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• 1,1
- - .."-' '7-Sect1on r I. • All rpersonsli corinectln Ar4anin',TRI - laidn Ile'rfronC01.7lallidt pre:tt
. ORDUCANCO.:I(0;-.1111 , ••,.. -,:t. ,..., to : city , sir vice:-.. Or, laying,' their e misses. I: after, .1totifyIng`, the "saga.," '
I.' I," .1.::',„:,,,ii,".,`,".„,..".t.„.t.-,,,„-e,,,,:i.,,..---,, .. ,...,,,,to:,."..Ath,7•,a.,t.m• titst private ..7- plpes:c, shallI?I be I-required ,, to
neap only:, statulso14/ galvanised sttron conneetIon_l•to,, the _flew. neWt:
"esex147"ehe"e ' ' Math :without
'An = Ordinance .7Relating . . CPO; Int hgo 7 and.: including..5"two •••• (a) eharge,,,;-and,ong,,, liter:Eames, Um cut
R biting:, ibex eurfaCete7ot,C,7the:.rground:l. excep Occupant: 'of u.anympremises"' connectsd
. - - - -..,:r,etbe,ieatgeItig
,• city of ,,Roit•rAngile 'Wsaallea• lardigiatrieesgim,regtzartattu,. f..).P.1,..,,,taelt l_wiLt.i:
,... Opal ,,Water .Supplo, System -nt.. the
7•,.'. 7haadera.t.prfratcam,' PraLidlins.uf 1,..nor•.:ithinagt..,,Saloff., gradthat'.:,luni.:: ungisd,..keseddy.,etree.thttsihrwhhed.ere -,,,dtb Vstrres, that'..,c.ttle.dgja.titueur.,.11,thaPely.1.,sYsetie,1
l :: reuses, In b'Reilltiati. Thereto; ',..-Pro ierinco.,..sid„.1 edpes',2 shalllYbelelaldl,a ` water, A for., any :rtIPecial-'"PlarPaefa!,"le.__.
,..4: Emergency.,:h.,,,',.T,,, ;4,,-",e- -',- -,-• .:_,, aetablieheclijrade: iThe7Superintenden Abe/ -origlnalsitunellcation:411_thentthall i
%vidlisg,l7Penalties.,add.' Declaring. 'an
, ,....,„ lenet-atwo".(2),.,feet., below. l. the :nal lthrough'S-any ,,,lixturesstnentionedot.o.
1, I at ; Por t ..:' Angeles .",a10:r.oidain ••., as r.f.:d'f- themnam.-.M.,mtreetipKwhIchr,-artri,beln and ,,the'-brttnakl Pthe of,,Isessisl.‘ '
WIILI,Inain wItprivste:Osor,vicesYlre Ususel•suchsnxturest.tor Dn.-removed:, ' • •
l• - : . ' COMInissio • of . flie.:reiss
t-s __ • a lows:ii,,4-,-.,-. -....,,,,w4tx:i.T4.ktg.4 :.:,,k:-E-,:;_-_1: scr.ded*.i.,,,tegrade*,,.nd -..'SSIII,-,hav 'plying ,thelearae tol,,bei..pIngled:!-And ..
zartd..regulationelbee-satt,tbg'ioamo.'arol. slialiAbef necessailr,rto--- maintain, ,welitlitZtetio'risthaan'YurePricl:Pti.11-8h.
Lam Vat t-f_1:_........t,_,..,..,„:seetion,..1::::.TItatttidePfelllogingi•rates such, access*:orta•private,:property,, abs
,-bereby./established",foL:theControl•ref. pipes7,during,",•the%work,landletliall,:lt 'mill theo..made." .I.AX,,if-f•tenlIe.::-P.,..-.n.--
;SO.Section,F2.o•Tb. e.,:woraTI'Sliperintend,. Exceptf for ,above,cauae:,•ownervt. , Election, 1.4:....a ou t - •-alasitssr.
.olscontintia,the-I-use,of ,waterlsuppUed:
/1,--1--4) - 710 . 8 0 ii- ft-the:,Watet, Department, ofitthe -Cityl.of soon',.anAlpracticable .tipon... completio .,,
..yportle-Angeles. ,'SVashingtOn(F-&F,-.11^ of sneliiworltlayolayeald, pit:testa stree
L4-t ,L.iit,4 ••Itib all l"be theld r andreonstsueds‘to=j-nlitua Iondr: of :Abe llnityif service ,,tosatill.r.in .,,t6yeel'in:flifVe,L,..,,..l.grin,wibithl:Isethois:iviii5,thuttoinpriatorititIr:mrd lit:
III noel twherevervlused,llahtby, Ordinance maintainsthelmptivate tplpes,froni. th
' ■.gityri.ots,Port.r. galgelesaxiVaohlogtoo: orinfendent `<findsiY';'itm neceisarYI-0;:to vided .- by r theaAuperintenoon agl
:IL thel-r.aVaier:jthiperintendentlt1 ot,rts" the ,their.4PopertyYl■-or'k' In case,' the 4" Run: ,otleasshnibe,,,on,tho<PrInte.dofirt
,,I,Tbe,sernsa-.,,operitelV,...7ortierever:,:ucedfln losaintahrrthe-ssame......the..own - ., ouitqappose -and. paym -7:1n..lfti 40
li...thIs..ni.dinthiceFshall,.bM.held,44,,;roMtn 1-elinquisli.,rall:r.Ylghts. :.tri.,1.iraidll'splpels.: ienrages !.'musti'Airni,k_nos,olad_ __,6
.1 li. and,;IncludeAnaturaltpersoneK.of....e1;: Mbenuthedensaryyt,,thetlI3uperIntendent .,Tbe.,waterxwill. th ent be turana.l.o___,,ss
/thee' tiar.lt. assochationo'no -par Warship] ,mayt•sloise%leervicas.,Iti;lon ..proPertgr to iturn,i4,-",...ku.i.,.pg,:oppileatihn4;w4.
andeorporatitinsl..; yhetherilliettng l'hY l"conform,'tollithel:'slOpabeettaioned.,thy .atibehargev..thutocno sysentilision•ol_
, E themselveit'x'oci‘bytP: a- sei-vanc.d,agent pthel'gr.Ading tii.
