HomeMy WebLinkAbout0682ORDINANCE NO , Y2
AN ORDINANCE licensing certain businesses, callings, trades,
employments, games, amusements, entertainments or exhibitions
within the City of Port Angeles, for the purposes of regulation,
imposing an occupation tax xe; providing for the collect-
ion of license fees; for tie suspension and revocation of licenses
issued under authority of this Ordinance; providing penalties
for the violation of any of the terms and provisions of this
Ordinance, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances
relating to the manner and form of applying for and granting of
said licenses, the manner and form in which the same may be
issued, the suspension and revocation thereof, which are in con-
flict with the terms and provisions of this Ordinance on the
same subjects, -
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of
Port Angeles:
Section 1. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person
or persons, company, corporation or association, to do, transact,, •
exercise, engage in or carry on, either directly or indirectly,
within the limits of the City of Port Angelee, any business,
calling, trade, or employment, occupation, game, amusement,
entertainment or activity, tor which a license is hereafter
required, or a license fee provided, without first procuring,
such license and paying such fee,
Section 2, Every chautauqua, circus, side -show, skating
rink, moving picture show, opera, concert, exhibition, or other
public amusement (except the same is an amateur performance, or
is given under the auspices or tor the benefit of some home
society, association or church, and a permit therefor has been
granted by the Commissioner of rublic Safety) shall be license &
at the following rates, viz:
(a) Every chautauqua, on and after September 21st, 1921,
Ten Dollars 010.00) per day,
(b) Every circus, menagerie or hippodrome, Fifty Dollars
($50,00) per day,
(c) Every side -show on the same ground with the circus,
menagerie or hippodrome, charging an admittance fee, Ten Dollars
($10,00) per day,
(d) Every skating rink, Twentysfive Dollars ($25,u0)
per year.
(e) Every panorama, for first exhibition, Two Dollars and
Fifty Cents ($2.50),
For every additional exhibition after the first, one
Dollar '41,00),
(f) Every theatrical performance or opera, concert, show,
exhibition, moving picture show, or other sundry kind of amusement,
shall pay a license fee as follows;
(1) Those charging a fee for general admission or where the
charge for general admission and reserved seat is the sum of
Fifty Cents or less, for the first exhibition $5.00.
For each additional exhibition after the first, $2.50.
(2) Those charging a fee for general admission or where
the charge for general admission and reserved seat is the sum
of One Dollar or less, for the first exhibition $7,50,
For each additional exhibition after the first $5,00.
(3) Those charging a fee for general admission or where
the charge for general admission and reeerved seat is more
than the sum of One Dollar, tor the first exhibition $10,00,
For each additional exhibition after the first $7.50.
PROVIDED, a license may be granted under this subdivision
for a monthly period at $25;00 per month'
so. o o
(g) Every public hall or room used for the production of an
opera,.theatrical performance, concert, show, exhibition, or for
the purpose of a house of public amusement, not otherwise in
this subdivision described, shall pay a license fee in the sum
of Seventy -five Dollars ($75.00) per year, and every.
public hall or room used for the purpose of producing moving
pictures or for the purpose of a moving picture show, shall
pay a license fee in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($10v,00)
,der year,
(h) Every street fair, carnival, dog and pong show so-
called, held in any building, enclosure or tent within the
City of Port Angeles, to which an entrance fee is charged,
Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) per day.
(i) Every side -show on the same ground with every street
fair, carnival, or dog and pong show so- called, Ten Dollars
($10.00) per day. Every circus, street fair, carnival, or
dog and pony show, so- called, shall depositor cause to be
deposited with the City Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles,
One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) as a guarantee that the grounds,
premises, streets, alleys, or other public places occupied by
it will be thoroughly cleaned, and all garbage and refuse dis-
posed of to the entire satisfaction of the Health Depargment
of said City, and also to pay the City for any damages to
sidewalks, trees, or other public property, and no license
shall be issued until such deposit is made,
(j) Every shooting gallery or place for target practice,
Twenty -five Dollars $25.00) per year; and for any shorter
period, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per day, for the number
of days covered by the license; Provided that this subdivision
shall not apply to private clubs or associations,
(k) Every riding gallery, commonly called a merry -go- round,
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day.
(1) Every cane rack, knife rack, ball rack, ring board or
other similar device, every striking machine, lifting machine,
or any device for testing strength, or any other similar game,
amusement, exhibition or entertainment, Five Dollars ($5.00)
per day,
(m) Every exhibition of any curiosity or freak of nature,
Five Dollars ($5.00) per day,
(n) Every hypnotist or mesmerist shall pay a license tee
of Ten Dollars ($10,00) for each and every public hypnotic or
mesmeric exhibition given by him or-her; Provided, however, any
display of hypnotism or mesmerism in any show window or-public
place outside of the hall or room where such entertainment or
exhibition shall be given, is absolutely prohibited,
(o) Every bowling alley shall pay a license fee of
Ten Dollars ($10,00) per year for each alley,
(p) Every person, firm or corporation desiring to keep,
manage, run or conduct any billiard, pool, pigeon hole o!t
Jeny Lind table shall pay a license fee as follows;
For each table the sum of $10,00 per year; PROVIDED
that this subdivision shall not apply to billiard or pool tables
kept in private clubs or associations where said tables are used
exclusively by club members,
EVery public dance hall the sum of One Hundred
Dollars 4100,00) per year,"
(r) Every public dance held or conducted outside of a
public hall or room where a yearly license is paid, the sum of
$2,50 each night and each day,
(s) Every person, firm or corporation desiring to keep,
manage, run or conduct any table or tables in connection with
his business for the purpose of social playing of cards, shad
pay a license fee as follows;
