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0i.1,:namee 71.7g L
btcided Nato" aeetlons elereti'- feet by
Iliwlti.l8t F \n; :Na elevctt-teet la: sire_ whlWi: concnttt�`
/Qt 1 A
An W QaSv
firming' the asseastueatn - aud aasatu be ao- tronntructed thereon: •a'. [toi- UUHA..
Urd{tlanIN approving NO, and con ebb or pavement as aforesaid, concrete /, 1�.../
meet WI:. in ud, Cur. a 1rn lmprow- foot mouth side to fa the roadwa,alooeI --e-°.1
meet - Nott -16 for lei biro- moat We'ttuuth e e er 'an -rot'the +
ofthe Ao l tar the improvemons feet Cahe por ion .' of said aLprd �n
of - the -following,. And: t proper portions Strout. a portion - g e Wit :suit-
of s. of And: real es. Was its -the_ Sire -.ear be ailed to grade with:aul r
City' .' a manner wing. to-wit: able,: earth -- and• .a concrete - slab -:-ore
. .and - ln.'Lha manner following. to -wit:. ea e• -eoftl 'ttlne.-`4 011.4 thltkt :hated.
:1111 teing• -at a 'point' a1lProximetelY 'thereato the -•said e peeled -Mamma
: 118. feet., westerly•. from ' the ,'center - ,:dear to.; be.- protected b)t;ltnrtlend
Woe of'A -Streetruud estendhlF.thence cement: two' Inehes''ln= thickness:; to
1 .Third'Street westerly. 'a•dos be-aindied,'by °the '.'Wiultlto`.. ProeeaA
•t co, f approximutety �' S"1 feet 'to Nether • •w1tL• all • aetcAsarT -•- guard
ue inn
the in the :easterly :tilt d. 11y 'of •-eat •1-atrign Land' ralnd;doingSeuCluo -tre-
Ith the , eonatio -L anil C of • -the work -a wvmla. 110 u creeareucll.f tike-
•reZvoln Donation 'Old dumber ' the pre. work _nshe a h. Also rate ImPr olt -. • .cut 'bridge .ntrue ure. al uat the Plea- hectlun therewith. `•• red the lmnrora
[, nand 1, rtio el[uSU d Strand we -c of hhon l - 0! the.: said d F- aft
St sal i lard 1 of 1 Said 'Third street' paste ly end of the.: .Third •
oust Street. nplotecte all .Ming that - n- end :0 hr 0gD ove the .portion;
r [ be protectcvl alld is o salted. con - end Sint a Street; the lI _described '. •north.;
situ n: of. a 'hew trestla:,.or bridge. of Tidrd • Sire t thence ht a • north -,1
'driving p • minimum f throe' aa0 easterly 'and a terry dl the. a along'
Mashburn • 0' 'peeled 118¢ -t er.lUenf moil
said Seced1 Street -t tilt easterly.
piles a t o Le:'7 eel¢ 1 Douglas fir.-. asp- Margin of Cherry,: Street; '; thence
Moo 4Melt Pile. frith - 11313 timbers southerly'- along 'Cher y Street -•to-. the
and .:4x12 - stringers' 1 with decking l true¢. Highs of .Third Street : -; by
:sullIelentlyontronl; ' he support :. rain clearing, 'grubbing, - draining 'and' all
forced concrete , :slab ...rive -.In Ilea • Ia
11 tekne r divided :into elev-
feet b eleven feet, in sire. :which
a t 1:1.r al alit he 210- on tructed thereon
1a f r f t sidewalk -t he construe.
