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,.........- c.‘......•,4.
-....,..• ..„. mrsitcB- irtirat.'-folipTh' 6- .E . ... . . . . -- - , ...---.-
„.;,/,: . ' t• • nil , a ., -- i: •.- ismorwei F.-V 0,V. - 5. .
,-tk . • ION•OF A..LATERAV-EBIG,, ,..• -• Bondi- beaing,intmust, at, the, ratena."
••■: ,HECANNINGPWITIll LOTS; ONE, 00V0 - cent pay_annuan payable-away.
. - • • • ANAiEIGHTEEN- (13).: BLOCK ' bto wmly.'1*a from the: date•XF b•-•
WIWI, be Issued In payment or the
: gip
CE wEsrEtux-T,11120110.a.,
q. BuywEE,F, jiECONDIIt and. expense- a. said ImPlavemente.
, STREETS , THROUGH ' Which": Medal-shell. -the: redeemed .by .- the
lt • Ifs • 57,‘AND 59.,•FROM! TINE collectiont•of ---speMat,Amessnients•, to be
it:1- • TO -• CHASE - -STREET:. leviedyinS:asseased,uPsn 'the,. IWOPertY
.ADIAGONALL1r-THROUGH . within said districh.PaYsble In. ten equal
(1). ,ElLocK•66 TO, SEC-!,, anneal Inatalignents- with Interest at the
-.: ;•:-THENCE 1 DIAGO- ,IVfttb breeven per at per annum. under
.M.CROSS SECONH•STILEET; ,,,, _•-•Xade• of ,PayMent by, Bonds...* no
1 •
W 14. BLOCK, 30: -THENCE . deflued , y: taw, and , the Ordinances- of
,ty• ..,..• NALLY kACROSS-t•LOTte C Salk C.1 lf Port Angeles. ,Thase bonds
AND' 9131 „ELLICE 30 ' - .... ms.r.; delivered t. to •the Contractor, In
'77•:- I • q • WITH :::.7...i:tE^.:4:x.ic ..,.. redoing ti of Warrants "on the Local he-
• FINCRETE 4 PIPE,,t'NEAll , :PrOlrent , Dilitriet Fund. Issued on esti;
t ••• • *ANEW' OFLINCOLN,AND il .mategeoti the. City Engineer. or the -CRY
• 1:7■• STREEETW - AND 4 BEGIN- ., of IPp4'-.Anifeleet at Its election- mar sell
0.X...."Pf), SITIlls.LOTh.10.."-ELOCE ; ludd,Imitjls■and.inalie such redemPlion in
„..,..., • NIMSTREET• ,THENC.E. - iyi.s, , .. _.1.•„....4.,,,,,,it,bg•i: t.,, .., • _ . : ., ,
.,,,, ALONG '•••••••••SECOND ..' .::::.31V.,:••-•,,t.zititincvnoN,a,,,,.•4;:,•• ..- -',. ' ••:"..•
1. "'614•-•fi,l'' .
:? - •,...i. .31 t,r-•°Tq. 11-•:- r''''°CIC'"28' • ' - ,?6, - - :,,,- ' 7. A).
TO f'P'Etli°DY:' ' 4.TRE221' '4 , This', ordinance' Oath be In full force
vi,-. ..,,:l.1 1" -71:TO:v
FOLLOWING .A and eifect when It shall have beenipassed
.,.,.r.,....NiTHEINCE tv , •
' • -ST-RKMT-
, ' TH.sTh,u1a8tt.1aX1.b3 ,w X7•:1TE4Mt•••kw-PMITAH N M(.""
bhe7ehtrttht= le ethe e ci in atr rttiChce ol e u' Pn ;eneLethw"attaBpeetletr eA r o bDtf r ' e lthlhYet . CChi t
BWFWEEVI SECOND AClerappyo4edteeity tore;:the
• REETS• ALL YM••^AC, frogn and afer fve (6)days from is pub-
migl.1..guopTED murk-. THE I ti • ' .l..rt:..,An,togel..,..elis:,unthd.eth....e.Cleerktolgs!,ehevreutiv)..y
EC GELES; 4 CltEA.TINGFV.A. -:„'. -
• .. t.
.-t..-TIMIBEFOIIE.",-,..AND:17,PROelDING - : '''t
, -,;',••71•OlIMPHE'PAYMENTOF SAILlald-!
-,....B.Bovirasancr -,..93Y. SHECIAL-74AS- 7' , t •
fi'4,4-' • • • r%. . IP .:
* oti, ...• • ■1 i-
B .• 4". iglillAy-MENT.,
. • stia'rioirtf _'7=`-'-----4-
4 Thattheie 1st heeb7.7ord,, eiea,...th
etructIonitot,:A7latera5 ,sgewerl he
With-LateXu0d•13.••B10ck 572,
'erly.lthroughl the Yalleyllbetw
and* Third:St:Yeats% throughtSI
56.-lfrom .:VIne•tfitreet 7tn) CILbf
thenee. dgonal30.--thr0ugh,34 ''31
55" to-Eecond .Street; thbucdlA00811Y
acrosi iSeco'nd-IStreet•-to •L•St- -Block'
30: thence diagonally Across' ;14....13.'