For each table the sum of Five Dollars ($5,00) per year,
PROVIDED, no room or rooms where social games of cards are
played shall remain open between the hours of twelve o'clock
M. and six o'clock A, M,; and PROVIDED further, that this sub..
division shall not apply to such tables kept and provided in
private clubs and associations where said tables are used
exclusively by club members; PROVIDED FURTHER, however, that
nothing herein shall permit or allow betting or gambling on any
such tables hereby licensed as aforesaid,
Section 3, All sales at public vendue or auction,except
under and by virtue of legal process, shall be conducted only
by regularly licensed auctioneers, and every auctioneer shall
pay a license fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) per year;
PROVIDED, that if the applicant desires to restrict his business
to the sale of live stock, second -hand wagons, buggies, harness,
farm implements, second -hand furniture, utensils, household
furniture or household effects, to be sold on the premises of
the owner, the fee shall be Five Dollars ($5,00) for each sale;
and PROVIDED FURTHER, that no auctioneer's license shall`, °issue L
until the applicant shall have filed with the City Clerk a
good and sufficient bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars,
with a responsible surety company as surety, conditioned that -
said license shall not permit any fraud or imposition to be
practised upon buyers or purchasers of property from him,
and that he will comply with all the terms and provisions of
the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles relating to
auctioneers. and will render a true and strict account of his
sales to xhe person or persons employing him to make the sale,
and conditioned further that any person, firm or corporation,
shall have the right of action and redress under said bond;
and PROVIDED FURTHER, no auctioneer's license shall be granted
to any itinerant or transient person; and PROVIDED FURTHER, no
license issued under the provisions of this Section shall be
held to authorize any person other than the one named therein
to conduct auction sales or to cover more than one place of
business, or to authorize any sale at any other place, except
as in said license designated.
Soction 4, ;;t) "?otor te.atclee provided for unn,er this.
- ection :4...:11 include 211 ve %iclen and nnchines propcli...1 by
f.:trer ltber the-t nuscul4 Lz_cu on thy eublic streets cf' tha
rLty of Pert Anee7.ee.
qa",A my J ueotor ntjicLe r ; r .r
loc4l. street or
;,ecti nr4. (al 1�q.toer $lA aix. e {f,r e ha'll incluedrer all.avd e hiLess
machinesplopelied -by podr'iher
than muscular used upoh the
public streets_ of,.thc,:Cettysptc ?ort Angeles, for_the treneportation
of persons, freight. Ff'° ?� g„Q: ary•;commodity. except traction
enginseltemporarily up Ate.public streets, road rollers or road
makinh.machines,,and . moSpr°xehicles that run upon rails or tracks.
tb) "AUtouobileaennal paean the ordinary our wheeled mptbr
vehicle, and shall be °s mayrtous with the term,'!: otor Vehicle";
except; as herein othe�'w.e! provided.
(o) C :..otor CycleC4r wart` mean tOmoto2 vlthi'cle" on two or three
wheels intended for t#e_c crying of onq, two or ihrce persons, or
operated by one perent4O0he carrying. oP i 1t bareele.,or 1.4.
packages. plat
(d ) . "jitney , as rii ingui stied- fxom. °sutomotiil �'' at�all itneai�,.�u�zy
motor vehicle .Operated ar the pur ose ef; affordi means: of l`ooal.
street passenger tronsportstion 14e 4ndieeiiminately accenting and
di scherging.iu h, pe'eorus_ e9;m ipf f y fii f ., P.Pn 'o 'h 't pp9 tatinn.
411 _cc) "itont,Car "` as distingule ed frym, "automobile" shall mean
any a.otor vehicle- opersted� for "'th"s"Purpr'ee- o'f• carrying persons or
passengers for'"hire -whie4 is rented from a fixed stand in the City
or from prive.te or public garage or other place, or the deetination
of which is e.cclueively under the control of the persons or passen-
gers transported therein, and shall inolude any motor vehicle
operated for hire from some place within the City of Fort Angeles
to a place beyond the corporate limit* of said City, and any motor
vehicle operated for hire from some place without the City ofFort
Angeles to :a place within the corporate limits of the City of-Port
.,(f) , "Auto.' £3tag4:. ae "ili'etinguis i t _frota.' "autot4Ubild" shall
mean bny motor zrehicle csxicying paaeengeks, baggage 'air freight far
hire operated upon'a fixed'route or schedule from some place within
the City of Fort Angeles to S: place beyond. the,.corpo,rate ;Amite of,
said City, or° upon a fixed` route or ,schedule Stom,ebille .pipbe 'dute.>.de
of the" corporate limits of the City 'of`Port M gol'et `into`'daied City,
or frouz some point-beyond the corporate limits of said City. oontin-
uing through °aid City,..ot kort, Ange.les, , if such vettinle up.,�x..-
pas seneers_ ;to r'hire thin't}ir ity'of'»prt A ol$s Jx
(g) "Lotor Truck" ae.distinguiahed , frem' "Automtile" shall
mean any . motor' y hicls desig red or used' for. the t e t O•pz td .lon o!.
comme!iit.ice, merchandise, produce freight. Or animA1'I;'
(h) "Trailer" eha11 mean. any vehicle whip is attached to
any motor vehicle . for r t r pii�rpoee of beitig&tti r zq, �pir pelted by •
such motor vehicle:;}'_t1,
(i) " Lotor Truck" as used in this Section shall be olashified
as follows: tt
(1) "Transfer Truck" as distinguished in this subdivision shall
mean any motor truce, used as a dray engaged in a general transfer
business of any commodity including baggage.
(2) "Commercial Truck" as distinguished in this au %divieiona,ehall
.mean .all .mo.tar- truces o till. r-- than -4kese •else°ifled as- transfer e rs .
(1,, Fr- - ' after z_ •
':. •3 f- • any "0, prou4 cart, "cut.- :oto
"7. the evlet:mi.: :,f r •r_t:ac!. 'iii rr:e!
