HomeMy WebLinkAbout0680ORDINANCE N0, 1 e
AN Yi ORDINANCE relating to plumbing, and regulating the
business of plumbing and ,L -in'the City of Port Angeles;
fixing t e zees for inspection, and a license fee for persons
engaged in the business of plumbing and g; repealing
all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith;
providing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; and
declaring an emergency,
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Port
Section 1. The word "inspector" wherever used in this
Ordinance shall be held to mean and include the City Engineer oi'
the City of Port Angeles, or his duly authorized assistants,
The word "person" wnerever used in this Ordinance shall be held
to mean and include natural persons of either sex, associations,
co-partnerships and corporations, whether acting by themselves
or by a servant, agent or employee,
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to engage in, or carry on the business of p #n ,
stag or perform the work ofd connecting private property
or premises with the 'public sewers or water mains lying and
being in the public streets and alleys in the City of Port
Angeles, or make any excavations in, or dig up, open or obstruct
any public street or alley in the City of Port Angeles, for the
purpose of making any connection with either the public sewer
or the water mains situated in such public street or alley
without first having procured a license so to do,
Section 3, Any person, fi or corporati de firing o
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engage in the business of`ng in connectin private
property or premises with the water mains lying and being in
the public streets or alleys in the City of Port Angeles, shall
make and file with the City Clerk an application for a license
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to carry on such business, and if in the judgment of the City
Commission the applicant is a proper person to receive such
license the same shall be allowed, and upon the payment of
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(Wigr10.4 by said applicant and the piling of
a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of Fifteen Hundred
Dollars (e1500.00), to be approved by the City Commission, con -
ditioned that if such license be granted that said person, firm
or corporation will faithfully comply with the Ordinance0 of the
City of Port Angeles, regulating the business of plumbing and
will hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from all damage
caused from the digging up of any public street, avenue or alley
of said city, or which may result from the negligence or un-
skillfulness of any such applicant or from the negligence, in..
skillfulness or want of care of any employee or worsnan of any
such applicant while engaged in the doing of any such plumbing
work as herein specified, the City Clerk shall issue a license
to such applicant which shall entitle the holder thereof to
engage in the business of( trig for a period of one year
from the date of issue.
Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to begin
or perform any work on the construction, reconstruction or
alteration or repair of any plumbing or house drainage sustem
in any building in the City of Port Angeles, without complying
with all the provisions of this Ordinance in relation thereto,
and obtaining and having a permit from the Inspector so to do,
which permit must at all times during the performance of such
work and until the completion thereof be posted in some con-
spicuous place in the building wherein such work is being done;
provided, however, that no permit will be required for the re-
moval of stoppage in soil or waste pipes, provided a cleanout
is inserted as in this Ordinance provided, or for replacing
broken fixtures, providing such fixtures conform to the regula-
tions contained in this Ordinance, nor for replacing tanks or
faucets or repairing leaks in waste or water pipes,
Section 5. In order to obtain the permit provided for in
the preceding section, the owns r oof the premises, or his
authorized agent or the.1p G o for employed to do the
work shall file in the office of the Inspector an application
in writing for such permit, stating therein the number and kind
of fixtures to be used in such work, the street and house number
of the premises where the work is to be none, the ame of the
owner, and the name and address of the Pl #e2g roe or, and
containing an agreement that such work is to be done in accord-
ance with the Cdr and Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles,
Section 6, Any persons doing their own worx on the own
it WEN/ . ('H Sti- a s d premises where they actually reside,4 need not file a bond
make deposit, but must take out a permit from the plumbing in-
spector's office and have the work inspected and approved. Said
permit shall be furnished by the plumbing inspector on payment of
the sum of Two Dollars and fifty cents ($2,50) ; provided,, that
this section shall not apply to contractors, or persons fi. firms
building houses for sale,
Section 7, no permit shall be issued by the inspector
until the following tees for inspection have been paid to the
City Treasurer;
When the building contains from one to five plumbing
