HomeMy WebLinkAbout0673ORD NAITCE NO „,r / J7
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AN ORDINANCE for the preservation of the public peace,
safety, morality and good order in the City of Port Angeles;
defining who are disorderly persons and vagrants; providing
penalties for the violation thereof; repealing all ordinances
and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an
Section 1. That the following persons are hereby declared
to be disorderly persons:
1, Any person or persons who shall make an agreement to
fight or who shall fight by agreement,
2. Any male person who shall wilfully annoy, bother,
molest, insult or offer an affront to any female person,
3. Any person who shall in a rude, angry, or violent
manner unlawfully touch, strike or beat another,
4. Any person who shall traduce -or threaten to tr.aduoe
another person, or challenge another person to fight, or by
word, sign or gesture wilfully provoke or attempt to provoke
another person to commit an assault or breach of the peace,
5. Any person who shall in a rude, violent or angry
manner attempt to strike or beat another,;
6, Any person who shall ride or propel or cause to be
propelled any bicycle, cart or other wheeled vehicle or
machine, except a baby carriage or invalid's chair, upon or
along any sidewalk in the City of Port Angeles, or upon or
along any private sidewalk, platform or other passageway
located upon any property owned by an y comply )rithin
t e corporat , limits of said cit w�► -lu��.
G X el r- l,,-
7. Any person in said city, except police officers and
other persons who are authorized by law or have obtained proper
authority so to do from the Chief of Police of said city, who
shall carry or wear in any manner concealed upon his or her
person, any dirk, dagger, stilletto, bowie - knife, sword cane,
gun, pistol, revolver, sling -shot, metal knuckles, or any other
dangerous weapon or instrument which may be used to inflict
injury upon the person of another,
8, Any person who shall carry on or conduct any business,
trade or occupation, within the city limits of the City of Port
Angeles, for which a license is required, without the license
fee having been paid therefor, and to use or permit the use of
any license for any purpose other than that for which it is
issued, or by any other person, place, vehicle or business,
9, Any person who, being in charge of any public drinking
place, cigar stand, confectionery store, fruit stand, lunch
counter, moving picture house, theatre, dance hall, hotel or
rooming house or any other public place, whether as owner,
lessee or as agent, employee or servant of another, who shall
permit any breach of the peace or disturbance of public order
or decorum by noisy, riotous or disorderly conduct on the
premises, when it is within the power of such person to prevent
-same, or who shall keep any such place in a disorderly manners
10. Any person, whether as owner, lessee or as agent,
employee or servant of another, who shall keep, maintain,
conduct or use, or aid, abet or assist in keeping, maintaining,
conducting or using a disorderly house, a bawdy - house, a house
of ill -fame or any place for the practice of prostitution or
for any Lewd, obscene or indescent purpose. Upon the trial of
any person charged with a violation of this section, evidence of
the general reputation of the place shall be admissible for the
purpose of proving the existence of such place,
11. Any person who shall keep or harbor any dog or dogs
in said city without the annual license fee therefor having been
12, Any person in said city, except police officers and
other persons whose duty it is to make arrests, who shall draw,
exhibit or attempt to use, any deadly weapon with intent to do
bodily injury to another, or with the intention of intimidating
such other person.
13, Any person fighting or quarrelling or encouraging
others to fight in any public place in the City of Port Angeles.
14. Any person who shall open,
with any fire plug or hydrant in the
without authority so to do,
15, Any person who shall kindle
alley, land, lot or block within the
City of Port Angeles, which is not so
to prevent the same from spreading or
adjoining property belonging to or oc
close, change or interfere
City of Port Angeles
a fire upon any street,
corporate limits of the
enclosed or guarded as
being transmitted to any
cupied by any other perenns
16. Any person or persons who shall deal, play at, wager
anything of value upon, or in any manner take part in or carry
on, or cause to be opened, or to conduct, set up, keep or
exhibit any game of faro, monee, roulette, lansquenette, rouge
et noir,, rondo, poker, draw poker, keno or E. 0., or roulette
table or shuffle board, or fan tan or any gambling table or
game whatever for the purpose of gambling, or any game of chance
for the purpose of winning or securing money, checks, credits
or any representative of value or property whatever by chance,
played with cards, dice or any device of whatever kind or
nature, whether or not of the kind or character herein mentioned,
for money, checks, credits or any representative of value or
property whatever, or who shall have in his possession to be
used for the purpose of gambling or winning money by chance, any
gaming device whatever,
17. Any person who, being in possession or control of
any tent or building, or part thereof, shall knowingly permit
the same, or any part thereof, to be used for gambling, swind-
ling, pool selling, or bookmaking, or for betting, wagering or
hazarding money or property or any representative of either,
upon any game, scheme or device, or upon the result of any lot,
chance or uncertain or contingent event whatever,
18, Any person who shall open, conduct, carry on or
operate, whether as owner, manager, agent, dealer,, clerk or
employee, and whether for hire or not, any gambling game or
game of chance played with cards, dice or any other device,
or any scheme or device whereby any money or property or any
representative of either, may be bet, wagered or hazarded upon
any chance, or uncertain or contingent event,
19, Any person who shall have in his possession or shall
permit to be placed or kept in any building or upon any premises
or part thereof, owned, leased or occupied by him, any table,
slot machine or any other article, device or apparatus of a kind
commonly used for gambling or operated for losing or winning
of any money or property, or any representative of either, upon
any chance or uncertain or contingent event,,
20. Any person who shall open, set up, keep or maintain,
whether as owner, proprietor, keeper, manager or employee with
or without hire, lease or otherwise, any gaming or gambling '
house, or room or any place where any game in which chance
predominates is played for anything of value, or any banking
or other game is played with cards, dice, machines or any other
device, for anything of value, whether the same is played for
money, checks, credits, property or any other representative
of value of property, or who shall procure or permit any persons
to come together in any house, premises or place occupied or
owned by him or under his control, for the purpose of gaining
or winning money or anything of value by chance, or who shall
for the purpose of gaming keep or permit in any such house,
premises or place any gaming or gambling devices whatever for
the purpose of gaming, gambling or winning money or anything
of value by chance, or who shall be found in any gambling house,
room or place where gambling.is carried on or which may be
conducted or maintained for gambling purposes,
21. Any person in said city, except ,officers
engaged in the lawful discharge of their duty, and persons
practicing at target shooting in a duly licensed shooting
gallery, who shall fire off or discharge any gun, pistol or
fire arm of any kind within the city limits,
22. Any person who shall obtain any food, lodging or
accommodation in any hotel, apartment house, restaurant, noodle
joint, boarding house, or lodging house, without,paying there-
for, with intent to defraud the employer or manager thereof,
or who shall obtain credit at a hotel, apartment house, res-
taurant, noodle joint, boarding house or lodging house, by
color or aid of any false pretense, representation, token or
writing, or who after obtaining board, lodging or accommodation
qt a hotel or lodging house, shall abscond or surreptiously
remove his or her baggage therefrom without paying for such
food, lodging or accommodation.
