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An ordinance regulating the installation, arrange-
ment, alteration, repair, use and operation of electrical
wiring, eonneetione, fixtures and other electrical appliances
in buildinac and other strictures within the city of Port
Angeles; providing for the inspection of same; fixing the
fees therefor; providing for the licensing of qualified
persona, firms or corporations to perform such work; fixing
a license tee therefor; providing a penalty for the violation
of this ordinance; repealing all former ordinances and parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency.
.'he City Commission of the City
of Port Ingeles:do ordain 43 foliowc;
SECTILL1 1. It shall hereafter be unlawful for
any person, firm, or corporation to place or install, or to
,cause or permit to be placed or installed, in any building
or other structure in the city of Port Angeles, any wiring,
apparatus, or fixtures for the use of eleotftieity, or to make
or to cause or permit to be made, any alterations or change
in, or addition to, any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for
such use without first procuring a license and paying the fee
therefor, in the manner and in the amount hereinafter set
forth, provided that this ordinance shall not apply to the
installation of wires for the operation of electric door
bells,gas- lighting apparatus, house enunciators, burglar
alarms, telephone, district messenger, fire alarm systems, or
other apparatus when operated by battery or batteries not
exceedind.16 volts.
OECTION 2. The fee for the license required
by ..eetion 1 of this ordinance shall be the sum of twenty -
five dollars (325.00). All licenses shall bear the date
of issue, and shall expire on the 31st day of December
following the date of issue. In making an2lication
for' license applicant shall file a good and sufficient
surety bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00)
to be approved by the City Commission, conditioned that if
such license be granted, said person, firm or corporation
will faithfully comply with the ordinances of the city of
Port Angeles regulating the business of wiring, and will
hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from all damages and claim of
damage accruing from.any wiring done by such licensee.
SECTION 3, Every person, firm or corporation
desiring a license for any of the purposes set forth in
Section 1 of this ordinance shall file with the City Clerk
an application in writing therefor, which application shall
state the name and place of business of tae applicant, and
in case of corporations, the nacres of each of its officers,
and in case of partnerships;, the names and addresses of
each of the partners.
SECTION 4.The City Clerk shall at the next regular
meeting reger said_ application to -the-City Commission. If,
upon investigation, the City Commission shall be satisfied
that such applicant has complied with the laws of the State
of Washington relative to procuring a license for such pur-
poses, and that such applicant is otherwise qualified to
perform such work, it shall, by majority vote, order that a
license issued to such applicant upon the payment by him
of the license fee therefore as herein provided.
SECTION 5. Every person, firm, or corporation
licensed under the provisions of this ordinance shall be
•entitled, upon the expiration of suoh license or, any renewal
thereof, by the payment of a fee •of twenty -five dollars
(25.00), on or before the date of expiration of such license,
or any renewal thereof, to have such license renewed for
the ensuing year ending December 31st, so long as such
applicant shall have complied with all the terms and pro -
visions of this ordinance.
t , e
SECTION 6. It shall be unlawful for any such.
licensee to place or install, or to cause or permit to be
placed or installed in any building or other structure in the
City of Tort hngeles, any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for
the use of electricity, or to rake or cause, or permit to
be made, any alterations or change in, or addition to any
wiring, a paratus or fixtures for such use, without first,
obtaining from the electrical inspector of such city, w
written permit to do so.
SECTION 7. Such licensee shall make application
to the electrical inspector for a permit, which application
shall contain a statement' of the nature of all the work to
be done thereunder, the nature and kind of electrical machine,
wiring, apparatus, appliance or equipment to be installed,
altered, extended or repaired; the extent of the work Lo -
be done; the name of the owner or occupant of the premises,
by street dnd number; anti the location of the place of
business of such applicant.
Er2cTior 8. The electrical inspector shall not
issue such permit unless the applicant therefor.shall have.
first been licensed by the City Commission to do such work as
in this ordinance provided.)
