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t .4-..., romitAdzNI2oe, co -.._ o, , EiNd.latiff.-' zas AS8 SMF24FROLLDE Novo. rar•bocaff, IMPROVEALENT,../p1S-)g Y ermor No. a. oranseno, AND AU-, - THORIZED ,,'BY -,ORDINANCH;1•NO.4 634 REPEALING -, ORDINANCE NO. • • CASEIN° ..AN oannteNc:N,EN- i -Timm ,t8N ORDINANCE - CON- AmnanNo lANsioosumbreuot.z.. OF LOCAL mr-izroorr /menu= ..:- -;, NO .61 1.WHICHfiDISTRICT.1.-WAS.4 P.M:IA.1'ED . UNDER WORD/NANCE', ".110....614 FOR,THE CONSTRUCTION ....(- ., Ole., SUIT= OR ,LATERAL. SEWERS A+ TO RUN T BROUGH , T1IEFALLETIV8-• BETWEEN NINTH ...„ AND LTEINTH , STREETS. -..TENTH AND ENTLI. STREETS :ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH ' sTREETs. kITWELPTH -;1AND.-- Tlio,.. STREETS.-t 1 - . , TUW 11TU AND FOURTEE11TH.0, ' STI!16L. S. .-.11p1171tTEENTHX4 AND , .1;'• FIFTEENTH-STEP:MIL:SAND • 13E- TWEEN;FIFTEENTHAND.I31110AD.: .'..,.WAY'...ANDV.-.,(PORTIONEIZA".-01() ,,TwEtarriL--'THIRTHENTH,.. AND FOURTEENTI1A STREETILAND eA. a:1 ,, t011TIONTS01, cruartas,;AND,OAK 3,F STRENTS-EXCLUDING-) ALL. .141r8 14.71bi BLOCIES)163 -:AND 'NC CALL,TO ■ I. CONNECT * WITH ,THVZ I-ACNC1C,-0LDI STREET TRUNPSEWERAOR3'INGLTO•RESOLLTION,NO:.61AND a WHICat1AID7ORDINANCE.,WAS -.1. PROVED .11INTI'14.1,4613: ORDER". NIT,THICq.EVT, AND:COLLECTION - 0E'SAID'ASSEtaSSISENTSpAND_E13- 1601&•". FUND 44-2, A .... ilfr , or ----. $ \, re 0 ,,eratt • l';...‘,TATILIS 1(012SAID,LOCALI,IMPROVEMENT I. tT-4,7"1ii.4:( 1',FTheCitY,Connell elf.theCaityntiPorgitit: ' itr1iii.NoX61:jordered -.A.d,o..' y, G7--- Ordina00ei"N04634:repea1ings.0rdin80ce iNOL16211being1a0 Ordl6500e1entttled.An 1 'Ordltuinee;:confirming"tuitiessiiienti:roll ref. IkkitkliaPitnientent.Dishict.,No.i44,Aahicli 'district,vreis■preetteAttnale8;prdininctt146.: 614tfaOhn-,:constructian.of:subor, lateral Sewers"to nth ,througlx,th&itileie betWeert Ninth' And ,Tenth's S6ree11s;11Tentb end,Elev-, such 4,StrOlits: Streetx".Twelfth and ,.Tbliteenth.Streets:: ThIrteeetli and FourteentlilStreets."(P)iur-7, th,Streetix'and:petiveesi eele3,42:aFdabi65 .,roncrii..144.isutro SrI,av the,,eraesmnentes;anCasiessinene '8.7,111(teltidnoirpt, roil da-nevO.okLocaLlrprovent.nV c.2-6 Jo • 6 C2 `6, • -CA Fifteentleiand:rtioad*WItnd"portlone,of ,1 t,TwelIth,,,,,,.:Thlrteehtli!Watid 14;Irourteenth' 1, 258' tii: and'a Portion -oh Cherr4.-And-, Oak 5 -[•Stre ts. excluding? alVlots,INalleelts, 268 Ind(' 79;; all to:.cotitiect'Aith;-the;;Lincoin ta.,i; 4-i,,,f.P41}&-;...°=.1,1z,21,-.:11,t ... ...bi,4.ne .citk:counaL.,...hich)...ra 1ordlimneA,Was'apPro0edPlune.25,1919:, in lacordanceNwIth-;:tho, _18;ctIon, 6f ,tbal City ;1Councirsitting 83 a;14.4)(1.rd -of EtM9' allsition C... -- . ---7Y1r1,/,.- - ---7---"-l--1-7- V.14..., 95?9,,P...PC_4.144:eg!'