23. Any person who shall solicit for a hotel, boarding
house, hack, omnibus, taxicab, dray or other vehicle, for any
purpose whatever inside the depot of any railway company within
the City of Port Angeles, or upon the platform thereof, except-
ing 18 feet of said platform next to and abutting on the street,
which place shall be designated by a line placed,upon said
platform, or painted by said railway company thereon,
24. An so w o shall hitch or fasten any horse, mule
or team to anyA ree or trees any of the public streets of
the City of Port Angeles,
25, Any person who shall keep, use or maintain within the
Cit o, ort Angeles any pen, stable, or place or premises in
whicYa tle, horses 'or fowls may be confined or kept in such
mannei as to be nauseous, foul or offensive, or from any cause
be an annoyance to the neighborhood, because of being improperly
cared for,
26. Any person who shall erect or construct within the
City of Port Angeles,or who shall - permit to stand or remain
any insecure or unsafe building, stack, wall, chimney, awning,
sign, or other structure which from its situation, Mode of
construction or otherwise, is dangerous to person or property.
27. Any person found intoxicated in any public place in
the City of Port Angeles,
28, Any person who, ,as owner or having the charge or care
of any horse, cattle, mules, sheep, goats, hogs or any other
kind of live stock, shall tie or picket the same out to graze,
or otherwise, within any of the streets or alleys, or upon any
vacant lot or lots or any unplatted lands within the city limits
of the City of Port Angeles, without the consent of the owner
of such lot or lots or unplatted lands, or in such a manner on
such lots as to permit or allow such animal to be upon any streets
alley or side-walk.
29, Any person found wandering or loitering around the
streets or public places of said city, having no known business
or calling to maintain himself or who is unable to give a good
account of himself; or any person having no visible means of
support who does not seek employment or work when employment is
offered to him.
30. Any person who shall open, conduct, maintain or carry
on, or be in any manner connected with, any lottery or any
establishment or business, by whatever name it may be known,
wherein or whereby any property is sold or disposers of by chance,
who shall sell or dispose of any lottery ticket or share, or
any chance, or any article or thing entitling or purporting to
entitle the purchaser to any chance, or who shall sell or dis-
pose of any package or article purporting to contain a prize, or
where, as an inducement to purchase, it is held out that such
article or package may contain a prize or may entitle the pur-
chaser to some article or thing of value not directly contem-
plated and shown in the purchase,
31. Any person who shall admit to or allow to remain in
any dance house., card room, or in any place of entertainment,
injurious to health or morals, owned, kept or managed by him,
any person under the age of eighteen years, unless such person
shall be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; or who shall
admit to or suffer or permit any person under the age of twenty-
one years to remain in any public pool or billiard hall, or to
play any game of skill or chance, in any such place, or in any
place adjacent thereto, or shall admit tr allow to remain in any
reputed house of prostitution or assignation, or any place where
opium, or any preparation thereof, is smoked, or where any nar-
cotic drug us used; or who shall sell or give, or permit to be
aold or given away to any person under the age of twenty -one
years, any intoxicating liquor, cigar, cigarette, cirgarette
paper or wrapping, or tobacco in any form; or who shall sell,
;or give r ermit to be sold or ven to any person under the
.-age of e years, any revolver or pistol, It shall be no
defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section, that
the person acted, or was believed by the defendant to act, as
agent or representative of another, and it shall be unlawful
for any person under twenty -one years of age to enter or remain
in any public pool or billiard hall, or to play any game of skill
or chance in said place, or to be or remain in any card room
unless accompanied by parent or legal guards,
32. Any person under the age of twenty -one years who shall
purchase, sell or have in his or her possession, any intoxicating
liquor, cigar, cigarette, cigarette paper or wrapping or
tobacco in any form,
t 7-
Sec, 33. -Any person who shall, between the hours of nine
(9) p, m. and six (6)' a, m_, make or continue, or cause to be
made or continued, whether in the operation of any machine,
or the exercise of any trade or calling, or otherwise, any noise
which either annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose,
health or safety of others, unless the making or continuing of
the same be necessary to the protection or preservation of
property or of the health, safety, life or limb of some person,,
34. Any person who shall falsely personate a public
officer, civil or military, or a policeman, or a private
individual having special authority by law to perform any. act
affecting the rights or interests of another, or who, without
authority, shall assume any uniform or badge by which such an
officer or person is lawfully distinguished, and in such
assumed character shall do or attempt to do any act purporting
to be official,.