(j').'Ir ,'c t time l nean and. includema y 1nhiirijiva1$) irns . ,c
copext,? e 'Bh .,hcx `Pa!?Y,� eMp�}ciest1G74, .jai ock Lao oc at'i.on for
car i' tla ; -
.'e4ia. n, . �'u�t0 ata or "' at t I-a'. t' r 11
e.. 4 or , . but no �Ai. ,, ..:1 o�:
cr- d.i:,i _+�, 4 c n R : ^ *'e du.: if dr''.viva ct34h
(1tY s A114 'c nfi ,rj e]ude.ri a person. (zse. ouch „•wards is
disci ti ,1, ,1 i o ?,Jnanae; making application 1'ar and ;who •
be gran r e ” ,c ' ", "auto stage ", "transfer truck" eras
ooenerq1 e.. +zt�cnt - -
steal se to a ,permit .authtortijzing the person
to whore it 1ef iisuec 'to drive any. x j`i'tney "e ' ".resit "ca 1'� "auto stage ",
transfer truck er- P er,oia1 trek" p,! � .
(m) "Street ". t .1 mean, any public street, avenue, alley,
boulevard or othe ?�p 1ic etreat laid. out fbr the use of vehicles.
(n) From anif-5,i4egr tth taking.eirect of this ordinance it shall
be unlawful for ani A{ereen'.to operate'. or drive any,, "jitn N' "
car ", auto stage"-e, triillefer truck* ev-- "commercial truck" except
upon compliance with he provisions of this ordinance. The person
!making applira' ioi ' °fp license tip. .o$erate or have operated hereunder
a "jitney rapt "cb 'r+,,# "flag!" stage ", ''transfer truck" or "aoeumeraial
truck" l is";ptYr resit be`.dee ed the owner of such tptsy,
gent emir, t:utO,ste ; trknefer'truck , commercial tr c; 'n
ehal. bo . Airing construed . bc' impose utoan such :owner the duty o firiving e
jitney, rent oar, n 'to stage, transfer -truck o . commercial truck' n �'
person; provide4, �hwpver, ,that either the. owner, .,hieoagent_or rite
employee a call De, cut xor' ,zed.•to" "give..
� , i•eii$;c,ai, auto stage,
transfer' truck Set trueie,; -ei me unleees the person
driving ouch jitne r n o . aut44v e,atransfer.. u k 1,
III commercial truck, p holder' of a drivers p harein
provi1ed ,^ _. - -
�.�• :ix: :.�.. :r.. .,a. ;.,Iry E-!�� !! €�r or 14.7.nlaa
"CC) The i rt es r411uirect hereunderµar�Lof - •
(1) one for e eh j ,tney osx'.,
�- 13, is ,xi. S' to
2� T Line, Tor;b c heat I oar, ,,.
3 one 'for a 'oh r %utoi stage;
, .r—t
t ,
4 ' bn8 for' e4ri trfer$rck, .1i-. .: - ► : -. %.
5 onericr ' .0e h +o riinerota truck
i _
Cd ,(p)';, i appli• at, 60 - or t'n , rent car, auto stage transfer
truck 'ea coz.e'tcial tiuckfi ,-e cj' efiall be matt._ by the owner thereof
in exiting and-filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fort Angeles;
which applications shall etate the name of the owner; ti,e �rnake; .
state license rr�lrmber; seating C aCity 'an-f' the weight it r e ! same
be a =trrinefe`r truck `or commercial" truck, •
(q) Al]. ` pp.Li ationi' Der ht iviri 1'icenee or perms ,, shall' be
etude by the petson desiring such license or permit, and such
application shall stets the person.'e some;,,place of re41d ce;
whether married'or Bin le }r hiel:' pr,v ode `experience 1& dri" ng
motor -vehicles; "'che�ther sir riot he has driven a motor vehicle for
hire before and where; whether Rr riot,: his license Ears dXI-Ving such
motor vehicle. *la rs,vbi<dd, if eo,. ,crhy;, iris; a e; wetg"h a height; and
coior-' off'' hair and eyeo. - . .
(r) Lacs} nnitibt i ttYo 4 r vchjyert s license or permit roust
p;e*e -; the follow lq , f r too s: ?l) He must be at leas
Y:.tA sir. a 4-I v ey: i ill) O1
in'rirmi of ba�iy ruiaVV4Va; • u� r z n �o Z� ) , safe operation ' . ' elh . i t'. tie fie gi24' o e e 7
the 2.nglioh' iarigue (4`� must. let be adducted to the use of
intoxicating liquor, opium or any `of' its alkaloids, (5) He
must have at least three months' experience in driving an automobile,
Weighing ;sore than 6,500 pounds $5,00, and fifty tents
hundred weight for all in excels of 1,500 poundh:.
Trailers used a t.cu.:kr. ,shall be clarsifi..1 and rat
. yr./ �` .:�� a Y' .x :luh i- .r ',roviiod for xµote-
try:: (ej rib ]kintenae...o.r .,;permit shall be granted hereunder until the
following fees have been paid °ta the City Treaeura : �.,
�'or each drivLo r.: perLi; tho :��:s ox rim: iollara3 ( 3.�. :u,
F.or..i Ch "Jitney* One Dollar (31.00) per annum for each
paeeenger seating capacity.
(r) It • • ,m, Per _:,pie .
orattact trent oar" One Dollar (11.04) per "ahlnlis ions };.
paseengeio riBatitig capacity, A tV .. or ► a+ ?
... orapiachiis!autoh: tags'* 4he *um tOr.
Orst ol1a� { l * $ n
for: each lnseenger °sestitga cepabit .4ta.,10°-41 1.i cu t"" it
more than itc ltv.- r;,r,,, w.pnci.• r, out in no er.:nt Grist trt:cz.
or F orleartr .!'transferP>:td''+i.'kiccr, v't'th r wit:lout std: lard, -Al
c. r�
than t:•intj. -.tr .. thouLax. aa...`.