I er:_enuileyee;u,tbe., Angle, nuritherthball '
! hero. hpid,ttte 4: ililuded,-,theilltplitialaned . timid:VI:1%0f ees : thy thu,,Instal.: r,0,.,2„,,tidtbout•t,,theanot,Iceigrnectihedll.i
:ap to aw e.,t41 l'alg=gt?,li'l .' reg!..t1Tal III ,:Ltrw)e.'j:iff.fl:g°:iba. 1,
'I , the thitteenline"-pronontutti•IInclialevthe tionaoSTwater,WeervICO,,,,Slhall:IVIled".91 •
ll JeminIno:,-,Pli...c.,,,,,,k4,114:144,*:,:tkl,PWA,Il'Ifat ollowta,,,,,.
ileytioront:a4, 41i:2.rect. fo,phs.: 14 (34) :Inch', con- taitgespat,agidnathodthe&PraPertYYS.I.O'
, haie.l:PreinieellienonnOsteda'rith P•Wor,..-•,71.,*one....,•.;4.0)?-t-4ill'a-'‘.,-■''' -et'enCr'tlau.rIL: -t,thinellateh'ccierdolienlei-lanhdet1T-faoCeXaItatiyierfont:nthaAe.
if lrvaitero.elipPlYlsYstentot.T.AbefCi.,tYs"fli, ' 4'.00O,4S14,Clgr-sthihrl'O't . tk,i__417ta .any,-;s1nnitowing'tt:therefoynecoineyde"..;
PPortIAngeles:,;WasItington, aba.11.,54a. .: o ....MIZeitslarger* 1..1Mn.,,-,oti, . rfl AttuRientInfthe-dcwater7.4 shali,u,benshn....
11 EapplicationZatt.thelthfiltuaotp llichl-..,`oc,,,whe a dit.,:tbecomes ,nee ssary 5g..,•-, ddin -no,.-case,shalthltjleutnsnee:
..'fOrnare,..fitenished.:nifor4., hittrt,Purr,,,,td op:ltrilr....17,nt:Dgaire etf.11:triiretita: ,o, i.-.7.g,te-tno's..soanb:1:01Ero:ce;„49,-,17::::.alli
•reC• of,,laboe, and -materia141ntlaYing ,d'elItionenelesld shiltrarmil.beerr41,14D
liperlitteilitentl,tithe:+uCIntell .
rEveryllonc.hn.SOPIloatInn4nnalUaaade "-" " • ' '' nTnder.,,renlac- In .. ■,....e ,i.,:auth,..,, , cbang6 ,of..',.,ownership,;•-,0
suth Ippropartk,...."thbe ` iaaaata-t ae'tlaba.
ang„intisr..,,..lortao, ,setall.:Ibellpaibiliblo;re: 7,,,thvgrte,„rao9vn:glelYclIng Lat,,,,,„.. .....b.,;,tiiined oft, mjtb.,0,:oin.,
boOnharged•rallusF!,..1 ,occupp. on." . a a ., ..,*
'I .1',',;:LIV,17Z,r.;;;.1,jugiarta,,01:4:41-cre....,a,,,,,,,f,cd.,0c,conecti..1.,, thint..=1,1.,Ipsht,v,itle,,OW„,,_ . .
amts.:applicant. iiid*r_..i.t...7..74triZit'grL4,-1X; it dsZt4:Aqrit;o;,p_tTtel,'4VAL);11%31,
roue a ,for.,,zivia .1, -,,•the :„tendlir main . trulYNnILI•thel-tiurposer:
k) ltinie,auyxthe, con ,_
1 Til'6'ttl.11„ tzb'49r4
e>.,..p.i,,„: ;,thcp,..,,„FtkAyr.ititIthe7q.Onls.lieggn. by;th op un hi of.:.I•FlveO,0500t03017-4
timateAdost .turne4e4FferriZ.WtailOg4tAVned%
,n-ater",,)!Incal,y-,:beliTra . ishall7thel•Iestititated,lhyAtlie,SIIP- lwater-
'z'eaxix ditleiti,forrthMilllio"." :lor'reisticer,'
In'tendentlt, and ItheActi
.., ,;agr ee to co o ,. o
t o 'esettablished4trom,Ttime,,ao
- ... es,,it:',etniditlon",:precedentsin,,the,p -
teliesfthat,ItlieCityf;otIPoTt'''Angrles• ierlfe!oialds1;notf.',iinfliclent.Oto,cever.,:lthn: .71,141;71.11,:ie'sdhea:rs!oltrerIntthe;t1"enpat:::.7•; .,.!:,,,.ail_:.___11.111;1g:, i
,Art .'agina"waterr.
.., e ' providettrT,that., whentiverxtheoestImat-
•14Washington:,,nhall thecae ,:..tht,illn,..,lba• Itotillaxnerises:fonyrlaborland,materiali g-1...orviand.,:,ItiniTS.40.faena•,.:•Irleirve.c..i; i
. rtt,TIIi't,igt47:Vigarnta'r,-;?epatruf'±.'., '•1111.Oileig.V.IOVVIgillatteertgqgitalitt= :leajf•Lirligii,.'ireithe=leartTgawnr:
n-'.. ....;,::t;;:g1r..:':,1:,!..i.:-W=.47-i.'il'e ,..;tt4.•:;Vvell:illili'-i'Lllig..".?gfritZn''atIgtT5 -erin-"0..,.44..P.."tttrrj%T.,',i.g.,oti.!,'1.
,eity:s.shallinotabe•-"responsibledonlaVYtessodmi,ment.lf,nallbetderedttod','I Onenu:e:,4•:1.1thi•••tiaally,i,authorisetlige0
NO Ulemage,,,Slettneed.,1.3:II•CII the -i - kr:: of thellnerseinirnpnly,ingqoVASeI'llanfl.lis • alialthIltelllield7uresnOnsiblerTflOf'n......•
• ling,,I-- nu retina et era., ..01 aP,I, II.S.,-, • tlantt-Tbeenbo vet rul e,. shaIkalso tslIPI TrateitTproVideddt‘thatpersons019111Ingi
IsinKrnollers:I',wol'Pthes5,5-arifisLtmla4i, where,,l'teichatth.tslinelositsietisZ:Fgru:TrXgrl prepet•ty,Under/.Wtittenllatiatie5mair•POI
Oiverki=INO.Piservice,:•einellertlian eiteeleal7tile1ocea%ct,tontlevieS'ienTertnItieita7r.,=?Ill-f!
-:"3 raterInkIttlittlklit''Irl.Tte Ithhit.lItr°4'41verfiPinIX'ettlililg..dierel I- sseldourthel.(3,4)1 oCrvw.,-, Inelthshal he;:mccotr_ . -I ..1.11 , nem. ,
',„ectiy.,,Or',1 IndIef,tift.1.9X44e1 'Shutting htho,5 nstallet1-1". ..fnl-,Ist/I.Ml TAR.' %gs4Vr-5--/ea,,,,,A1 ,.