1' Wong 111 south side of the d
t feet 1[ the westerly, end. f
tl . above. portion f- -sold
• Third Street to L ailed- to grade
with- suitable.' earth and .,� o rote
slab : 7 ve sent nine Inches thick
11 ell thereon: tie uai l 'peeled 1300-
gilts - fir lines to 1 Protected by "Port-
', land.eementitwo Inches in• thickness
:to •Ito applied by the :"Cnnito'.:pro-
, : ems; '. together • *with • - all '• n essnry
Rill - rnlis•• h0nt1.• railing, Itutl:lten:ls,
retaining- trolls. 1 doing ' other
1 wort: `es may be- Racy n, o Pee-
t 1n therewith:, AL tl c i pr e-
•nt•. of-Second Str t • beginning g t
We ' easterly!, end If the 111 'Third
• Street :bridge.. -who l 1 the :wilder'',
I end f tl a Lodz described portion f
'Third and' Street: thence i a northeaster-
; ' Se Second Street- todirection
tle along s .. margin
, of .. Cherry, Street: thence s lit+ a Iy
stony* CII ry Street-au the tt rtiterl •
margin 1 Third 'Street:- I y clearing.
• 'nabbing draining too d lI . raising Y
L Mc et
y ld Street between the 'said Thin
Street • J rt lg and a loot-
Street: to
lnlerntanw fit • grad- 1 - : filling- with
I1: :::. et1Y'. oh lei ed••In Blot-, ':part
of ;second 'Street 1 tw ee:_Valley nd
necessary trunk,: weer col
by rating Second Street: IfetwreIi
tiro said ',Third 'Street bridge 'a and
by. t Ilia -With earth oily oL -'
Nailer Strout to u permanent
t f d In that part el Second Street.
between 'Valley - and • Cherry- Street/3i
by building aldm lks and gray' Ming:
the improvement o[ • Cedar Street
roadway. thirty.. t3 feet • in Alt th 'Aleo.
f om tie tic ly e'margin f, Sixth.
St et. io the ly -nl tai 1 Ced
r; m RII :uf
Street • to the . , utl e 1
second Steel Uy. bringing
:of r Cedar :Street- to .•permanent:
and •evon"'grade 'between 0010 • Sixth
Street:. and. Second Street:: by^Fravol-
lag-.. roadway" thirty -feets In width.
together with all accessary -llralnnue.
wank '+;Also t11., Improvement of loll
1 d construction of wooden .. al c
that tort) oft-streets 1 alleys and -
[ - 111 ks 15 and geles [ the T teen
site'-of Port Angeles 1 h between' 1
With t d forty' feet.' 11 to on either • 1.
side •trm t tr center lino "described . �4`^M�,��
re tell .: -816 feet- to point 11 the. A
center, :1'lin r.. Sewn+- Street,. Rich.
pt inn Ili le0 fist westerly, -from the 1 . �. 3" Q�1
-0 -A d t_
L(t,ll tt.e<. 7r -1
.c a a_
and "'contained within boors "parallel
as tfollows. to-wit: Rogiltling aV a
point , on the centr otrilet• which'. point -`Is.' five feet east-
erly Prot I Btu westerly -n rght - of
Valley, ;'Street; atd ru ( g • • • thence
southwesterly dust h of .: approx.
c✓1��Jn CM/ 1^
westerly f mar`•In • of 'Inc Street - f he
eels_ U3 building side- by tl • r 1 1 vat; f II ' old • b ih Iinge
Ch rn St and ¢fuse abd :debris: file filling;,oL.
walks; and • gravelling.' r 1 y ti r said ' right f way • with- t -cult bl '
raw feet i ltd Al tl improve- earth 1 111. gravel till together
f C • 1 r St t from We north- viii 11 ',necessary ad :gravel, 'rip-
1 g strip' "atoll' SU feet in width);
Iy gi1 3f: SI th Street northerly
along sofa l C •dn Str et t the south;
•fly' •• Margin i f S om1- Street: by
Uringit g Id 11 t[ 1 of Cedar
Street to permanent al t even
g R le 1 t l,- tId Sixth Street :and
Set 111 Street UY' ;gravelling- -r 1
sy-., thirty, . feet • In idti .t together
with llt'. necessary driltuage• and '
tl le -.IL1 d r verso It wooden all • tilatl i ortlon
r,[ t ,d alley's and f Blocks
33 'and"' ' 36 of the T tv leite f:.l t
V tgele lying- I between 10 contained
Itltill' 1 n ess- parallel with a: tl -foil
, feet '. distant on -either , aide ‘Irom
'1 ter live described his follows. • to-
-wit Beginning { at : a-, Point.: oil the
cent¢ line of I i t Street, which
:tilt I
five feet easterly- front . rite
i westerly margin f- Valley*. Street;
and u i there s fit w st niy -n
dist8 f :.111 oXi ter 516 fee of Se.