Weighing 00 .ppund�or lees 02.50.
Weighing #ore °,thany ptgui, e;
and., niitM exEia 8560 °p.outde
5.QQ,; .or the: rr 1n ~��:: ah 1 .Q taken °.0
utighi.ng moredtl'ian- 4500 - •peuride,. Sea +rititiiotxtdna $�"r ki °1 ist�Btl
pounds, $7460. ,:.cy ', are .. �t_y . - the or ginal
�.. lieighing.,mbre, thanot0 ;'0 ].0tpoundei andlrtotiegete, deism 2360
poonda „.7 10.01. ; ..x- ,. • :4 rebuilt does not •
.t. th.. „s _� placed therein, nor
y. th t iy '.e 1, .xl lrr =knra k:M : : ' ^r _. or other places
-.,a liort;aa,ae,h, ;commercial truck ":
t'ei i> AtAKSaTiounda r i0-8e FrPto run an "auto etr..3t-*
r.: °'i4.jelatr *K . .AhancaMc sthinde, rand.inot '. & ed 6500 ;sounds
# a ++b
' gh re than 6500 pdttride, and not'1'O''1rtittd'edsi',FOdd
pounds. `3 .: • .�. : ,� -:r1 to eb.all ar.,y .L:e..rati
.. We utt mare ',than' 10,000 'pi: w:As; •id4nbtau t td,"21 -2 too
pear a:ate.;" __ _
Trnilerxe =tel. ws•ttxuaka) dl>uliirbe.;t, • r .. ° .. , and
t. _.: ..- .. _ z ai a ,a cr
n?'zi?3i;.cea. ,!i.,riva ' 4e1.41Stitil oin 2;g0010e1- 974taid or cc
oth+ r cor . -,i aucu:. place am+an "5t -n ;o* or
"::aR 4 h 1:. ,W3 -aw ul ...f.Dr, a yi rpe'rson i ie re+3nernef=car aoi•' "it
atton..eto, irive,.apre dmit, ;=Ova ; ,convir o e% tirbrte resit ice? LU�:'yc`a
to � c4r yer ,, :prope.ilead;a drawn; sovadi.;,aa niv'eSred 'b --tli nsportad
over, upon , - Sri° pz' 'swerves: any: tttri:ic iatreet Isithint.th:ottitatorate
limits ot, tbg7 C,itylbfr,3aor,.t t i.eb�' earl;:, ruck -or trhilker tdr any
truck and tra4 .e,;, t+i _ or:rai•at.haut load„ ribl,i h • #hall iisi61gh{ isftri, than
itea, .ieesneed, 9$ftas`ity:;nbut: in no event .sriiv�.1, es�iii- trtto]t~ielrotrui'idr
or ntrur• 0;10. trailer;; ;+:4^.k4. ar-_ xi thoaut?itSolottt9,, Wilithdibl5,e6than
tweftiy -fet1r tnoUeana sSa•Ourtia., � �h��.� pCJ 1.. t; +.is,. : i • . n.. .
4e; .r'w yf .od, 1711'4. 1:sm1 of SiX 4%44.4,
..,S.4)Zikid Pelt capaciiyoeftanya atney9logntbt - dr-,:auto
stagsegf4r40t'Ogrpopeaiett inisiarrl5nehoeaeha1idbnctaki nt41 bis�th+
make k:.tbr #$ei IA A/Mk:Meting saliaeftyheraftleaant cab e tithe rillth
eeal< n @#phi t y. seellba4peacttrgd b .ethe,she3,iiialreiit;iitnthe eof;
has; tenSiltaRtitiiitUdtedlerrtrQbuilt einoe leaving the factory,' such
fixed searing capacity co rebuilt does not include any tempo
seats that 4 4 , . • ,i ann
MI doors or of er p aces upon such veh, ale,
(v) Any -,person who,1iaa a „licene . tR:pryn a. ":outa,np.a$e,. shall
not , ru h a e Ei. , J itatly , ..or.`” x!"�t c .,$#+. n,
• - iit� eeri a or la grtknt d �br ii of ashall ce ra sferred
trohrano perliUn tb ataaoifier�r, , i stfl l a yt Ii erns tiro. ran>9 er ed
froizbndoveh.jasle!to anather; • ra!it bUtcthe' b6hiiinthaiid permiRaiori`af
the deity Co action, or a gall ony Beene +
,,v,, • • . .: • ,E.e hen been issued;
and it shall be unlawful for any vehicle licensed as a transfer
truck to be used ae a commercial truck, or a vehicle licensed as
a commercial truck to be ueed as a transfer truck,
(x) *ny person who has secured a license as provided for in
this section for a jitney,or rent car, ehall have placed on the
wind shield or come other conspicuous place the word "jitney" or
*rent car ", and if such license is for an auto stage, he shall
have placed on the bind, shield or some other conspicuous place
upon such vehicle, the word "Stage" or "Auto Stage ", and if such
license it for a transfer truck, he shall place upon the wind
shield or some other conspicuous place upon such vehicle the words
"Licensed Traefer Truck ", and if such license is for a cai„...r.a -^---f--
truck, he hhellNave placed upon the wind ehi.el4 •er -oxie other
conspiemeap place n n such ve icl rrorci "yi sad Commerical
,0'. — owevek; that any tinera.nt o transit person,
whtu i 1 apply for a 'iesnee to perate a itney, re t car, auto
state, transfer truck o commerei l truck, o anyypir on applying
for eau h lice:i , who a the time of ouch ap Xjeation ot.been
a bon fide re ident of the—city f ' ', ,._Ang les for perio -r -�
sixty days nex fare ce ng ouch a plication - a all pay n addition
to th licenses fees h rein provi ed the sum f Two t ndred Fifty 1
Dolia e, ehich said a shall b deposited d rata nett by the City
Trees rer for period of three onthe as idenoe f the good
faith of said pplica , and if the applic nt at t e end. of said
threes months still operating
. , the id 250, 00,
there shall be returned to him
7 T
' rf
e •
of the City of Port Angeles for hire to the public, shall pay
a license to operate each separate vehicle the following fees,
to -wit:
(A) For each stage, coach, carriage, cab, hack, cart,
wagon, dray or other vehicle, except automobiles as defined
by this ordinance, or motor vehicles for the conveyance of
passengers exclusively, $5.00 per year,
(b) For each vehicle for the conveyance
of freight drn by animals; a icen fee
(e) of
and transportation
.00 per year,
tf , f �54
Section 6. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any
person, firm or corporation, to operate or conduct any public
Cafe, Restaurant, Dining Hall, Lunch Stand or Eating House in
the City of Port Angeles, without having paid an annual license
fee therefor which is hereby fixed in the sum of $15,00 per year
Section 7. No itinerant or transient person shall be
permitted to carry on the business of dentistry in the City of
Port Angeles without first having obtained a license therefor
in the sum of $5,00 per day for each day such license is so
Section 8. Every person owning or keeping a male or
female dog within the City of Port Angeles, shall pay a
yearly license fee for each dog as follows:
For each male dog the sum of One Dollar($1,00) per year.