OfgrtanV"' -.,:fSeiction,f 'SAIRCfareSi.gaterAtvilL*b-S e or, ,,,iii,fra,,,6,1., . inbeftlain , .ollt_
•-i . . . „ ,
1lI1 I l , is - ll
." • ,• ,• ,4 , ' ,.'a s , ,'."., ! k '' ,,_ ' ' I . • . • va,. t ,i lSoBn rg1 ;, so Ift., ieP;: to i1 ) . nr :v,iud et. hnne' a sIc Seei fiiacOlter. miooAo hn'dniFi e.t ,.w aI:Tn,O ; eeeigle., , . I„ovasrnMrl.a,r nMs"tT:i . .,-gt.•,'.l'. v.4 n.l1 T• e, t,7hnle"tsdlfi4,asn,,Ai"0eaf fmll,e,,_,r fi1 u o,. t I; l lin1le 7 rl tiitPauafA-mee rgafr lreia,.mzat,,. ,d t,rPI .ibt:
.:‘..oT.eP.lir ,,a4?lw,l .s,t,, e,;.lh-
s,l.e.l:l_nliSoIa-o'cespYI. at1
.ggs_-oa mIeeili.;nP,,y l:lL,,4d ln,.s,
,l e.,r,-lP,my.m•
ls:s,rt1. -„jimn
hs-.enarwrtVl1-,, -nchreel.1
.vpaleieae :.:n •'tu•l". p 1iIl trr.a1 Cne9, ,Ct".. ye,p' stru,iaxge " Ir tdp7.e....gt p, nn.-abiI, tlo: 0w,Ii.rL•-A l,•i‘eiIitcai t:,e0olt.,e -t ea,1-ale d,eqf 1 ubd.o!Wt.0 .ts1,t
es .4 -a e t h• 1
o u'
6i,'rp,n b:-t .u.htr
uah-lO ;i iu,rs!n, I7eii
1 r.:-
h " tsS; -1 i
tr t ,lt,, a-
If.i"Dpiem' e :, n an,ir‘lrn.it,St.1rl, ra.se:V.x_.it ie •.mr;,ltetr rla tSt'e,h_: .1. 'e... lr'epu1: _ mtsl.'a .c,:i
:_,, l.'s' • '.W k :cI. e. s,t h o, t
e -el. hpn r ,aph,,apa":i.a.l :rlt.'v,I, lor,•.noee a,..sp7d lnmr
1p, ,-es ; ell P 'I ueYTe.ihav s t ei-a. An rP i na',7, . ,s.n ,: ,nri.oin,,pci g ,e'.i r,•u :lt:ro a,i3c e!,iX,.•1 .n:rg-..ie2t. .L.-d o:„e.i.I:-a4. lt nttd :e
l,g,ae, aI'c, , ,l. ,noe4g
, :o• t.
• ,
i!tnsXo. f
p,irte .
I:ee'r,. r,tee,',eite:,coi
v. nI
• -, e
t Ol0Y,et;
., .'
h1t ,? •o,7 ,h:e,', ,.,.a0,r .,U:,ee .sb 1: a•e, ;,::i,h i'l•:-x.. t'u..,a.
o -llhe2dplyc-,l4, °* 1...,7Ma:,.i'1ao,71l ,it.: f.s4m, td `is .h a.44li4 i=llial .Ie.,1 ol.,:, ,l_1t Y r 4..?P,.'.P,: -i i5:`tcd,/. ap:4t,fa' ' l_P:,al1t:r,g,W1t,1Ibr-rel..leee,-'"ifP°'.-0.5ra.nktP,1.;48:i,I3r. _1lt: O77-...*Sooe.
he kill dttd.use'IC,forlanylpurponPPeuponnhr nettannr.14g,,1117pf----.
atherpthanaheervtatedthftheo±PPII. madoAtoW-confor nrt?tit °''8g4111:171;71l1u" ii
atlilmrAfuton 10 0011 oherrstilatiinadThOtere1afliet:7 7:417i:tlieri
rl9irloeitaiai76,,9bousalcctd'thtr hef1 1770: r, 7n 119„ hk4h :
eto: wli b i,.i. i e,iii,b ee 0„41t u i1 i.n ,.1nee ,-.o 1ftur4s Ie
obteined I fon, the: ine tallatiOniot7riter heco; 74rueprateTelo TI02..;.,TgS. ' tk .
1renthes:deeVlbadfAlIlfthe.P lio tx te nsiontlInndielaPprovedA hi1„-Lrfti4:6„,p0teOnpotent .:-,h t,e
aa- rl.
A dye Stperintendent ahallucaue:Xtba Want 1000118 ef..taitardImae.wih "_-6,IT ,,t3r T',grigngga,
urtf?Wh!enhere b;a/city„T.r ffF:tizare:&rla1atd;r.' t ;4"3 11A:1:49:1
mainygto ?be.jsotneeutlat I tt- ger3r i tp4,ricril:! !" 71::::44
l eityalrtteyemnIn.by2.1rvretai lac, andSiXtura?MYlthYlithoroF;l :ga:.;'1:
s from drained 08830 .We,471:45,67:4
'TgVt1n rentnectloWlMetweet t msoltys y es
, ■I,14cW,plceo .rtsthe sproP ertY lin ndhervie 'leAVPTV1007tZ
llneottlie tree tun rb whiellco nnetion pipuon:ttle.pelnilrt 0(1.714.k414kia
lelalinhe ref torflthe 4Maintainedb L withtasunion, Z,4ag,44 , scribeilapositleiloPrthcQseple
&ie, thilthi n the et alu alto : co lSetion E94Whe tle .iv nets pIpas,atop:coeicSrnadalierflItnrcs
or3he,,gt(ta r AAgletVlt7 eee nte of anyiprenlses connetea fl_tn:vnL
1gt , 7lththe,eitrshwater..ppirvge.: rs7t nid1t0.er.tabiv,;
`9,:0f:tiitti7nklr,iwh: :1 calre.touseithe,vaterI'ha'Shalt i iur'si:dbt* t:o;:i
;eg.n=p6Ali:totdnttulyiln otifY,the Stpa rInte ndent: atndareF„ 'a;,,, 6
on e street 1poiwhic1therol80 quest/thatthewater betturnee,onto IL ,
lti;vatrnaln.rtleeltrlyIll Jll he.pretnis,The.owner,s a i 1 ,nve "crfrm heioll dlogAtoh
rreneeetltefree!thenel7,t oWard hisloortIon,or.e thel serica,xrmeg eatagilshderulesn iono
hePremlaeocsa;aieninZe ctuta1lithftretetCauntiqtklnwttor,talY utitaottrnnekIllfully,:orWo tba
I he .idistnnearonthe maithte,p. a::rtr:rutr!itendV danageof aio eltYlrntort wo Ya
k s.„ 7o.
:, d.. ..!. -
trb,11naraithdistance In n lse t i, v011::,aiiggaat;p:A. lamsnp3bedebarr8dibyghealupet
4 excee1f0rty(40)f ."'LArI( '111iie17liaL
nnection Stlereyi h Il74- it s tl; 1.galtZiia ;111i,iit!ZiiFiy.161411511
A VL0494amaianremusa4aa lin .itc144
nallll malitalnedbY" hot lernfltho (_"r ll i, 0,the7CityVate,PSPartnent,e..