35. Any person who, after having been lawfully commanded
by any magistrate to arrest another person, shall wilfully
neglect or refuse so to do; and any person who, after having
been lawfully commanded to aid an officer in arresting any
person, or in re-taking another person who has escaped from
lawful custody, or in executing any lawful process, shall
wilfully neglect or refuse to aid such officer,
36, Any person who shall in any case or under any
circumstances, rescue, or attempt to rescue, any ierson from
the custody of any Police Officer of the City of Port Angeles,
or from the custody of any other person legally having such
person in charge, or who shall aid or attempt to aid the
escape of any person from any such custody, or from the City
Jail, or who shall advise or encourage any such escape, or
supply any person, being in such custody or prison, with any
weapon or with any implement or means of escape, or with
intoxicating liquor, or with opium, morphine, or other narcotic,
37. Any person who shall resist, delay, obstruct or
interfere with any policeman or peace officer of said city, or
who shall refuse when called upon to assist any policeman or
peace officer of said city in the discharge-of his duty, or
who shall advfse,, aid or assist any person in the custody of
any policeman or peace officer, to escape from said custody,,
38. Any person who shall maintain, as owner or employee
any place where opium, morphine, alkaloid- cocaine or beta
eucaine, or any derivative, mixture or preparation of any of
them, shall be in any manner used by any persons resorting
thereto for that purpose; and any person who shall visit or
resort to or be in such a place for the purpose of using in
any manner any of said drugs, or who shall smoke or inhale or
in any manner use any of said drugs,
39, Every pawnbroker or second -hand dealer, being either
a person, firm or corporation, who shall fail,, neglect or refuse
to maintain in his place of business a book or other permanent
record in which shall be legibly written in the English language
at the+-time of each loan, purchase or sale, a record thereof
containing : -
(1) The date of the transaction;
(2) The name of the person conducting the same;
(3) The name, age, street and house number, and a general
description of the dress, complexion, color of hair, and facial
appearance of the person with whom the transaction is had;
(4) The name and street and house number of the owner of the
property bought or received in pledge;
(5) The street and house number of the place from which the
property bought or received in pledge was last removed;
(6) A description of the property bought or received in .
pledge, which in the case of watches shall contain the name of
the maker and the number of both the works and the case, and in
the case of jewelry shall contain a description of all letters
and marks inscribed thereon: Provided, that when the article
bought or received is furniture, or the contents of any house
or room actually inspected on the premises, a general record of
the transaction shall be sufficient;
r8) The price paid or the amount loaned;
) The names and street and house numbers of all persons
witnessing the transaction; and
(9) The number of any pawn ticket issued therefor,
A0. Every pawnbroker and second -hand dealer doing business
in the City of Port Angeles, being either a person, firm or
corporation, who shall fail, neglect or refuse, before noon of
each day, to furnish to the Chief of Police on such forms as
such Chief of Police may provide therefor, a full, true and
correct transcript of the record of all transactions had on the
preceding day, and having good cause to believe that any
property in his or its possession has been previously lost or
stolen, shall fail, neglect or refuse to forthwith report such
fact to the Chief of Police, together with the name of the
owner, if known, and the date when, and the name of the person
from whore the same was received,
41. Any person who shall lay out or expose any kind of
poison, or who shall leave exposed any poisoned food or drink
for man, animal or fowl, or any substance or fluid whatever
whereon or wherein there is or shall be deposited or mingled,
any kind of poison or poisonous or deadly substance or fluid
whatsoever, on the premises of another, or in any unenclosed
place, or to aid or abet any person in so doing,
42. Any person, whether acting in his own behalf, or as
agent, servant or employee of another person within or outside
of the state, who shall sell any pool, make any book, or
receive, record, register, transmit or forward any bet or wager,
or any money or property or thing of value designed or intended
to be bet, wagered or hazarded upon the result of any contest or
trial of skill, speed or endurance between men or beasts, whether
such contest or trial take place within or outside of this state,
or upon the result of any lot, chance, casualty, or uncertain
or contingent event whatever,,
43. Any person who as owner of ducks, geese, turkeys,
chickens, or other poultry, shall permit the same to run at
large in the City of Port Angeles,
44. Any person who shall wilfully cut down, destroy or
injure any wood, timber, grass or shrubbery, standing or growing,
or which has been cut down and is lying upon the lands of another,
or of the city, or who shall cut down, girdle or otherwise injure
a fruit, shade or ornamental tree standing on the land of
another, or of the city, or in any street or alley; or rho shall
dig, take or carry away without lawful authority or consent,
from any lot or land in the city, or from any lands included in
any street, avenue or alley in the city, any earth,soil or stone;
or who shall cut, break, fill up, obstruct or otherwise damage
or interfere with any ditch, headgate, flume or pipe or any
appurtenance thereto, lawfully erected for carrying water or
draining land; or who shall enter without the consent of the
