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▪ '_ ORD1NAl1COI.1[O r11424,
AN' UILDINANCE-eirdertaK and':
1 tdtnit ^.for*tlb7:eanatructton.,`ot tr and ;lateral -aewera Jln+and .along: tha
. ;following = described portloneref etreetr
C1tr, of. FoetAngnle r W a. hIM toil to'-t-f iererftng- at' 'Hie
. ey11:.batwee iveler- .4atro-t- 1 and
Ai. r eegth.Street7 o n ..Street., and
t Srunning r.a Silierly ee' mt
t to ThIrrd1tree - thnc a
1 : erly- 'along- ThIM -'StreeCP. to -; Vale,
i Street -thence - northerly- along ,Valle 3:
iStreetO to %Ark pointy nonracimatel, Lin:
the• utherly marglrt of: Front A Street
i so
being, the point.. of discharge 1010
Dort ,7ingelerro harbor together with
•I tateran+�l'sewera - adlolning. -the il'maid
trunk;.sewer. in lthe- .following deoerib=
!d. portiops ,of. • alle))a 1n the et} .bf
,pert 7Angelea, 1 to -wit 10 thB - alleys
between L Third and Fourth Streets'
dietween; Fourhl ,f anti FI[Lhz Street,.
•betty- een- Flftli1andi Sizth -atreeta., be-
tween-Slsth tend SeyenthtStreetalianil
between! Seventh' and Eighth streets.;
from' the breaks Of.Tumwater `gulch to
ha ;break of,Vn fey gulch,':t gethor
� asituthe les. -end, ouaer• -.e equipment,
basins: +' al es. -end ,r •- eqn pment
fi yeeeaeary'yand tilaItable tom- molete
yimprovement, r vement erentl,, 100,11'
liimpnnemo t listrlct 1ho 'e�311 -..and
pro, Ulagtfor the, Palm nt. •of.the coat:
land eelease thereof by tspeclal as
rsesnments upon ;Atha property within,
e- i--Ir- etrlet aeU/trdlnta 1hw
and tpy; they (nbO fW.'paymettm bF
boeda,_,ent in,a ardaarn 1•itht"II h,
t�.rovamente3tesolotioh 'NO M.0 of he
•EIty oftFort tattgele and .9n acecIfI-
arie WIthrmap&C.plattsvand Oectfi.,
eatiOneYPrepared -byyT tllp Cit3 ) Iigin
ee ,:and aPpprotedCand ail ed b3 ,»he
City m
1 rT,aatotbelFi ,lbO beveb rd ed
the cSastrueficir {'trunk an 1 lateral
tsewerelt ili+andaslo 3. thet'follo 1 g
de critel'tpbrtlens"lot atrest. 1 t ok t
City or' eglnnAngeles, htohvit: A 1t't!
ele ertl,- StanitTk i, Thn_3lley 1 Str en
Twelfth Stree}ykririd Thlrtpenih Stt0eti
bn Eme,,Sacet...aha
ru"tiing tams
e A oTi,
Stre, 0th n U aaterly.,1alng Third;
Street stunt alto !"Street .c tretyue-
1 north
er13 along l allay Street o a pd101
ln,prosltdatel3 Iti,ithe. adtitherll rmnr
rtgw fe' l:rontllitreat being the P ht
F' discharge Into Pott Angglee h r
per t together w th lateral. sowers ad
-joining that sal,1,ytrstnlq: sew 1 [lie.
Hg-th.en,r da- orlbed pangele of alioyo,
In, :the. Clt 'tof1,P rt Angeles, to wit:,.
Ln the Iles . "between ;YThird-s'and.
