HomeMy WebLinkAbout0684ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing for the construction of
a lateral sewer commencing at the Westerly terminus of the present
lateral sewer in the alley between Second and Third Streets, running
through Block 53, thence continuing westerly through said alley
between Second and Third Streets through Block 52, terminating at
a point approximately thirty feet East of the Easterly margin of
Cherry Street, approximating a distance of about 570 feet; all in
accordance with Resolution No. 87, and plane and specifications
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles; creating
a Local Improvement District therefor, and providing for the payment
of said improvement by special assessments upon the property in said
district, payable by mode of "Immediate Payment" plan.
The City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That there is hereby ordered the construction of
a lateral sewer commencing at the Westerly terminus of the present
lateral sewer in the alley between Second and Third Streets, running
through Block 53, thence continuing westerly through said alley
between Second and Third Streets through Block 52, terminating at
a point approximately thirty feet Bast of the Easterly Margin of
Cherry Street, approximating a distance of about 570 feet, together
with all necessary man holes, catch basins, flush tanks, openings
and wyes, and such other work as may be necessary in connection
therewith to properly carry out the contemplated improvement.
The eewer pipe shall be of first class vitrified clay, brick or
concrete, or other suitable material, and all wyes to be laid to
the property line. All of said improvement to be done according
to Resolution Noy 87 and plans and specifications prepared by the
City Engineer, filed with the City Clerk, and which have heretofore
been adopted by the City Commission.
Section 2, That the cost and expense of said improvement,
including all necessary and incidental expenses shall be borne by
and assessed against the property included in the aesessment
district hereinafter created in accordance with law, The City of
Port Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any; portion of
the cost and expense of said improvement,
Section 3. That there is hereby established a Local Improvement
11. District to be called Local Improvement District No, 87, which said
district is described as follows: "All the property between the
termini of said improvement, abutting upon, adjacent, vicinal or
proximate to such portion of said streets to a distance back I•rom
the marginal lines thereof, as provided by law".
Section 4, That the cost and expense of said improvement shall
be defrayed by special assessments payable by mode of "Immediate
Payment ", as defined by law and the ordinances of the City of Port
Angeles, Warrants begring interest at the rate of seven (7) per
cent per annum until paid, shall be issued on the local improvement
•djctrict fund .herein, iesued.on.Vthe estimate of the City Engineer
and delivered to the Contractor, payable only out of the said local
improvement district fund and shall not be a lien on any other fund
or funds of the City of Port Angeles, and said City of Port Angeles
shall not be liable in any manner for the payment of said-warrants
excepting irom the said local improvement district fund; said
warrants shall be redeemed as by law and ordinances of said City
Section 5, This ordinance shall be in lull force and effect
when it shall have been passed by the City Commission, signed by
the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk, approved by the City Attorney,
and from and after five (5) days from its publication once in the
official newspaper of the City of Port Angeles, and the Clerk is
hereby directed to cause the same to be so published,
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, this
6 day of April, 1921,
Approved and signed by the Mayor, this 0:Zol7t< day of April,