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o• I ,4 ./L o-umii 4, 491 An ., 01111ifft•CE ' niordlitauce' deCI.Zrt '7.1. -' '. ' -.3 . Pillr. '1•4111in'iaert1111:1::1-10rtwatic::lotr ,...-Pro-an' . .. . 15 A rraniehi, tht -c!giati 1 akes,,rnid § labor, pcoporly.T.I.efieleifeliNe Itti-eind,ttiayable out. of . the skid • fund. -1...t.f11- -,...n.a-4-1..p, t. A -to J — - - - -- - itti 191,,k. ,,i, . od , for ' payment ;of ."-Isalafier.' add, tha t •I te la., necessary= • t hat '. ex, penditurca out?!of. iiald?•fund ? be :Outdo: cri , 1•30-7/± eR..r.7 9-f...1.1../4 crut.ry±i °t-ouch.; piirposes • In. addition to •,the• .. rent:budgetxsatatIng• thel.facta colializ' 40 I , ,0-1 at- ci.... (.L.,$o_ I-Ln-. ,ify.. , ktnountaexilloitedxtherefor. In-: the-Ctir- t:. .Theittlity,lrCoinnilealon..Cof.t. .. :41L'"ii. • . • , , . • tutIng,^auch.scenteiventym:': atating'nek-o, ' C.CAL-LH -- • --j---Ei. , ;,,,,,rizing,,, the7; expenditii re . of :Ilion-ex • ( tbs.:meet 4auch, V_MnerkeucnItititirm:nb- estimated . amoupt4-ef,anoney^necestarY. : *onek,,Wattlifutrt• upon ,aucV anal ci,:,, '.-- ' - ' tr.L.,-,k -...„ e....,-,-L9A--- KliiiinfultndNhii?Idniadadii.7.0FC-attler, . t ganay:Ny. :.,.4,•-•-m-m, -7:. Iit'ecedie3,.., d Ati °11'.",...'°01A1..tfir:.;.1laf e--0-ric ,:,-) an, 0--z--uv, arn ek ..„. a_/a.4.....--1, a..,t-- 6.—„, Wirra-,-iii,'r;7:44.;ii-.4.' LIN'.41‘tati;144 1 . 1--,,,,. 0-r' rn-L. . . 1 1 lir, ehofebyllatated?...to-wit„gt A, , toi . factajoonatituto.kuj,cmeigIctrila.nd; I it. t ci j aft_ j...r,n....i .„...1.... , _. L. .4„ , li., In'Aliit. claront, bltdxot., no?aulticlenF uo ru- 4, z. dc ,'.. a. es curl- cLu-4, : It..,:: --t c, , ... 9, ...4i-n1 4kt ' dfinodkly4abaracaNet.ta ..,*nd'A pajrablk litit.,_•gf..tanlir,E.ftinti,,f,atiilY:ZatNit.W.in` tiotticairt,•thatneXpenditp k.hiet-inadt' 1111111fitt4tArhiiffiiirga.4471V141 2- lig,t-tetiVr INiViirci■Piltli122!-.1= _ 7-nil/II .. ,.cirULA--;`'.. ,. ;r1'1, -7-1"=-6-• , I ft d -o- aa , r ,tho,idtbezdwdjuiAmnaitantd'ibudintqn04.1 ydrnaAL._ h'. neccemir lyexnendedi COar...g.ft_. 1 ' ' . ; . ' • - I 1 2. a . tu--af.T.., ,iSactloat !IL_ ,......An.,?,omorgency, br.L.re , . . sobrdellEllbdittlititiof..,th.rxfnetaeaboto l'i LT& AlitPtIllidiggtiTg4re104,A. athount:4144.1sionoylehoCeaaarrt.-mto.o'idnoilk 4+ Section.A lIkle',..Tlialr,:the"?-eatimatou 1-AS - ' , . - . ', . ' J ,ggegke4,7,givisarrr-an% b 1-,,,_„_, salitemergency ".• Ao?,'abotto,, Labia tO ghtgra4440,44tf.:0!nfriLTinZfourTlint4. (kJ --1-- = I 0-1-v2_ ' q 2_ ‘• .gstt, Clerk ,lifit.h...oty-Af4Prirt- -Ant /Ira7SliWilft11thPYrtirelhereby?,Qhow- kuthilleod 1..and'idiroctod,:■to ;alga? ■'eX2f lfro difd,iillyttbler;Ournif,inald ',pork., diAise'• find' glAda144rnergency._....,:warrantai fAteddtfroina,titenktin.40m0-•%.4.tdot,:mti.Iii 1.117il,riU10°,i3741.116i-valijossTjto 1 'ilritg;111,1tIgal'APIV,ONd.r.;= • mrio:,A,,,..*ke.,,,,,,dridttlAbor,,,,,o,Lirolterljt ■ bidirgenble..to i• and.t-payable. out , ef Xif • .0 ild41111diikall.aarpr400ld.rAkik:tinal knionot Tnot,In'icaceltasof ...mid. 1111171-C'dt I •Ignerf4Wt ble .444, liMr rining..tte"r4erctenk4 • 0,1,taxbst, .rgaimiiintti,(ag6SamiraelT ptatodahickttta eav orentti i.d6' , ineeesariry.:"II4he',/,paistigo,-.Andttatleptibil, ithil*tmtnedlistoenoingfYinfol:offect:S•?Of .thleordionncelitforY, Iimmodlate PConervationeek■VicAllen:nublifteabet TWA; iktritg%%1r1itOit ltiINt iiAlc 1qc0'221:'t37.i'le'brP '' 14tA141 dft I iTrdi 4cP nlitietiie4ed:and.lio.cm1, fe,e0 1.frttnYandattexatd olinmedlotof.V. my, 7iiifigargrgiIPM4V441V., .+?V.,',4,.11 • r/SItaaped?;;Ilipat xdadinX,,, by. tho, Clty ConinflinilOb..;, October . 7. , 1371. '11 !1,1i.. 0 1'. II k7_ 4 in;Ift'4y o'7 4. ,;,. 7r3.' 5f' 1(t ,I1 t71;aWs141i1., t P lu s e 4 jt It 11 11 , road autmAdopted Iin:1O.UpttilinUrto:of.the City Coromjegion.sOetobor',14 191.:^ iAppC6ed?ltdrillgtred,Sy ? : . , the Mayor. 1474gYt:f..q.NV.0111-C'te ;ItlX3,4;i, ;At!ftW.1'6ifiatt.'81.7d113:i:ll-trk- Apsproveid-, ?.' .,1- tof fo rn.st,e,.--/-.,. ..... ...t. IstiS C47Fle A p4VP1!) ' ft7i19-.■ - i:m„4.,10 1iiip.x,iil _ 44., , •