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OoI' ' al. declaring the exlstoneo of an e.rnorgoncy by reason
of tho inadequacy and poor condition of the fire fi•hting oquip-
mont or►od by tho City of Port Anroles; stating tho facts eon -
•atitutinr such oaorgonoy; stating the oatimatod amount of money
nomosaary to root such ct rroncy; uthorizing tho isms nco of
emorgonay • •arrantn a;rainat the
!Fund of tho City of ort Anroleo; ono •as ar ng emorgoncy.
Do O It CA I (Y
as folioafl::
Section 1. That ono of tho trucks of tho fire department o: t1:o City
of Port t moles hoz becomo entirely usoloss by roason of the onr -ino in
said truck having Torn out and b000uo crystalized end the colinc.q.' had
thereof blv.n out, and on account of the ago of said truck Qapproximately
Pourteon years) it is impraotioablo and inadvisable to ropair said truck,
in vim/ o!' tho fact that tho only praetioablo method of ropair mould bo the
purchase of a now engine and virtually robuilding acid truck; that this
condition loaves the city rrith only one fire truck - a combination hoao
truck, chemical, and pumping ongino, ::ith a capaoity of appro::i LtQly to
'-undrod end fifty gallons of rotor a minute, end capable of pumpin-,rotor
only cuffiotant for ono hose; that tho city is :.it.out adoquato Plat), prow
tootion, rand tho i'-~' dinte nocessity o. ista .'or the city to oocuro another
fire truck, 'hied should bo a modern oosbination chemical and pu
rith capacity of at loaat one thousand gallons of rater ocr .•mute,
and oapablo of pulpin;' :rater for at locst tiro linos of hoso; that no provi-
sion has boon redo _An tho current budgot for the purchase e. a
f nor tiro truelt ow 1mt to the fact that the crorgcncy
which :.3 z.ric . n t o not raparmn.
r octior r. .:0„:1,rt,sav at rated crounX of money n0000 cry to root ouch
orrcrgenoy and tce'matgenidT _. ymant on modern fire ongino and chonical
ilvombined, is t:.° sun of jrn° P° dollar°.
Sootion 3. That by roason of the facts abovo sot forth in section 1
hereof, m axr gana x xXtx a public omorgoncy ex1,ato, thich could not havo
reasonably been Porosoon at the timo of r..3kinrr tho current budgot; ,-ohioh
publio emornoncy is nor doclarod to exist.
notion 4. That tho mayor and city �lerl, of the City of Port rn^olon be
and thoy cro ruby autr:ori ed to sign, execute and tissue emergency Tenants
upon the e, Fund of tho City of Fort '.nrol-
od in to amount not oxceo ing • • • a° dollars for the
purposo of ralrin - payr..en '."' r- ' onorn con nee Piro anrino Grid
sect on 5. That by reason of tho c orgoney horotoforo doolarod, end Ix
for tho ided6dinto prOscrvgtion of tho public peace, health and oafoty.of the
city or Port ;n1R 10 andrita.inhabitants, this orainanoo shall take otfeot
n be in t'orco from end after its paeans°, approval and lariul publication.
Paseod first roqdino by City Co*xrisaion tapte-rber 6, ,1926.
Posaod a000nd reading by City Cocmiiaalon .�optonbor 1bi 1926.
Paacod third readin,' and adopted by unanimous vote of tho City Com-
'ission nr pto^,bor :2, 1926.
' nprovod • nd of-nod by tho nayor Soptorbor ,Z2, 1926,
ity Clork.
r,orovod a to fin:
' '.
Ir �j
Ci tff,' Attorney.
Dote of nnhttnnt t nn
CiT41L 7-