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CI;CTICn7 9. Upon the compliance by said applicant
with the provisions hereof, the electrical inspector shall
r'orthwith issue a .pe.rmi. to such,akelicant,, which permit
shw11 contain a statement of the nature and kind of
electrical machine, wiring, Apparatus, appliance or equipment
to be installed, altered, extended, or repaired; the extent
of the ,work to be done; the name of the owner or occupant
of the premises and the location thereof.
t , f
LEMON 10. If the work authorized by such
permit is not commenced within sixty days after the date
thereof, or in case of removal of the place of business of
such licensee from the City of Port Angeles, such permit ,
shall thereupon and thereafter by void. In such case,
before such work is commenced, a new prrmit shall be ob-
tained in like manner as the first.
pnCTION 11. (A) All electrical construction
and all materials and appliances used in connection with
electrical work, and the operation of all electrical
apparatus in buildings in the City of Port Angeles shall
conform to the rules and regulations set forth in the
National Electric Code, being rules and requirements for.the-
installation of electrical apparatus and wiring, as tae same
are established and on file in the office of the City Clerk,
and the said rules and requirements, with the local rulings
hereinafter specified, are hereby adopted for the government
of the installation and use of electrical appliances in the
City of Port Angeles.
(B) When any electrical contractor under this
ordinance shall notify the electrical inspector of the com-
pletion of the gyring or installation of electrical apparatus
or machinery,, the electrical inspector shall as soon as
possible, and within forty -eight hours after said notice,
inspect or cause to be inspected said work and if approved
by him he shall issue a certificate of said inspection which
shall contain the date of said inspection and an outlinelof
the result of.;euch. examination.. ;IIe -aha11 -also, upon the
final inspection of arY work requiring, or likely to require,
a meter or connection'to service, give a certificate of final
and satisfactory inspection to the contractor.
(C) No electric work or wiring for which a
permit is issued or required shall be put to use or connected
to service wired ci any source of electrical energy unal
until inspected and accepted by the electrical inspector.
SECTION 12. Any and all dynamos, motors, wires
and ri,chinery, apparatun'and materials used for electrical
purposes which may at any time become so defective as to
be likely, in the opinion of the electrical inspector, and
fire chief, to cause fires or accidents,, or to endanger
persons or property, shall be condemned; and when, in their
opinion, it is deemed necessary,;in order to prevent such
danger, said inspector is hereby authorized to disconnect
such wires or apparatus, or to cause the same to be dis-
connected from service, and written notice shall be given
or - agent. -
the or:merh such wiring or apparatus shall not be reconnected
until the provisions of this ordinance have been fully com-
plied'with to the satisfaction of the electrical inspector
and fire chief.:
SECTION 13: ITo so- called "concealed" wiring
shall be covered or lathed over or concealed from sight until.
the_ aame_has been -duly inspected and approved by the
electrical inspector as provided for in Section 12, and nny
person having charge of the construction„ alteration or
repair of any building or any other person or persons who
conceals or causes to be concealed or covered such wiring,
shall be deemed a violator of this ordinance and subject to
the penalties as provided in Section 24 of this ordinance.
SECTION 14. The term, "Fire Limits" as re-
ferred to in this ordinance relating to electrical work
within the fire limits of the city, shall be taken to
mean and include the district within the fire limits as defined
by Ordinance i{o. 1155'or .as .the same may from.timeto time be..amended.
15. (A) All buildings within the Fire
Lin.its of the City of Port Angeles not wired previous to the
passage of this ordinance, must be wired according to the
National L1 ectric.l Code specifications for conduit or
armoured work, except that all theatres, moving picture
theatres, schools, churches, hospitals, and public buildings,
regardless of location, must be wired entirely according to
the said :rational Electrical Code specifications for conduit
(B) n Public Building shall be construed to be
any building cthere dances or public gatherings are held, with
floor space sufficient to accommodate 100 or more ;eople at
one time.
(C) Service switches must be located as near as
possible to where wires enter building, not to exceed
fifteen (15) feet where possible; and if possible must be
within seven (7) feet from the ground floor of building, and
in no case will the service or entrance switch be al-owed
in a basement, except an insulated mat be placed on the
floor in front of cabinet... Not more than four circuits
will be allowed on a 30 esnpere entrance switch and. Humber
10 sertioe wires.
.(D) Wires must not be run diagonally through joist,
studding or. timber.
(E) Mires must be so-knobbed that strain will not
come on tap or tube. Broken tubes or knobs must not be-
used for niud bushings.
(F) In attics, wires must be run through ceiling
joists, and when necessary to jump to roof rafter must be
ran as olose as possible to eaves or protected by suitable •
(G) Split knobs must be used and must be fastened
with screwyo, nails as -per code. =-� -
(H) *o wire smaller than No. 10, B. & S. Gauge,
may be used for service outlets.
