0iiiniirliemOotk, 1 .- titzhagttotw/Arrh(rt At iititci,gttlteit„6,4p ;:::' ,..,„ ...- h .iiiffire., irklxiltliet,,Iingthiririetbodi:OLDO.V...= ....-2-- -e-,-4---7e- ..„---e--r..-z-- . 6 , . theijObiiiititidiineiitar‘tiiid tbardiorrirqbi` lamediniellidit: - / 2';'a' ..;_e_.9 - (-/ /2 p:Thif,tctahat,,theeity 'In ii.di: ‹... be'rdishe WreWtheietOP,*-4&-E,OT:r* iropro-rorrirntO.reherelry:CnotlfiedIAO rio- ubinirgs.,D4,ttiii:kctb4ccittbOglayara...prifif, atiteglzajorairDhearingzolls-daterl -AthrilittOAbleabdboriiilt,TinreasAmcdbil, grO.141341flotrODIOns- ,SoOcraticittlimeNOitl, tioifeCOL:thOTOpICOOdirotraiuirtioldiiii; - - -riiiiittostliterilinit-oali OrOttoitlorH n.te OhOo/.11,0f, bqr.OIV,10116'VOMertr:%rritlilial.he.,or0i tWOrrthOP,,OgitroititOkosoilel initilatl liderilLzasseiiinOsity,dlitrictl?„firidZalitatfi"-'s tiaitlfikfttilF.freitr!,estafeeThicliiiiiikitittlit ..,:i iiitaieniintiiTkvlhliTfnsaldo'fOdstliiiict: 1 f eOrdlietiiflonlibloz,ltgtcid t 4li1p6t '.! ; OOT.itVorgttio-iiiiiiii.O.T.O7TOIZSOFICrOttkai.... ILLOO;J.:thiclIthOr,:fyiltli.TdlOgrooltOrkorilN; 1.0howilieithereonitho;)1cO4.f,trnOto Am:1mo' -, • :.OelkO0.laiitti,tOidOthOr-.;pr0oort3kiififeh'7Vilii • 1 OO/.:soeaall.i703OriefIttod7:-. tOOrebii"Ood:kt.hd; ,Ohtizimatoalatnountof;!1.1ol,.irakt*Tdifei.4' UrZOOTO74.6fo'OiMehriohverfoOritic,,;:bePOirrot. ribiivOr.liSflot.M.tibt r014..iiirOok:`,:i3VII.Ondi!eri,.. •Tlitberieforfr..?Oti-4?„ 4PT.,Osisk.n%A.Tiot*. , 1rourttsSIT,Ootthe:costrand oTwose I- or ' ,soldZirtforoxeffiefie•oliallDie;OOrnet ,ok-, and: • : ; ■ , ' . ; r.-,,.' ,. •" : ‘'c-,-.28-t, " fii Ycf6.: „t:-,O4,loitr tI l: t,.rm .• it.i,Too..tter'rl-oa4i,:c4gAiib„l'. Amto l.TlcN'ibl:• • o ::ttorOtOrilhrf md fdlatilet0=OoOrdlOi ti;3Or o ;CItyror;PorVAnieleOohal -, .l [ at be 10; n; any:iifiler'forjaliaki i091. Or , exOOnse of OatilTIO, rit:4IT 0 .9::1::lune-anl::7b r ol olt 4iiiof June. D,11,2- , A 1 1:m1iAIII:tt:r9li'1 A:6v:;GZ:Nb:ci:Ato3! riist`gublantlii:/tie 7 . lf,.1720:,*-?„ per.and'PlIblicotIOn; Juno = 8; ', 4120.1- - ?k^.0-',-(.t.,LAWil=f$4.■IV'-4:1, ' 1 te....'"4471.11,4" • **f"*;...444.:S., • .......... ... • 09 265 Cltr of PO ot1Vrt_ .[p"...order isha ? to dot ei I. Iatera�aeiecr filth '1?ank 18.;.uJ k 371;:ttbmaywmteclrE- t4tweh: - he.Atlep.betweea. . y.Rnd:_1'hird 'Street t foigtt..wN• 3tnd'sb6, :Lo. lttntr'Str, et+ro ewe. t 1beNce dot' . //',, ... oaIIT.lhiwigh�?oL' ` Block 55 bit Sec' / %' [Y ` ond.Street-. thence diitor. l Craas..See - 3` (� and Strost to.Lot 11. BbrY'20 thence 'djog8Woly through -Lots 11,77 12,'8 and.. 8rria�bck 70 •eonaecting,;with , tha 8 [cot C` apd..YlraCatree4 and bcelanittc. opposlle l /' Loud et'plpe nearihe comer ar Lincoln ;LOV.10- Block` f Ia.second Street, thence: eaatelitz alovj Second_Streeb.in "Peabody: - ,Straet • and frohi•LOt 11.;Block- 28_.weot ei'tl? to.Peabody- Street :ribenre __tolluwiriy- ' Yeabody-$treet to- thbASOy beVieeo:Sec- 'cud Shlid'Streethe aewei?Dlpo. ,tor .eewez, mba:"ounsoucted bhaseliC j:ab"all.tie;ihide'elea1 gittrined!"elat ?dment:: brick or othec.suitableiiiii4 rla4 tuteth • er,.witli Alti etxamry` og holm eatrh basins. (lint ry A 1 d ge. wyborolo a lit. the boua"dery of the tdistriet herelas. _ ter dee¢ibed, yad as otherwork Mson,. oecuo i .iheiewllhewplcha a m.,nteX04- 6ee...: nary'c� allcofJiel0?[hnproyementa..tct be' 41ona friar rdancesmlth maps. U;e.'and: iapeelticia ona`,fo tit prepared by tha-,w9cII ,;:Eng[neer'• adh. ted•'bythe CAW, .tpol, 'ea IInb ,o d'ornWa-C1ty.Clerk. sad tuicuL ;fablfah and` - create -aU.oall 7mprovgtumt: 1-)1,4cb dth§tei or C . ta 'ova' i,.,iY�r tbotmded o e EshYS.hrithe0East }d aigia; L'dt, BlOek 67 md,itha,erat;Bae °Mot'il; j'•Sloct 2L iaa1 i.the ,Tdorth:'byC'Seebttd! Stree1riom;Lour . ro k.28 •Block."3'Sand'; Lot.