Pa m I eaA e rvek o s.ril 4 P2h 1 Oilrl:iEli11;r0EaFf -
eretterth.ott ettpth e intendon R: ra It io:etthli,3e i;.itii ll
1 aymett of tliaatal loo4ther. ddltmnuefture,onsa.d upremlaeg IIitiRt
....„,„i,„ .1.. , „ , r;to , supplylthwwater . to : nurposee 0, eIt7 t .alaa.117;r4t
of Abe apPlicantalongandenat . ther; han those2Sor :whIch.the ,V
anypublc, stoearsSnnecaSth inal aptleallon,wttelxnadey,f•te and'fiktureC and 0..aaaaT811
City w 'u - - to ..1ddltioncl .'fa,i1 i e "w0te0 ,;15" ysed:and 0 4w PiV
. , ..,
ealj enientg xer1.i4' . L;' NiZe'heEeElii.!nl : e8,pled
1 a i d iigaipuiigarCetO 11. ri _ r sr, itliVl;‘..41185
list greater, than ing rvo or o mltn a •pr n c .ii. .;a4:
a T n 1slit,grlsZe;'
avenue :- for.a
torty,140)if eet,thecosumeor con. ureisnedf ltiofTo2,Z1ax,
O the oOOt of aidT go rvine runtil-the isc,pry1e.,Ir.,r,„0r.:ptriservcamn/be i:aaalatqra;t
isomhusthbbanad e onaddltIonal; t;h,b:i:u
ywitain,two "years after "the dolga R " A, an; prescribedyhtrhe elP:9tni:4a1t;;ftter'or
hebsev ide 4pipesdhtmonljpetrvhall recedln itlsection,l,euch,StnfooLai:,,1ta,ta!afwsted b!Aimp;e.
ho calloce,V.tILltayS,go ge rndsea:Shaltbyehargedat voublo er.iari:Itopn,
rt ;'0ggf- he /rate fort he:: time Mhey• are n , ets-faucets./oru ether .,11xtUre, o90
1, ed`rL1' 4lutgaInee closrwithout' nelfclosg
Inane! delned"ver •-enkss:PntVa4r1:;t,1o:r.. igg`A
11 orTwo-u12.00),Aloliara :nde-foVgei ' '=42eli7a:ItTla,
have 11,own,A9 ara ,,.n.h Ring oftand AurningOn.euehrder, ing..Ot,DirogMher iaaqaa•r
neetRpwithjibe , , le.111 casewterrvhall, a. C tc°aX • the , water torpinUoses , oth Ir
Rfrm' i , eff,atr proVided tIn, thhofseetIonIthe tosagrt,lnthe,applicrtl
ii7 -wa onne"shall t. ntA beturnedt onhagain: fo8owatorlarc ' ia
trot)runlesasald property In ad gection,42srtenmunewErhatldthg pa or10 us 11 in violation 00 aly
af 177':tkUr
owts;iesroldecnnecionI, old ':?S an, iipe, tTii,.„ 4S111 '2i;gj1
1' The , City CoamisliOn: Iry;,itt itrf ; f orhanke rholocatloarOC 1°1:1,ii t
discethm order the extension : or re- the old service connectio or ,herd 1etfreeg. tedrt;a1
mains 17,-the Loca1. Im- "'Ilea 'aeeeetleete 'fter'ar"ee 1. Alsiut I oa.: and aithoutblice
\N provemnt pla as rovided „_ w 01100110008. 310 no longer 7 0sed h PI ce in mete orY, such nervicts1.70
, Commencing with tlio sixth month perintendent, mfy cut out or re-
, i
l ,
• '
fifox,i; •d A9-44 /3ay'
, i, -at m1-0 : ,, , nt,,,,initendentt. shail, wren , p.,!reen,a. ret ,et.3 . .s ar,e,!esupe'p,l ,TI w,t,, att . flied
rsr: airl'
alter the Installation of any mains move such serticy connection after and . may charge f or the water - at.'
numer of water through said ll Ierultl . I:e 7nnectlon lete• T; fi 4 ee' li1lil
I main shall receive credit on their erN,uitto, ..,37,,mis,ee!i Ca:e ;V nor e le;s • tge t
monthly bill for the amount sejv l ee s iml l be la0e d only upon the used tea and unless such person
of their ssessen until he same oner. mak ir„a, a 1nii ci im.lima make he proper rpairs as,'
has hues wholly repaid, hut this ltit for regular , or 1110 lt st e e vate n:: a 114e 1
Ur letal.1 itl:nt:X.tUeIthit ,gn r. mtho6ervieco7iC 1 ni, ,r a,nnat tt,roes o,0
Iy,rsa:„r ii ,,rolol=1 of a:■pretawltliet 1oten ‘,tlif11 Ie'r!‘”tJ1!=t'
t 11 t pnn1 oa11 1 ip ,1 t ,il nd
I , liven paid a charge of
'',vu 02.001
Iloilurs for shutting off rod tuthior
ou su,•:, v...tev :1.1 , it',
qi. 1
il.„-.7,, • ' .:. ,- -1,,,,..k.i..24.7:A.-yrii.iiir.,,4,00.,..,
t .1 •, architect Intending ; to ruse (water:. lu
the teOurse +Of -.the censtructioirof an!
et. I . t building. ;shall report, to the:Sul:tee,
it • „, 4
.F,:" • if • 1 Intengent.kets7uch intention .
arig11rPtlrt.-. Water fo
• • • tudh-1p n e s r
, • f ' i oar :upon application - eV the owner
77 ' •. k .itet‘ ' *raerdUth°„,4-1612red. att,Strentetti : r"ate; 17+ allied "- all
.; • . delinquent and tunpald charges there-
"- • for shall rkkeeomelea*Zenr.-upost. - the
Iprentises rsepplIedandeshall be col-
.,•_, ‘, •: , • :leeted:Itivtba-samemannex,,asZotter
• . . , dititnqUent,:quad;:unpaidetchargee. .s. -,- - :
1 .ect1on- ,25.5.:fteater fittures;.will tbe
• I .i , I ad": forr-eneb .- and:I *Vey - Fur ..
•-y , vallable.t:•and r•fort' caOh.,.. tam LT
• i , • I stablishment , wattle thep eneketureInt
xvh2e4.tseparated:Only; h31. •doo$,. Wet
ra 0t4C.other +insane of.eltaanaecitss•
•' ' thittilt.'.ipes few fire., protec
dog Purposes .must.:, be 'titled: up • with
such" ilituresionly. as: arewneodedrfer
ilrerrprotectien:/land!kentlrely . discont
, , c oected,r.froma.-tkose ;:used",efor rk.otber,
W effllwborkept attached to : .., the
ufgreitehf-t•Whenerer Paracticablethe
fixturet;„rrauspentled4" conyenietttlrIfon
ii 9V.046=fiitittir; 11.e o ./- litiri.
