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7 'PP • - • .:ORDINANCE tf•-i:j1- •,•-•,"•.5t >-.4- ,•.,,e, 47,1141 • ORDINANCE • a sisana.,and '• esle=o14,..riS4. Bonds for ',Local .•InibrovenienVS--Distriet to yak -the costar aratilidenses'o tbe Improvements-1W said 'District' as•er, dared and• provided for ln•and bp. Ofdte;-, •spee-rha14. snorer ed :lune nth: ISM enant& -1,.'t......:/.-", - : ..1r,-st:•-•:.., • .4 :,,,'414 .1lN• ORDINANCE providing- •:.fdrz,i'lbe ansanirtindt:nr.eub.tar-literatleeneello. ,_.. 4.brotinier-tfitiraliersibetiseenVElditth Etreetstt .bibith 4.,-tuidr hTenth, -..: Tenth ..anelBlinrenthq.StredtB- c....:!endlTnidtb—Streetsf Twelth4lind thlbareets;ThlrteenthArad.:Bottr-: teenth'Ittrantse,rourtedittleand,Bteraitb lit.dptawatidibetweett HU teenttillftrieLbnd' Betedtsin.f,and :on.partbniCrof.,Twelftb." Abliteenthoneinaurteenthi Ettreets.:end - bk. Cheery..and%Oalt;inlirto , rem, 111!thb•LtnenbaBtreeLtrazk: saver terrneriradrIthelsdatt Lop Istend•Sert ,,,. • •idesixibed:, and,- eentenudated:PAII 7.T.:........., idiestreets'and•alteri•beinvwfui.., --the,'-esst,,benk:eribrink-,,ntiVidisi triet:hereaf ter:erdated'arekbetind- on.thejwast and:the-Olen:tern d41.itcold Street:on' Utd,raiet addAtli ord., nutteditof -Bratntiren the *did .e,tbetl,southirotitargin.lity, Bliehttillkeet,ani the =db.-bowel:or; ;• •,,, :,!••:!"`;`477.'„i:-. --4.-4. ',.1„aiii,Ah'r;refforipdattllarp;th,4-131.deff. MS /titdr? 379 , Of.) ' ... 47C1.4ifte- dr*,' ljuStakii:4'enettglerstethtel•oeal ThIPTPitruk4fP10-1Er4,1ii.Ovidi- rrrIPCIttliPteerar4rPere-P- vlic- 14* 4..x.„ or.adet'triTirhirt•Ler4....t,ldod. 4.143,,,IA'ertg et,the if IndthinIsaldydIstriethneeork, Reeoluttunqria.:16I4e.ef;'4the.•.cltqConedil, orradd,7C04.:-IBInethe:dater,1$0ance of tintObend i and■Obe,,,,rotri,etbinte thereonadJ*1•.-1140&.Tej;',d''• , itil.c.r,F.44(e2th-O!,%,*,r.,,Ot Angeleajtatordalnqs1Vowd.W. -t ,nn Clerldibef,and:tttier:„erellierebrie4 6, , nitdAh•drtedito4hiene.toier•I lidinWfretrodafj.teisiniern InitterYtindifthlOrdleatices,. F&Le--e No1'thCItrofPorb .' anaeltittn;tha-4,hiWa`tifIthelStat afIreitrititielee-IttithitheuntOttg‘red elghtThedealed -.I`h:a&dIundid•rand'BIe •..eellare4and-1.our.CeIitit4t#t-Xt:1:e4),:t'' $,4•Sdathil*2.•_•Thitt7;datdrtbatiqe.' 4inadertatrablii,:narer44heftiiii,• .1ft Dten be liettilthedate:Of,;Insinterelle 'edualztannuatt-Sartnentaitor; _,,inaVethilltihestrantereat:nt lietten7SertZerhtc-pri•Jtainetin.::. --nnetbditSaldt;bondeMiall dhdldenaiehietlinidaft.$100:14.1 Ittaidain,Vtivhfch?..halhhelef ihratitite;ntiElgide'Dollers.en P ;4fAfitilo' 41•0040, 369 279 'Mk C._ , eon. 0'2 400- • „.: 1-":1 id. • • • %.111,•.z., SttlitifY;a0d ..1411.10,'.,464t.. 4porutt,citt.ttiel ;•itromra:Tutivrard.7,a eh ofthettintd,,,bOraliqabettibattebitterhe 4,her-etdAtntersiee:riatnentlfdenettrbfdat 'OVA rft.'r:Penv4.