owner or occupant, any orchard, garden, lawn or enclosure, with
intent to take, injure or destroy antthing there grown or growing,
or therein being; or who shall cut down, dig up, destroy, or in
any way injure any shrub, tree, flowers, or garden produce, grown
or growing within any such orchard, garden, vineyard, lawn or
enclosure, or any permanent work ccfi erection therein; or who
shall damage or deface any building or part thereof; or throw
any stone or other missile at any building, or part thereof; or
who shall destroy or damage, with intent to delay or prevent the
use thereof, any machine, engine, tool or implement intended for
use in trade or husbandry; or who shall untie, unfasten, or
liberate, without authority, the horse or team of another; or
lead, ride or drive away without authority, the horse, team,
automobile, motorcycle, bicycle or other vehicle of another,
from the place where left by the owner or person in charge thereof;
or who shall intrude or place any hovel, shanty or building upon
or within the limits of any lot, or piece of land within the City
of Port Angeles, without the consent of the owner; or within the
boundary of any street, avenue or alley, in the City of Port
Angeles, without the consent of the proper city authorities; or
who shall kill, wound, trap or unduly annoy or interfere with any
animal or bird within the limits of any street, parking strip,
park or pleasure ground, within the limits of the City of Port
Angeles, or remove therefrom or destroy the your of any such
animal or the egg of any such bird; or who shall place or affix
to any real- property, or any rock, tree, wall, fence, or other
structure thereupon, without the consent of the owner thereof,
or upon any street or other land belonging tomthe city, any word,
character, or device, designing to advertise ahy article,
business, profession, exhibition, matter or event; or who shall
kill, wound, trap or injure any animal or fowl of another unless
the killing, wounding, trapping or injuring the same be necessary
to the safety of some person or the protection of property,,
45. Any person being the owner of, or having the care or
control of any dog, horse, mule, cow or other animal, who shall
knowingly permit the same to enter upon and dcr injury to any
improved public park or parking strip in the City of Port Angeles,
or upon any private premises, to the injury or annoyance of-the
owner or occupant thereof.
46, Any person who, for the purpose of annoyance or mischief,
shall place in any doorway or on any sidewalk, street or alley
in said city, any box, barrell or other obstruction or thing,
or who shall remove, carry away, destroy, cut, deface, mark or
write upon, or in any manner injure any window, fence, gate,
bridge, dwelling house, engine house, building, hitching post,
awning, railing or any other property, public or private, not
his owns,
47. Any person who shall by noisy, riotous or tumultous
conduct disturb the quiet and peace of said city or of any
lawful meeting or assemblage therein.
48. Every person who on the first day of the week, shall
promote any noisy or boisterous sport or amusement, disturbing
the peace of the day; or who shall conduct or carry on, or
perform or employ any labor about any trade or manufacture,
except livery stables, garages and works of necessity or charity
conducted in an orderly manner so as not to interfere with the
repose and religious liberty of the community; or who shall
open any drinking saloon, or sell, offer or expose for sale,
any personal property: Provided, that meals,may be served on
the premises or elsewhere by caterers, and prepared tobacco,
milk, fruit, confectionery, newspapers, magazines, medical and
surgical appliances amy be sold in a quiet and orderly manner.
In works of necessity or charity is included whatever is needful
during the day for the hood order or health or comfort of a
community; nut keeping open a barber -shop, shaving or cutting
hair shall not be deemed a work of necessity or charity, and
nothirgin this section shall be construed to permit the sale
of uncooked meats, groceries, clpthing, boots or shoes,
49, Any person who shall cause to be performed or exhibited,
or engage in the performance or exhibition of any obscene,
indecent or immoral show, act or performance,
50. Any person who shall keep open any cellar door, pit or
vault or other subterranaous opening on any highway or sidewalk,
or who shall suffer the same to be left or kept open, or to be
kept in an insecure condition, so that passersby will be in
danger of falling into such cellar, pit or vault, or other
subterraneoue opening, or who, by any act or omission shall
suffer any sidewalk upon, in front of or around the premisee
occupied by him to become and continue in a condition dangerous
to life or limb„
51, Any person acting as solicitor for any hotel, boarding
house, hack or omnibus, or other vehicle, whether for himself or
as agent for another, who shall conduct his business in any
other than a quiet, orderly manner, and in an ordinary tone of
voice, or who shall molest or intrude himself upon any passenger
or person, or interfere with the baggage of such passenger or
person except as requested so to do,
52,. Any person owning or having the care of any horse,
cattle, mules, sheep, goats, hogs or any other kind of live stock,
who shall permit or suffer the same to go at large or stop to
feed or graze on any street, alley or public square within the
corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles,
53, Any person who shall flow or cause to flow, or permit
water to flow from any ditch or lot owned or controlled by said
person upon any public street or alley or any other public
grounds in the City of Port Angeles.
54. Any person who shall remove, deface, injure or destroy
any street or traffic sign, or any sign erected or placed in or
adjacent to any street, indicating the name of such street.