fixtures the see for inspection shall be the sum of Two Dollars
and Fifty Cents ($2,50), and for every additional fixture up to
ten thereafter installed, or for which waste or vent fittings
are installed, the inspection fee shall be Fifty Cents for each
additional fixture; and for each additional fixture over ten,
a fee of Twenty Cents for inspection shall be charged; and no
permit shall be issued for less than $2.50, which shall include
the connection with the City Sewer,
The word "fixtures" as used in this Ordinance shall be
held to mean and include all fixtures connected with drains or
waste pipes that drain into and are connected with a sewer, or
septic tank,
Section 8, When the roughing -in work of any plumbing or
house drainage has been completed, and before any such work has
been covered or in any way concealed from view, the same must be
subjected to the following tests: By plugging all openings and
filling with water to the highest point, or by pressure of air
of not leas than 15 pounds to the square inch (on a epring
gauge to the satisfaction of the Inspector), When work has been
tested and proved perfectly tight, the Inspector °&hall be not-
ified that such work is read y for nepection, and it shall be
the duty of the c er to see that all work is left
open and convenient for inspection until inspected, The Inspector
shall inspect all work within three working days after having
been notified that qu work s ready for inspection, by
causing the . . •r to apply, in the inepector's
presence, one of the above tests, such teats to include all
soil, waste and vent pipes, brass ferrules and soldering nipples
in connection with the work,
Section 9j When work is completed and all fixtures set,
the Inspector must be notified in writing that the work is ready
for final inspection, and the Inspector may require a final test
of either smoke or peppermint, and no plumbing work shall be
used until this inspection has been made and a c rtificate of
approval hqa been issued to the ab rae4or owner or
Section 10, Whenever, upon inspection, any building sr
premises, or any part thereof, for any insanitary cause is found
unfit for human habitation, the Inspector may require the
vacation of said building, premises or part thereof, and a
4 4
written order shall be conspicuously affixed and posted on the
building or premises, and where practicable shall be served upon
the owner, agent or occupant of such premises,
Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail,
neglect, or refuse to comply with the order of the Inspector or
fail to vacate the premises upon being ordered so to do by the
Inspector as provided in the preceding section,
Section 12, The maintenance of any plumbing .or house drain-
age system in an insanitary condition shall be deemed a nuisance,
and the same shall be abated in the manner provided by law,
Section 13, The Inspector shall have free access to all
buildings for the purpose of examining the same and all plumbing
and house drainage eyetems therein, and ascertaining whether the
provisions of this Ordinance are being complied with ana for
such purposes shall, at all reasonable times, have a right to
enter and inspect such buildings; and it shall be unlawful far
any person to prevent or attempt to prevent any such entrance
or inspection, or to obstruct or interfere with any such officer
while engaged therein,
Section 14, Whenever the Inspector shall find any building
or premises that are being kept, maintained or occupied in an
insanitary condition, or in which plumbing has been installed
or is being installed not in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Inspector, and he
is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to notify the owner,
agent or occupant thereof to cause said premises to be made to
conform to the provisions of this Ordinance, which notification
shall be in writing and shall be served either on the owner,
agent or occupant of such premiaea, or in case the premises are
unoccupied, may be posted on the premises, and it shall be un-
lawful for any person so notified to fail, neglect or refuse to
comply with such notice,
Section 15. It shall be unlawful to construct or extend
any plumbing work for the reception of sewerage or waste water
in any building, or ty c nect the same with any public sewer
or septic tankjithin the City of Port Angeles, =lose the same
work shall in its plans and construction conform to the follow-
ing requirements:
The arrangement of soil and waste pipes must be as direct
as possible and have a fall of not lees than one - eighth of one
inch per foot towards the sewer or septic. tank; when the same run
under a sidewalk they must be at least two feet below said walk;
said soil pipe shall extend two feet beyond the main outside
wall or any area walls,
All sewer pipes outside of any building shall be of good
qualified vitrified clay or cement, properly laid, and the joints
made•with equal parts of clean sharp sand and Portland cement,
As each joint is laid it shall be carefully cleaned on the inside,
and all sewers must be inspected before being covered up,
s, Whenever the City sewer cannot be
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reached, a septic tank must be put in, and standard plans for
