HomeMy WebLinkAbout0718ORDINA? Cl: No . �O
AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing for the improvement of. cer-
Stain Streets and alleys in the City of Port Angeles, as follows: Fifth
Street from the center line of C street to the center line of ti street;
the alley between Fourth Street and Fifth Stteet from the center line of
lallimmt*IMPT7Ontthe East margin of I street; and to eetablieh and create a'
local improvement district therefor; said improvement to consist of clear-
ing and grubbing the full width of street and alley,, surface grading a
roadway on c id street fifteen (15) feet on each side of the center line
thereof, and. on said alley for ten (10) sect on each side of the center
line thereef; graveling said street for ee esn (7) feet on a ;Ich side of
the canter line thereof, and the Said alley for. fiver (5) feet on each
side of the center line therec r; and such other work as may be nscc:ruary
in connection therewith to properly carry out tho construction of the
contemplated improvement, all in acco,.ftnco with naps, }:large and ..perifi-
caton. preps redeby the City Engineer and adopted by the City Commission
and in accordance with local improvement resolution No. 05; and providing
fur payment of the coot :znr1 expenno thereof by special aosessm me upon
the property. within said district according to law and by the node of
opaynent by Sonde".
ji a n 'l.
4424i: That there is hereby crecrOd the t:.rprcveme nt of certain
ot.reete and al1ey:e in the raid City of Port Angeles, as follow(: Fifth.
•Street from the center line of G stre t to the center line e: 3b street;
the alley between "our.th. Street and Fifth Street from the center line of
C street to the East-margin of I street; said imprcveme it to Insist of
clearing and. grubbing the full width of street and alley, surface grading
a roadway on said street fifteen (I5) ^on eanh side of the center line
thereof, and on said alloy for ton (10) feet on each aide of the center
line thereof; graveling said street for seven (7) feet on each side of
the center line thereof, and the said alley for five (5) feet on each
side of the center line thereof; and such other work as may be ned.eesary
in connection with the said improvement, all in accordance with maps,
plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved and
adopted by the City Commission, and in accordance with local improvement
•resolution No. 95 of said City of Port .Angeles.
Section 2.
0# #### That the cost and expense of said improvement, including
all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne by and assessed
missal. against the•property included in the assessment district hereinafter
created, in accordance with law and the ordinances of said city; and the
said City of Port Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any por-
tion of the cost or expenst of said improvement or of said district.
Section 3. That there be and is hereby created and established a
local improvement district to be called Local Improvement District No.95,
which said district shall include all of the assessable property between
the termini of said improvements, abutting upon, adjacent, vici'nal or
proximate to said portions of eai.d streets and alleys to a distance back
from the marginal lines thereof as provided by law.
Section 4. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven (7) per centum
per annum, payable on or before twelve years from the date of issuance,
shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of said improvements,
which bonds shall be redeemed by collection of special assessments to be
levied and assessed upon the property in said district, payable in ten
annual installments, with interest at said rate, under the mode of "pay-
ment by bonds" as defined by law and the ordinances of said City of Port
Angeles. These bonds may be delivered to the contractor in redemption of
warrants on the local improvement district fund, issued on estimates of
•the City Engineex, or the City of.Port Angeles, at its election, may
sell said bonds And pay for said improvement in cash.
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force
after its passage: and approval and from and after five (5) days after its
I/ lawful publication.
Palmed first reading 1922.
Passed. second reading 024112=-7, , 1922.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City
Commission °U, 1922.
Approved and signed by the Mayo this ay of
City. ei .i ..
Approved as to form:
C ty -
Date of Publieat .on 1922.
, 1922.