55. Any person who shall throw, scatter, distribute, empty
or deposit in or upon any street, alley or sidewalk in the City
of Port Angeles, the contents of any spittoon or other waste
vessel, or any broken glass, bottles, crockery, nails, stones,
brick, mortar, gravel, wood shavings, offal, garbage, ashes,
rubbish, paper, confetti, serpentine grass or any other waste
material or substance whatsoever, whereby the streets, alleys
or sidewalks may be made unwholesome and unclean, or obstructed
or dangerous, or inconvenient to travel upon by any person,
animal or vehicle,,
56, Any person who, by color or aid of any trick or
sleight -of -hand performance or by any fraud or fraudulent
scheme, cards, dice or device, shall win for himself or for
another, any money or property, or a representative of either,
or shall operate or have in his possession devices for the
purpose of swindling or defrauding others,
57. Any person, who shall occupy any of the streets, alleys,
vacant lots, or public squares of the City of Port Angeles, by
the erection of any tent thereon, _ t,
Provided, that nothing herein shall prevent the owner of any
vacant lot or lots within the City of ort Angeles to erect and
maintain a tent thereon; Pe said premises are not
within the fire limits of said city,
58, Any person who shall use, in the presence of another
person, vulgar, profane, obscene or indecent language, or who
shall conduct }^imself or herself in an indecent manner, or be
guilty of any indecent or immoral act, practice or conduct
.tending to debauch the public morals,
• (10)
,at •
59. Any person who shall place or keep on any window sill,'
porch or other projection above the first story of any building
abutting on any sidewalk in the City of Port Angeles, any flower
pot, wooden box, pitcher or any other vessel or article which
might do injury in falling on any person on the sidewalk in front
of said building, unless the same shall be securely fastened or
protected by screens or otherwise, in such manner as to prevent
falling on the street,,
Section 2. The following persons are hereby declared to
be vagrants,:
1, Any person who shall cohabitate with another not the
husband or wife of such person,
2. Any dissolute woman or other disreputable person found
strolling or loitering upon or about any street, alley or other
public place.
3, Any person who aske thr receives any compensation,
gratuity or reward for practicing fortune telling, palmistry
or clairvoyance.
4. Any habitual user -of opium, morphine, alkaloid - cocaine
or alpha, or beta eucaine, or any derivation, mixture or
preparation of any of them.
LEWD15] S S ,.
5, Any lewd, disorderly or dissolute person, or any person
who shall commit the offense of sodomy as defined by Section
2456 of Remington and Ballingerts Annoted Codes and Statutes
of Washington,
6, Any person who lodges in any barn, shed, shop, outhouse,
car or other place not kept for lodging purposes, withoutmthe
permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession
7. Any person who by his own confession or prior conviction
thereof is known to have been guilty of larceny, burglary, robbery,
or any crime of which fraud or intent to defraud is an element,
who shall be found intoxicated, or who., except upon lawful
business, shall go about any dark street or alley or any resi-
dence section of the city in the nightime, or loiter about any
passenger depot, banking institution or crowded street, shop
or thoroughfare, or any public meeting or gathering or place
where people gather in crowds,
8, Any male person who shall live in whole or in part upon
the earnings of a common prostitute,
9. Any person who shall be guilty of open or gross lewdness
or who shall make any open and indecent or obscene exposure of his
or her person or the person of another,
10. Any person who procures persons of the opposite sex to
meet for the purpose of prostitution,or for the purpose of unlaw-
ful sexual intercourse,
11, Any person practicing or soliciting prostitution or
keeping a house of prostitution or any place for the practice of
12, Any person who knowingly permits any building or
place owned by him or under his control to be used for the
practice of prostitution or lewdness.
13, Any person who lives or worke in a house of prostitution
or solicits for any prostitute or house of prostitution,
14, Any person who solicits alms,
15, Any person who solicits business for an attorney around
any court, jail, morgue or hospital.
16, Any person who keeps a place where lost or stolen
property is kept or concealed,
Seq. 3, It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully
and unreasonably strike, beat or wound any domestic animal, or
compel or allow it to work, or drive it, or allow it to be
driven when overloaded, or sick or lame or crippled, or with
yoke of harness that chafes or galls it, or with check rein or
any part of its yoke or harness too tight for its comfort,
or at night when it has been six (6) consecutive hours without
a full meal, or to otherwise cause any domestic animal to
wilfully and unreasonably endanger its health or life by
depriving it of, neglecting to provide it with covering, food,
water, air, light or space fairly sufficient for its needs and
comfort; and every Police Officer of this city shall have
authority, and it is hereby made his duty, summarily to
relieve any animal which is suffering from violence, cruelty
or constraint contrary to any provision of this ordinance, in
all cases which can be readily and dummarily relieved by him.
Sec, 4. Every person who, being the owner or having the
care, custody or control thereof, shall keep, harbor or maintain
on or off of his or her premises in a manner liable to endanger,
or endangering the safety of persons or property lawfully upon
said premises, or upon any street, avenue, alley, public or
Private premises or place within the city; or shall allow to run
at large within the limits of the City of Port Angeles any
vicious or dangerous dog or other animal, shall be deemed guilty
of a violation of this section. It shall be the duty of all
Police Officers of the city to kill or otherwise destroy any
and all vicious dogs found within the limits of said city, Upon
the trial of any person charged with violating this section, the
Police Judge, as a part of the penalty imposed, shall have the
authority to and may, in his discretion, order that any dog or
other animal found to be vicious or dangerous to persons or
property, as in thsi section provided, be killed or otherwisd
disposed of and the cost thereof shall be taxed as a part tf and
collected in the same manner as other costs in the case,,
Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any two or more persons
to assemble together with intent to do any unlawful act or being
assembled to mutually agree to do an unlawful act with force and
violence against the property of the city or the person or
property of another, or against the peace or to the terror of
Sec, 6. It shalllawful for any person, not an officer
or employee of the City of Port Angeles, to remove, or destroy,
or tear down, or deface, either in whole or in part, or to mark
or write upon, change, obliterate, or mar, or in any manner
alter or change the writing, printing or signature, or any part
of such writing, printing or signature, upon any bulletin,
notice, poster, or paper writing of said city, which shall be
by any bulletin, notice, poster, or paper writing of said city,
which shall bg'by any employee or officer of said city, placed
or posted upon the walls or other parts of any public building
or place, or upon any bulletin board or other place of said city,
or upon or in any building owned by said city or occupied by it
or any of its officers as a public building, or upon any bulletin
board or in any such last mentioned building or buildings.