C same gy be h at the office of the City Engineer, �
TaPprineiaolee in main sewers will not be allowed without
special permit from toe plumbing inspector, and in no case will
main sewers be allowed to be tapped on top, The connection witn
all sewers must be made even at the inside surface in a owrkman-
like manner, and when a length of pipe or drain has been left in
IIIthe sewer it shall be made perfectly tight with goad cement,
Whenever necessary to open a street or alley to connect
with sewer, the street or alley must be opened to travel, and
paving and earth deposited in a manner that will occasion the
leaet inconvenience to the public, and provision made for the
passage of vehicles, with bridgewaye on the sidewalks for foot
passengers, In refilling the trench the earth must be laid in
layers of not more than six inches, and each layer wetted and
tamped to prevent after - settlement; the paving and sidewalks
restored to at least as good condition as previous to excavating,
and all rubbish and surplus earth immediately removed,
Section 16, All sewers, soil or waste pipes within the
building shall be of cast iron supported by substantial piers
or properly secured to the walls, or suspended to floor timbers
by strong iron hangers; when sewers are necessarily laid below
a concrete. floor man holes hall be built to - ac s t l
clean - out e,— 04;174) gfr
Section 17. There shall be a clean -out at the toot of each
vertical line of soil o, waate,pipe, All clean -outs shall be
closed by braes screw, and =1 be kept accessible,
Section 18. Rain water leaders or down spouts shall never
be used as soil, waste or vent pipes, nor shall soil, waste or
vent pipes be used as a leader, Where the leader is within
the building it shall be of cast or wrought iron pipe as provided
in the following section, When outside the building, if of
sheet metal with slip joints, and if connected with the sewer,
it shall be trapped, the trap being arranged to prevent freezing,
In every case where a leader opens near a window or light shaft,
it shall be properly trapped at its base, The joints between
inside iron leaders and the roof shall be made tight by means
of caulking ferrules, and lead or copper pipes properly con -
nected to rain water inlets on roof,
Section 19, All cast iron pipe shall be sound and tree
from defects, thoroughly coated insdie and out with coal tar,
asphaltum or pitch, All cast iron soil pipe two inches in
diameter or over shall be standard pipe except where there is
a vertical run of more than 20 feet when extra heavy pipe shall
be used on all but the first 20 feet, measuring from the top
fixture down,
Section 20,
The waste pipe for each and every sink, basin, bath, water
closet, urinal, and each set of trays or other fixtures, shall
be separately and effectually trapped, The trap mall be as
near as practicable to the fixture it serves, No fixtures shall
be set unless supplied with sufficient water to properly flush
it, All bath tubs shall be trapped with a drum trap of lead,
cast iron pr brass, with screw cover full size of trap, set
flush with finished floor, When ouch drum trap is placed or
constructed on the first floor of any building the same must
be vented than more than sixty inches from the vent stack, on
the second floor 48 inches, and on the third floor, or floors
in excess of the third floor, 36 inches,
The Boil pipe witjiin the house shall be continued above
the roof and left above so that the whole drain may be thoroughly
and constantly ventilated, In all cases where a building is
used as an hotel, tenement, boarding house or restaurant, the
owner or occupant Waal' provide a properly constructed grease
trap through which all slops of a greasy nature shall be drained,
and the Inspector shall have authority to compel any person or
persons or corporation to provide and use a grease trap when in
his judgment same is necessary,
Section 21, No more than two basins, or two pantry sinks,
two cuspidors, or two drinking fountains, shall be connected on
one and one- fourth inch waste line, No more than four basins,
two bath tubs, or two sinks shall be connected on one and one-
half inch waste lines, too more than two laundry tubs or two
urinals other than stall, shall be connected on one and one -half
inch waste line, and not more than one slop sink shall be con-
nected on a two inch waste line, and not more than eight small
fixtures shall be connected on a two inch waste line. All
wrought iron pipe shall be galvanized with recessed drainage
fittings on the waste, All wrought iron pipe shall be reamed,
No waste pipe from a refrigerator or other receptacle where
food is kept shall be connected direct to a sewer, soil or
waste pipe; refrigerator wastes shall be of a diameter of not
leas than one'and one -half inches, and e• arranged as to be
properly. flushed.
Section 22. Joints in cast iron pipe shall be made with
an oakum gasket and pure lead well caulked, and no paint, varnish,
or putty will be allowed until the joint has been tested; joints
in wrought iron pipes shall be screw joints; joints in lead
pipe shall be in all cases wiped; joints between lead and iron
pipe shall be made of cast or drawn brass screw nipples, er
with brass caulking ferrules of the tull size of the iron pipe.
