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Be it ordained by the City Commission of the City of Port
Sec. 1. That the executive and administrative powers,
authority and duties in the city are distributed into and among
the several departments and the powers and duties to lie performed
are determined and assigned to the appropriate departments and
officers all as-hereinafter set forth.
Sec, 2; THE CITY COMMISSION:--The City Commission has and
shall exercise all legislative powers, functions and duties
conferred upon the City or its officers. It shall make all
orders for the doing of work, or the making, construction, repair
or alteration of any improvement, bridge or building. It shall
levy all taxes, apportion and appropriate all funds, and audit
and allow all bills, accounts, pay - rolls, and claims, and order
payment thereof. It shall make all assessments, for the cost
of street improvements, sidewalks, sewers and other work, im-
provement or repairs which may be epeoially assessed, It shall
make or authorise the making of all contracts, and no contract
shall bind or be obligatory upon the City unless either made by
ordinance or resolution adopted. by the City Commission, or re-
duced to writing and approved by the City Commission, or express-
ly authorized by ordinance or resolution adopted by the City
Commission. All superintendents of departments and officers
are agents of the City Commission only, and their acts shall be
subject to review and to approval or revocation by the City
Commission, Every superintendent or officer shall, from time
to time as required by law or ordinance, or when requested by. the
City Commission, or whenever he shall deem necessary for the good
of the public service, report to the City Commission in writing
respecting the business of his department, office or employment
or matters connected therewith, The City Commission may, by
ordinance or resolution, assign to a superintendent, officer or
employee, duties in respect to the business of any other depart-
ment, office or employment, and such service shall be rendered
without additional compensation,
be Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety, and as such
shall have general
and offices.in the
and representative
supervision and oversight over all departments
city; he shall be the chief executive officer
of the City, shall sign all warrants for the
payment of money, vouchers and contracts on behalf of the City,
and shall have charge of and cause to be prepared, published and
distributed all statements and reports required by law or
ordinance or resolution of the City Commission. The Marshal, who
_ shall .be,.ex- officio • Chief. of Po'lrcee; Police 1 atron, and Police
• Department, and all Policemen, officers and employees therein,
and all police stations and property and apparatus used in said
Police Department; the Chief of the Fire Department, and all
firemen, officers and employees Herein, and all fire stations
and property and apparatus used in said Fire Department; the fire
and police alarm system,and all property and apparatus belonging
the Health Officer, Department of Health, and all
officers and employees therein, and all buildings, property
apparatus belonging to or
.Fire Marshal, Fire Chief,
Sanitary Inspector,(
Master, and all officers,
either of them, and their
in said Health Department; the
Inspector of Pbumbing, (.- _ _ ___ _ F :e19
Humane Officer, Pound
employees and assistants of them or
offices, and all property and apparatus
used therein, are all distributed and assigned to the Department
of Public Safety, The City Attorney, all officers and employees
of the Legal Department, , 1
Police Judge, his Court, the City Library, Library Trustees, and
all other officers and f unetionaries not by law or ordinance
distributed or assigned to some other department, are hereby
distributed and assigned to the Department of Public Safety,
The Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety shall
have charge of and supervision and direction over all officers
and employees distributed and assigned to his said department,
and over all said property, offices and apparatus. He shall
have charge of all purfhases of horses, apparatus and supplies
for his said department, or the offices and departments distrib-
uted and assigned thereto. He shall have charge of and super-
vision over the removal and disposal of garbage. All notices
of quarantine and release must bear his signature, He shall
have supervision over the construction and repair of all build-
ings, property and apparatus assigned to his said department, and
may; on 'application, receive assistance therein from other
officers and departments of the city,,
The Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public
Improvements shall superintend and take charge of all public
work, the grading, cleaning and sprinkling of streets and public
places, the entire erection, making and re- construction of all
street improvements, sidewalks, sewers, bridges, viaducts and
public buildings and other improvements, and of the repair
thereof, where not otherwise assigned. He shall approve the
estimates of the City Engineer, which may be made from time to
time, of the cost of such work, as the same progresses, and
accept any building erected, work `done or improvement made when
completed according to contract, and perform such other duties
as may be provided or required by ordinance or resolution, (?%e+
shall have charge of the enforcing the provisions of law or
ordinances relating to billboards. He shall have control and
supervision over all public dumping grounds and dum'.pss. 11 f6...... have supervision over all public eervice utiliti nd 1
persons or corporation rendering service in the City, County, or
State, and shall report to the City Commission or other proper
officer any failure of said person or corporation to render
service or to observe the requirements or conditions of the
franchise, grant, or contract under which said public service
utility is operated. The Street Commissioner, City Engineer,
City Surveyor, Engineering and Surveying Departments, and all
employees therein; inspectors and all officers and employees
employed in connection with the work of said department, are
distributed and assigned to the Department of Streets and Public
_Improvements.,.and.shall be under the ,supervision, control and
direction of the Superintendent thereof.
The Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements shall
have charge of and supervision over the City Park, and of all
other public parks and pleasure grounds of the City, and of all
officers and employees, including Park Commissioners, Trustees
and Park Policemen, employed in or about said parks and pleasure
grounds, and of all property belonging to said parks and pleasure
grounds, or kept or used in connection therewith. He shall have
charge of and supervision over the City Hall and janitor, and the
grounds and the premises adjoining thereto. He shall have charge
of and supervision over all public cemeteries in the City or
owned or controlled thereby, and of all sextons and other employ-
ees in and about said cemeteries, and of all property belonging
to or used or kept in connection therewith. He shall have charge
of and supervision over all boulevards and parkways; he shall
have charge of and supervision over the improvement, maintenqnce,
lighting and care of all of said parks, pleasure grounde and
cemeteries, and mf all the buildings and imprmvements therein or
thereon. He shall have charge of the enforcing of the provisions
of law and ordinances relating to the improvement and care of
street parkings and the planting and growing of tlArees therein.
He shall have charge of and supervision over the Water Superinten-
dent, the Water Department, and all officers and employees thereof
not otherwise assigned, and of all property, works, buildings,
equipment, appliances, tools, and apparatus thereof, as well as
the repair, improvement, and reconstruction Of the water system
of the City and the works thereof, and shall superintend and con-
trol the operation, management and maintenance thereof, He may,
on application, receive assistance from any other officers and
departments of the City,
tendent of the Department of Finance and Accounting shall have
charge of and supervision over AI accounts and records of the
City, and all officers, boards or departments and employees '
required to keep or make accounts, records or reports. He shall
inspect or cause to be inspected all records or accounts required
to be in any of the offices or departments of the City, and shall
cuase proper accounts and records to be kept and proper records
to be made. He shall audit or cause to be audited at frequent
intervals the accounts of every city officer or employee who does
or may receive or disburse money, He shall have charge of the
purchase, care and distribution of all supplies and other artic-
les not otherwise provided for by law or ordinance. He shall
have charge and supervision over all printing by or for the City,
unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance. He shall examine
or cause to be examined, and report to the City Commission, upon
all tills, accounts, pay -rolls and claims before they are acted
upon or allowed, unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance,
The Treasurer, City Clerk and their respective offices and
departments, and all assistants, deputies and employees therein,
and all bookkeepers and accountants, are distributed and assigned
to the Department of Finance and Accounting, and shall be under
the supervision and direction of the Superintendent thereof,
The Superintendent of the Department of Finance and'Account-
ing shall procure from all persons and corporations operating
public service utilities in the City such reports as they are by
law or ordinance or otherwise required to make to the City or any
of its officers or departments, and procure copies of such re-
ports as are made to the State or any public office or department,
and shall collect or cause to be collected all license fees,
franchise taxes, property taxes, assessments, general, local and
special,4entals and other moneys which may be due or become due
to the City. He shall report to the City Commission any failure
to make reports or to pay moneys due to the City with such re-
commendations in relation thereto as he may deem proper, He
shall „whenever the City or any officer thereof has authority so
to do, cause to be examined the accounts and records of any
person or corporation operating a public service utility in the
City, and shall report to the City Commission any refusal to
permit such examination, with such rec mmenc . tions relation
¢�eret.. as may 1.9 e�-
Sec. 6, APPOINT17.17,7eF ASSISTANTS A11,%I`PLOYEES: -- Except as
otherwise provided by law or pxdinance, the superintendent of
each department shall appoint or employ such assistants and em-
ployees as may be authorized by the City Commission and necessary
to the efficient conduct of the service in said department.
Sec, 7, RULES AND REGULATIONS:- -The superintendent .of each
— department shall make and enforce such rules and regulations,
not inconsistent with law or the ordinances or rules and regula-
tions adopted by the City Commission, as may be necessary to
secure efficient conduct of the service of his department or the
business in charge thereof,,
41:1 t
Sec, 8. All ordinances, resolutions and rules, or sections
or parts thereof, inconsistent with this ordinance or any section
or part thereof, are hereby repealed and abrogated.
Sec, 9, DECLARING AN EI2RGENCY: -- This ordinance is declared
to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the
public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage,approva1 aid publication.
Passed First Reading January / , 1921.
Passed Second Reading January //9----1 1921.
Passed Third Reading January /rJ_ ? 1921.
Approved this /t/ day of January, 1921.
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Approved aa.
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Published: 1921.