'' ' , t f iYatee.',J10,Permittedf,through'ittny-7nre
sPrekee.--nor.'throtoxhifany- pipesA-asks
;title-thee:fixtures -connected hereWtth thisesectIon ...-11-, elm Y, . .
fert,,•anyfr purpose iitx,eept , the e exile:, Dollars ..,foreach. offense„ shall, be .1ra-,
!ffiliehtnellN•Iot ;fire-eon. the .premlineg: posedgendr•taxed: against:th° „person
PrOvIdedf• bOwever.Ttitbat• • cennectione and .-aremlises; •and the.: water., turned
' andi, apparatusikusedkler, tire,proteck. Ifs' t11."such penalty,- luta •;.•beenefellY:
tIon4bayfbeitented 'attrany -time, under: •Igthirtgotorteetov-r•-...tothe'. ..,,t. . -
Itek, 41114.0Winfft. condltione, . vialieWrit- wtsectionW1Allt4perstial,t. contriett
ten:snotlatiteluili,begiVen: tir;theSuPY oret.,corporathinsand::othert,Citytde-
eriatendittfthataueli ,teate,101.desired partinentshandling: street- •Icocki zilch
•leatigalIglewhichMestaimustiebe -made as gradInregrafting, : ftiling,:: trench.
Ing.,4or-aaIng.; etc.. shall ,give ufty
the4pretience toti-tfte,,Snaerlittendent SuPerintendent•,) eight ••dayef....x.yrritten
r2 tittlaulblreiciegazel.lifferrwlela Cring:, the "tivork., to +remov-e4 dist/lace
.155 the, In:- case-It: becomeeknecessary
t e ti irgiftelle,0 0)- 1 "D:llititAtw111%.1,11'elartf bee change .any water rinalns;"•'phte:
rao il,,,eand,ttlieftsttpaft$34eof „fittings.% meters. -gates
Werke+ appurtenances:Abet', ntafkittter+'
or 4.oEtter:• water,
‘ pc7r. tie :- n_ •,,Lt,',""Mula. a tiif 1,call worlivitandliallureio tc+furnfsh +teed
fere WIth •Ithe”- prosecutlonotIli neer.
l'opelib51:vokbeen,-.ped.•ece",,-,,",""IlI•k,'Ir.,19,: notice, shermake; the tontragtor,"+ ertri•-
•1_,,,Sectitin •33,,,,,,following4;iitete.-A7 poiattai,- orperson.- or other City' De-
' liable to the Water;Depart.•
..rbhibited'''47.'''-lr 75'''' 4:.t. .- '' ' 1 • hi': nient, In:: case damages : should -res
to",;(.03D.Tott,,pen.. cI se, : . urn,- or : tt _ • .
fere&Withelfolvi: attempt:: tp..i.er ,.: cent.
from V•itmh3' loal1u4tty•14•;.+4=4,4:+iitt•itk‘z
Ira ' ter:tette, cocl,:vbelongln g. to the right"to :plagea-meter: on any?' dr,11411,
4 rkentwwipit,knny,;11.rethydrant:,-?..emP ..4144e9 _,. __
stett2-1,1"Waterl:Departnient;',' •unless 'feu,' serviees.::All ,meters shall,,he and; re-:
P,tkor sedteibg..",the,r+SuaerIntendent-Tein. twain.thwr,property4. ofIllthet City,and
•wrItingtAarerided,:r;thin":1,ule ! shalt, not- maytbeInstalled I:oreremovede -by...the
aPplYrttor•Membersef4thefpity 4-Fire. superintendent•41n,conformity to rules.
: lienartment, It while:4,4 acting f.p; in"--,. suck' endregulationalln :$ this 4T:ordinance.
1-retemity...,,e4„.cp.p4.4,47,4",;•:'oteelii,:ttltptit11,34:: •provIdeil.,4,---',Jle ,••414..k,:••::''''''.41-4Pt.
OA 7-1. 7 7 g
For-reloltsion-el-raerrow"tper aro, minimum ...ipoothlr Ch5tZt)11
vlslons.tot. thls"section:--a penallY ot water impelled' thrOUgh leeLer
Two 42.00) ..Dollars •-shalL be imposed
FOr 1,3 inch meter • ...
end 'taxed against the Person ePPP"... For -3-4- Inch meter .. *A.."( 1•50
with the service-, used for attest , per-, F..; 2 Inch meter .. .... „„ , 2•90
poses and the t water, shall .be shut por, -1-3. Inch. feeble,
Provideil:k•however.• 4••• that lite :CRY Far 3 -inch Austere. 10.S
off. ,unt.11the-", same, has Weft Paul+ For 3 inch meter
Por-4 te 10-00
For .6 inch meter 30.00
• The rates • for - 'water • trayalled
through meters shall be as furrows
for a, month or fractional part there-
or the firat 100 Cubic Feet, or
Next SOO. lift •
X t 600:Cubic Feet- at.. 100. .
Cubic -Feet A"
.. .02 1-2
shall be
before the
each month;
11 make, a
- for the
h gh said
:shall -said de-
Mt • which . de:
e. City Treasv
tee fof ,lhe
ald :to the can,
CemmissiOn -may grant Perm :-
the- tree • use . or t water fort the Jeri
gatIon and sprinkling ..,of public
parks. cemeteries. driveways. 4 and
stieete.1- and r such . other- municipal
Penmn, as- inay,be deemed advisable.
sublect -to such terms .and conditions
as the Clt1 Commission- may provide;
which permits - must cease and ter-
- henever water is -used In
a 'manner-Other . than "a• - sPecified le
such. Derudts,'", t.,••••te, r+ . ••••• ..+",,r1-- •
•,," Sectiont--13..•ilfo- neisldr-i4,0t- 41 other •-•!•.•• Cubic,. Feet'
sprInkling:tdevIcee,ehall +be., so, '; placed Next 1.200 Cubic, peed.
la ,...:to fitbkowt- water,. on 7-...arty :persee. f..-.^ Cuble•O Feet. --....
.-.4 Section- yr No,eperson.raball truse •, .
