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; • 0;tlinance.,'Orlicating Qeytibi AlleysgWithinkthe,Cornorate..1 LImlIS 01P otllPorbsangeles.., WhoreamkOn.,__31,he4Ish: day.:‘ ,1925YofhinrIsex..:.Baeightsagano:4:a cor- irtOrahlon...e4ledittlaVYther4zottle.eot,*the JinporaCiergwetitionSPrYingefor ,ths iyacationh0ts5certa10 oetition,andMiereinatter,irVithlt &Mnses described:: and 034fr..-r--tgr-,M77; saidIst$ ayslottarM;m192pcduls- .1481nr—"°°111.1.47tyrilmtheithrognlor172211asitellYa% of,:themtea_tyCo!, sioAns•!,l-_,tTrheY.;'.t*i-me Di,Atgnleria4V cahearl;haarge t HV asreaw_mw,,brfilawind _ I ,,Whoream,•$.the neitvIcOmnilasionTkon. ce:14,..ohited,, for tamliearing.i of the; SMetitten:,toerit.om,ilie F.n(1 day!to heant, and . nted4t1W,sald:.netItiOnrandaclirect.,1 e41•,anSlordinanceMo‘beasubmitted:,ac, , Tha.,Citii,t;Commission.4 of ,,the'‘'.'city 'otskortv-gs.euteler,do.aordaimr as".;fol‘i lows n•ll Tharithe-lollowinc,,de‘. nor;bed?.-alleia andathe:;mtme.. are herebVvacated:st0:-..3rit:S.0...S:,4WW one:-..:twm, and' :lour:Axe Cain's trSubdivision-:;01). tSub-, arbaliehbotbltiSioVI the TTovinalte.„Not. liVilielallerAn't Block/onellyilis, 17g 3 hetvreew.J.A1t*One.4tvro'.,,,,three 7am.1+ foueon!,the,east_sitieltalILoMilve,,,!ow theyrest,.%Ide,iinlmaidr<B ocki.:onm, t,11118881107 7;Ini;; sal dfilitl ocitar ooiykg berweenALot4 Mars r.r.on4112dV.,ettrilL5,81de tirielveT,tand •-thirt•ea.*M;,.:,1.11.0 f weet'l skleIn said. •Bloc10,:ontraitrk`, , a1d5,Block,thne lying !blitweentots, twenty- threen:twentY-", lounTitwentvglite'•and;tivelits;siVolf. the: east; side -andLottwenty41•6on ih•west,.sidik!An!said,*Block •gghs!aller.Y,InfsaidTBlock lonwilying betweSary 1.mtelshteen'y ontithe sideslandk-Lot0l:fourte0d;.,11fteem`.,Mri teenland4seventee8 ,orrs the!S West aide I‘tnZp!alhl Ymliei.4!1ll30 1ioc'kidz,o7-inilr d Tti-iftiio0-oi1.M•ts0 l.y* in ietweenilAt.s'ione:twot reeta1n 4 l four#onahestsideSandtliot, ny e °Mhe westd s side-In at 71.. 7 , z— 6' • 1,6 fry 4 • saidrElock4 two:: ffaiTileSall_ _.i..in;:said..imock:a.wogiying: tbetween`;',4mtsttieven.3.eight17.nineAamli Jew oni- the east. aidtrantELohl Mgr:, an . , 11j1,'.,B nYs 48tI1I1 .Insait1 • Block ittoi 1. ealleysiliMaidalockcfourgiY in.g- . ' 'ytakysqm,11.mtsqhgetgtwopf.three=nand VIoutlion.Xtnattfl side tilind4.1.mt !,flye on4thslviese,Sidmilnlisaid•13IOcIrATour• 4,,ThelMliariliv,Maid:a3loOk=?four, lying. ietween,liliat.2anine"%on',11110V east „side; andl,liohlhilelit4jeleyen'emtwelyeltand'., :thlrteanl•onStho;i7emilqa,i 0,1+,1nArEsiich, ritliitiYaliTil-WF-rskiim7Aycili7: ( betweelfSLots4 iwen .v=toree:TivieitY,- therlest.sido, and,:tilot•I twenty-two mar:nwlinty-zflv.oTandjayrenty.;shmon‘j nttbe :Ivest:ellier.15salliTilocit:..four . 1 b IlVillift,LL'A'i'i.a?Ilig:17,4i;'ilVIIL : 4.11havibeen4toassed.i,rby,ithe'r,City 4. ' mmissioliZ;iimircirethliy,tha,Mayor; liattestedllby;:thm.CityVz Qlerg:Tannroved Z.,1:orthe■ECity,,Attornor and.fromr and 2.,AtterzahlrtrdalsT:frotn''.and utter -Its Sonblication :-.,In4the. official ',' newspaper o[,-,:isaid,,Q1LY:1,and,:::the!LCIty • Clerk ,,Is 4 herebyMdirectedlto4cause e,the - same t o, YlRe,l. so,oublished..ni.