HomeMy WebLinkAbout0807ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the supplemental assess-
ments and supplemental assessment roll to provide for certain deficien-
cies in the fund created for Local Improvement District No. 104, under
Ordinance No. 762, for the improvement of the following described por-
tions of streets and real property in the City of Port Angeles, '7ashing-
ton, and in the manner following, to-wit: Beginning at a point approxi-
mately 318 feet westerly from the center line of A Street and extending
thence along Third Street, westerly, a distance of approximately 2,i21
feet to the intersection of said Third Street with the easterly bound-
ary of the Sampson Donation Land Clain, by removing; -all old lumber in
the present bridge structure, s_tuated in and upon said portion of said
Third Street, removing all piling that cannot be protected and saved,
construction of a new trestle or bridge, driving a minimum of three and
a maximum of six piles per bent, such piles to be peeled Douglas fir,
capping such piles with 12 x 12 timbers and 4 x 12 stringers and with
dec'ring sufficiently strong to support a reinforced concrete slab, five
inches in thickness, divided into sections eleven feet by eleven feet
in size, which concrete slab or pavement as aforesaid, shall be so con-
structed thereon; a four foot sidewalk to be constructed along tiefsouth
side of the roadway; 225 feet of the westerly end of Third Street to be
filled to grade with suitable earth and a concrete slab or pavement
nine inches thick placed thereon; the said peeled Douglas fir piles to
be protected by Portland cement two inches in thickness to be applied
by the "Gunite" process; together with all necessary guard rails, hand
railing, bulkheads, retaining walls, and doing such other work as may
be necessary in connection therewith. Also the improvement of Second
Street beginning. at the easterly end of the said Third Street bridge,
which is the easterly end of the above described portion of Third Street;
thence in a northeasterly and easterly direction along said Second
Street to the easterly margin of Cherry Street; tderse southerly along
Cherry Street to the northerly margin of Third Street; by clearing,
grubbing, draining and all necessary trunk sewer connections; by rais-
ing Second Street between the said Third Street bridge and Valley Street
to a permanent rnrade, by filling, with eartiz mostly obtained in that part
of Second Street between Valley and Cherry Streets; by building side-
walks; and gravelling roadway thirty feet in width. Also the improve-
ment of Cedar Street from the northerly margin of Sixth Street, norther-
ly along said Cedar Street to the southerly margin of Second Street; by
bringing said portion of Cedar Street to a permanent and even grade be-
tween said Sixth Street and Second Street; by gravelling a roadway thir-
ty feet in width, together with all necessary drainage anti construction
of wooden sidewalks. Also the improvement of all that portion of streets
and alleys and of Blocks 35 and 36 of the Toumsite of Port Angeles lying
between and contained within lines parallel with and forty feet distant
on either side from a center line described as follows, to wit: Begin-
ning at a point on the center line of First Street, which point is five
feet easterly from the westerly margin of Valley Street; and running
thence southwesterly a distance of approximately 816 feet to a point on
the center line of Second Street, which point is 150 feet westerly from
the westerly margin of Pine Street (being a strip of land 80 feet in
width); by the removal of all old buildings and refuse and debris; the
filling of said right of way with a suitable earth or sand and gravel
fill; together with all necessary road gravel, rip -rap, guard rails,
and wooden sidewalks; all as may be necessary to make a complete and
finished street and roadway forty feet in width on the top of such fill;
together with all such other work in connection therewith as may be neces-
sary to pr pe y.carry out the_ construction and making of the contemplat-
ed improvement, all in accordance with maps, plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and adopted by the City Commission and
in accordance with Local Improvement Resolution No. 104 of tfte C'ty of
Port Angeles; ordering the levy and collection of such assessments;
�a {
creating and establishing a special fund for said district, and order-
ing that said assessments be paid into said special fund.
FOLLO';: S :
Section I. That the supplemental assessments and supplemental
assessment roll ordered and provided for by ordinance No. 803, approved
March 3, 1926, to provide for certain deficiencies
to pay the cost and expense of improvements of tae
in the fund created
streets and property
described in Local Improvement District No. 104 created by ordinance No.
