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ORDINArCE Ar ORDINAY'CE, Relating to the use of the public highways and all other places of the City of Port Angeles open to the public for the use of vehicles, providing penalties fo the - violation thereof, and repealing 'ii::=or , 6. $c ;.�1. jerdinances an parts of ordinances in . THE CITYiBOOMMES OF TEE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FCLLMS: Section 1, This ordinance shall constitute the traffic code of the City of Port Angeles, and may be cited as such. It comprises all general regulations relating to travel and traffic and perking and standing upon the public highways and all other places of said City open to the public for the use of vehicles, and the rights, duties and restraints of persons as the ease pertain. thereto, Sec, 2, This code is hereby declared to be an exercise of the police power of the State of Washington and of the City of Port Angeles for the public safety, and its provisions shall be liberally construed for the accomplishment of that purpose. See, 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent the prosecution and punishment of an act heretofore done in violation of any ordinance repealed hereby, nor shall the same affect any prosecution or proceeding now pending in any court for the violation of any such former ordinance. Sec, 4, If any portion of this code should be declared invalid..zuch_invalidity shall not thereby affect the validity of the remaining portions. W DEFINITIONS ArD DESIGNATIONS AS •USED IN LAW Sec. 5. The words .and phrases herein used, unless the same shall be clearly contrary to, or inconsistent with the context of the ordinance or of the section in which used, shall be construed as follows: (a) "Curb" shall be construed to mean the boundary of that portion of the street open to. the public for the use of vehicles, (b) "Driver" shall include the rider or driver or leader of any animal, or any person who pushes, draws, propels, operates or is in charge of a vehicle, (c) "Horse" shall i- .clude any draft animal or beast of burden, (dj "Lotor Vehicle" egall include all vehicles or machines propelled by any power other than muscular, used upon the streets for the transportation of persons, freight, produce or any commodity, except traction engines, temporarily upon the highway, road rollers or road - snaking machines, and vehicles that run upon rails or tracks, (e) "I,otorcyclet' shall mean s motor vehicle of less than four wheels, (f) " Lotor truck" shall mean any motor vehicle designated or used for the transportation of coum.oditiee), merchandise, produce, freight or animals, (g) "Owner" shall mean any person who has a general or special property in the whole or any part of anything, or lanful possession thereof, either actuallor constructive, (h) 'P ked" sgall mean a waiting vehicle placed at an angle of 15 degrees to the curb line of the street, (i) "Standing" shall mean a waiting vehicle drawn up parallel to the curb. (j) "Person" shall include natural persons of either sex, associations, copartnerships and corporations, whether acting by themselves or by a servant, agent or employee, (k) "Business District" shall include the streets named as follows: Front Street between the East Margin of Lincoln Street and West Margin of Valley Street; ;First Street between the East Margin of Peabody Street, and West Margin of Valley Street; Lincoln Street from the Borth Margin of Railroad Avenue to Seuth Margin of Fifth Street; Laurel Street from the North' Termini of said Street to the South Margin of First Street; Oak Street from the North Termini of said Street to the South Margin of First Street; Cherry Street from the North Margin of said Street to the South Margin of First Street; and Vally Street from the North Termini -of said Street to the South Margin of Second Street, ((1) "Property line" shall be construed to mean an imaginary line extending from the corner of a building or property adjoin- ing any one of the corners of a street intersection to the similar corner of the building or property on the opposite side of the street. (m) "Street" shall include all or any portion of the public highways and other places of the City of Port Angeles open to the public for the use of vehicles, (n) "Trailer" shall mean any vehicle which is attached to another vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by such other vehicle, (o) "Vehicle" shall include "horses" and all carriages moving on land, whether on wheels or on runners, and whether drawn or pushed by animale or men, or propelled by motive power excepting locomotive and trains, (p) Words in the present tense shall include the future tense; and in the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter genders; and in the singular shall include the plural; and in the plural shall include the singular, BRAKE AND 7ARNING SIGNAL PROVISIONS, Sec. 6. No person shall drive a motor vehicle without a brake or brakes sufficient to bring and capable of bringing such vehicle,together with any trailor that may be attached thereto, to a complete stop within fifty (50) feet when the same is traveling at the rate of twenty miles an hour. Sec, 7, No person shall drive or haul any timber or any article along or over any street in such a manner that a portion of the same shall rest upon or come in contact with the surface of such street; nor shall any person on any planked, paved or macadamized street lock the wheel of any vehicle by the method commonly known as "rough lock" nor by any method whereby (2) anything other than the tire of such wheel or a smooth shoe shall come in contact with the surface of the street, Sec. 8, No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle or bicycle without having attached thereto abell, gong, horn, Thistle or other signal device capable of producing an abrupt sound sufficiently loud to be heard above the noise of traffic and to serve as an adequate warning of the approach of such vehicle, Sec. 9, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use the "Siren" horn on any automobile in the City of Port Angeles, excepting only those belonging to the fire department of the City of Port Angeles, Sec, 10, No person shall drive or move any vehicle having attached thereto any bell or other noisy device for attracting attention, or which shall cause annoyance to the public; pro- vided however, the foregoing shall not prohibit the use of bells on any sleigh or horse drawing the same, nor apply to signal devices required on Fire Department motor vehicles, or on am- bulances or police patrol. Sec. 11 No rider of a bicycle or driver of a motor vehicle shall fail to sound hie signal device as a warning When there is danger of collision or accident, by reason of the approach of such bicycle or vehicle; provided that it shall be unlawful for any person operating or in charge of any such bicycle or vehicle othern than vehicles of the fire, police, health and sanitstiorhdepartments f the city, and sheriff's office of the county, ambulances, i 'df the City of Port Angeles when any such vehicles are responding to emergency calls, to sound such signal device except as a warning of danger, . HEADLIGHTS TO SHOW 500 FEET, Sec, 12. Every motor vehicle operated or driven upon the public highways, and all other places of the City of Port Angeles open to the public for the use of vehicles, shall exhibit during the period from one -half hour after sunset to one -half hour before sunrise, and at all times when fog or other