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AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the assessments and
assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 87 created
under Ordinance ITo. 684, approved April Ao- 141521, providing for
the construction of a lateral sewer com..encing at the westerly
• terminus of the present lateral sewer in the alley between
Seconc 'and Third .Streets, running through Block 53, thence
continuing westerly through said alley between Second and Third
Streets.. throt h Block 52, terminating at a point approatmately
thirty feet .east of the easterly margin of Cherry Street, aP-
proximati.ng .a distance of about 570 feet; all in accordance
r �
with Resolution ITo. 87 and plans and specifications adopted by
the City Como scion of the City of Port Angeles; creating a
-_ vla a1 xunrouer�ela�t_Dis rici- thug or�and_pr uidirg for the
payr'entof the 4aid improvement by special Assessments upon the
property2in said district, payable by mode of "immediate pay-
ment" plan.
THE CI'T`Y C0L1ISSION of the City of Port Angeles Do
Ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the assessment and assessment roll of
Local Improvement District No. 87 created by Ordinacne NO 684,
approved April as 1°21, which ordered and provided for the
construction of a lateral sewer commencing at the westerly
-- tdi'ml:titas f- the present lateral seiver-°rnr tne- =alley- -betro+eer�- Second
and Third Streets. running; through Block 53, thence continuing,
westerly through said alley between Second and Third Streets
through Block 52, terminnating at the point approiimately thirty
feet east of the easterly rnargi. of Cherry Street, approximat-
ins; a distance of a "pout 570 feet; all in accordance with Res-
olution No. 87, and plans and specifications adopted by the
City Cession of the City of Port Angeles; creatin;; a Local
R Improvement District therffor, and providing for the pay ent o
said improvement by special assessment upon the property in said
district. payable by trade of "immediate payment" plan, as said
assessments roll now
t and codified by the
quaLization thereon
to regular notice th
stands. as revised,raised, lowered, changed
City Cormission sitting as a Board of E-
on the Third Day-of August, 1921., according
ereof and according to law, and the ordinances
of the said city,. and in accordance with the findings and orde r
of the said Board of Equalization in said meeting, be and the
same are hereby in all respects approved and confirmed in all
Section 2. That each lot, tra et and parcel of land
shown upon said assessment roll is hereby declared especially
benefitted by said improvement in at least the amount charged
against the sar!e, and that the assessment appearing against th e
same is in proportion to the several assessments, appearing on
said roll, and the' -e is hereby levied and assessed aga_nst the
each said lot, tract or parcel of land appearing on said roll,
the amount actually charged and assessed against the same.
Section 3. That there is hereby created and established
for said Local Improvement District No. r87 a special fund to
be known and designated as Local ImproveMent District No, 87 for
the uses and purposes provided by law and the ordinances of the
city,and into which special fund all such assessments shall be
pai:d:wher_co,l?ectod.._. , _. Y�:...f_ .�-
Section 4. Said assessmentsor any of them„r-lay be paid
(without interest at any time witYin thirty days from the date
of first publication of the City Treasurerns.notice to pay the
• same Cs required by law to be given, but unless payment be mdde
within such time- said assess,:.ents, or any portion thereof, not
so paid will become delinquent; such delinque.:t assessments
with interest and penalty will forced and collected in the
l manner provided by law and the ordi ra.ices of the City of Port
Sectiofi 5.
this ordinance sai
City Treasurer for
That immediately upon the taking effect of
d assessment roll shall be.turned over to the
the collection thereof, who will thereupon
proceed to collect the
same according to law.
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
full force after its pasaage and approval and from and after
five (5) days after• its lawful publication.
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles
day of August, 1921.
A pproved and signed by the Mayor this
August, 1921.
day of
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