to •I point t the center l n line. o ' fee'
00:1 Street.. which Point.
westerly from the .o westerly "margilt
of 3: Pine Street -TI ell g ' n strait '
land Su - f •L In width); 13' the °re -
snili.del: is; "tie 0lling -fit R!Ir right
o8 - with earth-. r
rd l - gravel 1111 ;'. tog tIt r 01111
all'*necessary road.•. grey' 1 - rip ap,
guard :rails, ai wooden • sidewalk.:
ll as a 1 necessary- - to make
complete 1 del It 1el street 1
roadway forty feet ill. wilt) n ti
ton- of such : fill; ` together «111 :1 m
.it tl •a n h:it connection there
tl guard rails, . d 'wooden side-
walks: all s any, 1 11 1 •e y 1.10
he t complete and anlshe l street'
n d 'roadway forty tees: l a ^t i nch n
te. too' +o[ suer.011 21m:etl,el with
suck other .tv k • -1 connection
therewith 1a may to •1 esstry to
Properly erly tout ti construction
and - mnl.ing. -of ., the ellnten:Mnte:l, im-
all a 1n,1 neeordanc wlth
m n Plans 'and *specifications.- pre-
- L3 the City" Engi •er and up-
1 ed and l I t d r y the City. n-
cal R Improvement 11 areordantot
Resolution •No. 1114
of the a ::111 City' of Port •Attgeles• end
which stud' - iinence created' • +'.local
improvement apayment., for - sand district • Improvement by
special -
ePeeml R ess neat the ' property
hl in:I of lire I 1 pRy I le 1s. the ■ me-
(laid smse o[ "payment l y bonds." ls,' 1Y • , re-
vRsen.ne tt roll: -11 t owe RR re-
vised. viscd, I nag d,' raised. : lowered t noel •
sitting- by - llotrd`4of.0 Commission
thereon on the 3rti '. arty: f June, 1921,
111:1: continuing -. 1n session" until the
20.1 fay C July. .112 L ding to
regullu• n tl e thereof end . the r1l-
nances f. Rb0 • city, and In • acc 1-
ncr. with the - findings 11 , order f
_81,1 Boni then 000• there wade, '1:0
and the same • are hereby I1 all re-
spects approved and rte 1 1 fn 'ell
Section • 1I- ' That . each slot tract
and parcel of land loon. upon avid
nse0sment loll • i Hereby •, declared
with 1 be ',necessary.' to pill specially l eliteol y t said - Improve -
erlyAc.lrry' tut the c 1 strecti to -ml l_ ment -in t least 111e stmount- charged
leaking-of' . 111e contemplated • im1 'e - against. :the same, and that the :la-
ment. :11 ' In eC r l e; with ate e I t appearing arilg fig i t'. the me
11:1119 foul specifications `prepared 1 3 Is In • proportion . t0 the oe 1.. Is-
the City Il Iglnt r 1 adopted 1 the s n 1 is • fit I i g upon �: Said roll•
Cite' • Commission nil . In accordance l: thetel 1 1013 • levied and as assess-
with -Local: - Improvement ...Resolution 1 neatest each nil •I t; • trn t••or
No 104 o the City- of- L'ori' Angeles: parcel-of • land' appearing on 001:1 roll
ordering : the Ie03' nmh , colleetioll -, of the amount etunly ehnrged.. and Its=
such assessments: r •a tit !, • and set ed tl el - upoa s 1 I against the
district. tt O t 7 I' lttn 1 f RI1 .,T• -
s m
Moir, t 1 ordering that said re Section :1 - That t I9 l e 1-
1ess Its • 1 c. 'paid 1--- said special ' t00 and established 1' for I1 • I -
t S ' txl Impro m fit DI t 1 t,'ti 704 n
-'III CITY " CUAlAtISS10N • OF .Toil R1 eel Il fund to. b known and IeRhg-
C 1 OP PORT • ANt 13[ 1 S DO Olt-
DA fed - RR Local ] p vement DC filet
11 NO.„ 104 tor.. the uses and, purposes
:r'.Section 1 TI at ' the - assessments nrvoide I ht such 1 1 t 1.1 and the
and 1 s S n I t roll - for Local 101- fir linan o f'.' said city_
movement. District No 104 .created 1 y S tf 1 IA ,' That 'said as0e00ments,
Onli1 ea .° 2) -I 11 owe-- Iuly. RU my C them, mty,1:0 'paid with -
IJ21 1111 nil lilt. a ordered nut ale est et an time Within thirty
Innd provaled for: the Improvement of 'days from the date" of the first' pub.