For each female dog the sum of ?we Dollars ($17.00 per
Section 9. Hereafter no person, firm•or corporation shall
engage in or conduct the business of drain laying, sewer connect-
ing, or house draining, or excavating any trenches for sewer pipe,
or open, uncover or in any manner make connection or lay any sewer
or drain, or attach to, modify or repair any appurtenances to sewer
connections with the sewer in the streets or alleys in the City of
Port Angeles, without holding the proper license such work, and
paying a fee for said license in the sum of T.we� �e Dollars
Tee) per annum,
Year. A
Section 10. Engineers of steam engines or steam boilers
shall pay a license fee of the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00),per
Section 11. Every peddler, hawker, itinerant or travelling
merchant or retail vender who shall carry, pack or sell goods,
wares or merchandise, or shall sell or attempt to sell by retail
or solicit orders by sample by retail, except producers who
shall sell their garden or country produce, and milk or bread
wagons, shall pay a license se in this section provided,
All persona having a regular place of business may deliver
goods without such license. Licensee granted under this
section shall be charged for at the following rates:
(a) For selling jewelry, $25,00 per day,
(b) For selling salve, liniment, drugs, medicines, clothes,
silks, caseimere, dress goods, shawls or table clothe, the sum
of $25.00 per day,
(c) For selling statuary, pictures, books, magazines or
publications other than newspapers, or taking orders for the
same, $10.00 per day.
(d) For selling musical instruments, vacuum cleaners,
household furniture, household equipment and fixtures, furs,
rugs, carpets, dry goods, portieres, stationery, cutlery,
$25,00 per day,
(e) For selling any article, commodity, or anything not
particularly mentioned in this section, the sum of $10,00
per day, or $50,00 per year,
(f) Venders selling pop corn, peanuts, candies or fruite
from a moving vehicle shall pay a license fee of $5.00 per
(g) Venders of pop corn, peanuts, candies, fruit, ice cream,
lemonade, or any drink commonly called pop pr soft drink or
other refreshment sold from a pack or carrier, shall pay a
license fee of $5,00 pet day.
(h) Venders selling toy balloons and other novelties on
the streets and public places of the City of Port Angeles,
shall pay a license fee of $5,00 per day.
(i) All hawkers, peddlers or itinerant venders using a
wagon or other vehicle shall in addition to the hereinbefore
enumerated license fee, pay an additional license fee of
Five Dollars ($5,00) per day, or Fifty Dollars ($50,00) per
year for the use of such wagon or other vehicle, and such
wagon or vehicle shall have securely fastened upon the same
in a conspicuous place on both sides of such wagon or vehicle,
the words "Licensed Peddler ", "License No, ", which
said number shall correspond to the number of the license
issued to said licensee,
(j) No person engaged in hawking or peddling shall blow
a horn, ring a bell, or use any other noisy device to attract
public attention to his wares, or shout or call his wares in
a loud or boisterous manner, and provided further, where a
wagon, cart, vehicle or receptacle in carrying the same is used,
shall stand or permit the same to remain upon any street or
alley for more than ten minutes in any one place; and rrovided
further, no person shall stand or allow the same to remain
in the front or rear of any persons place of business or
property after such person shall have requested the person, or corporation so peddling, to move away from the front
or rear of such premises,
(k) Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean
that a license fee shah be required of any bona fide resident
and citizen of the City of Port Angeles, to sell anything
manufactured, produced, raised or caught by himself, and any
merchant with a permanent place of business in the city of tort
Angeles may peddle from his delivery wagon upon paying a license
fee in the sum of Twenty,-fiveD011ars ' f$25,00) per annum,
(1) CANVASSERS: Any person offering to sell goods, wares,
merchandise, or anything, on order for future delivery, or other-
wise sell or offer td cell the same,for future delivery, by
traveling from house to house and place to place in the'City of
Port Angeles, shall be deemed a canvasser; PROVIDED, however, this
subdivision shall not be deemed to include regular.commercial
travelers employed-by-wholesale houses and" selling-merchandise
to merchants of th.s City, nor to solicitors of regular merchants
of said City taking orders from house to house, nor to solicitors
of regular merchants of said city taking orders in the business
ant manufacturing portions of the city; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that
this subdivision edall not apply to nor include any person
canvassing for newspapers.