Sec, 7,
1, Every boy,lbeing under the age of eighteen (18) years
;1 f +
, and
not being accompanied by a parent, guardian, or a person over
the age of eighteen (18) years, and having legal charge of such
person, who shall be or remain on the streets or in or upon any
unoccupied premises or grounds in the City of Port Angeles,
after the hour of nine o'clock p„ m,; off,
2, Being the parent, guardian, or o W person having legal
charge of any person under the age of years, shall
knowingly permit such person to be upo the streets, or upon
any public or unoccupied premises or grounds in the city, after
the hour of nine o'clock p, m,, unless said minor person has been
sent upon some proper or necessary errand by said parent, guardian,
or other person having legal charge of such minor, shall be deemed
guilty of a violation of this section,
3, It shall be the duty of any Police Officer in the city
who shall find any minor person upon the streets, or in or upon
any unoccupied premises or grounds in the city, in violation of
this section, to order such persons to immediately return to
their homes, and upon a failure to comply with the order, such
persons shall be arrested and, detained by the officer,
Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly
cause br make any'false alarm of fire, or to in any manner
tamper or interfere with any fire alarm or fire apparatus of
any kind; Provided, this section shall not apply to the chief
or any other member of the Fire Department or to other persons
duly authorized to sound and alarm when such may be deemed
Sec, 9, It shall be unlawful for any person to fire or
cause to be exploded any cannon, bomb, anvil or toy pistol, or
fire or cause to be exploded any squib, rocket, cracker or
roman candle or other combustible fire works ordinarily used
for a pyrotechnic display, within the corporate limits of the
City of Port Angeles,
Sec, 106 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation within the corporate limits of the City of Port
Angeles to sell or offer for sale either at retail or whole-
sale, or have in his or its possession or custody, any toy
pistol, squib, rocket, cracker, roman candle or fire balloon
or other combustible fireworks for the making of a pyrotechnic
display; Provided, that nothing in this ordinance contained
shall in any way or manner be construed to prohibit the City
Commission of the City of Port Angeles, through its duly
authorized committees or agents, to make or allow public
pyrotechnic displays of fireworks by use of such combustibles
as may be necessary for any such display,
Sec, 11, It shall be unlawful for any person, whether a
licensed bi4.1 poster or not to distribute, hand out or scatter
upon any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk or other public place
of the City of Port Angeles, or to throw or leave upon any
private yard, lawn, porch or veranda, any circular, dodger,
hand bill, pamphlet, card, picture or any advertising matter
of any kind whatsoever, or samples of any patent medicines or
food stuffs, or to post, stick, stamp, tack, paint or otherwise
fix, or cause the same to be done by another person, any notice,
placard, bill, card, poster, advertisement or other device
calculated to attract attention of the public, to or upon any
sidewalk, crosswalk, curb or curb stone, lamp post, electric
light, telegraph, telephone or trolley line pole, hydrant, shade
tree or tree box, or upon any bridge, fence, gate, gatepost, or
upon any pole, box or fixture of the fire alarm or police
telegraph system; or to post, stick, stamp, tack, paint or
otherwise fix or cause the same to be done by another person, any
notice, placard, bill, poster, card or advertisement, or other
device calculated to attract attention of the public, upon any
building, wall or part thereof; Provided, that this section
shall not apply to newsboys delivering newspapers,
Sec, 12, It shall be unlawful for any person to break,
violate or fail to keep any of the Ordinances,- rules or
- regulations relating to the protection,&preservation OF THE
public health, or any specific rule or order of the Health
Officer or his duly appointed deputies, or who having been
quarantined, shall break the same,
Sec, 13, E very landlord, landlady or other person keeping
• or conducting a hotel or public lodging house in the City of Port
Angeles shall keep a register in which all guests, roomers and
lodgers shall be required to register their names and adiresses,
and the landlord shall indicate on said register the date of
each registration and shall write opposite the name or names of
each such guests, roomers or lodgers the number of the room or
rooms assigned to the same, and the number of any and all rooms
'Ur which said guest, roomer or lodger may be subsequently
assigned to occupy, Every hotel register shall be open to
inspection at all reasonable times by the Police Officers and
the Health or Sanitary Officers of the City, and to the public
generally during all the hours in which said hotel, lodging
house or rooming house is open for the receibtion of guests,
roomers or lodgers. All such registration books shall be pre-
served for a period of at least two years,
Sec, 14. It shall be unlawful for any person, under the
age of sixteen years to get on, or catch hold of, or to race
alongside of or in front of, or attempt to get on, or catch
hold of any vehicle or automobile while the same is in motion,
See, 15, It shall be unlawful for any person to rudely
or mischievously throw any missile or anything at, against or
upon any house, building, structure, vehicle, car or any
premises or any person, to the annoyance or inconvenience of
any person, or to wilfully be guilty of any rude, wanton or
mischievous conduct toward another, to the annoyance of such
other person. In the prosecution of any person charged with
the violation of this section, it. shall be competent for the city
to introduce evidence tending to show any act or series of acts
of rude, wanton or mischievous conduct toward the 'complainant- within
a period of time not to exceed thirty days next proceeding, and
such evidence shall be admissible, and such acts and all of them,
committed within said time, may be held and construed as making
up one crime of rude or mischievous conduct; Provided it shall
not be necessary to introduce evidence of or to prove more than
one of such acts to secure a conviction.