•• I gl rgiv6b6.hy:'-, ..! : !M,7, IAAgi rl .f192 eAPaasetl•Second,r.' read Inc by We CIEy x Commission:, Mal,,-,,,!6:',.1.925.., ...., ,,o, asse.d.,,thirdi;readinw-andlidontRil r: ,by the .,GitylComimBsion,„ Ilday.,,6.,49Zb: 6 7tAntleoveurantraigned ',by the Mayor ray :',.13:, a925i.i.,,, rrr'rr" 4 `,4- ,, .1'44`,,,,,,,. AttO.St!.._,T,,,',41,r,,*,.. _ Rr*_.,:. _, ,,, •,,,,,,ri-4i s!ANVO:1ElilliCECIMILY0r: E1.101SE!!.. MOIU-SOW.C1tv :Clirlf.-44 liunrovoehl,61861r. roffx:r7•T-4;',1-!•,-*:,. Debt,,firsk Dufiltaitoing.lfayAtj'1.923k ••••••■1.. • — ' , •• May, .,.95.,.t:', th-,12-4-4PC\ • -3,4,W„ftrs.c.,,,zorrer - : • UIPIIOUItNTRESOLVTI0X 1:IE rt.-I:P-SOLVED_ Br. Tirk WT COMMISSION OF THE CITT - OF PORT."-5-ANCIEIXS:4„:, 4 FIr.t.Tbat It- Is the: IntentIoni the:- CRY- ConunlasIon , of the CItyt,;‘,C, Port ',-Angelet---to -.order,- the -,71inpr00e, ot Seventh- Street :. from7-..tbe'- estat,, erly,--margIndLiPeabodristreet:tto the break,' .Of ,Peabedx.,gulehvInn-thez,Clt of v.Port ;Atigeles;,!n• snlearIng:-.±-krub: bleg.:*randi,-SvadIng,;the esW. ,-portloa orZnald atrent.,+.4nr, the bit widtl; thereof; and' bk.-feonatitiatInk_ 2,.!;gritiVeL roadwary..thereon.* thirty; -,-,Ifeet,k4- In Fhlth;b being flItbenn,feeti"..-0/ width --,-0131. each l: elder? thei-,nonter line • of sal& .portion saI/I Street: all of hoproveinent'-, toe Edan andtznailCiflaCC0rdan0e g plane landg.peetfleationa to be „pre.: pared•;bythe,'CItyAEnglnier.Viidopted- kby-1-the,CItyt Comsnlealati.-v-a td!.4!111ed • vzIth',tha;kCIty,Clerk; -end to V estab- ereate:at::locit17:Imprnizedieti dlatrIctv-therefor:?5tVev..VONVAL* a- Seco-14.N, Thatl„the,,,entlfe,c eciestl. and expentse7-;nt TaaIdfchaproveinen*,' shall .1.beT,:borti ■-bk:.,an41:-ansetatevienigahlakithe -iiroperty4-11ablivrigtherefowIthin;-,ti1.1.5 , zhi-OpoiedibasiesamenLkditriatiVatecoid. .AngelealvabelIF:notv:bei:-to blitans vnanner:rnirkeily."nOrtiOn':ot;thecoist and expsten:!---on, sildalmnrovemenV: r.;-.ThIrdv....Thit Iell ; nertiona....., orhoy,:- aIre,1to-,-;objent'kto-!-.theOssildalnitirove thent'a orEte.:any,%)iti-"tthiiVeofJ.natn hdreby-vnotIIIedlto.taPpfnv.innd4renenf auch,lobjentlatur,at-,..-A,;ateetIng Clty Cos.m1oionln the Commianton: room V In -i-,,the;;-_,6Itnlvhall7.,-,an:saidi_Velly-.. otiTart ■:>Angeles .-,0n-.4the'17tItis.,darof ▪ nne:v1925:1314,the',hburib4ten',!Weloele 110 the 7 niortilari:OViiaIdndttk unovineilf.plaeav,nref,,herelivAlzedItIor hearing-J.: all matteraitinlatInkta,aaIdi nrOposed Imprnvantents-+Land,,a1IL objee-; tIona thereter,.';:,. and* di3ternitning . the. niethodlf:bf ,,pal/ment.q6f5.thensatiie;,, ,Y.Fourth:-..*That.t,.theliVCIty.i.:Englneeri heiebn:.instructed to,autitiiItr to the COM1138181011Z, nt tor nn 100141 :.17th 41ay2oCJtine;71925,:helna^,tbe" !date,',11xet”forf:theF. hearing, . aforenald.l all data anctilidorniatIon;- required by Paased,.: by the.,CItk,,,commleeIon'?. and eIgned4 i1.7 -"Athe7MnYnn. this 4-27th i,nak o 71031. 1721.3 W 11. I1EDftltK. Mayor. Attest: :.W.,.,$:•.:Wstnntnr-44Vvti-%+.:.,.'011.4t:7 ELOISEk,O:111041SON..,Olty-JOtetk44.:; Atinr0ved.i4nt,;to;form:c-Vr,r,,,P-inVirk;71 MAX .:CHUR14-7 Asa` t.,,,CItk `-"AttorneY: Date ,,:of publleatIont:-May::20;51925:cn?4 770 / ss —thr:.