atmospheric conditions render the operation of said vehicles dangerous to traffic or the usetof such highways or such public places, two head lamps, one on each side of said vehicle showing white or yellow tinted lights, visible under normal atmospheric condi- tions at least five hundred (500) feet or more in advance of said vehicle. Such motor vehicle or any trailer attache° thereto shall have attached to the rear not less than one lamp showing a red light visible at least two hundred (200) feet in the rear S of such vehicle, and the same light or additional light casting white rays of sufficient strength on the rear number plate thereof so that such number plate may be easily read at a distance of at•least sixty (60)rfeet; provided that motorcycles of only two wheels and bicycles shall be required to carry only one light in front thereof which shall show white or yellow tinted rays visible under normal atmospheric conditions at least five hundred (500) feet in advance of such motor vehicle; pro- vided, further, that it shall be unlawful to display any light showing red to the front of any motor vehicle, (3) LIGHT TO DEFINE EXCESSIVE LOAD LIL ".ITS, Sec, 13 Every motor vehilce, the body or load of which exceeds six (6) feet in widthr+.shall exhibit during the period from one -half hour after sunset to one -half hour before sunrise, in addition to the above required lights, a white light on the left side of the machine defining the limit of the body of the machine or overhanging load, if any there be, and beyond the outside thereof, so fixed or carried that the light therefrom may be seen both from the front and rear of said motor vehicle Sec, 14. Every horse -drawn vehicle upon the public high- weye, and all other places of the City of Port Angeles open to the public for the use of vehicles, shall have fixed or carried thereon in some conspicuous place ,on the left tide of such vehicle during the period from one -half hour after sunset to one -half hour before sunrise at least one lighted lamp so fixed and carried that the light therefrom may be seen both from the front and rear of such vehicle, Sec, 15. Every vehicle or trailor carrying a load which porjects over the rear end three (3) feet or more shall display a red light during a period from one -half hour after sunset to one -half hour before sunrise, and shall display a red flag at all other times, on the extreme end of such projecting load. ,,Sec, 16, (a) It shall be unla'.ful to install or use a light of more than twenty -seven candle power in any motor vehicle head lamp equipped with a reflector, or to use on a motor vehicle of any kind operated on the public highways or other places of the City of Port Angeles open to the public for the use of vehicles any lighting device of over four candle power equipped -ith a reflector, unless the same shall be so designated, deflected or ranged as to deflect or diffuse the light and to produce sufficient_ light to reveal objects at least one hundred and fifty (150) feet ahead thereof and ten (10) feet on either side of the center line of said vehicle measured at a distance of ten (10) feet in front thereof and in such a manner that the beam of light therefrom, when measured seventy -five (75) feet or more ahead of the lamps shall not rise above forty -two inches from the level surface on which the vehicle stands under all con- ditions of road, (b) The /term "beam of light" shall be construed to mean the reflected rays of light which are projected approximately p rallel to the optical axis of the reflector. A light shall be deemed "diffused" when produced by a head lamp which has the entire surface of the glass front etched, ground, sandblasted or so formed that the light emitted therefrom is entirely dispersed„ (c) The above provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to spot lights, but all spot lights shall be so directed that the beam of light therefrom shall strike the roadway at a point at least six (6) feet to the right and not more than seventy -five (75) feet in front thereof when approaching a vehicle, (d) In any prosecution under this ordinance, the candle power indicated on the headlight bulb from any electric heed lamp shall be and constitute prima facie evidence of the light candle power of such head lamp, (e) From and after the time that this ordinance shall take effect it shall be 1znl -w�ful to sell or offer for sale, or have (4) in possession with intent to sell, any vehicle of any kind for operation on the public highways and all other places of the City of Port Angeles open to the public for the use of vehicles equipped with any lighting device of• over four (4) candle power ,lith a reflector, unless such lighting device shall conform to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this section,. Sec, 17, No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle or the motor thereof having an internal combustion engine without having attached thereto an exhaust muffler having a cubic capacity of not less than twice the cubic capacity of the firing chamber in the cylinder of the engine in good working order, adeeuate to prevent excessive or unusual noise, annoying smoke, Vend the escape of gas, steam or oil, as well as the falling out of refuse from fuel, and such muffler shall not be cut out or be disconnected, all exhaust ?ipes carrying gases or vapors from the engine 549.11 be parallel to the ground or point eli;htly upward* Sec, 18, No person shall operate a vehicle, excepting motorcycle, driven by side chains, unless the same is so con- structed or equipped with guards as to prevent persona or moving objects comire in contact with said chains. Sec, 19, No person shall drive or stand upon any street a vehicle with fixed or urejecting step or running board on the side or back thereof, except passenger vehicles, HOr AND 2; TO PASS O HMR VEHICLES. Sec, 20. A vehicle meeting another shall pass to the right of such other vehicle. Sec, 21, A vehicle, except when passing a vehicle ahead, shall keep as near th4 right-hand curb as practicable, so as to leave the center of the street free and open for overtaking traffic, Sec, 22. On a street divided longitudinally by a park,way, walk, sunken tray or viaduct, vehicles shall keep to the right of such division, Sec, 23, A vehicle overtaking another vehicle going in the sa40 direction shall pass to the left of the vehicle so vertaken and shall not pull over to the right until so far ahead as not to interfere with the progress of the overtaken vehicle, but in so passing, such vehicle shall not pass to the left of the center of the highway unless the way ahead is clear of approaching traffic, Sec, 24, A motor vehicle overtaking any other vehicle before passing shall give a signal by means of the sounding device, Sec, 25, No vehicle shall pass a vehicle headed in the same direction just before reaching a curve, or at any other point where the view ahead is in any ;.ise obstructed, or while the vehicle ahead is crossing or waiting to cross or is turning or about to turn into an intersecting street, (5) • Sec. 26, At street intersections, drivers desiring to turn to the right or left shall signal with outstretched arm, as shall clearly indicate in which direction a turn is to be made, provided vehicles approaching from the right and pedestrians traveling in the course of general traffic shall have the right of way over vehicles turning to the left out of the moving stream of traffic. Sec, 27, Vehicles crossing from one side of the street to the