762, approved July 30, 1924, which said ordinance ordered and provided
for the improvement of the following described portions of streets and
real property in the City of Port Angeles, "`:ashington, in the manner fol-
lowing, to wit; Beginning at a point approximately 318 feet westerly
from the center line of A Street and.extending thence along Third Street
westerly, a distance of approximately 2,321 feet to the intersection of
said Third Street with the easterly boundary of the Sampson Donation14
Claim, by removing all old lumber in the pre3ent bridge structure, sit-
uated in and, upon said portion of said Third Street, removing all pi1-
ing that cannot be protected and saved, construction of a new trestle
or bridge, driving a minimum of three and a maximum of Six piles per
bent, such piles to be peeled Douglas fir, capping such piles, with
12 x 12 timbers and 4 x
to support a re'.nforced
ed into sections eleven
12 stringers and with decking sufficiently strong
concrete slab, five inches in thickness, divid-
feet by eleven feet in size, which concrete slab
or pavement as aforesaid, shall be so constructed thereon; a four foot
sidewalk to be constructed along the south side of the roadway; 225
feet oC the westerly end of Th:.rd Street to be filled to grade with
suitable earth and a concrete slab or pavement nine inches thick placed
• thereon;. the. _said peeled Douglas fjj.pales to be protected by Portland
cement two inches in thickness to be applied by the "Gunite process;
together with all necessary guard rails, hand railing, bulkheads, retain-
ing walls, and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection
therewith. Also the improvement of Second Street beinning at the east-
erly end of the said Third Street bridge, which is the easterly end of
the above described portion of Third Street; thence in a northeasterly
and easterly direction along said Second Street to the easterly margin
. of Cherry Street; thence southerly along Cherry Street to the northerly
margin of Third Street; by clearing, grubbing, draining and all necess-
ary trunk sewer connections; by raising Second Street between the said
• - "Third—StYBat "bridge-- and Valley- Street' — '°permanent grade, by filling
with earth mostly obtained in that part of Second Street between Valley
and Cherry Streets; by building sidewalks; and gravelling roadway thirty
feet in width. Also the improvement of Cedar Street from the northerly
margin of Sixth Street, northerly along said Cedar Street to the south-
erly margin of Second Street; by bringing said portion of Cedar Street
to a permanent and even grade between said Sixth Street and Second Street;
by gravelling a roadway thirty feet in width, together with all necess-
ary drainage and construction of wooden sidewalks. Also the improve-
ment of all that portion of streets and alleys and of Blocks 35 and 36
of the Townsite of Port Angeles lying between and contained within lines
parallel with and forty feet distant on either ride from a center line
described as follows; to wit: Beginning at a point on the center line
• of First Street, which point is five
margin of Valley Street; and running
approximately 816 feet to a point on
feet easterly from the westerly
thence southwesterly a distance of
the center line of Second Street,
which point is 150 feet westerly from the westerly margin of Pine Street
(being a strip of land 80 feet in width); by the removal of all old
buildings and refuse and debris; the filling of said right of way with
a suitable earth or sand and gravel fill; together with all necessary
road gravel, rip -rap, guard rails, and wooden sidewalks; all as may be
• necessary to make a complete and finished street and roadway forty feet
in width on the top of such
connection therewith as may
struction and making of the
fill; together with all such other work in
be necessary to properly carry out the con -
contemplated improvement, all in accordance
with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and
adopted by the City Commission and in accordance with Local Improvement
Resolution No. 104 of the City of Port Angeles; and which said ordinance
No. 762 created a Local Improvement District and provided for payment
• for said improvement by assessment on the property in said district
payable by the method of payment by bonds; and which said Ordinance No.
803 provided for the necessary supplemental assessment to extinguish
the deficiency existing in the said Local Improvement District No. 104;
and provided that the said supplemental assessments shall be defrayed
and paid by the mode of immediate payment; as said supplemental assess-
ment roll now stands as revised, changed, raised, lowered and modified
by the City Commission sitting as a Board of Equalization thereon on
the 28th day of April, 1926 according to regular notice thereof and the
ordinances of said City,. and in accordance with the findings and order
of the said Board then and there made, be and the same is hereby
in all respects approved and confirmed in all things.
Section II. That each lot, tract and parcel of land shown
upon said assessment roll is hereby declared specially benefited by
said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same, and
that the assessment appearing a {-ainst the same is in proportion to the
several assessments appearing upon said roll, and there is hereby levied
and assessed against each said lot, tract or parcel of land appearing
on said roll the amount actually charged and assessed therein upon and
against the same.
Section III. That said supplemental assessments shall be
paid by the mode of "immediate payment" as defined by law and the or-
dinances of the City of Port Angeles.
Section IV.. That said supplemental assessments or any of t_iem
• may be paid without interest at any time within thirty days from the date
of the first publication of the City Treasurer's notice to pay the same
as required by law to be given, and supplemental assessments not paid
within said period of thirty days shall thereafter become delinquent as
provided by law.
Section V. That immediately upon the taking effect of this
ordinance, said supplemental assessment roll shall be turned over and
delivered to the City Treasurer for the collection thereof, who shall
thereupon proceed to collect the same according to law.
• Section VI. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
when it shall have been passed by the City Commission, approved by the
. '°ayor, attested by the City Clerk, approved by the City Attorney, and
from and after five days after its publication in the official news-
paper of said City; ana the City•Clerk is hereby directed to cause the
same to be so published.
2 gl 11-
Passed first reading by the City Commission,
Passed second reading by the City Commission, ;play -- 's /
Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission, May )4,
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
Ktskt• City Attorney. :1-76 Date of Publication: (0,