Hereafter no person shall engage in the business of
a canvasser or do cAnvaesing in the City of Port Angeles, without
a license issued thorefor, for which a fee shall be charged in
the sum of $ / 4 ` per day.
Section 12, Hereafter no person, firm, co- partnership,
association or corporation, shall conduct, keep, manage,
operate or cause to be conducted, kept, managed or operated,
either as owner, lessor, lessee or agent, any hotel, public
rooming house or public lodging house within the corporate
limits of the City of Port Angeles, without tirst having
obtained a license therefor, and only upon the following con•
(a) No license shall be issued to any person to conduct
a hotel, public room or lodging house, unless such person is of
ascertained good moral character,
(b) When application is made by or on behalf of a person,
firm or corporation, such application shall be made by the
manager, officer, agent or other person who will have the
charge or management of such hotel, public rooming or lodging
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to write or
cause to be written in any hotel, public lodging or rooming
house register any other or different name than the true name
of such person, or the name by which such person is generally
(d) No room shall be assigned to two persons of the
opposite sex, except in the case of children accompanied by
parent or guardian, except such persons be registered as
husband and wife,
(e) A person to whom a license is issued under this
section for a hotel, public lodging or rooming house, shall cause
each sleeping room or apartment in such house to which such
license relates, to be numbered in a plain and conspicuous
manner, the number to be placed on the outside of the door
to such room, and no two doors shall bear the same number;
(f) When a lidenae shall have been issued to any person,
firm or corporation to conduct a hotel, public rooming or lodging
house, the person having charge, management or control of such
hotel, public rooming or lodging house shall be liable to
prosecution for any violation of this or any other ordinance
relating to hotels, public rooming or lodging houses of the
City of Port Angeles,
(g) For the purpoee of determining the liability of any
person or persons for violation of any of the provisions of
this ordinance or any other ordinance relating to hotels,
lodging or rooming houses of the City of Port Angeles, it
shall be sufficient to show that such person at the time of
the act or violation complained of was the person in actual
charge, management or control of the hotel, public lodging or
rooming house, in which the act is alleged to have been
(h) The license fee for such hotels, public lodging
or rooming houses shall be as follows;
Hotels, One Dollar (01,00) per room, per year,
Public Lodging or rooming houses, One Dollar 1$1,00)
per room per year,
Section 13. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person
travelling from place to place, or itinerant merchant, to bring
into the City of Port Angeles any stock of clothing or other
goods, wares or merchandise to be sold in said City, without
procuring a license to make such sales, and no person shall bring
into the said City of Port Angeles any stock of clothing or other
goods, wares or merchandise to be sold at reduced rates,without
procuring a license to make such sale, Such license shall not
be granted for a period of less than Ten (10) days, and the fee
for such license shall be at the rate of Twenty -five Dollars
($25,00) per day payable in advance,
Section 14, The word "junk0 as used in this Ordinance shall
be deemed to include and mean old rope, old iron, braes, copper,
tin and lead, rubber, rags, empty bottles, paper, bagging, parts
of machinery,scrap metals of all kinds, and such other worn out
and discarded articles, materials, and odds and ends as can be
turned to some use; but shall not be deemed to include and mean
furniture, household furnishings, goods, clothing, machinery or
tools which can be used again for the purpose for which they were
originally intended,
(a). Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, t irm,
association or corporation, to engage in the business of buying,
selling or collecting junk, or to buy, sell or collect junk in
the City of Port Angeles, without first obtaining a license so
to do, which shall be known as a Junk Dealer's License; and in
addition thereto shall, before receiving said license, give a
surety company bond to the City of Port Angeles in the sum of
One Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the due observance and
faithful compliance with all the terms and conditions of such
ordinances of the City of Port Angeles, as may be in rorce or
may be passed respecting the business of Junk Dealer, and pay a
fee for the issuance of such license in the sum of Seventy -five
Dollars ($75,00) per year
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation •
to use or cause to be used any wagon, cart or other vehicle for
the collection of junk without first obtaining from the City of
Port Angeles a license so to do, which shall be known.as a Junk
Wagon License, The fee for issuance of such license shall be
Fifty Dollars($50,00) per year, PROVIDED, however, that the holder
of a Junk Dealer's License shall be entitled to use one wagon, cart
or other vehicle in connection with his business without paying
the license fee therefor, and the City shall upon application of
the holder of such license, issue to him a Junk Wagon License for
eaid wagon, cart or other vehicle,
(c) It shall be unlawful for any Junk Dealer to take,
receive or purchase any personal,property of any kind or nature,
or any article or thing of value, from any minor, or the ownership
of which in whole or in part, is in, or which is claimed by any
minor, or which may be in the possession or under the control of
any minor,
(d) It shall be unlawful for any Junk Dealer to take, receive,
or purchase any personal property of any kind or nature, or
any article or thing of value, from any person or persons appear-
ing to be intoxicated, or from any person or persons known to be
a notorious thief, or to have been indicted or charged with
larceny or burglarly,
(e) It shall be unlawful for any Junk Dealer to receive,
take or purchase any personal property, goods, or thing of value
from any person or persons who shall refuse to make known his,
her or their name or names, place or places of residence, or to
submit a general description, or knowingly make any false
entry of any matter or thing required to be made under the
ordinances of the City of Port Angeles regulating sunk Dealers,
Section 15, Hereafter any person, firm, association or
corporation who loan money on deposit or pledge of any kind of
personal property, or who deal in the purchase of any kind of
personal property on condition of selling the same back again
at a stipulated price, or who shall keep any store or any other
place where money is loaned, and any kind of personal property
is received, held or kept as security in the City of Port Angeles,
is hereby declared to be a pawnbroker, and shall take out a
license therefor, the fee for which shall be the sum of One
Hundred Dollars ($100,00) per year, and in addition thereto,
shall be fore receiving said license, give a s �,.�, company bond
to the City of Port Angeles, in the penalty of�Thousand
Dollars (W00,00), conditioned for the due observance and faith-
ful compliance with all the terms and conditions of such ordinances
of the City of Port Angeles as may be in force or may be passed
respecting the keeping or conducting of such business at any time
during the continuance of such license,
(a) It shall be unlawful for said licensee to take or
receivs.in pawn, pledge or deposit for money loaned, or purchased
on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price,
any personal property, bonds, notes, securities, article or other
valuable thing from any minor, or the, ownership of which, in
whole or in part, is in, or which is claimed by any minor, or
which may be in the possession or under the control of any minor,
(b) It shall be unlawful for any licensee to take or
receive in pawn, pledge or deposit for money loaned, or purchased
on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price,
any personal property, bonds, notes, securities, article or
valuable thing from any person or persons appearing to be in.