other shall do so by turning to the left until headed,in the same direction as the traffic on that side of the street towards which the crossing is made, is headed, Sec, 28. A vehcile turning into another street to the left shall turn beyond the center of intersection of the two streets. Sec, 29, A vehicle turning into another street to the right shall turn the corner as near the right hand curb as practicable. Sec, 30. No driver shall turn about when upon a paved, planked or surfaced street at any point other than a street intersection. Sec. 31, A driver of a vehicle, before turning such vehicle, whether from a etandetill or while in motion, or stopping or suddenly decreasing speed, shall give timely warning of his intention so to do in the following manner: When turning to the right by outstretched arm extended to the left and up, When tltitning to the left, by outstretched arm extended horizontally to the left yen stopping or suddenly decreasing speed, by outstretched arm extended to the left and down, Sec, 32. Before backing, warning shall be given by a blast of the signal device and while backing unceasing vigilance must be exercised so as to not injure those behind, Sec, 33, Every driver must drive or operate the vehicle of which he is in charge so as to keep a safe distance between the front end of his vehicle and the rear of the vehicle immediately preceding him, and in no event draw nearer than three feet to such vehicle. Sec, 34, No driver shall allow the vehicle of which he is in charge to remain upon or be so driven along any street as to unreasonably blocade or obstruct traffic, • S. LAW RE ,UIRES SPEEDOMETER, Sec, 35. It shall be unlawful to operate such motor vehicles as are fully equipped with pneumatic tires without having attached to such vehicles in a conspicuous plece a speedometer that will accurately indicate at all times the speed at which such vehicles are being operated, (6) { Sec, 36, A driver already upon a street shall have the right of way over a driver entering at a point other than a street intersection, and it shall be the duty of such driver to yield the right of way to the driver already upon the street provided that the foregoing shall not apply to the apparatus of she fire and police departments. Sec, 37. The Tray, in the order Apparatus of department; vehicl health and sanitat when responding to physicians and of RIGHTS OF WAY ESTABLISHED, following vehicles shall have the right of named, in the use of all streets, viz: the fire department; vehicles of the police es carrying United States mail; vehicles of ion department; and -- succeeding the foregoing emergency calls -- ambulances, vehicles of surgeons, Sec, 38, Every driver, on the appraach of apparatus of the fire department, shall immediately proceed to the right hand curb and come to a full stop, standing pprallel thereto, Sec, 39, No person shall drive any vehicle, locomotive or train over any hose belonging to the fire department of the City of Port Angeles, Sec, 40, All persons shall observe and comply with the directions of traffic officers or signal devices used by them, Sec, 41, At street intersections where a traffic officer is on duty, pedestrians shall arose the street with re;.eased traffic and nut rtherwise, Sec, 42. On paved streets at intersections pedestrians shall not cross euch intersections diagonally. Sec, 43. Drivers ehn approaching street intersections shall look out for and give right of way to vehicles on their right, simultaneously approaching a given point. Sec, 44, No person, whether a pedestrian, equestrian, driver or operator of a vehicle, shall break through or interrupt any regularly ordered parade or passage of military or naval forces of the United States or of the National Guard of the State of Washington, provided that such parades shall not inter ere with the governmental functions of the Fire and Police def artments and the carriage of the Uni red States Mails, Sec, 45. No person, whether a pedestrian, equestrian, driver or operator of a vehicle, shall interrupt or break through the line of a funeral procession or any parade moving under a permit from the Police department except upon the direction of a police officer, provided that such procession or parade shall not interfere with the governmental functions of the Fire or Police departments or the carriage of the United States mails, ( 7 ) Sec, 46, In crossing streets pedestrians shall look out for vehicles and particularly on the left until reaching the center line of the street, and then to the right, PEDESTRIANS' RIGHT OF WAY DEFINED. Sec, 47, Pedestrians shall have the right of way over vehicles at street intersections and crossings, except as pro- vided in Sections 41 and 42 hereof; vehicles- -the right of way over pedestrians between street intersections and crossings. Sec, 48, Pedestrians shall not step into that portion of the street open to moving traffic at any point between street intersections where their presence would be obscured from the vision of approaching traffic by a vehicle or other obstruction at the curb. Sec, 49, It shall be unlawful to congregate in any street in such a manner aw to obstruct traffic; or when so congregated to refuse to disperse upon being requested so to do by any police officer , Sec, 50, No person shall willfully cause persons to congregate and thereby interfere with or obstruct traffic. Sect 51, No person shall stand or loiter in such a manner as to interfere with or obstruct traffic. Sec, 52, -iTh person shall stop or loiter on a street crossing. Sec, 53, No person shall ride or drive any horse, nor drive or operate any vehicle in any other than a careful and prudent manner nor at a greater speed than is reasonable or proper having due regard to the traffic and use of the street by others; nor so as to endanger the life, limb or property of any person, nor so as to collide with any animal or vehicle or strike against any person or property. Sec, 54. No person shall drive or operate any motor vehicle at a. rate of speed faster than twelve miles per hour at any croso17ithin the main thickly settled or business portion of the city, nor within 100 yards of any school house on school days between 8 o'clock in the morning and 5 o'clock in the evening, nor in any other portion of the city at a speed faster than twenty miles per hour, Sec, 55, No person shall drive a vehicle of a carrying capacity of two tons and under three tons at a rate of speed faster than fifteen miles per hour, nor one of a carrying capacity of three tons or under four tons at a rate of speed faster than fourteen miles per hour, nor one of a carrying capacity of four tons and under five tons at a rate of speed faster than tF:elve miles per hour; nor any of a carrying capacity of five tons or over at a rate of speed faster than ten miles per hour„ (8) • Sec, 56, No person shall ride or drive any horse or bicycle at a rate of speed faster than six miles per hour at any crossing within the thickly settled or the business portion of the City, nor along any street adjoining any school grounds on school days between the hours of 8.00 o'clock in the morning and 5.00 o'clock in the evening, or playfield, when children are at play thereon; nor in any other portion of the City faster than twelve miles per hour, Sec, 57. Nothing contained in the foregoing sections relating to speed shall, when responding to emergency calls, apply to the vehicles of the fire, police and health and sanitation departments of the city, and ambulances, and when sounding a continuous warning of their approach sufficient to be heard four hundred feet, Sec, 58, No driver shall enter any street from any point other than a street intersection at a rate of speed faster than five (5) miles per hour, nor without first attracting the attention of approaching pedestrians and vehicles by signaling with sounding device; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to the fire and police departments of the city, and provided further, however, no unnecessary sounding of warning signals shall be lawful, Sec, 59, No person shall engage in, conduct, manage or instigate any race, speed trial or speed contest; provided✓ however, the foregoing shall not apply to portions of the street designated and set aside by the proper authorities for limited periods of titre for,auch purposes. Sec, 60, No vehicle shall be stopped in such a manner as to bring the left side thereof next to the cuxb. Sec, 61, No person shall stand a vehicle at a greater distance than one (1) foot from the curb, • REGULATIONS ON FIRE HYDRANTS, ' Sec, 62. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or park any vehicle within fifty (50) feet of a fire hydrant, or within fifty (50) feet of the property line at any street intersection, said distance to be measured back from the pro- perty line and along the curb line; or within fifty (50) feet of the vehicle exit of any police or fire station; or to stand a car within three (3) feet of any other vehicle, or to park a car within one (1) foot of any other vehicle. Sec, 63, No person shall stand or park as the case may be while waiting for employment any vehicles for hire used in carrying freight, baggage, merchandise or passengers, or to allow such vehicle while not actually loading or unloading the same to stand or park upon any street or public place in the City of Port Angeles, except upon portions thereof as shall be designated for such purpose by the City Commission, and it shall be unlawful to stand or park such vehicle upon portions of the streets and public places so designated without first obtaining a permit so to do, or to stand or park such vehicle limillAt-at the place designated in such permit as herein described, The City Commission shall establish and designate certain portions of the streets and public places where, and fix the hours during which vehicles for hire used in carrying freight, baggage, merchandise cr rnssp„-R,Te may etnnd or park as the case may be while awaiting employment, The Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements shall upon application therefor issue permits to owners, operators or drivers of baggage, express or transfer vehicles or other vehicles used in transfering baggage, household goods, freight, merchandise or passengers, for hire, allowing such vehicles while awaiting employment to stand or park at one of the places so designated by the City Commission, Said permit in writing shall be filed with the Cjief of Police. No permit shall be issued by said Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements unless the applicant has complied with all the laws of the State of Washington, and the City of Port Angeles, relating to and governing the operation of such vehicles, All permits shall contain the name and address of the person to whom the same is granted, the number and kind of vehicle, and the place designated as the stand for such vehicle, The Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements may permanently revoke such permit or suspend the same for not less than ten nor more than ninety days for good cause shown subject to right of appeal to the City Commission to be prosecuted by filing a notice with said City Commission within ten days thereafter, which shall thereupon appoint a day for hearing said appeal., giving appellant at least three days' prior notice of said hearing in writing. The term "good cause" as herein used shall mean proof of carelessness, negligent or reckless driving, or habitual failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance or other ordinances pertaining to for hire cars, or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, See., 64, . It; hell.. bew unlawful„ to__asl�, solicit', offer, give or receive either directly or indirectly, anything of- " value as a consideration for the consent to use any portion of the public streets for for hire care, PARKING PRIVILTA S OUTLINED, Sec, 65. Drivers shall park or stand their vehicles with the wheel againet the curb in such manner that upon the release of the brake their vehicles will not draw away from the curb, Sec, 66, No driver shall leave a motor vehicle of which he has charge unattended without first stopping the motor or engine thereof, and effectually setting the brakes thereon; nor in case of an electrically driven vehicle without first locking the controller switch and withdrawing the key. Sec, 67, It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to park a vehicle in the "business district" if such vehicle or such vehicle with its projecting load exceeds 16 feet in length,- It shall also be unlawful for -any person -at any time to stand any such vehicle in the business district except when actually loading or unloading, except as other- wise in this ordinance provided, Sec, time to park a v a wful for any per • at any Lincoln Street between Fron et and ween r . Street a . First _on- L-irtcoTn Street first .Stxeet,, Stre- , on Oak Street between Front Street and First Street; (10) rreot t nia r - �. t j *.t.6 r •.� ,. • sr S•eo. ,68, It shall be unlawful for any - person at any time to park.or stand a vehicle on Vront Street between Linooln.$treet and Oek Street; on. Lincoln. Street between Front Street aud..•Yirst Street; on Laurel Street between Front Street and.First Street; on Oak Street-between Front - Street and First: Street; : on- flr0 Street between Lincoln Street snd_•Laurel Street; on Third Street Borth, feet of the East end, of the bridge;, on any portion of Seaview Drive; on any portion of ,the Spit Road; provided, however, vehicles may stand on the said portions of said. .treets while actually loading and unloading, not to exceed, however, a period longer than thirty minutes. •• • It shall bd lawful to park vehicles on the South side of First Street between Laurel Street and Palley Street; on either side of Front Street between Oak Street and Valley Street; on either side of Cherry Street between First Street and the North terminus of said Cherry Street ;. on the .test side of Lincoln Street between Thet 'Wtreet and °Second Street; on the East side of Lincoln Street between.,Sedond Street and the South terminus of raid Lincoln Street; and it ..hail be unlawful to,. park vehicles on the opposite side of the said portions of said streets; provided however, vehicles may be parked on the south of Front Street and the South s d of First Street, and it side of Laurel Street, and the ` side ;of Oak Streit; weiletfle -houreof .elSO P. B. and 300 A. 3[, of the ..following dey; provided further however, it shall be unlawful to stand any vehicle on any of the said streets in this paragraph des - cribed except while actually loading and unloading and not to exceed a period of thirty minutes, x .