tl e following. ..:' described - portions' f Ileatinr of the City .Treasurer's notice
streets and real" property". 1 the City t: any the Settle required by law
of P r t•. \ tgel s .Wash l ate In' the, to be given; '• ail. alt assessments
main following, tl wit Beginning t pull. within 'said perio [•thirty
at; R' point r. approximately 111, -'f. c lays sl',11 thereafter' - be - paid In ten
westerly+ from the cent the .' of: ,A equal , annual • Installments • with', in-
Street and extending thence slung tereut.,thereon at' the :. rate of oven
Third Street, • westplrl). distance. f per centum 4.per • annum.. ....,-
approximately said Th4:i LSt -the, o lt, Infer- wtt the tali g . effect,
of thislaordinance
the. easterly' i 1111 y. of the S:UI1p0on said • asl0s0ment 'roll • shnll.lbe turned
'Donation Land • MOM, 1- byt removing over.. and deliver 1 . to : the City' Tree-
all 010 loathe t the present. bridge serer for the, collection • thereof. who
strnetul e. situ Ale 11 in and • union • said shall t1Cretmon proceed to collect
portion of said Third Street,: • money- the same according to law, , , shall
011 piling. that cannot be, pro-
tected and eared. construction ; of • n be in full .• force and elfeet when it
new trestle or ltridge, driving a mint -- shall have been passed by the C11
taunt of three and n int:intern if six, COnlmisalne. improved by the Jfayor.
piles per bent, such 'tiles to be tt tetcd` by tlAttorney. Ciy Clerk: from and
peeled Doliel s Ifi', c::pled: stud, be erhh . City after its pnhlicntind
pile,, with I2se2 nutters ua 1019 rw r
-t ;-leers • nd With deal :leg l' lnt,l<:ot- 111 the na101111 1 vsppn of Pala city;
1 to t1mr,,,, 1'o blfuv.�.a .And the :.10' i�tellt is hereby aliened
I,,'m r•i, :,I:n nw,• tutb °.. =:111 ,bi °- Icne.,, 10 tang¢ the z rte 10 be so 1110,11.lord.
CL °LC�Q pv� i O
.�lf —L�tJi
_ /1KJ �L�h -' Ca/i r/
� -7ho- Qu
-,,Pained a first "re ding r 11 the City,
Commission. - July .2 19 -•
Passed . oil rending by �the" City_
Commission, Tnly- 8, 1323.
P sedh tided; reading end (opted'
by •tl:o C1ty. Cal::nlinalon. July '8. 1925:
APPrevcd and signed by the Mayor.
July 8. 1925..:. ....'....
• N. 11, 111.1DRtCK, Mayor.
111.1)101: C. MORISON. City' Clerlr,
Approved as 40 81,00::
MAX L`Illtltt'll, .A dt. City Attorney'.
0:te or publication: July 01, 1925,