-LP 1404 - Z 7 A ; . -I_ - - 71 oryk Z# _ - • ''•1 11,'''', , ' • • et""ekete,Folottee,,, ;;:":5.• iu3ovEMgNr1tKSOLUT10N 1,1 li v.• tenNO.:114 . "-RESOLVED •-• BY ' THE " CITY 1 ,K4 COMMI$SION4' I Tim: crrx,:. or PtlitTANCISLESi, I-14Firtt: •• That it, Is the intentlen: of ;the Commis/Io n tu., ■ CI I y,,.of ;It'ort,‘fAnSehte, tot-orderAthol-ealietrw,‘` ,tiolt,of.:41,,trunt“.1teirer lw and,-sloth the •fellowlitde5erlbed"e One( lone of etreeth •!, in, the t,City-,,-of tiPortentisoleet, :lotwitTumwater,•'•_Street,_froni 'Abe Interteetion ter, anld 7,Turnotater4.Stieet twitlik,Frant,41Street; southerly:, to .the • internertiont4oVi5ld ..rIlillAratel' Street. !Nvillt:•Fifth Street; Fifth Streeetlioni: Interseetibo,lof ;said jF1fth3StreeL 4:telthttTTutnsvater ..StieeL westerlYA•to tho"t Intersection of . Fifth ,:•Stieet 1 witt0X'; Street,. "."4-t1.". Street Ifrotn,lhe ,Interseei-*.• JW 513t rd ;With Fifth !Street..,4rent)isrly to the inter ineetIon o1 tenlir-"Vir, Street !•7rIth”-the menter-iine,ef:11,e,allisti4bet*eete•Sleet: ontit,Strenttand 4,Treelf StreeLt to- *ethr n,Ith entelAine; 1t oIe5SY ewitei.,eflunhetnnkertvitrIlled,;e3ni• r4,euelin Other 'Ogolitlnetit ;node, nultalthi',,to:-.4eentelete Itnprovententtooll4of ;gold ,,I,Inproveinont Ati,..tboIt.614ne aunt -.mltdei .int,necordenee. 'Ailtheinens.,",,elans4tiond .tothetprepared i.Englneer. • ndonted;.b3.t.,thelXilyt,'Cohunt,sitinn:innn, led twithl the;Cittr;Flerk i'•• and Sehllehlehitilet intileveVcienIA41inPro:vd::: q'ti4 ?expense, of. %neld,f.rinprevement,Ahall be :Drelteep, r vt,ithint.4the. 019e1I40744tdittrigycSnlhot.41,19, . in-Reese eieZh 4411 et Sog-LitottevetInnd•;thel,City :ofttrortnti,c, ithnlVt , ,.;any4.otan,, ,neefor .nny•-tportlon ;lat.:the nit :sold .., lintirotiement.,FIe .74iItTldrd.i.,I,ThatiniUnersone mho:desire; Ao,"ohl eet:' to i,rhe-tealaIlirnprovenihtt, or .to44sipert theeof,O.nro7!hereby tnott, 1led.•4to,,apeenrienntle. nresenttelichob-; leetkinO 3.011,11.t.nieetIngit40447 the!, ellii ,iii;t1fe.,CIty (Hall r'of4:enidi ditr4of tPort ' 'I.Ankelee on; thoAst tt1nY.:4OL,,,Ju1y,;":11:125: attho :hotit.1-,6rrten-yoolock, nnortiitts. tnt,hoid plaan`'arerthereby.ittled:foe,honringtell .,tott.t.lerts4e elati n•I to , std rePOeed • toter-61'1a n t't;itrid 1:ohleti ono ; thereto olforOeteindninFtho t, method .,de en t or 44ve•FourthiketTh5V tho",CItY fEnSineel'. In diereby4instriteteO'tItattindlnelt:5,teittlio Oity4Cemtni5el0n.tnt't,or.tnriorl,tethek antill,,Irt,daY,ar41111Y:•r1925,-,,heli44tlid fdlito',11x61,4tfointhetheitrIngtaftiresalft otlihtintedand • InfortnotIonc required.; by, Ittvc;:tb:^,130 Fase61741.4', -the ■ CI ty4.Coin intention and iptlellAttntlte?Slooerthin,St,.1.,,tlai,: ---- •ay. ;D:.,FI8DRICK:14,, ■.■ ?..11a. r4 &fleets., • ;):, ELOISE *Ctty Clerk. • tApproeedtain,Ito,.?.forni:410,,,?, ' t , ptiblitatlen,4,1.1une'Ph=ft r.,A{ "14, „. .. , ( ' ; .11 '' 11. '''' • < , I • 7 /11- 41,.11,An . trit- 1 141., aft zug..4 AL! j/1-1. / 2 aid _tin) 11L girf/runtl 77iLL d-1,1 571 la_41 4 )12.5, ' ''-`r.•4 •' 3,44:,4""1.4r iC dt:lk"