- L +t■ UL{.alultib a Yciauay Vsic.ici v. �.v.., _ LP City of Port Angeles. Such permit shall expire on the first day of June of each year and shall not be subject to renewal or extension, but a new permit may be issued in the game manner and subject to the same requirements as the original permit. Such permit may be obtained upon making a showing that the applicant is familiar with the provisions of this code and all amendments thereto, and the mechanicism of the vehicle which he asks a permit to drive, and that he is free from any infirm- ity which would affect his ability to drive, The application for such permit shall state the type of motor vehicle for which permit to drive is sought, and the name, age, sex and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of the parents or guardians of the applicant. The Cnief of Police may perman- ently revoke such permit or suspend the same for not less than ten, nor more than ninety days, for good cause shown, subject to a right of appeal to the City Commission to be prosecuted by filing a notice with the City Commission within ten days thereafter, which shall thereupon appoint a day for hearing said appeal, giving the appellant written notice thereof, and and opportunity to appear and be heard, and produce witnesses in his own behalf. The term "good cause" as herein used shall mean proof of careless, ]negligent or reckless driving, or habitual failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance, vv a . '" 3c on A ,t µ 1 T ird• ' reet ' or e.i., ;'est of e , Seaview D e; on the Spit Road; or to stand period of tim -xcept while actu lly loading provided, however, •= .'cies may be parked First Sweet, between Lau treet an. +alle djl�e of r e w r e e • I�,; 7crp o �: c�7p:'0r Xi;1� Vii.tr ♦ 'r+G " ^t ' -7 �•'izUa , for .� "•,�: r, S • f • nloading; South side of y Sweet; on 'both si s o Front St eet b t ee . Street an Valley Street; on both `ides of Cherry Stree -tween rst Stre t and the north to irus of said Ch- y Street; on t - West side of Lincoln S reet from F. StreetA.h'rd Str -t; provided further, l owever, v- isles ma be -�a�d on `feetet •ida —of Front Street be en Lincoln S reet and Oak Street, on Lincoln Street betw -- First Street and rout Street; on Lau -1 Street between ret Street and Front S reet; on Oak Street between First reet and Front Street, and First Street between Li '•ln Street and Laurel Street,for a period of not to exceed rty minutes. Sec, 69, On bridge approaches, drivers of vehicles waiting to cross shall stand such vehicles on the right hand side of the roadway and in single file; and on streets intersected by railroad track or tracks, drivers of vehicles waiting to cross shall stand such vehicles on the right hand side of the roadway and not more than two abreast. Sec, 70, No person while taking lessons or receiving instruction in driving or operating any vehicle shall drive, propel or operate the same upon any of the streets embraced in the business district, UNLICENSED MINORS MAY NOT DRIVE MACHINES, Sec, 71, No minor under eighteen years of age, who is not the holder of a state license expressly authorizing him so to do, shall drive or operate a motor vehicle without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Chid'f of Police of the City of Port Angeles, Such permit shall expire on the first day of June of each year and shall not Be subject to renewal or extension, but a new permit may be issued in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as the original permit, Such permit may be obtained upon making a showing that the' applicant is familiar with the provisions of this code and all amendments thereto, and the mechanicism of the vehicle which he asks a permit to drive, and that ne is free from any infirm- ity which would affect his ability to drive, The application for such permit shall state the type of rotor vehicle for which permit to drive is sought, and the name, age, sex and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of the parents or guardians of the applicant. The Ceief of Police may perman- ently revoke such permit or suspend the same for not less than ten, nor more than ninety days, for good cause shown, subject to a right of appeal to the City Commission to be prosecuted by filing a notice with the City Commission within ten days thereafter, which shall thereupon appoint a day for hearing said appeal, giving the appellant written notice thereof, and and opportunity to appear and be heard, and produce witnesses in his own behalf, The term "good cause" as herein used shall mean proof of careless, negligent or reckless driving, or habitual failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance, Sec, 72. No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle upon any street unless the license issued by the secretary of state for such vehicle is carried thereon, and the person in charge of such vehicle shall permit an inspection of such license upon a demand of any peace officer. Sec, 73. No person shall drive a motor vehicle unless the legally authorized number plates of such vehicle are attached conspicuously to both the front and rear thereof, in such a manner that they can be plainly seen and read at all times, and each number plate shall hanf in a horizontal position at a distance of not less than o e nor more than four feet from the rgound, and be so fastened as to prevent swinging thereof, and each number plate shall be kept clean so as to be plainly seen and read at all times, and it shall be unlawful to change, alter or disfigure such number plates or to use the name after having been changed, altered of disfigured, or after the same shall have become illegible. Sec. 74, No person shall transfer the license belonging to one vehicle to another unless authorized so to do by the secretary of state. Sec, 76, No person shall display any number or license not authorized by law to be used by him, or loan or permit to be used by another any license number issued to him. Sec, 76. No person shall ride a bicycle or drive a motor- cycle without his hands on the handle bare thereof. Sec, 76.- No person who is intoxicated shall drive any vehicle upon any street, alley or public place open to traffic in Port Angeles, CAREFUL DRIVING PAST HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES. Sec, 77. Every person driving or operating a motor vehicle or traction engine on approaching any vehicle drawn by .a horse or any horse upon which any person is riding, shall exercise reasonable precaution to prevent frightening of any such horse. If such horse appears frightened, the person in control of said motor vehicle or engine shall reduce the speed thereof, and if requested by the raising of the hand or other signal of the driver of such horse, shall bring such motor tehicle or engine to a full stop .and shall not proceed further unless such move- ment be necessary to avoid accident or injury or unless such horse appears to be under the control of its rider or driver. Sec, 78. In case of any accident', col]. a person or property due to the operation of the person operating such vehicle shall imme upon request of the person injured or of any shall give to such person his name and addre owner of such vehicle, also the name and add and the name and address of other persons ac shall render any and all assistance and aid person requiring or requesting the same.. (12) ision or injury to a motor vehicle, diately stop, and person present, es, and if not the ress of such owner, companying him and in his power to any 4 Sec, 79, After complying with the foregoing section and in any event within 24 hours, the person operating such vehicle shall report in person to the police department the details of such accident, collision or injury. Sec, 80, Every act or statement required to be made by