'Next 22.000 - Cubic • F
100 ltic_
passing •alorig.thee,street . ortaidewalit.
any:water for+IrrIgatlent-br.sprInklIng -=
wext • 15.000' -Cubic 'Fee '.
during-Abe programs of ,any;the In' the -- e -100 .Cuble 4 Feet- .
city. rand; all Irrigation' and sprinkling" .:.
wext 470.000.:Cuble+, t. ati
shall 'tbe,-Immediately,4.•stopped,1,when .-100 - Cubic:. Feet
0,..e.at 130.000 • Cublettreel at
tutualarrn, of • fire.1-1s7sounaed, le,tve3. 4. -_
part. of ' the 'city.' auk:shall-net be .ber 100 , Cubic -1Fot -,........,
gun 4 again.- ttotil "the .1. fire ' haat+ been +., 4-
extinguished:re:Mar zanytvlolation • of .a.+1 over • 140.0;01 uble',:
+4., pe 100 Cu Feet
,,•0 Section •40.. 4" • axed
payable :In -di. ce -on
'Fifteenth - (1 +day, of
elle meter ' mers '41,
cash. dopes! ith • the
er.4 based ", up :the
monthly". suinpt
meter.- bu • no: 8.
posit- b -.1 • than
posit, sh chi. b
urer • eat sere
tract,' an
before •,'
the -auce
ny. WI
partmenL eiialt
ny a
tut I"
• rite (alt.:, WitlIbIttli notice,,,k and. . will •
not, - e :Merged k on', agahr.tuntil : such
hill; getberrwItlr'the ', penalty -and-
'thorn° te of - 0) p01110 '4, (41.00) :,+•for
shutting- off -and' turning:on the' same
hag . been., paid.•:+1,41.1•44-- r:-.;,e,V.-_,1-5.Vr■-•iI,41 '
_ 0:"),x,
1*-41(13)•& To IIdisturb, or danage •1 any, or:Section 1•37AWhell• enY.' consumer,
TP;1tilt„Tei4+1n,oritehileocryet;t4twoledtVADolitepearrt; mwh.kosoart.,..4..weiotemr
;•slearvIntict!th'It'mf 1 '10 N'svaltvg91:Caltherou
vaeatAt and no
PtoicIsa,',Iro!:tiirotr,t4refuse,tor.5:any rub: anyv.pase time has beetit.,expo
u m unth,e charge oft•Fifty Cents,.(3.501
g t -a meter tin any,
'1.,stancellito4 ani,city4creservoir, or7 to ,WateDepart:7i nt
erloWleit;,',..,-re'reagrsend tier •montlti, shall "he nialle• 'Provided
knyk ableterioun matter:4 In + or request,: haveAll .111 d titer,•,4„-teeke::
7rs '! •
L c,
—L1 —j1alizoo
L47 ce...../4/4,
°224- 377 8 0-10
o8j In .171`7-
svagaInst, the ),./..Z.V1-4, VOLTA.
ave'e been _WIT -paid.*•4,A1.1
ding-Monthtafter -the-read-1 /8) •
-Takall-I.44,-+ payable.. OW" ,
teentiwi4 0.5t11):Idny rot „,..! • -
Id,. meter. r1n k the event that,
either Fitted" Rate, or` Meter -
15th), day:s of +1 the:- montb. -ta. •
oftText,.‘Per.,Cent- (10) ,of, the
w111,1te. shut + oft .bk. the 'Neper.,1 2i.111/4 t jet
th-rlf.0t1t) r. of k: the . Month. igthe
,and..ink the :further...event:that.
bill:shall not be„„paid by the ;-
3iteo Ifj-j+.1parr9jofolifonr. city,./4.:_water :the:rt. serVice 114,1„pec that ti•wit ere .+-• two t+ or "V m m.o.:Yr-sea-trate
r-kwateauPP115.•tffetemktru."-ri INV _Should scoasumer ‘tnen_u tre 414,33 'the buildings. -eh' sgaplied fbe"'saine
) e+914$efire,iffercipltijure+-:'Inity, .meter.;:be tested. ',Wilt, consumetyshell: Meter, ": the minimum,trrate + shall', be
di gOi:4,*.. otber:e.ritrUctereIY 41e=t+' ,..nakeaiifdePosit :with -.thetteity,"•Trear-., One :". Dollar .4 and •ThirtY-FlYe-k Cents
Illt$94.40§1344!.g0:41,..,E. 1)-„nT
ritoy..,..4mthe,i,C1tP•VIVater rIbed••in• Seetion23,The 171_1,3.5)e.,„per.:mont,lt,-fort_ench..e.
•;41(E).4,24.T41• 1/11teet,111:1Y,P•TeeeigF when,esuch5testfils.4mide.rdn";ease•the -.10,4.-+:,"71Y0.41.,D0lines."4,t32-00,)-FttIliall'eithe t 1410
Cityk Titatorlfflepartreentfueer no
licheatittiMis af,•ngtIbutt_ds., an • re
tut flee ,Iper,' tent ;'(5)-ottwatertconsumeth .-011emetered bills.:;ore ifiguredeto , the
testinhould,t show_ianrierror oCt.ove 'charged.% 4,"„•;,,-rrww4r-4.4,......•„7-•.73,4.,-,,tv,,,:-..4.4„,
• 1117-ITacor,l'of:theppater-i•Departmetrt;, nertreket even vs-10(1.4 cubic feet, except
-ntretiibellk Maar,: Its,,eontrol:.7)04,014,..
thrOdopoititOwill.,.:beereftindedk,tei,the vhere•4k:ther :rate +410,4:Twenty ,,,Cents
($.1014" pe•11.1.00", eub le• 4 fee UV or 14 more; ,
The,e.liawarKgretteXP100 flower":
To.:trdisturtgttar.+71njure,rratlY. ;
4.2Ver„VE!..,,m,,m, y fie e ., tite'rstestruilleliir],a1;t1tfetl" llt:kllla -k/N-1, .....--"1- -,---",',0 ei.-1/ j
C 02:ItY?•liAltUrbil'ilf all:Mr:if
*111413:PbUitted Forie trees,: belonging . o ,e,,,ettmeted: tmeerglegl!4,,,,,,e4.4++0,4.,, merest -ex en 50 e
. bt „t•
otitlanderEith:+.4aoi,trllefV.:11,151h,- tr If fitheeteetelif ,,,stieh; Imeterekshoold. _ tun :: .. . ,t po nge": meter
ri il.:=4.: bell ' ',47yee..,,,iiI,4-,,,,,,.re" thow,+•anraceuraternieasurement•-rtif ratell,niid,meter,,rentetoS" herain,pro-
lagClifle"'VOnneer f,:icil'ilWf...-pirtilirfses".:5•11. ter't,theelnount.,:deP pelted I will:" be" vided.treaults :ending- In:4 one. and+-two
