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nrIfittnnee, thgt actibloit? or . ere el tlribentilatI1' ergene.Y, viIofl,tor aleftirnt:rgVIgitIrtrrtI7 Keen-Otte ;i4nt,---Anterottntletit eINIet fIthdr for, gtalarlee., et a. .,retAlMcudeli-i.ttlikoeeLl Iensz,propOrly arlls, it pyabl ouLctt t• ”IlVtuld4 i trutt71rtt5 r,tideusdarr..itnat".extdind Aural out u t said tudd na =Wade for sueltr, Dere...es In addl$101.„. t0 h amounts ' ntlort-ed`..tiberefor:. t ttne Jetatine.tr0t.asitatualitlia. ektneat3g) to Arieet,AneVetnemeney:Intid. 0 a °11 nutherleIng:th'd expenditure., ot-niontit, therefor ' and., the • Issuance enter- f.rtateittitiaStitdrhreonrittof n „entergenry, 9m4ify% ary, 1 1° upon nrol um (DA_ aryi e-s .11 0-"5-&-itA 0 genet-- werrante . ,•-• age eald,ftnidr--ehttleclarIng neeer:3V-0',4,°,:ketWnt's449''= r thO IiLYnr.1 _j o, p 4 igertionn%PgagtittiMigil"'” facto gen st ltuting latir ninergeney.,, be 'mut • ' " h there I;latIn.nted,, eurrentLuplidgetqtr rirttAthorehy,4'-nta-teeth'g.to,,w1t14,that I , d'-c-fi-=,j,"_>- 9 CUYI. Or ..14=tieggaiudttriCi. d 41. etirrer, intent:rut -salaries,:=. bites*. th , eraSIren rdoiapelrrO'I.rr •lAt!'IthIl, a7 rg"ti.a4b. .E 4l trlei,iai.'tg I5nenosney3 that.pen dltuiei ,cbe esdfundrfr,entrInn -1-1• 3 -.-tfddltlen to 7,t tITo Pnt "'" 6...Li 9 -111 Err t utyvi 1 . . A..'4..:S,r3iev:e-..k.,?t.I.Loedin4,tb,,,-tb,,1uu s.1 r.,•,,9, g. Wt.,g r.,u1 , g.•, oervm-•l.Aei..rhrgp„ tA enf• ftehi3nti ls :t-,t v''. t rr. .in.,.xlaio0e„ * v•P ' cl/i th,- L,L, A I- l A' -1 ' 1 CUY l ' l l .:;gr. ea I ex- b 14, sati itill'Al=tt'SW:txti mt1U nountkottfa9t.eeigeniti.tmeat. •, 4/-*--. _ 1 .19 A ' of.' - - CO L-17—InA 1 9 21 6- . said 7,, nmergener'.,,,ns,,In ore .ttnted -its : 3 thWenumnof,'4;550091.4:•for..inalarIes,-; en-:, ' perinetrnendotlieratetne,'ITeroeorle 'gttWW:4195fOILVPtPlar$t':II? .ttletf.41.7tfrid.'.4.Yr..;&,, ..., 7.7,14....t4ier,74,4- =#,Vral'.7'r=11170.4,!,g, ','ttliv"irrr(4-k714,, . .. .T. '..... a,,,,,,,,,,,,„,r,,welp.,,,„.,„:,,,,-,..,y.„,:„.,,,,., thori.edt...d.,,,,,..gted,,,..g„:„„„, . . 1,,,,.ig,4011.,-2.1,404„,,mgc.19ely,,,wiLlf, pon;lan .4:partb e,,, on • , "i ;'k kily1"..-4-i'1L1l ,t il : 1%n_1ib %i ili4tle- t% titin il7 1n11a1i1.7,1r11.-r4o.si.i U,r M,Enjd !. iriiit..t.., i. d;uti nett r, 1 miieu infto n tA lelg gag. tAl,. m4, 4. - . • ltY4 Celiikf% a iittt . ,4',4.Viititiii7iiit'ornaidilfuilit an4othert .. , ,. .. iteirsIbroporly.irchsiruedli ... • tarbaniltpayablej,outtutisaidUrlind ;anal iforestild7." th'Inntetal - amount not,1- ejiatittgot IiiiiidtbiirlaOrY.SrhalMi*Atir SectIon",,V,it'Whe.fettatutt,.,emerntne. extettriatOrenson I. df...41inf facts ■•,,aboro . ,ntated:,whielrr ninken,,,urgeite.-and. tie,' . . alliffitiOiritnd: . . , • Intmodletef'nhth'g,,Ilfitignffeat of,- tills . Y4'. • ' ••.,...rlit.nl.,,oeif,.,..ttoir7!,1.0h_uiriii,;,iuvr.7z19.to-p4r;e4t--!., . ■ ':::,.)1 ', ••( : , • •dhogoArot.v.,,b5i Bald ,eIty and the 'In- 4 i ifabitalltiklatlibfgorttlitiUCWV, en.rgePAY, • ,,, ,' I *d entta.‘urgevtin`keery,,It,licrob.rhgtitetelu.,rr,ge1gb1y1;m,7.:•,de94"cn.2,lt 1:r ed ,t.. . o eIt,tan17,thinotilInanCe, sh 4II Anne..K.; ' ' . '.'.. i . aeltroval tidf,IftanublIattint.0 . . .'.' , :(;'I I;.+1, , ‘r ‘ \'.''. '.. innd,fet,reIn,,by, Cio f dui dathmitskim,:06tar01925.- , neled,dord;reutInW th3 the City CominlielbtrObtbe4r15 tf,Passed'ilthIrd%.rendIng.,,"and7' ntlepted 'br Mittlartnetth::*ho.. •7;t1 t1litoCItY ,pb )bbib 1.4,1't 1925L,J7r,,,,, 5.4tbAbbroyea-ebrutiybrgntri■,,,,liy;', tl111 131109 or. t OcLobtV ,14;,'.1.925:-`-',,,,, .7' ., ,•-,,,, , i .... .,,,,,W.'t,13;.i, BEDIIICK:,',Mayor. treo,,,r,,,,,,,Wr.,, IrAtISEni-oveVnTrtoWl.' fo9Prm15::''41tritre-IOT'''.1.4:':-*- ctitIROH,',','Astrt,,,CItki"Attornoy: ateldt,Vpien11.6a12:42eL.,...;15925; , - - .......... \ 4.41,k‘ A t