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1---irr ;:71..,r ,.•-..-- -,,..r—, ORDINANCE 70:1241 ''.' - . t • SI.; • ' -;-.' .--r-.5 ,4'X'......--- 4 .t„;,: r,-7:•.,*5,-li AN. ORDINANCEiiiiiiirlie rani': cant, , *' firming the ;"nseessments. 'and . assess." tiiment roll ill 'and . for- Loes17.1.mprovei: ;ment --Distriet No.“, • under.zOrdln.. .3 mice ., Na.- ::, 720. .. Dirtthe - imprOveident. of . Seventh • Street from - the - easter-. ly .- Margin : of - Cherryr. Street -',11:b ; the .?..breakof;:: the.:7-1/.8iller.; Street • Sulcii.`: :it, _by.: i grading. .; drainEami:ettcs,vation4 .., embankment. :/gravellng.street-f-T--t.0.,4 ',... be - graded' full -width,- with st:thlity..5 -: foot roadway fifteen -4feet ":. on '-.; each ::- side - 7or,-;.' the-:center- line i,; of 4 :spilt i .tstreet'ethe---TroadWay. 'i to ,..r-be :-, graveled ... ,e. to ,t's.r. _.widtlr - of.ttwelve .".feet; ',,, slil tett Orili each aide '-'"of. ..., the ;,'center....-.11ne-rOf,' , --,, Bald Autreet,J; finduanch44 othef,Twork7 as,Iznay.1- IA `.7neceintary.r....ini.: connectial .e.-.therewith.:tii i‘properly:.'"carry,-; our. tha iniprovement;',- ordering&therileirrl.;and • ,, collection flof.::,:._k; such ._ ...-., assessznente:■! -.,,i creating zand'....-i estab ilshingy a tzepecial *:. !.fund for ."-said"..- distrietrIAnd •-• ordering t. thrit:tifiald71 aiseeinnenta:: be ..: Paid: into' 71;ealdispecialt fundl.' .-c..21)-V.:--::.;•40e*.*,-,."-`:!' THE "CITY ommissiori.;:- OF l'.t,Tizit , -i.crrv40F.,PORT.,-1-ANGELES.,rDO'iORzi irDAIN,-..AW. FOLLOWS:- -. ..,,;:-.,..1k; .ra.7.f•/--.4.:47-t.a..4:14 Section:: on ''.j 1.:17; That •, the --).assessznepts andVasseesment±rroll.faerrtioCal.;; Ini--;... 'Prot/inn en,District..2rNo.,98,;:itircreated! ,by,i?OrdizmnctatNo.t.g720..,:approvecu=4 gusttA6thX-1.92f,a *bleat: said.ordinanCe .1 9 rdeied W.. and Wu rovided A'fortAix th1n1,-1 .provenielit;;ofiSeventh,:Stretitlfroml-thel easter1V.margin:yof4;Cherrs-4Strebt,t.-Jog lhetb-resilinifr.thei.yalleri.Street'.:gidoh.. by,t, grad irigie dra in ineyexcavittiOn....- ern .bankment.It to be* grai1edtgUlli..widthAirwitli,j.-4thirtrifoot rOadWaY;ttlifteenicifeettilUff4, ea& 4:. tilde, AfAtheIcentef§ltne:,;Ofsalditieet...;-.+;*-tlie4 refUlTayltakbeikialfeled2tifatvridth".;;of,4e Iwelve,teetZubc::-Ieet,,;On.'4,ea.,. ch:l a ide; ofii thatf:Centei,Mineofa;said.Uistreat;:i.andil isuch.:tUthet',work'F1431.3nayZbenebeisatTz; in7(aonnectiorttif- therevrithTto;`,;;Pioperly4 C.artyl:Onti.,,the .-.'-, Improvement ;74 as taII ashsessinent:Kfoll.;:g,-;.now,itatatids;rtariske---4 VisedMohanged.Zralied.".,ifloWered•41.:and.r,`' 'niiidified‘,44brOthe'-:fadidaiCitirgeomrals;-7i ilionct, sittiOS!.4,11.-ial boaidof:4equaliza.-1 iirtien kspierifougionTithe;i4th;do.Wiof 064.-4 1.; tOber,-,4982,.incetording?'; tol,;-regtilat ,4#0;;...";i4 't164,141i,,eie9,4V,Und,4,9r *aidinanceiL\ orm i ald.i'dt:3•4;iiiiriii-ateaidiilie-tiVar1iji‘Iiie'7 i flinifilitis 4 and faiderof it;iia1d-5-: bbard Ofi , equdlizationbeind'A the14.•Sania'it.afe' herebk!„thiliall4fiaisPecti;T:approVed...!itrid:.4 Conti rmed,;f1, in:fralr:( thhigs.7.kutiFS'1611-4, Section .:3 2; '*1-Thatisen oh'.:lattract gand...' paree1i,o1ancV.47ShOwn-:!..--ufion*Said.-Pas, seierrient:irfilltililhareb14,detlared?:spe -A eirillflienefitted*Wk.haidI improvement: 'in ; at /leas tttharani oun4C.harged lag-4111S t'.4 .thettivihm4F,Und'Althar,t...