• d,,, 14'‘044.th,44., water „, fteriertmept cents ,, shall e be, eon n te•di: as ;,0e ;-.. and
titnar7:28V140Tertnitst,Ifer,‘-sIde)volir If Y e 1the - exit en e- of malt esultstrendhigIntrthree'Ffoile +tali 'or
ulldingiiIlivith"lhet+DR"water kalpett • "44114 1
:I i • ' ' .4 • ,I:.i' i.tcyivf .,a- ,,. „-nt- t ib'kr.red,-inOg i.1 .„le rnoleiv. I"V9v" 'o.o t rt Ieaak le, f .fee, ke: rn•pant”- e k, , eaui:rfn l o tip.'mlgoV tts ' t ' 'riDn eggp ?lei.tetmr' Tet-remreet ea f„n,' lttrtues: eamtr• tr4ka e"' ,tktrit, :e oct ta-oInm .• s tun um ktmum on' .nt •. : 1I:c-ehv -h, .t"aaurs- r„t ig,g•■O
e e ,t
s MeIf : a: v S ,lte nco• t- . I co: ;t - ens- •
n:h•,ts!, Vl t2. le: Obfh•. +e la•,l-1 s" .l.: , -b,: n e , • .• ct,dto,••:-ut.."o .n.t et• ,h•d a• : s :-o ..t,n•"- 4:•
adt ft,,eot neeilone" 1.4111190 110 Is e4 not:"adreetee ad- reaults eending,Inelght And ;tfil1
kri -ot,7:9e
g",4-„-tee gi41 ed rate W+Seeton I35fBefre mkngetest gents 1phewhe "countd100 .H
4 Of .norliesethantOn bollar„ an d: ty i . any"netethe 11er0 on:requedi 0 43 iwherein
140e0 etse(la5),perimontn.0041. stehrteit•aball,ae: the ,time 001 filin 9 tese :re le0,anyi0 ereton4s _-vest.,
13 etion0419i0SIdewalic410SprInklI11 b I s v her reques t k*Ithvtl Wate r ed, lit ,theSpeinbterienteuch4dis
4 mutakb,lnedw igeVier Ea -wIti the 'thnCmiaenercttailngchage
WhItiOPP4ne4-.h fat•been.male .44W- 01"forsech lest:nubject to the of, tht, Watie pnyPn!!t-
, Sctlan43 turiteiturof' wator for lit! o e 4 ere 1 n - t o dr, n hi 1 e c h arges i" Se tIonNah ItShan he" ; the duty 'O, -
f , l -
. .1 rf 4• -
serinktingettrirrigitnr. , 0g08,, are ss"follows: 72A4,,:rn..,4,4;:;;•,,,,.,, the 'employees or he , Pollee; and . Fire
lienn.V.1 tover1beda.W,wpiants,,.4trees, Wow: TeatIng=-Wtir:O4::^-1114,
.1) opaytments :of •th e i+City1 of :Port An-.
.shrubstotuartrklitgratepa.:Lowtfor-he*; .1,-2:tto • 3+4+ inch: meters' :Inclusive 121.00 ;gees :to, give...vigilatte'aid to the-Dity
tor-rf „Wartlititesnstilg•rtullieci'lconn,to rae;‘,
1,1k7flil talral(i:Irgalili"r1T,Itliitt'd ',LTA; 1,2eit."."timer'.(.1rnt
i iung..? 1,. r., ; 11.50 „ .nyt el
, 39.00 and
lbereinaftertprevIded.:iisaye "and • elicept- ,11;11nehrmetern -,,.... ,t.-..+4,.:...t.. 4, $20:0 theirktioirletige... Ur ' the Mike • of • ' the - - '' r - -", 2' •-'''2.-1-•"'-'-'17 2.(•"1‘•
Itenner-Cteedt-',:: und er it- the +,4 con d 'Roes •e:,:frielgatetere ....:i.; 4 .• ., . .t.,.... ti-' $1 0 00 :violations "etthereof:++1,which' -come •,:i. 0 _.,....,_ , * 7/
e-ceep I:."duingtthe,,Mitirti -andrin 4; the. :4inelv,methrs t. i ..-:.-:•.-...... -'...., $5,00 (0 (110 11.1 they hall report .V. ail .
ritrepitititeirptlytng ., rneter.‘ratee, ,...,„4,, ,12 inert:meters ,:5 .4 „,;•;:. ;+.%,..• .;;-' $(0 00 nSectiel14,11,V,'teet1":ined■43Veii:rtVIO10., .,=‘, .i" izt ..1 , ...
, ..,_.
,I.0.-t.,„hw.,..u,,shalpnotiow'plyi to '10- Inch -"meters ;•..'.', ..•:.-..:•: ; ... ; 'MA Water SuPertntenden$43,Icipe+14,,,..+110*. ",,- -.....il
. ott or. nunettenrof, anytet the „rules i: .." r +; I -- - ' ■-'•-•--- 7 J-1 ssill'ui
section'Or., Thgvliuperinterident Ts. eeNo;vmete•W"'shall ,"; he ,., rento•ved 'or 'In• 'ti
,.heriabYftnutliorlied, wide-empowered:AO ' Wity",k1:way'e dieturbed.1.,eree t -1, the' d
p ,,„ yi,, , ,, an rregulationslestablishedi„by, -Aida , - -
•klItride24thekrelty,zulnto:,:irrigation'i- dig,' , , 1 : -0 ' -I-:,
, . ' , ...• : ord 1 nonce,. In ,,tal dlti on,to 4: anY•sPecle,
Webs rparitIllaitIrwhieh 1,21,11strIcht,ivater. hSect on+,29.,+ -The "inontgt, rates for Penalties littnehedt: therete...lehall.sort- ' / I z. 5.
,e.„"emp,effte•t„,used.:Kot,ttthe rtime,"Zin k: this' use of ',water:Tether? tit. lt, erept-ed ..by.. stliote 4ax separate ". offense,- , mid -, uny
• Ordinance, authorewiLloie,siiriniting.. or' meter..th4shall.vbe: kn n. • akit. Fixed person -•,. found • guilty., oft such •+ viola,.
1.batligWrilartik.:trees,,4••shtube t'. or . aark- .14, (Noto)•,xThe,,,,e essio t.Fixed thaw ' hot tined "in any :• sum i, not ' ex-
Arrigetiekt ,5ginwns,s,44,gardens„1e1ii.flower Itatee", and' ahall"li s +R ill Ii43,•-•,:+re•k• 01 10 ,- or infraction,4, shall. upon",conele.
rieftetripigitart-kfor0103111g•itWille0we, Rates', as-used - a _Bebe le eans Ceedliii, , One • Hundred ': ($10e00) .Dol,_
• tweed:Work." •. purches,..,. steps ,, or-t, Walks! the ,Itiniest4:cha add,' 00 '1007 form lays •",,I411:."':•,•,+"t(04•414rtir,I4r-,,,r'"
de,SuellICillitrletet-W,heneVerimich"dis-: eV service. Fot, ,i'Fized{FitIteei•• Ate e
'4• Section ::"45.-: t.,This kr ordinance .4 la I de-.