the owner of any motor vehicle, or by the agent of such owner, shall be made or done by the owner in person unless such owner is a company or corporation or otherwise incapable of acting in person, and if the same is made or done by the agent, the necessity thereof shall be stated or shown. Sec, 81, No person shall make a false representation in any statement by this code required to be made. Sec. 82. The Chief of Police shall direct all patrolmen, whether on special assignment or on regular beats, to note and record, on a blank provided for such purpose, all persona driving motor vehicles in a reckless manner or in violation of law, ascertaining and noting the number of the machine, exact hour and date of violation and nature thereof, and des- cription of driver, as near as may be, such record to be turned in to the chief of the department. The chief shall keep a carefully tabulated record of such violation, and when it appears that any person is habitually violating the laws of the City and state relating to the operation and driving of motor vehicles, he shall be notified to appear before the chief of police for inquiry and warning; nothing herein contained, however, to be construed as a waiver of the right to arrest without such notice and warning. For the purpose of further aiding and assisting the police department in preventing violations of law and protecting the public in the use of the streets and public places of the City, and for the purpose of apprehending habitual offenders, the chief of police shall provide any and all citizens of the city, on request, with record blanks to be used for reporting violations of law as required of patrolmen; and the chief of police shall keep a tabulated record of such reports and complaints which, shall be in addition, but separate and distinct from, the reports made by the patrolmen of the City,. NO JUMPING ON AND OFF CARS OR AUTOMOBILES. Sec. 83. No person shall jump on any vehicle, nor catch hold of, nor attempt to catch hold of, or jump off of, any vehicle, locomotive or train, while said vehicle, locomotive or train is in motion; provided, that this section shall not apply to employees performing duties which are necessarily imposed upon them by reason of the nature of their employment. Sec, 84. No person shall ride while standing or sitting wholly or in part upon any step, fender or running board of any vehicle; nor sit upon any door' or gate of a vehicle, or railroad car, unless the same be closed and securely bolted, Sec. 85. No person shall drive a vehicle while any one is standing or sitting wholly or in part upon the step, fender or running board thereof nor when the same is so loaded as to interfere with the free, full and ready access to the controlling mechanisn thereof, (13) Sec, 86. No person shall drive a motor vehicle unless the doors and gates thereof are closed. Sec, 87, No person shall drive any vehicle that is so inclosed, constructed or loaded as to prevent the driver thereof from having a clear and unobstructed view of the front, rear and on both sides; provided that such view to the rear shall not be required when there is attached to such vehicle a mirror of such kind and so placed that the driver may see therein the reflection of the street for a distance of at least 200 feet behind such vehicle, Sec, 88. No person shall drive a vehicle with any rods, pipe, pillars, number or similar projections extending beyond the uniform width of the vehicle or overhanging load, Sec, 89, No person riding a bicycle or driving or operating a motorcycle of less than three wheels shall carry any other person thereon except upon a seat in the rear of the rider or driver of such vehicle, and no person so riding or driving shall occupy any movable seat or seat cushion or saddle of a temporary character, in front of the seat designated and intended for his use. DELAYS OF TRAFFIC PROHIBITED. Sec, 90, No person shall drive or operate any vehicle of such weight or in such condition, or so constructed or loaded, as to cause delay in traffic or accident or injury to any person►, property or to the street. Sec. 91, No person shall unload a vehicle in euch manner as to produce damage to the surface of the street. Sec, 92. No person shall transport any steam shovel, heavy machinery, traction engine, ditch digging outfit or any other bulky object, nor drive any vehicle the width of which exceeds eight and a half feet or the length of which, including material projecting from the rear, exceeds forty -five feet,along, across or through any street, without having first obtained a permit therefor from the Commissioner4'of streetsr_dnd public improve- ments. Such permit may be obtained by making written applica- tion setting forth e. description of the object to be transported or the vehicle to be driven, the route to be traversed, the hour within which it is desired to perform the work, the means of locomotion to be employed, and upon making a showing that the moving of such object or the driving of such vehicle will not unduly interfere with the rights of the public or other persons in any street, or cause injury to the street or other property of the city, and if there is danger of undue interference with the rights of the public or other persons in any street, or injury to the street or other property of the city, upon the execution and delivery to the City of Port Angeles of a good surety twat or cash bond sufficient and conditioned to save the city harmless from all injuries which may be occasioned by reason of the granting of such permit, or of any act done pur- suant thereto; provided the issuance of such permit shall not be construed as a waiver of the right of the city to recover for any injury to the street or other property of the city resulting from the transporting of any of the hereinabove mentioned heavy objects; provided also, that no permit shall be required of a vehicle which including material projecting from the rear does not exceed forty -five feet in length when such vehicle, to- gether with its load, is of insufficient weight to injure the street. (14) i .. ii Se0.2.-_2,71 It cshali be unlawful for any person, firm or �corporatitrn to leave open and unprotected in any street., .--].iel or-public place open to. trat:tie in the City of Port ,ngelee;.. rray •xeevrtion,_or obntruetiori', trod all said eXce.va- tions and obotructiene ehsal.l be protected„And -sufficient barriers srt -all time* z guarded night, t -c; as to warn a paseorby or those using Epps it n lac, of auch obstruction or dangerous plucs; and hitueha1lpbecea, unlavi'u,l for any parson, firs or ‘,orporatlbil c:isaaing said excavations or obstructions, after the removal, thereon to fail to restore tire: arm in -.its farmer een'itlen; .and ,;provided a1 nY , Mane fora goal, wood- or any other aom oiiity .in. stroct,s, public place used and malntaincd %hy aPV person, shall. be provided by i:uch per ,ion witli oovers , euft'ieiently strong and well built so *at not to endanger persons In passing over the eat0e; and provided further, it nhail be unlawful for ally peraon, firm or corporation to. +cause or permit any excavation or obstruction psi or in any City of Pori b public. place in Lhsr_. do from the t;uga;rintand ntaof Streetsbandnl ublic Improvements, r Sec.- ._' It ehnh1 horse or horses over or ©l be unlawful to ride or drive any Port Angeles, faster than a. walk bridge eal b within the City at drive any motor vehicle Over �s�d t t sltmll 1`e unlatYu1 to City of Port Angeles, other than •i motorstr ucksrar�,c +aithixs t e capacity,' at a. rate of ?peer! faster thti. twelve mil r hour; �d i shall be n wrlve (1 ?