toxicated, nor from any person or persons known to be a notorious
thief, or to have been indicted or charged with larceny or
(c) It shall be unlawful for any licensee to receive or
purchase in any manner any goods or articles, or make any advance
or loan whatever on the same, if the oerson or persons pawning,
pledging, depositing or selling the same, shall refuse to make
known his, her or their name or names, or place or places of
residence, or submit to a general description, or shall refuse
to make known the name or names of the person or persona for
whom the same were pawned, pledged, deposited or sold, or know-
ingly make any false entry of any matter or thing required to be
made under the c finances of the City of Port Angeles regulating
Section 16, Hereafter it shall be
firm, association or corporation, not a
not established in a permanent location
to carry on the business of photography
tained a license therefor in the sum of
unlawful for any person,
bona fide citizen, or
in the City of Port Angeles,
without first havi ob-
Five Dollars ($5,00) per day,
Section 17, Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person,
firm, association or corporation to engage in or carry on the
business of plumbing, or to perform the work of- connecting private
property or premises with the public sewers or water mains lying
and being in the public streets and alleys in the City of Port
Angeles, or make any excavations in, or dig up, open or obstruct
any public street or alley in the City of Port Angeles, for the
purpose of making any connection with either the public sewer or
the water mains situated in such public street or alley, without
first having procured a license so to do, which said license fee
is hereby fixed at the sum of Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) per
annum; PROVIDED, however, no license shall be granted unless the
applicant therefor shall file with the City a good and sufficient
surety bond in the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars, conditioned
that such licensee will faithfully comply with all Ordinances
of the City of Port Angeles regulating the business of plumbing;
and will hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from all damage
caused from the digging up of any public street, avenue or alley
of said city, or which may result from the negligence or unskill-
fulness of any such licensee, or from the negligence or unskill-
fulness or want of care of any employee or workman of any such
licensee while engaged in the doing of any such plumbing work,
Section 18, (a) Hereafter any person, company association,
club or corporation, which or who opens up, conducts or maintains
either as principal or agent any place there liquids or liquors
as beverages, other than intoxicating liquors, are sold or
disposed of or offered for sale and otherwise disposed of at
retail, shall annually pay a license fee of Twenty -five Dollars
(425,00) per annum: At retail" shall be deemed the sale or
disposition of quantities of less than six gallons, of such
liquids or liquors.
(b) Any person, company, club, association or corporation,
who or which opens up, conducts or maintains, either as principal
or agent any place where liquors or liquids, other than intox-
icating liquors, are sold or disposed of or kept for sale or for
disposition at wholesale, except manufacturers who conduct and
who do not sell at retail, shall pay a license fee of Fifty
Dollars (450,00) per annum; "At wholesale" shall be deemed the
sale or disposition of such liquids and liquors in quantities of
six gallons and over; PROVIIIED, that this Section shall not apply
to private clubs or associations where said soft drinks are kept
for sale and sold exclusively to club members; and PROVIDED
FURTHER, that a license may bb issued to any drug store pro-
prietor or restaurant proprietor, upon the payment of a license
fee of Ten Dollars (10.00) per year,
Section 19, (a) Hereafter any person who shall open up or
keep a store, office or place of business for the purchase, sale or
exchange of any second -hand goods, wares or metthandise, furniture,
household furnishings, clothing,,machinery or tools, tor the
purposes of this ordinance shall be and is a second -hand dealer,
(b) No person, firm, association or corporation, shall
engage in the business of second -hand dealer without first having
applied for and obtained a license, for which the fee Shall be
the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per annum, and in addition
thereto shall before receiving said license give a surety bona to
the City of Port Angeles in the sum of One Thousand Dollars,
conditioned for the due observance and faithful compliance with
all the terms and conditions of such ordinances of the City of Port
Angeles as may be in force or may be passed respecting the keeping
or conducting of such business at any time during the continuance
of such license,
(c) It shall be unlawful for any such licensee to take,
receive or buy any second -hand articles of any kind or nature,
or anything of value from any minor, or the ownership of which,
in whole or in part, is in, or which is claimed by any minor, or
which may be in the possession or under the control of any minor.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any such licensee to take,
receive or buy any second -hand article of any kind or nature, or
thing of value from any person or persons appearing to be intox-
icated, or ,from any person or persons known to be a notorious
thief, or to,have;been indicted or charged with larceny or
(e) It shall be unlawful for any such licensee to take,
receive or buy: in any manner any second -hand articles of any kind
or nature, or anything of value, if the person or persons selling
the same or offering to sell the same shall refuse to make known
his, her or their name or names, or place or places of residence,
or submit to a general description, or knowingly make any false
entry of any matter or thing required to be made under the
ordinances of the City of Port Angeles regulating second -hand
Section 20. BOND IN LIEU OF LICENSE -- Hereafter it shall
be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to
open, conduct or carry on any store or place for the temporary
sale of goods or merchandise for a period of less than Ninety
(90) days within the City of Port Angeles, without first taking
out and procuring a license so to do, to be $nown as a "Temporary
Merchant's License ", The fee for such "temporary Merchant's
License" shall be the sum of $25.00 per day; PROVIDED, however,
that if any such person, firm, association or corporation,
desiring to open, conduct or carry on a store or place for the
temporary sale of goods, wares and merchandise within the City
of Port Angeles, while attempting to secure a permanent location
for such business, shall execute and deliver to the City of Port
Angeles, a bond payable to the City of Port Angeles in the penal
