HomeMy WebLinkAbout0784OItUIlIfA:YQC Ste.
AN O C: r inig sad :Ptt"!
viaing''.tor .th e t:'merovement,
L�ttlOWIlli lleserlhert ^st y
layp'In thn..Clty.,nf .Poct!.nagethe. - :wa
la., -the manner.,:kfolloaliltg: te-
r'SlreeC : from Ate urtherlT^ tmr-
I�dNa ot.El��thtt1pL Ereet.tb (nil l.1 northerly
'3halflo Cedar treeet'irom 1easC out,
haerly", cedar;; Street from ;the nob-
theIherIy..,ma of .Stith °S Fourth ....Street:
; Seventh' Street' • fro :nth. • brea f
Tamtrater Kuleh;tpto tha;hreakb.er
Valley,-, gulch Sixth Street' from the,
■ .break 'dbf - TumwaterA gulch,. to. • She
break- e[ Valley, gulch 'Fifth: baron
from '. the easterly, margin • of :Ceda
Street ; to—.the break. of Valley% gulch;
Fourth, Streetlrom' the: ctsterly.mar-
Irer.of Cedar.SStreet to the. break'o
.Valley Cnlebr ,Thtnl- Street:. from - -the
eaaterltn nutrgin5of•. Cedar :,Street.+ to
the eastern, margin w ofa Pine .Street.'
and [all alleys running.ibetr en', the
sai l' porn ns of'said streets: LT ,clear.,'
fag.. : grubbing. ' and, surface grading
the bsld,portloua'of streets, for a. for-
ty-:foot roadway extending`: for twen-
'lnoai; of,
letf d- portlo tof eet3: and
by'rigravellinge the told 'abortions .. of
,streets for width of,i thirty l feet,
.extending 'Ylfteent•fret ..oa -each
of the''. enter line of; told : portions =of
maid., street except, the cant one-half
ot. Cedar Street from the a northerly
margin of Sixth ■ Steel r.to the 'nor -
}berly.margbn of 'Fourth Street which
portion f Cedar Street.rhan be- in,
Proved,-asp aforesaid as to the :.east
one -halt only 'and by( clearing -' grub -
bleg a•surmcn grading and :gravelling
said... portions' , • of s Id alleys for.. the
full idth the, [ and*. such other
work in connectiol therewith: at may
be necessary t to properly..�earry,; Oat
the nstructio :ant aka ,the con-
„templet ] Improvement .all of pall
improvement..- to•sbo to ney, and made
10t accordance -with maps. ,pla ns and
ep Ificatl n9 prep ed by the City
F gl eer ;adopted bat lie City Con -
1 (salon and I art der atop
Local, Impro ementr Itetolution No.
112 . n 1 providing fo , paym nta t
the +.cost's and expense X,th r of i1,y
(special assessment -upon, the t proper -.
ty ywithhn the: dlstrl t h roin created;
:according to law nand by,-, the imode
[,:•paym nt by :,1 ands and creating
r Local: lmlroaement D10trtct lv 1r2:
' DA1N a AS POI LAWS ,` r.04" P,
-,I_. That. there:is hereby ordered, 'the
�improvemeht 1 -of 0 o• :' :fyollow Inc ,.des._:
'of/POrt t ingeles dandairlt.�thethma nor.
ifolloul g t w•it Cedar.gSt eetafr0m
the &'no Cher] margin flEightL t eet
to'+th ortherll margin of -Sixth
Street th east4 on la1f. f, Cedar
Street from the nbrtherl3rmargin ^0f
2 IMItE Surfhtre t:' p rtbu 1T arc. fl
ft$ Utah ;Streut Seventh Street.: from
the :break.; br,'TUI t ate 'gulel to Alm
break f Valley, gulch ''Sixth Street
i fro', m0 of breaks [ TImwater :gulch
?to'. the break : of-Valley 'gulch Flftli.
IStreet from tthe to ep n ,. al or
,Cedar, Street *to the break of., V'ley
gulch. Fourth'' St reeti :fro the east
eriy,: ma gll.:^'n['Cedarn; Street., 101 the
ihreak ,.of (, taste t gulch;i -Tint( Street
'from ,the terly 'margin of,` Cedar'
(Street to, the. cost rly,rpa2ginl between
(Street 01`alians.y running L tween,
?clering. portions uft.aals etreets::byl
clearing ..:grubbing oa d,surface crud
tnitt -ti sald4lp ,dons. Uf•1ending;'SOr,
ovenrt3 fet,o oadway extenphe•;bf0r
oven, of .on ehck''otde f thbaceb -,
ter cline o[ snidzporliona f l0treotb,
2_ —6 Cr-2. 11/6.--1C1;,
}}. 2M cYl 4/Vt PF�
a:i/ A LU alt
d. T �GRrt l •. �i/L�� QJY
nrOP.th fr./Xi/Ring'''. the mss 1 p rtlons
ofittr et4 for t v11tlt lot tltrty gfeet,
extendlnK 1lfteen 1 L'�1,•otl ^'eac1 .site
''Oallitlbler. ?exCeptocho eo trans (melt,
''of?'Cel r.' Street 41 rom ' northerly;
'margin 1y argin i01 Fo,Cth. •W iele ■P rtioti;
of G d•ir Strait haII'le Improve)
as ";aforesalll r „to the'.e stn; one -hall.