_) Hiles unlawful to dries any actor truck or i a oi.��- -�- -cape of ty over and across �8j miles ales, at s rata or s any brith within Fer, hour, Peed taster than eight rear thereof 11 I. Sec, ;4. No motor vehicle shall tow more than one other vehicle, and the connection shall not be longer than sixteen feet. The vehicle being towed shall be in charge of a driver and shall display lights and be equipped with brakes in accordance with the provisions of this code, 6 Sec. W, No person shall drop or permit to be dropped from any vehicle or the machinery thereof any oil, grease or similar substance, Sec, &,, No person while hauling shall permit the vehicle of which he is in charge to spill, drop or lose any portion of its load, Sec. No person in hauling dirt, gravel, sand, wood, manure, saw dust, or any other article, along, through or upon any street, alley or public place, shall allow or permit the same to drop or fall upon any said street, alley or public place, Sec, It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, cast or deposit in any street any glae ,nails, rubbish or articles of any kind likely to damage or cause injury'to any horse or vehicle, Sec, res. No person shall for any purpose ride or drive any machine without the consent or permission of its owner or custodian, (15) TY 1 -• r - , e z • re ; to me r-.4 ove1 or t.her-'S'u11y ong any street, itten p rmi o't b-sained • • • object w unless ovided in the p t obstruc suant ing sections. UNLAWFUL TO DA11AGE CITY THOROUGHFARES. Sec. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, propel, draw, move, convey or transport, or cause to be driven, propelled, drawn, moved, conveyed or transported, over, upon, along or across any street any vehicle or object which, with or without its load, shall be of such weight, or which shall have any wheel or tire so made, constructed, formed or shaped, or eo equipped with spikes, cleats, lugs or other attachments or projections as to destroy or permanently injure such street or t2esurf ace foundation or other part thereof; and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive, propel, draw, move, convey or transport, or cause to be driven, propelled, drawn, moved, conveyed or transported, over, upon, along or across any street any automobile, auto truck, trailer or motor propelled vehicle which, with or without its load, shall weigh more then twenty - four thousand (24,000) pounds; and it shall be unlawful to operate a truck or trailer on such streets with a load greater than ten thousand (10,000) pounds, or to operate or drive any motor truck over or along any street with a load exceeding its licensed capacity. Sec, 4. No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle to which is attached a trailer, unless the legally authorized number plates of such trailer are attached conspicuously in the rear thereof if such trailer is drawn or trailed behind, 9•t" Sec, No motor vehicle shall tow more than one other vehicle, and the connection shall not be longer than sixteen feet, The vehicle being towed shall be in charge of a driver and shall display lights and be equipped with brakes in accordance with the provisions of this code. Sec, YX No person shall drop or permit to be dropped from any vehicle or the machinery thereof any oil, grease or similar substance. Sec, g No person while hauling shall permit the vehicle of which he is in charge to spill, drop or lose any portion of its load, Sec, p . No pe manure, saw dust, or any street, alley or same to drop or fall place, rson in hauling dirt, gravel, sand, wood, any other article, along, through or upon public place, shall allow or permit the upon any said street, alley or public Sec. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, cast or deposit in any street any glaes,nails, rubbish or articles of any kind likely to damage or cause injurymto any horse or vehicle, /ew Sec. T8', No person shall for any purpose ride or drive any macnine without the consent or permission of its owner or custodian. (15) /D/ Sec, lei'. No person shall load or unload any vehicle in the street when it is practicable to load or unload in the alley, unlese such vehicle be standing. Sec. No person shall unload any wood, coal, or any other commodity on any street witAin the business section and permit�A allow the same to remain thereon for a period longer than t5Y hours, or in such manner as to unreasonably interrupt or interfere with traffic; provided such person after unloading said wood, coal, or other commodity and after its removal, shall immediately clean and remove any debris, /o Sec. No person, not the owner or operator thereof, shall tamper, meddle, or interfere with any vehicle or start or attempt to start, the machinery thereof, or to puncture or otherwise mutilate the tires, scratch or mark or otherwise deface the body or apparatus thereof, or take or remove from said vehicle any part of portion of the machinery, equipment or other portion thereof, or throw, cast or hurl any stones, rock, glass or other missiles at any vehicle or the occupant thereof, /o At Sec. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of repairing vehicles for hire to use or occupy the streets or any part thereof for the repair of same. /o,1-- Sec, 1-04. It shall be unlawful for any person to coast by means of a sled, cart or coaster wagon upon any street, except such streets as may be specially designated for such purpose by the Chief of Police. CANNOT DISTURB PEACE IN LOADING TRUCKS. / Sec, No person shall load or transport any metals or metal vessels or material in such manner as to cause loud noises or to disturb the peace. Sec, , No person shall engage in any sport, amusement or exercise, or ride in or upon any toy vehicle, or roller skates, when so doing would be likely to frighten horses or to interfere with or interrupt the peerage of vehicles, or which would be likely to result in injury to those so engaged or riding. /off Sec. No person shall take hold of a vehicle for the purpose of being drawn along by such vehicle, Sec, It. Whenever the construction or condition of any section of a street is such that the operation of a vehicle weighing more than two thousand pounds per axle, counting the load, would have a tendency to permanently injure or destroy the surface of such section of such street, it shall be the duty of the wupxrirstseRtx Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, having determined this fact upon investigation, to forthwith erect and conspicuously poet thereon -signs warning all persone against operating thereon any vehicle in excess of such weight, and it shall be unlawful thereafter to operate thereon any such vehicle. (16) // Sec, 111, It shall be unlawful to remove, deface, mutilate, disturb or destroy any public traffic sign, placard, signboard, guide post or milestone, or other similar direction or traffic sign, or any traffic sign, placard, signboard, guide post, mile- stone or other similar direction or traffic sign, erected or put in place by or with the consent of the governmental authorities; or to remove or disturb any light placed upon a disabled vehicle, or on any obstruction or defect in the street. Sec. M. All persons, except those participating in parades, shall keep off the streets temporarily closed for parades, J..Up��T HAVE AUTHORITY TO PARADE Sec. t It shall be unlawful to parade upon any street without