Fourth St ete.;betwe It Fourth and
t fifth.- Streets, - -between 'r Fifth •t and
SlatlristrCetit 1a tire en Sistli anl'i SC. -t
0nth .,Strrots lictweeh Sat• ntl and"'
;Tumtle 0t Splclt o the breskrotl Calf'
41 ag Ycb t1cul:I with- kilo roman -,
ttif $otht k •tanks rlietil:b tt e,,l•IV'
rndl1b1e"tn s0eorylnIPment1 ePtl 0ssar prnnd
aultab let ?o',oC nplatb, fol -rsa imp- ell,
t( 31, '0,i et'h'er" ".-pips beret dd sewers
b l!b j- , cone" uct0l) herep3d�r sl all
ball !1d0,lbluseryeultfl 1l clay cement,
•ut,Nk',t,t�-•other 0tnentOt malarial , All'
,pteamunc ,,rit ,tent l f bi inopand
u coo catIOn with uarmiO +:'Pldhc natld
atn,tIneer,Sbne1 I a,Io tcti br- mitfroved
.hSthe'', eer ty. otami slOrand "irtn z ed
b Cilli ee,w tI.OrnmtroVeme:t.: r0 c=
11101laitc0 with - q.impr i1.y oi� resod
tlOn Isaelil o[:1' -13 City o,,l�,dd..�P'"ort All
'"gale 1 3tl:r'i,',`f414 ra t7yys' lit..1it,f
14411" '. ipt ttlln.4cest:'' and;A50Xpeneo of
said :Improvement Jncludlilg'l all ,,nng�ct.lr
sary'S1, id'71jacldontal ci{ibiaaea *3`dlminit
fin i tior)l0 4byt'0110, asndeaad against
'fhb •iPprd90rty,it"eltuattd1'�ea0, 911e1Uile1
Fltlllut till, thpuullitr)eteybtn"tile dletrle
Tharelhafter creCntod enll 'i1 ocrib 1 In
%acdonlnnee WJtltalaw l aq 11 the o lM nail- ■
;hboUot:tlfe,CIt' -':3 Anggelet; and
'said'lelty -hail; not" - be1IInblc in :103',
mannnr''for any, Dart uhe cost :tnd,'
e ul esponac of ,satd.MtnproYeMeet 1*, 1t, t
"to11I3T7int,.l [barn'/ Is hereto}3 -1 rented
n l.tical JmprovemantN'Dlatrict to +:b0.
calted•>MLOCalt,u:lmprot'emont+ Dlrtrlct
No,,111 t1thlciiv sails. di I:-"A 11, d00-,
icrileork C011Oiva, t Wit: A11 ',Said,
}terrltnr3 t1.,,I ':0 l0 abw-ore19 hv'- snide
trunk ditto be. cant sewer, =;-as.q herein.
r.l •red to ba c0nstn,Me,I.: and alt; th0:
property 6oLtvcea the_1en2nC be,i ter-
4 tnini. ,f a. nt; .v i,r vament shutting.
Jtoo's l ndJaca U,.lecinnta•or-Pepslmatd
[to said ,no.dis o[ eaIdIStrt:om and
[allays- t a :list IIe hook from 1110
t tnarglnal lines- tberoof ace -ding to
( ) 1 \ 1'' Bonds,{ hcarin,:Celnteroet a1 the
nil' "-at 01,130,, par centtp r" annum.
pphyablo ton -or{Fh1forbr.twely eycara
- ei Ise 11,0 f U1ilay enthel l- the.00 -, nib
h0 e,nae, -.In'- peymentrove enteatW. and,.
ezrlGdne,, .o1 said.lteemed by,t' which
. t 11011110 may' 1,0' redeemed en the' col-
. '
,loetlo,. , d..,asaeial- aseeasmants a to •b0'
t,lavled and ass ld•,, ntgtlgat th0"' le II-
ertyi- With] al eald dis,trltl;.t Daynlhe:C e
Iviteode., of rp+- instatimenta, dunder. pro,
4deo'01 Pnl•meht'bj'.,bonds ...as-. pro,
Meliye'red ' law. h,Thc ont fiends may,rbe
!demotion ;lot .. the.+.nta'. octora-�I1'• re-
!demotion yof warrants :on . th0,. special
;fund,herei te- clonal Improvement- ,,:o
•triet `herein 3 - .rested- F ,,,, - ee lmateo,: at
tl,o Cltyl Engineer. or.' theanld".city,:nt
I (13 election... may. 0011• saki bonds ".and
make 'aUch rra .l.redemptlanl In cash" 0II:or
cash,•:warr, Orilii`o Ri '5 -J ' '-' fie:,, 1:31'
Thin'ordinknc shall Ctske 7effeet
nd'bo 111 d[orto aftfr3 Ito pnrsage:
nnd approval ant Cam? 00,1 [ter
XPoa :days after 110 lawful publics -.
flan _ 4,7it'y7t4vcto2. O41
-'44neoed . ❑ t;y readingfbj the . City
Cutnlnlsslonera , f.T0, c 1711. 1011 t c_..
lhured 'second nting' ^by lh0 City{
Cnmmisslonore - Juno 411.. 1926. u
1;*, Passed!' third? reaUing :,and - finally-
passed' and tadoPtod`by . NfirdityTl Corti'
:mission Jdno,, 21 th '1926,'+ i
.p,Approvc1 and signed, by.,iha: Mayor,
this 24th day; of II, - 13, 7
•1026. ,..-
W- -, -.HEDRICK,
f Atl:ert --
» ,,E1:201/e. C. ,'k. - ON
I Ap)EVJI, as'40-farm:
UEity At: rn y.IS.
City Attorn'3..
PuUliahetl Juna 26[11, 1925.
s.s •
rft ,
/inn a:1,.erf . 7 1 7 3 - ' '
(IQ/ tJ t bGL i c- GC/11 - U�
GGL 2. /L q CvZ T7
E. ss � sC
jib 611.-+ - Q
2 j 9z
5 ��'