(4:04lrot1.I,BIock-48 andt •r Jtotweey rilitA.andL wind'^ tStm l Peelsoo' Stiieebto)io1= 1not'.b onda• -snit. }Lnt�``t ""ti"c Went' by'tbdT'weatboo d ,d o1 - f3 Lnvaa,93lockr20 . ttliAt a bouary ofyof51 t.,T0. ,lo andjthe9restoboaad ;ary of 1ot17: Block SI`and if the£Soutm iby,.'iL2.. Iona`ad-12,FBloikia I1end_idteci :.nods2.dlntocicb5 :j'endH o1s .fr rnbetween ;;Secon,t0.I ,Third .Streets trimilWClmee.: Streit c - 16. r Bldck'66 and Tram Lot; 17 Bloclr66,'FSollowlus,., on {1?... . th.do :00 r.stroet and ls:,intended_ ta:iiii ado:. '.as nearcaomay,Daall� the to itory(kwhicb 'no hnr haewered"by said latemltaew r.' •ash i prepmed to be eonstruete.djAlor. ,all [ then: nraperlyttozbegamessed`ytblosy. sibs ,coat end: Fponse , pro satft.m`yrova_, •:m ci ncrlbe •gal[ Wb ropeit 11, 1reen, ?thecdmctibed ter .'a[;sald flmiilini wensabutto to-n, on t. ;pldlna.for,: -a ,dlotaiute.;tc'saldtstreet', a dISslilljsfto; a dlatancoTtpack [romsthA [narglnal"linm- ithunigf ,according to isw i cal Ttt,ra_mTbat9nil peragsfa wh tgay, de , sire to obtect{Unereto orrto asyTpar o/j mldtt mprovement' re.rtiereby ,alotiU_ to "abpea ii?d- 'yreeenha lch9oblectIb.;n .ot a meeitajfipCthe.CitYCouncil14thei"Cotiii= `cILChan, ln-tho CIIinEall ati, tSejjCltyt ycf POriAbg2lea.'iyashiogto b thos22nd. da'COt(7hne 21929 at 8 :08 o •cloak P. M, ; ' of',antd., Which timeland place ors' thereby'l ti`tor`lhearl gta11 matters °re °; F,. Inaba tpbjolt proposeto' ondf, ..1etnr i ::ain� nit pbJ- natlonsptherelo�nnd:Tdn'deter =t ;Horning the_:mothod for U,o pnymbnt }ot'. ti aisatue. ?vls whother?by paylneot by iinotallmentsfand sale of- ;bands or-by 1m -. "miedlate RaYmmit.;. 1 '+xrad`"t +iT{ 'p: A' llburtlfdaF,That 1he,,CIty Engb,eer shall • (aubmlt$td311ie 01tl' "Counc1l at. or,= yrior4- 110 - tffd.idttta: 11zed far ; sold besting .. on dathlaadrinfermaU n:rcgqulred bySlaw_ tna i bo aulmiftea ln,cludtngi,.11 aecensng � dla . ,gr000 '4uip pane' rape mentions tCA I V, fmetro (ifthn coat and,oxpcnso teuld- amprovemerit a'atatemc!t of the proper =. rU ne tamivant thereofl:which.tipdh : ".. ': boron,by;�abexproporiyiwlth1 U1e propos- i ;ed aasesetnentfdistrlct. ?and a atutemen"L' of tho' '`BCt[egateJnsaoialedlsnluatlan of; .the reavyeatate, eacldalveL,iofii :iiii"progo -, r'mente within said. dlatrlet, according •.toy Sthetvaluatfon last-placed upon lt'fo1"the:. 1 purpoi !,f geaerai taxat1on Idtogettier; =with acdbigfam or'prlot,*.ebowirig,shfie- ' ico11 tit lotaytraats or parcels of land and'{'++'' 0(1t ,e property which:: will be apeclally ' 1: benefitted:,; the reby'- and.* th o ? estimated 4 ,nm t qu Id thgttcoot and arpenOe Pouch,, Imprakement to o borne byi mch I t,.1 tract or parcel St nldnti or oths r props ' E' L'ifth That the cost• and expeaeo 0 ?, eatcbji rovpnlenNhohull,be borne ny and' } qa nitt, ale : >preperty [fable :: adl ,l,,lloWWtt,,porordtng to ' .A11: le : Pgr�A.nggles •aball •ne t ' - man1a'41.k Sny`POrtIo ^ enso -o said mPivve cos ,2•.-- - 4 4 ' ealby -the CIW Councll nd aigaedi b_q Mayor thle 1st any of Juno - >19 0r } 'x7 Ir PEaRA7f l J n MJ�t #ja<YA7"'r).l,` 9 b *t' {Mayor'1 " 1 dtf te 15 s7t81f�Ey; City • Clerk.' ',4 t(d�nprovecIPtE E_ HINC Clty Attorney r[1a-ta f' LYrst Publication ,+ Juno '{a 19.2°=:.'44;* r" I - n-,-trc';40k & 'k' . ctetynf SccondcltuhllmU - iJuuek 8 t..+R!3��?