first notifying tae Chief of Police of the intention so to do. Such notification shall be made in writing and shall state the purpose of such parade, the place and hour of for- mation, the proposed line of march, and the name of the person or persons, society, association, or organization having charge or control of said parade. Such notification shall be delivered to the Chief of Police at least twenty -four (24) hours before such parade is to take place; provided, however, that this time limitation may be lessened or the notice entirely waived in the discretion of the Chief of Police, for any unexpected occasion, or in case of a parade of visitors arriving in the city within .less than the above prescribed period preceding the desired hour of parade, The Chief of Police may, in his discretion direct such modifications of the place of formation and of the line of march, and other details of any such parade, as public traffic and safety may require; and with the approval or on order of the Mayor, may forbid or stop any such parade whenever deemed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, "3 Sec. *t, It shall be unlawful to march in any parade upon any street unless there is carried unfurled at the head of such parade a glag of the United States of America, not less than fifty -two (520 inches by sixty -six (66) inches; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply in case of a parade by any military or naval force of a friendly foreign nation, rho, as visitors or guests, may be permitted to parade with their own national flag, colors or ensigns, //le Sec, fir, It shall be unlawful to march in any parade upon any street carrying any flag or banner, except the flag, color or ensign of the United States of America, or any of its military or naval organizations, including the National Guard, or the recognized flag or emblem of any friendly foreign nation or country, unless such flag or banner bear some distinct name in letters clearly legible at a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet, or legend, design, or insignia, clearly designating, or descriptive of, or identifying it as the emblem of the persons, society, association or organization marching in such parade; provided, however, that this require- ment shall not apply to any flag, banners, pennants or other devices, used for purely decorative or spectacular effects in any parade having no direct or indirect political purpose or object. In no case shall any American flag be carried which shall bear any lettering, advertisement or other defacement, (17) Sec. The provisions of Sections 113, 114 and 115 hereof shall not apply to religious or funeral processions; provided, in case any flag or banner be carried in such process- ion, it shall be the flag of the United States America or that of some recognized patriotic, fraternal or secret society. Sec, lam: No person shall leave unattended a horse of which he is in charge, unless the same shall be securely tied or hitched by a chain, strap or rope f aliened to its neck, or bridle, and to a post or other permanent fastening or by weight of not less than twenty pounds connected with the bit and resting upon the ground, • • tey- It—sha-1-1—ba—urcla OMWMIM Sec, No person shall untie, unfasten or liberate without authority the horse of another, or lead, ride or drive away without authority the horse or vehicle, or take or carry away any property in or attached to the vehicle of another from the place where left by the owner or person in charge thereof, nor molest, disfigure, main or kill the horse of another; nor meddle with, deface, mutilate or destroy the vehicle of another, // Sec. No person shall drive or herd any sheep , swine or cattle, or other animals in droves upon any streets without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Chief of Police, Sec. L/ 1io person shall feed a horse upon any street except by means of a nose bag fastened upon the head of such horse, Sec, 120, No driver of a horse upon any street shall cease to hold in his hands the reins or other means by which such horse is controlled, except as herein otherwise provided, Sec, lQi. No person shall unbit a horse upon unless it be secured by a halter, Sec. 1t No person shall ride, train, drive dangerous, unbroken or partially broken horse upon any street or lead any any street, Sec, . No person shall crack or use a whip so as to annoy, interfere with or endanger any person or excite any horse other than that which he is driviljg. /,2 Sec, �-�'" No person having charge of a vehicle ordinarily drawn by horses shall allow such vehicle to remain in any street unless such vehicle has horses attached thereto; nor shall any person having charge pf a trailer allow such trailer to remain in any street unless attached to a vehicle by which it may be propelled or drawn; provided, that in case of accident, such vehicle may be moved to the side of the street, and ifagood and sufficient red light signal be displayed at both ends thereof during the hours of darkness, may remain upon any street for a period of not exceeding twenty -four hours pending removal for repairs, except that no such vehicle shall remain upon any Ltxeer of the streets where standing longer than thirtyminutes is prohibited for a longer tie than is necessary to effect its removal, (18). OPERATION OF LOCOI::OTIVES, Sec. No person shall move, operate or propel any locomotive across or upon any street unless at least two men are actually stationed thereon for the operation thereof and for giving proper warning for safety of persons upon the street. TRAINS CANNOT BLOCK HIGHWAYS. Sec. 12t. No person in charge of a locomotive or a loco- motive and train shall allow or cause the same or portions thereof to interfere with or obstruct traffic upon any street crossing for a period longer than four consecutive minutes, Sec. Ileer. No person shall disregard the barriers placed across a street, nor the warning signal of a flagman stationed near a railroad crossing or other dangerous place. ARr ce„E:. No person shall stand or park a vehicle in any alley except when actually loading or unloading, nor in front of any exit or any church, building, hotel, assembly room, theatre, picture show, ball room or other place where persons are congregated therein, and provided it shall be unlawful to leave standing any vehicle in any public place tnless the 'same is headed in the direct line of travel, and during a period thf one -half hour after sunset and one -half hour before sunrise without a reed9 light at the rear of said vehicle, Sec. te, Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall counsel, aid or abet any such violation or failure to comply, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof,, shall be punished.by a fine in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars .($100,00), or by imprisonment in the city jail for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days or by both ouch fine and imprisonment, 0e, Sec.': 11 other ordinances and parts of ordinances in -V`- , , be, and the same are heresy repealed. • DECLARI.TG AN E ERGENCY. /3/ . Sec, kA. This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from an after its passage, approvd1 and publication. Passed by e City Corrmission of the City of Port Angeles, this * dl}r of January, 1921. Approved and signed January, 1921. by the Mayor, this 1 day of i Mayor. Passed let Reading: January, h+ / 9 1921, Passed n.d Readi, g: January „ 921, Passed -3 Read'ir : January , J1921, 1921;