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k. • 11 _._ . f'OltDEVAIICE 410. ,,2.- , -,.---':,_ •• r:::-7,--4,..-7,l.,.*'- r*ORDINANCE: • 6 ,, .._rthef,C = ' 40t L 4i '. ■ .1 .., 1_, ,...,..1.0r. : - , tt;OL.POIt:_-__. " ett•-j9:r'7-'; the 'Jowl ..,...,-.. , z, and • tinny t.t.x levier:- tor tiatd,• ir..t..4 TOW-14M -• an' made • and. - levied.- by ---Sieno -,i: Clicy.-... Cbunalnelon• - :sitting -- -.for r. - that. ,,. purpose: on; thez, 72nd _'..der -.Tot -31 t•,,,,,Oetsiberi--1122:-.q;LI.--,'-'"1-'1%&tA:• Th e /•,(3ty :Coauniasloa-ot 9_ ty.-fog. -,t.. :Portr.,....nielea --* do . ordain tqui Vfollows: c 1 •,,..t.'Seetiou'.0.1." -That .s. the enttrinate ?tot AltPenaltur* •:'.for f-;.•' the :. t:loor ,,:: 04.. taxes made :hat. the 'city': Con:unladen "-sitting, 2 an AL.*, bodr.forz,thati purpoieop...• October,. 3 rd, :1922„*.btf,, gincl, tit e,..:same.- la hi fixed WandA; ed3iforithe/5 olt3-2.antrtilto by,4,,4 enntirtni*-14 andtheteV iniOleteby. glIstrtettlorecthe:Zyear 419211,:i•uponIa11' -PriVertVA-bothil' r.etaj:and,-; personal. 'aubjeet ,44 to 3.taxationZ ,i.reri theisaeveral lunda, 1. Oho wat: herein, a. and rupon -'.-. each •_,. =dye,: evert rz,..dollar4vet1 • 7the::• .asseased I■esiluation %Aberaot;4-atg•=shown-byg.. thnt • records 1...Itseeennienta --,:. in 11.7*.:•-the :•1: of-: : lice:.-"Of*the,Countyttotneeseor2,in'i,Clat- latn7i,.Count..WaahtngtOti; 7,..:.t.Olrldt.1;;. e..e •*!. .•,, ,,- ;;:% :t-,:..'i.- FI■ 4 - 7 ,7. !:14T-:1 ..-",.,.1,‘,t; r-.5.-„,....-.'s;„4-c--;:t•:...%;-;:-;._Le41111a7-•_... Curren. Iltr,f,';tPliiid /./..1,1:15,:00,..7-321,/ 346,33 .. II Indebtedness; :-Fund Ft.:. ":-.11.00 -:' ,-54.8:53&55.: lefunteipaIR-Bonkiltit:, -=',.'2.5071.42;552.73.-: LIbran4 Fund 'i- ,!.- .: i•-;://.1'4,1L00 ;;;„ 423.09,i' ' Park- Fund ;: ;-:•.:..- "re.' / .. :20:79i-,..;.. 4,0633 A • k1/2,,,..4t4r i-,,,,,,,, .,..:•■..t,.....0".,4,;:r,:r.„4. .'s;;l;;•T-cc•er4x ;..' 74.V.1....4 fe...;.t.7,,;, 4_ •.to.0._I1‘z1,•• e1:''',44,d, :. :. 9t3-...2-:-.2 i14 ,173atilNc::& i4 f !•—•** Cittreie4V13eStealr4731;1511ise4:ti2t139: 1- .4 litdektedzies8:.Pund:;.L`V,4iiSt PL• ei•*b•rriek..a.1/7k. n, oiltiitodthg.. .ivf4r7,-..7- .v42. .1.5° ... . ,l.,....t... .1 —SU,: 3, 3 , 5 .. . ,,..*.-01 onrA tall af& tazeaar eA :Zttniaottireutteeiarr4artfiXs!i Ttdutrl;llieettfrdi-tbtfavtgeIti,'dt"trn4ok4I.ig17tea i lidteieenXldfe.eceart/ar.tl.ltttnod!Spcnmltoto aMplent tetenue**to r antaitsald iy.91t bienfor,heen1 123omlkl December 31stV1923;tand,rooftet4ix- eat,,ater..lerebY4 lolitedVitropottlanatelrbEemikROIP riechTsaldedlistift espectLvelral rdaliCeT*Ithgthelt:OitintanntMo!3!.f.-.. '.0-Kt. '‘editlyalideuitibilmoa,-2471La?lilloWn :upon the ,:asiteitanientOtroll.:*beftitaidi ,Clallara,, CountrilftnellkiNJUtid.Titi eitittilliedfacyalthekBottifttEtittaliz*„ 7ttunitifsaidt:UoutityWritipte;-7,,:atriLtukl-.1 steridedWuporithetessesom'etitt rolls-10521 .isaidA§OutitY.XehowhigAlthegipttpert* WlthIngealdtteitkArinhJecVtettaltatiOn- Ar.U4 fmuniciitelt.K.ani. potters ae4gthatelh cot fied*713' • thaviCount- . Assess:telt) 'stildgEininty ICeordlti -"lel:41We 'i.1(Mie Una. die, ur-gent ,:, ecesz.1( aUy.andj , 'nth:bitten-6 ciy•,Nthitittpansalg,511 en iideptIonfircandattakIngortct.uf „thlis„ ckdIntinteifoilthelltilmediateNaiett ,etVatiotilliirgtheftpubliAtteeedr4 health' atitIptafattp,whiehf tifgeno3iWandeitieri gencliti let nOviglierelinteclaredVtpe*i Ilet:MOTOnWgthetefilfeM th hi V.Orilluanettl Ishallvtberin-PfillIVorce,4and:o. 6-Feet:till-hal and'tOtiortedlitelA9 tiporiqttrisege.'1 f.ita'atssed*;titattitke.adhit the - CIO', oPinnynlYaridWaublicatIon ..vr,, ... conitoleakin4oct44:109.22,,,,,,,70:4-. 14 I'lkuiledi caeablidTiread Ititr•-•;bi--It4e,Ipity, Cornintasiont OctS410:19224gilt‘r0 readInganked.:04.i.t4';i21 :7.;*Painied'et thiedXt'qiti4e& by;th 0 tfOl tili,COmtilltislonl-1 OOL031-X19224 'Approved ::: and; a!ali44tythOblayo Eovsiif:/t0,k "SittaTAIL FISIIElltM3Inyor.1 942i,2„14.2.24*ekto4P.igtft..:.,';':-,....;..ii . ttest:::c.- '.:-...-liEST.1 CI Clerk.,_,.34.4•;. ide, * .I.apro ed*...atiAte?,,,fotzn: 10114.4":• .4..'44 • 4, ti., SANDFORI,),Xd. ItOSE:W, • ftASY,IA CI 4k-AfittorneY. ' 0 (pub bitittonit Octql.14l9 /2. " "IP .• ' . • a • . 4 • • • - 377 • • • • • • e - • • ", "•••' ' • -,' • .;1•"::! I ," ..1 S. . icz e.,5 / j 02& ,° Zazz.,q. 44-3-1 Z / 274-- @ / 4 w%A.--"- yv)2 q a. a_ . 1 i ) • 1, • • , • " 27 /2