‘41:4"rirbli.#60,..41•‘*!64.451 roinadfishalhbersigned'ihr/lhd,34-vg MI' etteitidlbkethel Cit:/.:Clerlietthe *hat -IitcF4 14 Iliirth'er,ietelCof;theWIErg;tcreitelikkigthe ealdt-bonditmreildedkThatVidid'41rdurt$11, hi llinf,,,of ;beIng...z,16,,adanrittnarNivei,,the • Tae•abid11.4 onheielheitafares tint,,diegdare •• 1 nd :Clerk,,Ohitedirtherien, andelrise 1 ,bandfahalli refee'teltbeffitnprovementf:in I 'net-ordinance oiderIncerch:lint:rovetnent 4tdriiiiVI.foti,*htab,`.!sitid,,150" ,ahalt.tie.411. suedte dh slo ,_. dhall , pro-, ifdaY: an ' ' tate :.that4the-rprinelpel '' Ann' therel . "Jvittlii:thefeteresathereon' i ,rhrti'q?kN. r :rintiOW91".1!hs'i•ecihr i Sa.sq".-rF.egd1 ., the natnip dr,tlie- east, add,,,,,edpense4 !,:sald;rhei •de ?and. Buttrnentli luila ofd of. Pot Aneele 4.hidireiter.:oeql ,• ter:',thV triStlethanthat,thetf. , , 4, 4-4ade,af thedziehitinaThrk the ,einan teatild bond.; 4.4101h:tug ttireseribe eihtte.: of ithe:StittfidolOWaihhiefon• 40,I,Itti”, Ais. „Or Intik-Os,' Rf',11184.City..'of ig , 14, , suchThase,made,,and :Tea '• ed:ral: the - IdIiiiiids'4*Ileti'so laWni ItehtedutClf• end. lOued.rehalt: be placed. tir,sthe huototir nfIGINTr,einetterand Cbrjhini'.d'a It,: lered Rite,inirelieeeridetierelniseriW lip:-.. .,..*.k. ' illt,Abki,,h1 iii•,:octtli •4;4ilifollnf.: ;con 4.4 traded:, to 41,13: paittor4the Aientd,if, haeleilii 1-„thanitnaltearvaldeit'and.aderneddetei•ertd Bretion.,1:,:tSald 444.yonde: or. &Brij sert.of .thetti444 ldt,:sold -, at ,exchangedrfer ithe tiYarra.4m, uOdi4,1n :Payments. forMie...lin2,• Pg.41# PAP'JAVh1.444: theki.iiTeill'Asiiiiid: Or4.4 in apold .torany, purehaerr4 for; callh: pf::.1e4as 4',. than- .0401r 4( per;'redue 14.1th' ed' Interest ;tied :the: steered.' rho •r'ri,r•-•dselledItt, the,alrynent. of.4. • ,,,;;..4 • • ...lindJezy,entio, of saleimprove, iritS • -‘4:',44! 44.';`,044:!:.•'%.-N4‘.'4:4144.4,,,4••11 i'3,'.T htit ,i.: ,thriart Niiinialc, 4 be' • da tyi, dot' infVoctohdr.'-'41e20:, ;No.. it'll ..e• Thls.Orancehilf-be:',114 , a 'effect:Julien IL: Orin have, ...`,4414.sior....nttested 4 by::the.,..r:Iti bee ,,,,,,,,..44- ,rd,!bf'ttie',•city.',Couitelei:ASStnYt.: 0 1 r !WV Ni rl li k Bie,:'ciir';•-•(kg-d-ireri; 'ail ,4fid,:after,thie:(5)-'-derd!lirr. 1 ' •`441"''':' 0.16firr-.:iii: the' offidalknews, • ,- he ' City, of ,:Pert: AinceleaJiand, eilt7:felierebr'-diteeted. to cauil,„Ilie ' toe,brii.:IS9u2:17;d:;;.1,:,,,..,;;,•:4`.21_010;:2:4.,,-, 11 req,the:"CltP, Connell thepeth`tdity, . be'dd: and slinrd hri the "MAY ' o, tOctober,,•1920: '1' 0;,,..: .;",,.T. L. PEG; • P4t the,. • •r•r• :44j,k7114 Ap44 • Putil ttr•tilt,0 fir „••• z ai! - /r,9; 0,- 11. dp :OF „OF .1, ay. .7-rttlf*V-te ' (