sum of One Thousand Dollars, with good and sufficient sureties,
to be approved by the City Commission and City Attorney, con-
ditioned that the obligor of said bond shall pay to the City of
Port Angeles the license fee of $25„00 oer day, for each and every
day the said store or place shall be opened, conducted or carried
on, in case the business thereof shall not be made a permanent
business, no license shall be required,
Section 21. All applicatione for licenses as herein
provided for shall be in writing and signed by the applicant,
and shall give hia name, age, residence and business address,
and such other information as may be required by the City Clerk
or the City Commission. Every license shall specify by name
thenperson, firm or corporation to whom it shall be issued, and
designate the particular place at which the business shall be
carried on, No license granted or issued under any of the
provisions of this ordinance or otherwise, shall be in any
manner assigned or transferred, or authorize any person other
than is therein mentioned or named to do business or authorize
any other business than is therein mentioned or named to be
done or transacted, or the business therein mentioned or
named Sco be done or transacted at any place other than is Aaerein
mentioned or named, unless by permission and consent of the C.tty
Commission; and no license shall be issued to any person, firm,
association, club, or corporation, except the amount required
for said license shall have been first paid to the City Treasurer
and his receipt therefor duly attached to the application, and
the City Clerk shall keep an alphalbetical list of all licensee
issued, stating number, name, time, place, and kind of business,
the amount paid, and such other information as may be necessary.
All applications for licenses as herein provided, shall with
the Treasurer's receipt for said license fee thereto attached,
be filed with the City Clerk, who shall submit the same to the
City Commission for its approval, rejection or granting thereof;
PROVIDED, however, that in all cases herein provided for where
licenses may be issued for a period of less than one year, and
licenses for dogs,may be issued by the City Clerk in the first
instance, who shall thereafter report the same to the City
Commission at its next meeting after said issuance,
Section 22, No rebate shall be allowed upon any license
unless in case where the party or parties to whom a license
has been issued, has been damaged by fire or other unforseen
accident, or unless in case of affliction or poverty, and in
such cases the City Commission shall have discretionary power
as to what if any amount shall be rebated,
Section 23, In any action or prosecution brought under or
arising out of the provisions of this ordinance, the fact that
the party thereby representing himself, herself or itself as
engaged in any business or calling for the transaction of which
a license is provided for by this ordinance, or that such party
exhibited a sign indicating such business or calling, shall be
deemed conclusive evidence of the iiability of such party to pay
for a license,
Section 24. Any license issued under this Ordinance for
a business to be carried on at a particular place shall be
kept conspicuously posted in such place of business, and in
cases where a'license is issued for any purpose of which there
is no particular designation as to place, said license shall
be carried or had for immediate presentation upon any demand
made by any officer having authority to make such demand,
Section 25, After a hearing before the City Commission
of the City of Port Angeles, any license issued under the
provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by said Commission
for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance or°any
other ordinance regulating the business for which said license
was issued, or for any cause which shall be deemed sufficient
by the City Commission, or upon good cause shown, and any
person conducting any business for which a license is required
by this ordinance, after notice( of such revocation, shall be
liable to the penalties herein provided for conducting such
business without a license; kROVIDED, that before any license
is issued for pawnbrokers, auctioneers or second -hand dealers,
there shall be written or printed thereon the words "Subject
to revocation by the City Commission, without notice for the
violation of any of the provisions of Ord' ante ado notice,
passed by the City Commission on the 7 ) day of
1921, or any other ordinance of the Ci y o Port Angeles,
for the violation of any of the laws of the State of Washington,
or good cause shown ". The term "good cause shown" as herein
used, shall be construed to be and mean disregard of warnings
and notices by police officers of infractions of this ordinance
or other ordinances of said City; drunkenness, or the committing
of any offense involving moral turpitude, The Commissioner of
Public Safety is hereby empowered to suspend any license issued
under the provisions of this ordinance pending a hearing before
the City Commission, and after notice of such suspension, any
person conducting any business for which such license was
issued., shall be liable for the penalties herein provided for
conducting such business without a license,
Section 26. 1f any of the provisions or sections of this
ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, all other
sections of this ordinance which are not expressly held to be
void or unconstitutional shall continue to be in force and effect,
Section 27, Any person, firm, copartnership, association,
c.iub or corporation, violating any of the terms and provisions
of this ordinance stall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a tine of not
more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in
the City Jail for a period of not more than Thirty days, or by both
such fine and imprisonment,
Section 28, All ordinances or parts of ordinances relating
to the granting of licenses, for the several subjects herein
provided for, and the manner and form in which the same may be
issued, and the suspension and revocation thereof, which are in
conflict wilt the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby
repealed; but nothing herein shall be construed to mean to
repeal any ordinances or parts of ordinances governing and
regulating the subjects herein provided tor, except as the came
may be modified by the terms and provisions of this ordinance,
Section 29, This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty (30) days after its final passage and approval
and lawful publication,
Passed First Reading by the City Commission, ,larch %,k 1921.
passes Second Reading by the City Commission, 1921,
Passed ThirdR Reading 1 x the City Commission G/„_. 6 tit... 1921,
Approved and signed by the Mayor, 1921,
May or,,`
City Clerk.
Approved as to Form:
Date of Publication: -,rte, 1921,