.. etrictseare,:establIChed.'•:notreee thereof: atstomer 1 "en led,. to • yard - faucets' elared:: to be urgent and. • necessary , for
ISliall:11nrkgiveh,InTsuelf 'manner •ntirthe: • lid • to ;one °Aid : and one • het' water, -tee•c immediate e preservatitihe of „. the
. VlitglOrtateedent•:MOY,: order;I:;..and;:theren. tap.", in cone 't1 n + with ono sink and, i
, ,,, puhtic :, peace.-thealth •1 and,' eaTelY 5 of
, 1.•lifeett•fl$14teliallqbet" utilaw-fiii..4for,ranY• one Iv-level-3i ...„"tt d s alt : o
4 -h • +1', I• •,_03 ''0'7,/ the:. inhabitants • and ,t,people, of.rrmild'
unerion:Qtot-IratieffwateriittSttiny • other levierivern ets1-4., -,w;, ,...,,,,,I.,,,,4,*(1 ,v,..
... ''' '7.,„21. city +"• 00 411Ort + fin geles,:•I:antlt 'shall: take
t.tInnt,:orilleid141-9t110,1*u!n,;•Okri II C•A • InInim III ' re 11,"et-'41,ek5 ,e, I ." effectgand, +be .410""force -V Implediately
• 1pir:serlited+tin"isuchtt'neticei ::-.' 1++,1--",+;+:4: charged n qit:eiter • the•M' is 4-I. • connec-
+ Sestionit 3 2:t.WaZer-1.tzsed, for ;MY: 11. Hon ::: wit! e;', City 4•Seryieer, and , in
Itt upon,' and :front and :'after" Rs • passage.
aPPrerni ' and ,•lawful,fpublication.;:+:4-9.
t e.,:t"ptirpoitee, mentioned -4 htt Section3 • addition,_'. reto .the...following , rates,
An ,nbnip..:bpininordin.atace.;.,f tozn„ an), shall : be ..13 arifedrifintl itn posed., , s r r
inkrytehinotuvonnected . with.- a -,itte, er. fror.‘4,each bath,. It , • e.,....;.. ; .; , .]: 12ft Comnliasion,t,,March...25, .1925. :i'4,-;:,:iI•a: 4! Z
Z i •i . Pe; ed.'''. ti Of'+: eadiligI• by'4",- the ' dor
gt ;1.1rOdtiltOtreatt through" a those io Pow eaely,tellet ..:-.14,- : . „...„1-1,-..-2';:.25, :Iii Passel "• second reading byr-the ,City,
whichAtliklil bagettaehedla it : au temalie, er'''ea t • ste eatlilif ',plant Sit. •••• 'City :-Cmmiselon,',April 32, 1925.: ::.:4-e-e.',-
elteleklerrior.,•&,,illoszle,„ !ale base., of ke, ri. eat + 011i, unseat, .. C, . +•.•..... •
greaterk.insitle51,dlanietprIhtlial,litreei5 or4i.e _114.4,e42 uther ei,e,Orr-jhele-Vtri •eaereg."
) '•59 ' ex-f•Pasied P. third :reading k: and :44 (Matti
mid. adopted try • the CI ty4 Com-;
fised401'.4' delivering r,tvatert, Coro much
• fedrtiorn(3I.41)"toffion .• Inch ktt shalk+kbe
-*.-:°*'•'" '7'7 'IiQ1'7..a.':'!,-; 7, IT"' n' AdPr I 1 't1.2:2'11nP:d5:13''-'-tl'i e-' ':1x3Tt03,-.':
purpoegig,"Ond+rnoiItiogs114:4 the ',orifice. ••4
o t bled -`, on • the*'"
saiiiejtotuat 'be :held tiff," the timed:- or For' sprinkling. ea 1 -41 ,50 au f t..
watee43rls-+•beitig,-++delliteredv-v,throursh 1 . 0 • e. ..: Id rr 0.i..._..,..x ,._.:,_ .,,. .
, an -tete, .''''■ or 11 5, per month . . 4-,..„.... : • .50 dApproved •ne : to • fo rm: 0: , • :rev. 47+:4,"
‘t: - -1' fi + .:... -10 Attest:•"-C4-,,e,:•+.4g...„•++4+-..,+-",rtte,,44,.+:4-.4,,,,,,
ELOISE: C. • MORISON, , City Clerk.
th• • lie'L,ndr•Ill.,:s •,4•• • ..,..
141C-11;•.:of4ttint inelitilto4liatheter. :O MR. :be; or ' h tra r 1 vn„ t . ... r J.0 01113 .22nd day e f -Apr11,1925,,",4,-..,....4
etc: vitaitit,:iis ..greateli,...the,nmiff,'-f.ur
Peed t-ityitlf,ealdillt9iiii.tan0 noiler; while, „ ,:or h ateitidac:_nory.p+wasft: tub: :one, -- t.:4,0i.....:,,,,,,,,,,:;f W;:i13,51.1EDRICK,':MaYOW
-44,eurft:epriemer„.av", II:Heeled,' fo:". %the --t• The,r.min mum•,.1flen 1 Y ., • ,. • , • • • I. -,,,, -. :.,...,,,t, ,"...tc e, t•••::=1,4 0-1-25;
8"''•2'''enCiin"6Ic°t''''''‘idn • ''' ' • ' ' ' t• ` tl I , rates "for •MAN. CHITRCH. Ass•t.-: City .. Attornes.
hose ,Igo. 'itibre"thae, one line.' of hose fire .eervIce ': connections stall.. no ., 05 irot:y4,..te•,-,-.4;h4b=lbar,,,::.,,,,,,„,,,,,
•ehall,tigr•IIII?oiietritiOn •"tit, Mir , time. follows; -,- fire, . • it-i: . . •
t-.1Unter+.- tanty,:: ,bo • delivered - . daily: For ' each tWo vinter (2")' fire' : •
.„_, $2.00
through", subh: ' hese • and : noasie Or „. service • - -
through ' 1,11elt '._ hose and -niftemntie For ' each four inelv--(r))+,"Ilre • '
,.. : . $5.00
14pule 141er. between the hours of 0410 . ,ervire
mid ,1:00 a. m. and 0:00 and 9:00 P. The City Current Expense Fund
' tn., Provided, however. that the City
shall pay for wahir, seethe *as VA-
' Commission. whenever the. nub., p,,,,,;
eafelY• bcc-MI .+' equ'thi'l•* d'''''''''' For each ire hydrant. per month 5140
Hon iiiti wailer tie dein:Inds, 011,11 di, „__ ,. ,,. ..,,,,,. . „.., . 0, s ,...„
• 001 240 StIperintellilent 10 ellillige el l- or ,„1 iii,e, zi . , ' ' , . ..,
:lit, ill, time iilelvii lit:lied, or to .. • . , .1- it
11.1,11111e lier month
ilinuoilliiiiie llie liC water for Ile, For l 01iiiie iiiiiiiito 0, tile 011.11,
ii olitil i•11.11i lei ti, ;l111, :1, ill",
••• .9.1t• .• i'v--:•••••.-
01- 11
tdul e to privn C.111,11,11,1•,.
Az: Ad IAA
—Litt) 6":6=4.4c