-, the? aSsessmentj bnpearing-4lagains thea,,ksainei.ifOin; propMilan' tito:.i th e;-:„SeVeral i'saiSessm entre,' app eafin WO pen ;tont d f,:orvol1.';'.14tfid V,'..thefei is ,.7: he reby;,z. 1 evied ;land t., aseesiedl: a ga bast; 'eaCh,i said, loeitract; or'f': pareel ',.- of qland 'anPeariagXonAtiiialdkroll.§:AhUfnmoun actuallionignidrollIfehalvedth, ,7and 'S.S8e8SedFfagainktliOagSam4B. 42"; Seel' b nitr3Vgli talEt there p..7:11 ., *her es- lii7N createdt5 s-nd.t2f.eintablialied7Z forAkilaidti Localinmp roveth en tit'-'*D1 titil c tX/41o:,u79 Olt S.I'Snacial*:;fUndf..to'.ilia‘ne..nalWrn!itindt[des4 ;I gpated'ias T.;(10.1thiiprovemefitil:Els;f .triilt7No..198;N:for,i.thei'el:Useri,,and:pur--- 'Pbri.0i,i413Videdby*4a,;:dawaildtSthe :=1 or dtnnnces of :',9itild E; citftindkinto ',whielv Snedial:finicVallsuch,--aassedisnients.- shall'ilbe‘4.'.fiaida-ivliciaau011ectedr-,V.Piif,W2,4 ...f.-rSeiCtline:4:11Saidi:assesernenta:;,or..t'any, '0.-i.:.thetrainak.T...be 'paid:^17vilfhoutt:1iter-',. 'eaten!. at ktny7;tim e:;;_Vel th I nfi.th I rt3r":!:.daYS i • f re my theV.date,1".of t_lia;',4,ifirsetpubl1cai tionl'utl:;theaCifkliTieashreea :notied%to :Pitir....the.:Sarnel-ias'ite-nuiredyhy'Lf.itrolto be givenri.bu qiiiiiess v*iiiiii en ti b (s=. in ad e . W1 th I ri714stildr4t tirria*sakbliChsiiidistifentr■ oKiink,1-nortionfrnthereOf.gt,f0t.,`,..ha,:::-Paid: 'Willbeconiel5delinnUenti0-._:such;?*,.'dellii='.: 4 ii a n tk< ntrieSienents"..:with3lptei'est■f!tnd'A 1 .p e nal tk -w111,• • be;,:e fifo reed ,' an cli:, co ilect eil' 111 i,4hai.i inlinniiri‘Travided';biri-clatv :-'.e.nd F. thwt!..Ordinandes..1•ot 4,11p2.,.,_- Cityoti,I.Port Angeleis.144,,:-.....,i?",,,,,,‘,..ii!,:kikeltv....10„, O'r, itv'Secti011'.F. 5:i%* Thatf..t immediately upon theilttaking,11;;,41ffectS.of: thia;v. Ord inaneo.A 'saidJasiessment:':..rolrii-ball,::: be,'Sturned :0i '!) ye r '.,..ctociithe,'OltYr...;.Treastirerfor:•;1`the':i collection thereof,: iiho',..sliallithereupOn':!, nitieped tr'..to` collect:: the '-'4a rn a ...Fee do rd LLtno;;,tis's;14*:;;,Eli?.,_?'..7,--tia:00.Z.ii2.1giN;01Q.4, 4rsectioa.46:44ThisITt ordinance rt? shall ta. Ire'.;effeet,lanklhehir:kftill:..force..."rifterl I''.' 'it* •. 2;paisage jt; an d*•:-tiPP roval;,:".,-nn and is' from and;q1after;fly.,6,:it'Cays,.r ar ter-;.i... its l': law- 1! fill.r.ptiblicatibn..4,p.*.e.''' •:./: PastiedIttirst,-R reading. ify-,r. the 6 . :':,., c 167 :-",-, Co 'nal I salbh,...', Pe t: i11thz.71922:::.4.; -;.::::..:•14';',:i -...1,PaSsed;:s.kiconctz,veadingi."'byTti.tha,City:,:i It. dOmrninsionq,...0-ct.4.411itk;'“922.`,4t.'i priipied;::*'third ".;.._'!" read ing ''4.and • 4: ad opted .1 ,Vir-t,c.the ;:.: ditr,..icoMinission.t.; Oct:!,-,' 18th; :1922.-:fri4W-'9447‘.:'xti';.:44.-'...h..51:;...''"'-'''''..';''' .";-•; -;--i'ApprovedTand,l, signed ;iby -. the , •Oct. -18th, ;:.'1922..';',644‘.e.:''':".V.t.',4:; .11,4*-te.44;''.i•-! i-i,4 11 ,,Fi'vtAr:..4.,,:i1c,4iM2sL°''.riqfivircnlirtYdr::1 1.! .-.'Attest: .*.C::::IDDEST,T;City.Clerk.".',:;-,ri...;'-:' i pp roveth.as to::: form:?....:- -i. .1.'•-•../ -I- .'J.li; SANDFORD ..': C.''.ROSE,%-''...(4:-.:.4 .:' • : -ii.t.i.4i-it444s.t..40*-17-71,tzs,ilt.--"StP.:, CitYt.qt.ttorney:.% , ,..Date . of-Mub.-40ct...21,:y192.. 1 -........10..,-saao,,.........:-....4.,,,..,,,, 74,2 e • • 3'7 9 c •■■ oak 1 7 b e c2 /qc= Ace,g4' , ' ....... dowirsiAt (r?