HomeMy WebLinkAbout0707ORDINANCE NO. 707
An Ordinance creating the office if City Garbage Collector;
establishing City Garbage Dump, prohibiting the collection of
garbagc_bg,any person other than said City Garbage Collector,
regulating the. keeping and disposal of .garbage. and refuse, .and
requiring delivery of same to the City Garbage Collector, pro -
City Commission of the
viding for a contract between the /City of Port Angeles and
such City Garbage Collector in which the duties of said garbage
collector shall be proscribed and his compensation fixed, pre-
scribing penalties for the violation of the terms hereof and
dedlar.ing an emergency.
Bo It Ordained by the City Commission of the City of Port
Section 1 Thatthere be and is hereby created the office of._
City Garbage Collector, who shall have general supervision,
under the direction of the Health Officer of the City of Port
Angeles, over the collection of garbage within the said city;
and shall have supervision of and the control of the City
Garbage Trump as heroin established, also under the supervision
of said Health Officer; and shall exercise the duties of his
office as such City Garbage Collector under such regulations
and restrictions as shall be approved by said Health Officer
and incorporated ina contract to be entered into between the
City of Port.Angeles and -said City Garbage Collector.:
Section 2 That the butt end of the Spit, at the end of
Fourth Street, in the City of Port Angeles, be and the same is
hereby established as the City Garbage Dump, or place where
garbage and refuse from all points within the City of Port
Angeles may be dispoed of; and it shall be unlawful for any
parson, firm or corporation to deposit any garbage or any refuse
ay any other point or place whnxe within said City-, except in
s. a
proper receptacles at residences and places of business as
hereinafter provided;
Section 3 It shall bo unlawful for any person,'firm or
corporation, other than the said -.City Garbage Collector, to
engage in, pursue or carry on the business or occupation of
the_collecting of garbage or refuse, or to haul or to transport
any _r uch garbage _or^refuse,-along _or_upon any,street or. t .ley of
the City of Port Angeles.
Section 4 It shall be the duty of all persons baying charge'
of, using, or dwelling in or on any premises within the cor-
portate limits of said city, where there shall be,or be found,
any dead animal or animals, offal, ashes, garbage or other refuse
of any kind, which, if not removed tfie efrom; would be or become
a nuisance or endagger the health of the residents of the com-
munity, to deliver the same to the Collector of Garbage duly
employed under the terms of this ordinance.
.'seotion7 5. n,Ai - p' arsons,, -firris; - e.ssoci€ tions or' corporations
having garbage or refuse within the City of Port Angeles, aro
hereby ordered to provide suitable garbage receptacles for the
purpose of having all such garbage and refuse collected and dis-
posed of in a sanitary manner, and keep such garbage and refuse
at all times in such sanitary cans for delivery to said City
Garbage Collector.
Section 6 The compensatinn to be paid by each person, firm or
corporation to said City Garbage Collector for the disposal of
such refuse and garbage shall be as fixed by contract =:t# be-
tween- the - City Commission' of the 'City of Port Angeles and said
City Garbage Collector. ,Tho.City Health Officer shall prescribe
regulations covering the times for collecting such garbage and
the vehicle or vehicles to be used in transporting the same.
Section 7 Any perso n who shall violate any of the provisions
of the ordinance shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon convioaion thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding
one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for any
period not oxcee&ing thirty days, or by both such fine_and im
Section 8 This ordinance is necessary for the immediate
111 preservation of the public,health and safety, and there is
, urgent necessity and emergency for the passing and ddoption
and taking effect thereof immediateiy,.and shnl be in fal'
force and effect from and immediately upon its passage,
approval and publication.
Passed firSt reading by tho City Commission, February 8th,1922.
Pssed sedond and third readings by tho City Commission February
16th, 1922.
Approved adopted and signed by the Mayor, February 16th, 1922.
Published February 16th, 1922
Approved as to form
Sandford C? Rose
City Attorney
H. H. Fisher
Attest C. D. Best
City Clerk