Sec, 16, It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to
conduct, maintain or operate, either as owner or owners, pro-
prietor or proprietors, leasee or leasees, employee or employees,
agent or agents, any nickel -in- the -slot machine, or other device
of like character, wherein there enters an element of chance,
whether the same be played or operated for money, checks, credits,
or any other thing or representative of value redeemable in money
or merchandise, For the purpose of trial and conviction under
this section of this ordinance, the possession Of any such
machine or device that automatically pays money, or checks, or
slugs, or keeping the same in any place accessible to the public
shall be prima facie evidence against the person in possession
thereof of guilt under this ordinance,
Sec, 17, It shall be unlawful for any person to print,
publish, sell, lend, give away, distribute, show or advertise,
or to offer to lend, give away,, sell or distribute, or to
design, copy, draw, photograph, print, utter, publish or other-
wise prepare, or to write or print, or cause to be written or
printed, any notice of any kind giving information, or to give
information stating when, where, or how, or of whom or by what
means any person can purchase or obtain any obscene or indecent
book, magazine, pamphlet, newspaper, story paper, printed paper,
written paper, picture, engraving, drawing or photograph, or to
sell, lend, give away or show, or have in his possession with
intent to sell, give away, show, advertise or otherwise offer
for loan, gift, sale or distribution, to any minor child, any
book, pamphlet, magazine, newspaper or other printed paper
devoted to the publication or principally made up of criminal
news, police reports, or accounts pf criminal deeds, pictures
or stories of deeds of bloodshed, lust or crime, or to exhibit
in any place within the view or which may be within the view of
any minor child, or to hire, use or employ any minor child to
sell or give away, or in any manner to distribute, or having the
care, custody of any minor child, permit such child to sell,
give away, or in any other manner to distribute any book,
magazine, pamphlet, newspaper, story paper, writing paper,
picture, engraving, drawing,photograph or other article or
thing coming within the description of articles and matters
mentioned in this section, or any of them,
Sec, 18., It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to
build a fire, slack lime, mix lime or cement mortar or prepare or
mix any concrete, cement paving material, sidewalk material or
any building material upon any pavement or sidewalk, upon any
street, alley or highway in the City of Port Angeles in such man-
ner as to permit such fire, or the heat therefrom, or any of
said mixtures to come in contact with any pavement or sidewalk
within the limits of said city, or in any other manner have,
make or permit to be upon any pavement or sidewalk, any such
mixture, save and except such mixture be on wood or metal of
sufficient thickness and tightness so that said mixture or any
part thereof, cannot come in contact with any pavement or side-
walk. Nothing herein contained shall be conttrued tm authorize
or permit the building of any fire or the slacking of any lime
or the preparing or making of any of said mixtures upon any
street, avenue, alley or highway in said city,
Sec, 19, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation, to fail, neglect or refuse to close any public
pool or billiard room or any public rooms devoted to the playing
of cards within the City of Port Angeles, or permit the same to
be kept open or to transact any business therein or to use stch
rooms for playing pool or billiards or cards, or to be used for
any purpose with the public, after twelve o'clock midnight and
until five o'clock A, M. each day,
Sec. 20. It shall be unlawful for any person, being
abroad after eleven o'clock at night, to fail or refuse, upon
the demand of any Police Officer of the City of Port Angeles,
to give the reasons why and the business on which he is abroad,
or to give a satisfactory account of himself, or to satisfactorily
answer for being abroad, andif' any such Police Officer shall
be satisfied that the public good requires it, he shall (first
having explained his official character), arrest and detain
such person found abroad after eleven o'clock at night for
further examination, the object of this section being to pro-
tect the city from burglars, robbers and other criminals,
Sec, 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to lead,
ride or drive any horse, mule or team or any beast of burden,
or any vehicle, upon or over any sidewalk except in crossing
the same at regular crossings or over permanent driveway
therefor; Provided, the Superintendent of the Department of
Streets and Public Improvements may in his discretion upon
written application stating the place of the proposed crossing
and the purpose for which such crossing is desired, issue a
permit for a temporary crossing for a period of not longer than
five days. For such temporary crossing the sidewalk shall be
kept covered and protected in such manner as said Superintendent
of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements may direct,
and all planks, timbers and other obstructions used for the
protection of said sidewalks shall be removed from the street
and sidewalks when and as soon as such crossing is not in
actual use and no planks or timbers for other obstructions shall
be allowed to remain on the street or sidewalk between the
hours of sunset and sunrise,
Sec, 22, It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any
horse, mule or team standing on any of the streets of the City
of Port Angeles, without being securely hitched or fastened;
Provided, that such horse, mule, or team may be fastened by
drop weight or weights of sufficient size to securely hold said
animal, laid weight or weights to be fastened by rope, chain
or strap direct to the bridle bit,
Set. 23. It shall be unlawful for any person within the
corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles, to steal, take
and carry, drive or lead away the property of another under
'the actual value of Twenty -five dollars (25,00)
Sec, 24, It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant
of any property in the City of port Angeles to maintain or
permit any tree or shrub, either on or in front of said
property, in such a manner as to endanger in any way the
safety of the person or property of another,
Sec, 25, It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant
of any property in the City of Port Angeles to maintain or
permit any tree or shrub, either on or in front of the said
property, the roots of which interfere with or cause the
surface olv the street or sidewalk to be upheaved or otherwise