No solder union will be allowed in connection of waste or vent
pipes that are to be concealed, and slip joints will be allowed
only in unconcealed work,
Section 23, All soil or waste pipes shall be carried un-
diminished in size to a height of at least eight inches above
the main roof, except in cases of tenement houses or roofs used
for drying purposes. In all such cases, they shall extend seven
feet above the roof and be suitably braced, Pipes on extension
roofs, when within twelve feet of any window, shall be carried
up undiminished in size above the nearest window, There shall
be no caps, cowles, ventilators or return bends put on the ends
of the pipes above the roof,
Section 24, Where eafes are placed under fixtures, the
safe wastes, if any, shall run to some place in open sight
inside of buildings, and ehall not be less than one inch in
Section 25. Each and every trap shall be ventilated with
an air pipe, In cases where the size of the trap is two inches
or less, the vent pipe shall start not more than for inches
away from the water line of the trap, except "P" traps, which
may be sixteen inches; in case of large size traps the vent
pipe shall start from the vent horn, and if there is no horn,
then from the lead bend, or other proper fitting. Each line
of vent pipe ehall be lead galvanized or cast iron, The branch
"T" of vent pipes shall be set above the fixtures so that the
vents cannot act as a waste pipe, No rubber couplings or
ordinary soldering iron joints shall be used to connect vent or
waste pipe, The highest water closets, when located within
twenty -four inches of the main soil pipe, need not be separately
ventilated, All old fixtures when connected with sewer, shali
be provided with back air or vent pipes,
Section 26, Each and every trap must be ventilated by an
air pipe not less than the size of the trap used, except traps
larger than two inches, such traps must be ventilated by a two
inch pipe, Not more than two small iixturea can be ventilated
from a one and one - fourth inch pipe, or more than four fixtures
from a one and one -half inch pipe, or more than eight small
fixtures on a two inch pipe, or more than four water closets,
A greater number than the previously described number of
fixtures may be ventilated on one vent pipe by increasing the
vent pipe in proportion to accommodate the desired number of
fixtures, The highest fixture on any vertical soil or waste
pipe need not be vented, provided said fixture is not over
wee feet from the main soil or waste stack that extends full
size through the roof, No horizontal vent pipe will be
allowed below the top of the fixture it serves, Where possible
the vent pipe connection from the fixture to the main vent must
be made at least one foot above the fixture, All vent pipes
muat be arranged so that they will drain any condensation,
Section 274. A battery of less than four wash trays may
be served through one trap, Where less than four wash basins
in barber shops or office buildings, or one sink and one or two
part wash tray in flats sr apartments are located in one place,
one trap may be used, provided that net lees than one and one-
half inch trap and vent pipe are used, and the length of the
branch waste does not exceed five ieet,
The discharge from any fixture snail pass through no more
than one trap before reaching the main drain soil or waste pipe.
Whenever possible a restaurant or soda fountain bar sink shall
be vented, but in case that it is not practicable to so vent
the same such a fixture shall be provided with a trap with at
least four inch water seal and at least four inches in diameter,
Basins in barber shops shall be trapped in a similar
manner, unless an approved type of brass non - siphoning trap be
used upon the house drain or house sewer,
Section 28, In egery building connected to a sewer, or
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septic tank with an interior or exterior water oloset,at least
one stack of a diameter not less than four inches, extended
through the roof, shall be installed,
Section 29, All sewers, soil and waste pipe shall be as
direct as possible, Changes in direction of horizontal pipes
shall be made with "Y" branch, or one.eighth bende. No sanitary
"T" will be allowed on a horizontal line of soil or waste pipe,
Ofr -sets shall be made with forty -five degree bends or similar
fittings, No one-fourth bends shall be used unless unavoidable,
All bends' and off -sets in lead pipe must be made so as to
leave full sized openings, and care must be taken to not
materially weaken any portion of the pipe in bending, All rune
of lead waste or vent shall be properly supported,
Section 30, Cellar, basement and area drain traps are not
required to be vented. Every floor drain trap shall be supplied
with fresh water from the nearest flush tank or from a water
closet flush pipe through a galvanized iron pipe of not lees
than three - eighths inches in diameter or through a brass pipe of
not less than 7 -16 of an inch in diameter; or with a running
trap in sewer line outside of building* as owner may desire,
No such trap shall be located in a main running line of the
waste or soil pipe, but shall be connected thereto by "Y" branch,
All such floor traps shall be kept covered by a brass or iron
Section 31, The terms "apartmentR, *tenement" and "flat",
shall be held to mean any suites or combination of rooms used
for housekeeping purposes, When two or more such suites or
combinations are located in one building, whether on one or
more floors,
Every factory, workshop, school, dwelling house, apartment
house, store building, or other place where any person is
employed, or where people congregate daily, must be provided