,12,--,g/Land• 9 Jo g BIook30.0m10tUag6 ftly
the ".eightt.• foot ..bqnci-ete• plpet•MEag,,t the
corner %of 4.1ncoln•and • Flret7StYeets" and
beginning' opposite -Lot 10,12loCk '-.294 80
Second- .Street;', thence -',:•easterlyr-igiong
Second Street to PeabodYIStrect:andifrath
liogill„-d•Block 28, westerlygtnrReabody
Street:, thence,followIng7Pealody,sStfeet
to7the :alley. betweent,Secogilkandl:Mard
-Sebeng•In the CRY- Vor•I' rtri,MIke1es0
,WashIngton,..-togethei..wIth,t II ,neceiisary,
than-boles,: catch", basins.„e uggh tOl•tAn.X,.'
wyes; and openings:, andtsucli--othes•Viork '
asInity•he :necessary, In eomitgetippribere-
,witli:to!properly:earry ,out1114,19taften1p:
:Rated :Improvement. g, The, SegVapIMP to
..bet,bP. first -class.. vitrified' clayttlibtlekV. or
oncrete. or other 'suitable, material.* All
to ::: be:: dc;'udi.coordioF .to...;B000totiop, y 0
s.iv-andsnio”io‘iaorspewnooupoo prepttred
birjho CityEngineer, filedl*Iththe tAty:
Clerk,tand •which: have :-IMief.oferetbeen
I.I7P-•••37,--t.-•,..:-SECTION“2.4 'nthtoted:by thetC113e ' C Ouncil...P,I Isk
aThe'•dIstriet to bswer Ai' . •Vil''ite"-
on• the ,13astOw; the east mdtglig:hf ,Block
67bellig -ithe- 'easterly, . boundary, •..of ' C.'•C.
Leighton,,Subdhilsion -ande.the,easterly
boundary of the;lx .11. - Stratinu,Sub-div-
talon .through ' Lot :12; • hillock:MY; iind, ori
•the!Nortlf• y ;Second:Street-limn ■Lot 1
to'l..ot,•7. ock• 57, following: the., north-
erly hod .06 0. C Leighton, Sub-div-".
talent hod-, 6 feot-ot.Lot. 13.: and " Lots , 11
antiMCOBlocli 28 'following the alley.-west-
erly 'through Blbcks ,29'And80,-7between
'Fimt and_ Second Streets acrosh the' 1,..• B.
t■;;it:AthflfrPA Td Orri,;InAVSlit: ti■7ntalto the- eatear mrginOf. .bat -1.
Block, .2o:-and on the westiby;:basterlY
boundhry .gtof •-• Lot" - ii.„ B1ehkg-30•t•HP,FL
SinithhSini"-divIslon - ana .• ilfaitAvesterly
boundar' of Lot 2,-- Block 65, John A. Tay-
luoryr Sta.rh-Ldolvtleition,Balnodottblie6,.wcestecy ,Iy..„ ranigItt
Addition mid 'on the South, byLothhilhnd,
12 And,j1s2.' of ' Lot -14; t•Ttlock,.. 30, • ilr. -IL
SMIth'aid',Thompson and, Goodwin's' Sub-
di-vision, and,Lots 1 dad, 2, Block-.65.,,John
A- Taylor•Sult-divIslon and: South' Bound--
aryt Of.j•thealley- from Lot 10 ' to Lott16.
dllilAec.t..- 5,3,..,Ithd roeugah•., Leolighui t.A.... •rsauybiodrii% sisiuob,-,
noktrunh.w.t..bOund.ry* of Lot 16; Block
Co:Iowa-e the' south ,boundary.,', oft C. C.
folowing ;the V south: boundary: or C C.
,LeIghbin SiM•diVia1011.'''.'...."
....,.4.....14:.' 4' 'I 1'07,i SECTION 3. ;7Z,, ' , .
We That the 'Cost and expense Of :said fin-
proemst,17,Including all ne6essary • undi
Incidental- expenses shall" be ,borne by And.
assess.1 •',Itgainst • the-Property), includedi
inqtltic,• assessment s district -4•bereinaften
creategl• la accordance with- lait•iind the;
Ordlinumes ,of • said CIty.," The :" City. of •
Poip.."Artgeles shall not be Unbla hilehy
5000p067fdr any portion of the :mist:land
exp01100 . of 480.1d, district 'L't '''-i.E-1■144.'
;',-...1Mi..,,-.■ stocriom ,..t. ,,,,,-!, .-..L ,
N Thdt.-; there Is hereby' established
6.1 thbrOvement district, to,ba•0alledtL•1••
cal.: lbnproirement., District .-No.83,:•"whieh
saltP district, is: ddscribed, an.-follows: '!All.
Alai eg0se.saahle•proPertit'-betweanithe. tor-I
mIllittif said improvement; abutting u
adjaeetit;,-• vidnal • or 4 oto.imato •• to .1
Portions, of .'saki • streets', and Silting': to. e
distance :back from ' the , marigInsIZIllp#m .
thereof. as` provided by • laW.'• 0•-• %.,e t'- •
tiy.theleity' Council of the,Citi
lIngeles. this .13tb ittrbtiJuly
•, •- ,
r u.17 • pit'i4;GI15,;:tg.,-.>
Maned 173,tile,?de.:30,4, !tee' _ • • .
welt t,i'44thErF7ciTytutO fid,ktitt' ;
v -•• ••tors- Ve-gY ••••e.;,y,
ttr. - • ••••-rIziot•01 ' .
• A /'
6 2-70
rt. • lb-
c c2
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