eec, 26, It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant
of any property in the City of Port Angeles to maintain or
permit any tree or shrub, either on or in front of the said
property, the lower limbs or any part of which shall project
or be above the sidewalk or street at an elevation of less than
eight feet,
Sec, 27, It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant
of any property in the City of Port Angeles to maintain or
permit any tree or shrub either on or in front of the said
property, in such manner as to interfere with any of the wires
or conduits or other property of the City of Port Angeles,
Sec, 28. It shall be unlawful for any number of persons
to collect in crowds for unlawful purposes, or for any purpose
to the annoyance or disturbance of citizens or travelers, and
any person who shall be one of any such crowd, or congregation,
or who shall refuse to separate therefrom when so requested by
any police officer of the City of Port Angeles, or who shall
wilfully attract the attention of persons and cause them to
congregate for such purpose, shall be deemed guilty of a
violation of this section,,
Sec, 29. When any person shall be found guilty of carrying
a concealed weapon as provided in this ordinance, the weapon
or weapons found on the person convicted of carrying the same,
shall be confiscated by the Chief of Police and forfeited to
the City of Port Angeles;
Sec, 30, It shall be the duty of all police officers to
search for and seize all tables, slot - machines or other article,
machine, device or apparatus of the kind commonly used for
gambling or operated for the winning or losing of money or
property, or any representative of either, upon any chance or
uncertain or contingent event, and take the same before the
police judge of the city, If in the judgment of such police
judge any of such articles may be useful as evidence in the trial
of any case, he may order the same held for such trial_, or
delivered to the city or county prosecutor; otherwise, he shall
order the same destroyed, After the final gearing and dispos-
ition of any case in which any of said articles may be held or
used as evidence, whether such case result in conviction or
acquittal, the police judge shall forthwith order all such
articles destroyed.
Sec, 31, It shall be the duty of all police officers to
search for and seize all opium, any derivative mixture or
preparation thereof, opium pipes and all other appliances used
for the purpose of smoking or inhaling opium and take the same
before the police judge, If, in the judgment of the police
judge, any of such articles may be useful as evidence in the
trial of any case, he may order the same held for such trial
and upon the final hearing and disposition of any case in which
any of said articles may be held or used as evidence, whether
such case result in conviction or acquittal, the police judge
shall forthwith order all such articles destroyed,
Sec, 32, It shall not be necessary in the trial of a person
charged with keeping an opium joint under this ordinance to
prove that any person was found smoking or inhaling opium or
any other prohibited drug there; but the finding of the pipes,
opium, or other drugs or other appliances used for the purpose'
of smoking or inhaling opium or other prohibited drugs therein,
shall be sufficient evidence to sustain a conviction; nor shall
it be necessary in the trial of any person charged with smoking
opium or other prohibited drugs, or with resorting to opium
joints for that purpose, to prove that such person was found
in th4.act of smoking or inhaling, but evidence that any such
person was found in an opium joint or other place where opium
or other prohibited drugs are smoked or are inhaled, in
possession of opium pipes, opium, or other prohibited drugs or
appliances used for the purpose of smoking or inhaling opium
or other drugs or being found under the influence of opium, shall
be sufficient evidence to support a conviction..
Sec, 33, No person shall be excused ,from giving testimony
concerning any offense committed by another against any of the
provisions of paragraphs 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of section one
of this ordinance, by reason of his having bet or played at the
prohibited game or device.
Sec. 34, On the trial of any person charged with vagrancy
under this ordinance, it shall be lawful for the city to
introduce testimony of a general character, deportment and
reputation of the defendant, touching the offense or charge
set forth in the complaint, and the defendant may likewise
resort to testimony of a like nature for the purpose of dis-
proving said charge,
Sec, 35, In the prosecution of any person charged with
violating paragraph 11 or 13 of Section 2 of this ordinanc4,
it shall be sufficient to show one act of soliciting for the
purpose of prostitution.
Sec. 36, Nothing contained in any provision of this
ordinance shall apply to an offense committed or act done at
any time before the date when this ordinance shall take effect.
Such an offense shall be punished according to, and such act
shall be governed by the ordinance existing when it was done
or committed, in the same manner as if this ordinance had not
-- -been- passed,
Sec, 37, Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to
affect any civil right or remedy existing at the time that it
shall take effect by virtue of the provisions of any ordinance
now in force.
Sec, 38, Every provision of this ordinance shall be
construed to the full import of its termp,
Sec, 39, The word "person" wherever used in this
ordinance shall when necessary, be held and construed to mean
and include natural persons of either sex, associations, c6-
partnerships and corporations, whether acting by themselves
or by servant, agent or employee; the singular number shall
when necessary, be held and construed to include the plural
and vicd versa and the masculine pronoun to inc3,ude the
Sec„ 40, Any person convicted of being a disorderly
person or a vagrant, or convicted of violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine in any sum not
exceeding pne hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the city
jail not exceeding thirty days or by both such fine and
Sec. 41. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance on the same subjects are hereby
repealed and abrogated,
Y ti
Sec, L Whereas, there is in the interest of public
peace and safety a demand for the immediate passage of this
ordinance an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and the
urgency for the immediate taking effect of this ordinance is
hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its passage, approval and
Passed First Reading by City Commission,
Passed Second Reading by City Commissio
Passed Third Reading by City Commissio
Approved and signed by the Mayor,
._2 71921,
2f 1921.
Date of Publication :. 1921,