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An ordinance creating and providing for a board of park commissioners
in the City of Port Angolan- providing for the appointment of the membera
of such board; and prescribing the powers and dâ–ºatiea of such board.
The City Commission of the City of Port Angeles do ordain as follower
Section 1. There is hereby created a board of park ccemiaeioners
in the City of port Angeles, to con:siat of three members, who shall be
appointed by the 15syor with the approval of the Commission and nerve during
his pleasure. do member of acid board shall receive any compensation.
Section 2. Such Board of Park Commissioners shall have control and
auparviaion of all parks belonging to such city; shall have power to prescribe
rules and reguletione for the government and management of all each parks,
which rules and regulations mball be enforced by the police department of said
city. Such board shall also have power to accept, in the muse of the City of
Port Angeles, donations for park purposes; and also, with the consent of the
City Ccmmissaioa, to' accept real property for park parpoaea.
Section S. The board of Park Commimaioners herein provided for
shall ore anise by electing a president and secretary, both of whom shell be
members of the board. Teo members of the board shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business. Said board shall hold a regular public
meeting at least once each synth.
Section 4. All moneys diatxxrsed from the Park Hhrad of the City of
Port Angeles shall be disbursed only .4 warrant authortaed by the City
Commission of said city, but Arch expenditures shall be approved by maid
Board of Park Commissioners.
Section 5. The said Ford of Park Conaainsionsrs shell also have
per to prohibit or determine the place and manner of making excavations,
and of placing or raintaininig wires, pipoe, poles, posts, masts and supports
in city parks, and to carpel the alteration or removal thereof at apy time;
also to lease ary property or part thereof under its control, not needed for
immediate improvement, for a term not to exceed three years.
Section B. The public peace, health and safety of the City of Fort
Angeles required that this ordinance be put in ibrce immediately, and an
emergency is hereby declared to exist, and thin ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after ita paaeage, approve.]: and publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission April g, 1925.
Passed second reading by the City Commission April 15, 1925.
Passed third reading by the City Commission, April 15, 1925.
Approved and signed by the for, April 15, 1925.
A. B. HSDRICI, Uayor
Attests ELOISS C. UORISON, City Clerk
Approved as to forms VAX CHURCH, Assistant City Attorney.
110 Published April 17, 1925.