„OetiPS7.7;;1,,lh61th1..;,, 1.,',4)ta ;i..aT...i,t..oi,c,aqtri.:id4-nhlai1e,ttd,ht,;,e,tnttt,,oh,b,t,e,elio:lititei*IfintiTdli.ei.se4trr4ue1.ildia..f1ar:4-i'l).iy4ad,n, ed4eiad.red r) ,o,, r' (coiilcd .- . --''c 61, 34(448)esidered:Vbeand . the, sante are:her(),1 riny,,,,d\InellliespecvedAtanwd2tbhurspico, pUrm... ed,,, 1 liM".114A0APAS-Cetlonk12. . .. krupen said asectsa ki4d :enchOloLT.tracti,or;-ParceT:ofatind- ' te bo.aPecially, benefIttcd,byjaald : omonbrall bEhereby , inprovement."1t,eit:/. leatfhe, amoune ti(thargedragainst)ho samoiltad that 10: i,-tiesessment itypeitrink aghatTho vanu, .." 11817iproportlosf•to",thezieveird 'assessments 1 appearing '. on saki . lot. tract-or . parc, l. of i:1 u1 .0.(ppearing- on 'said -roll:, the .amonat actuallg,shargsd and assessed:against Um re,..1A... JggiOgS111%.:364*.%ii'174-1 . xeat,there."13-:.herebri &eated.:alai -,cs-1 [ tablishedlor said LoitatImProveMent.Disil ArietNo,'..41.:-(t'speclall, fund to ,ba• known j -trierFund No‘,61; for1the uses . and pur- ' and 'designated Mt Local Improvement Ms- ■1 neseer,pievided. by lati'.and ..ordinances of the City. 1'1: ,,,IYt..-k.tmg,i1,,Col-t,',,• ,,,,,,A,,,, .1'.1,;.„ , . ''Vtit..474"ik'8ectlf;n4,11:;.=.. VS,,g,A'' '' -Said -,assesMnenta ;or; any., of !them may . be pall withoutantcroat .sfr any:timelwith-' In.,thIrty . (3(1) •daYs from tho deto:ot.the fleet. lidation• or. the: City-. Treasurers .neti :the nmef.oa required by:law to)be, g ,d .11 notpaid ) 'within -18d hlrty 1, (30)dayS - period- sh81111 ;thereafter be paid In ten, equaTannual .1,Pr stallnients' (With ,interest ( thereon,: at tho rattflefiSeven,eff .per vent per annum. Sictlert,,5,:- 4-.1.41,.(1*o.0(trl. That Ininiediately upon the' taking effect eV this ,;Ordlna0me-.4 said,assessmont :roll shilltbO turnedi-0008 ;td the. City,Trelisur- r for colleeUen of mid . first manual 1 Instailment.,rothp. will1,,thereupon, proceed to collect the 1 satne'A•cordIng to: Mw aid 1 XE:indicated In Section 4 of this OrtlI- .nanee- ..,,,11'1U, ....‘,,,,1.-51()..414;111,.....,: .',- , i :',1•-, "---; • 1,1'. -, romVAXX Section ,6:-:-4- ---,-.t •Thia , Ordinance -.shall, be .1n,1 ull . force 6511 effect when.it'ehall have been Passed by the City Council. attested'hy .the-.CItY Clerk., and from and after ,flve ..(6) dais Ate, publication, :. and the Clerk -Is orellvdtrected,413 _mule the same ' to' be .'Paseed b-y'tlie City'ocmiwil of the City; ftPart,-Angelesg this .3id day of:Augnst. 1324.11;s(131( ,.,,,, --,,,,,, :"...."-i-e,......A1 ,',,,, $ ,1 0 Approved and Signed by the Elayhr.1this 4D) dtgeflAugust, 020. v: 04i*kliiSrA0.4.01:1;,4:7,9V2.,, ` ;Attentn.;b: itAii..kr.'cliy.Cwrk.,144-.r::. Approved:l.D.,44:1.:11:IND;1City.Attorney1 1'. Publishee,in1:018-O,Port4,Angeles-Da114'1. }Tt1.,thef4q41..\..f.d.ar,,...04A:iig',...,_.tt.,f,441.192Oit.,,S,s1,,ii x,e TA- czt--7 /'? s' 'se