',thereofracily :;'and- by °r; clearing.!grub
tong surface g ding>:and gravelling
portions, f said ?ralleys foe -the
full . widti,'tltereor .+and such-.^• other
Work 1,, connection.: therewith as :mat'
be :nconstrd tlon andRmelta the: Soot'
',Pro em t.'horeh ordered ll of 'said'
:Imp, ent,to be Aonerand ',made' in
accordss 1 e V.wIth plans p: and
.epeeifl ations 1 repared',l/ the' City.
'Engineer i1id pte l b>t'ltilel Cit Com -:
Inissibn and In ac orlanco with fLocal
':Imo o m ntt,Res lutlan
'F921 That., the'' cost, and pease? :or
said im movement., Inc1udi g all.. nee -'
e0aar). n 1' ;incidental',; expanses, : hall
be:L urn 'i,Y'a 1 aese4 el against the
',Property', 9rie i t1tSCIn m0
hereinafter created, t0-
I-; ear t A
iI'ort 'Angeles.- sh am a ll, la-rntnhdoa. t t t h � ta y ld: r ,lclnitay n cocs [
The. liable'' in
''any, moaner , for any" po ti of the
(coat ",,and expense of said Improve -,
t.tnent 4, or ,C of said (,imp O ement'1
'4111 Tint . tiea'b and ils•herel,y
nraaldnl and. lisned e, l0e*I1lm-
1/1,0,101.011,, :Ilte rict.' f;; Said City/- 10"-•00
culled Locahllmpro genont lstrlgtho:
112 1 del all llotriet • shall., ry between
'all f the. rideesaai ,prop lY between
Ill termini sail.,npr Je nentabut3,
Sing • upon., all ant„ viscinal. or prets.
mate: to said I o tl s f said he ousts.
10 n •;lietnnc lack fr the 'm r-
,deal 1ioen :F thbrt01
y 5
:x~31 11ei ;per,. amid- pt'^ the
tune C 0e", or, , 'befor .twelve -gears
(onj, t ,+ +_oil^.!: ,'
Issued 41ln:�'Dayment' issuance 1' h ` costs and
expenne,•i Of Isaid,,itnprove Went;'.:, widen t,onls 'sfipl14 be 1 redeemed ..1 y .';collet•
1100 of special ,aseehinnentn.to be.. ley-
let a.,l 1 a99ea0el upon and •'agalllet
the t r fperty m in sal l 11q 1 iet, payabl;t
110 • len nonard 1 et ILnphlr "wltLCln -'
:trrryt -:at:• said.�,rite,. -under, therintsid
.of' :.. paynoent: hvxhond0'.'P,as''defineU by
Sla mil ,and; =tlef- OnRnimcesy of ' the.: City
or Pert t ,Angeles : Theo, Bond mai', -be
delivered "''. 1, OlOar,,contraCtor-;ln''re-
1 mpti r or n(rants n 11,0 clocal
Imroyement- Iltriet• utAad<oo
estimates '01 11ho'E 'the
City," :uf Port.. Angeles may, ', of Its
'election.! sect Said ''bonds 000 Phyyfor
said 1, imnrOt•entents' Ins cash.• ;\' 1l "' ,
Vi ' Th1s?.ordpmnce sha11, tako',rifni,;t
sage �unll4: t f force •from'ianlP�01.
ter five > ,lays'. after its lawful' pub -;
Sestina. first
Co nU110,11uU .10,10 reading ll • l 192 the CRY
Pasted tit Ind [ •.•ldnl- i 11,1 the City
Cnn,mix.ittit .T11,10 2111,. 1921.
Passed third adi 1 ,. nd 1 in,11y
and adopted 7 11 y1 the City ,',,m-
n 7` by Ili,
17, i :: _Itli ,1., , ,,f imp,. 1..27.
l\'. 11. 111:111:11•1:,
2 9
l :l!,t�l: , 21, 1114,1\,
,'it,' I'I''l '
\I I I'i1,'11I : •: .1t 2
1.1 .�1 11.2. 1'I: IN
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