with suitable water closett.accommodations,
Factories, work shops and stores shall have one water
closet for each 24 persons or fraction thereof of each sex, Ali
store buildings in business section of the City shall ,have at
least two separate toilets, one for each sex,
Hotels, lodging and rooming houses must have one water
closet for every ten rooms or fraction thereof, Closets for
the different sexes must be entirely separate, All places of
amusement must have one water closet for each sex,
Each dwelling house, apartment, tenement or flat must nave
at least one water closet and one sink, and if more than ten
persons live in any one apartment, tenement or flat, there shalt
be an additional water closet for each additional ten persona
or fraction thereof,
Privy sinks, pans or plug closets, iron hoppers range or
trough closets or any closet having a mechanical seal in con -
nection with the bowl, are prohibited, Dry closets, vault
closets, wooden sinks, wash trays or bath tubs will not be
Section 32, Every water closet within the building shall
be supplied with water from a separate tank or cistern, which
shall be so arranged as to deliver at least four gallons at each
flushing, and shall have a flush pipe of not less than one and
one-quarter inches in diameter; Provided, that when closets oi'
the Flushometer type are used they must be supplied by either
tank or direct pressure,
Enclosing of water closets with wood casings shall not
be permitted,
Water closets shall never be placed in an unventilated
room or compartment; an exterior window that can be opened
will be considered sufficient,
When urinals are placed in any public building, the
floors must be covered with either marble, extra heavy glass, or
glazed tiling, or may be constructed of a body of good concrete
floated with not less than one -half inch coat of one to one
water proofing, to the satisfaction of the Inspector,
When urinals are constructed to drain from trough in
floor, the waste pipe shall be at least two inches with two
inch trap, Urinals must be supplied with water so as to
thoroughly flush all parts, and no galvanized iron or sheet
metal urinal,:troughs will be allowed,
Urinal stalls shall not be lees than 24 inches in clear
and partitions shall be of non•.absorbent material,
Section 33, Waste water from fixtures in houses when
public sewer is not available may be conveyed to a septic tank,
Such septic tank shall not be located within twenty feet from
any dwelling or factory,
Section 34, No steam exhaust, blow off or drip pipe shall
connect directly with the sewer, house drain, soil, waste or
vent pipe, or with any rain water conductor. Steam shall be
discharged into a blow -off or condensing tank with two inch
vents, the waste or overflow of which shall be connected with the
house sewer outside of the cellar walls,
Section 36. All master plumbers shall be held responsible
for all acts of their agents or employees.
Section 36. All etables and garages having wash racks
for washing vehicles and having said racks connected with City
sewers shall have catch basins to prevent sand or heavy matter
from entering the sewer. The bottom of the catchibasin shall
be eighteen inches below the invert of the outlet to the sewer,
the outlet to be trapped to the depth of six inches below the
invert to the outlet of the sewer,
Section 37, Water service pipes must be se located that
the supply for each separate house or premises shall be controlled
by a separate atop and waste cock, with extension handle,properiy
protected from frost, and so placed within the premises that ail
service pipes and fixtures may be thoroughly drained during
freezing weather,
All pipes in the building must be so arranged as to drain
toward the stop and waste cock, All water pipes shall be either
galvanized iron lead or brass and protected from frost, Air
chambers must be placed at the termination of all vertical lines
of water pipe exceeding 6 feet in length, and at all sinks,
Section 38, Where special fixtures are required for which
there are no provisions in these rules and regulations, or when
conditions arise that demand a change of these rules, the In-
specter, upon examination, may recommend, in writing to the
City Commission, such deviation from these rule and regulations
as in his judgment the conditions demand; thereupon he may, in
his discretion isaue a permit in duplicate for such work, one to
the plumber and one to be tiled with the City Clerk, together
with his said recommendation, CLAUSE,
Section 39. Any person, firm, company or corporation,
who shall violate any of the terms and provisions of thie
Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof aha11 be punished by a fine of not exceeding
One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of
Port Angeles, not to exceed Thirty (30) days, or by both such
fine and impriesni ent, „
Section 40, All ordinances sr parts of ordinances in
conflict with the terms and previsions of this ordinance are
hereby repealed.
Section 41, Whereas, there being now no ordinance in
effect in the City of Port Angeles, relating to the subjects
as herein set forth, and whereas, there is in the interest
of public peace, safety and health, a aemand for the immediate
passage of this ordinance, an urgency and emergency is hereby
declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication,
Passed First Reading by City Commission, March / O 192.,
Passed Second Reading by City Commission,march / 7 19z�..
Passed Third Reading by City Commission, March /7 192A.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, March / 7 1921.
Attest; `
City erk,
Approved as • j •.%
Date of Publi ation, _1921,