(I) there porch is not built when wiring is
installed, wires must be knobbed on outside wall and encased
In loom long enough to reach outlet or be cut off at knobs.
(J) All conduit work must be double lock- nutted
to cabinets, outlets or other boxes.
(K) Vat more than eight (8) light outlets for
residences and four (4) for rusiness houses will be allowed
on one circuit without special permission from the electrical
inspector. In no case will a load of more than six hundred
sixty (660) watts be permitted on any lighting circuit.
(L) Each set of mains, of feeders or sub- feeders,
must be protected by separate fuses, or when wire sizes are
(M) All alternating current motors of less than
two (2) B . rating may be wired on one set of fuses. All
alternating current motors, the rating of which is two (2)
or more H.P., Then not provided with approved compensators,
must be wired on double throw switches with starting and
running fuses.. rotors of 10 or more Ha. must have
-- approved compensators or other equivalent starting device,
(DI All motors of 1 Hz. or larger, regardless of
locatinn within the City, must be wired with conduit or
armoured cable.
(0) All buildings within the city not wired
previous to the passage of this ordinance must have standard
steel cabinets or out out boxes with continuous conduit
service and approved service head, which service head shall
be at least six inches clear of the building at all points.
(P) fletible loom shall not be extended to the
(Q) All heist and motor loads shrl1 be wired in
conduit or approved Metal armour wherever located.
v- ".s
SECTION 16. t. oving picture theatres must in
all respects be wired according to Section 15 (A) of this
ordinance, and according #o the Standard Specifications of
the rational Electrical Code for wiring of moving picture
theatres and the - constriction and installation of the
moving picture machine, enclosure and equipment, shall be
in accordance with the rules and requirements of the
Washington Surveying and ratting Bureau (State representative
of the rational Board of Fire Underwriters as the same
are now established and on file in the office of the
electrical inspector.
±BCCTIO:.r 17. All kitchens and bath rooms shall
have separate wall snitches for each li ;htin ; fixture, and .
where drop cords or brackets are used in kitchens, bath •
rooms, in basements or over concrete floors when danger of
a ground exists, such places shall have porcelain lamp
SEC TIC% 18. To armoured cable shall be used
except for interior work, and then only in accordance with.
provisions .et forth in Rational .electrical Code.
LECTICii 19. :Lhe term "Electrical Signet shall
a'ply only to signs in which the wiring or lighting is
permanently oncloced within the body of the sign, or where
the lights are arranged on the face of the sign to form
letters or designs. No sign using an indirect or re-
fleeted light shall be classed as an electrical sign. All -
electricu'1 signs hhall have a separate circuit with 'proper
cut -out and fuses.
14.0 . . mil gar4ges using portable lamps
shall be equipped,with re- enforced cord of brewery type or
• .;r
better, and where more than two cats are kept shall be
wired in conduit or approved metal armour.
:MOTION 21. All alterations to electrical in-
stallations required by the inspector shall be made promptly
and without unnecessary delay, and should more than one trip
be necessary for inspection due to faulty wiring a charge
of ti,1.00 per inspection trip shall be made, and no further
permit shall be issued this contractor until all charges
are paid.
ECTI•Oii 224 Cotton or silk covered cord shall not
be used except for - pendant lamps and shall clear the floor
at least five (5) feet.
LOTIOU 23. All services shall be run to point
of building closest to line and shall be not less than
three (3) feet in length.
OtCTICZ 24. any person, firm or corporation
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
sJiall be tined in any sum not exceeding One yiun&red Dollaf;s
(0_00.00) or ir"prison.ent in the city jail, not exceeding
thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
O.CCTIOi 25. Nothing in this ordinance shall be
construed to prohibit any one from doing wiring in his own
home where --:,..he,- &ctuaily resid &or intends _to reside as soon as
cotrieted, but shall first take out a permit for such
work, and have the work inspected, hnfi such owner shall not
be required to'procure a license or file a bond.
SECTION This ordinance is declared to be
urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the
public peace, health and safety; an emergency therefore
exists and this ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage,,. approval and publication.
Passed first re:::dinz by the City Commission March 16, 1927
Passed second reading by the City Commission °`J 3- 11)-1
Passed third readin; and adopted by the City Commissions 2.-3 -111
Approved and signed by the Mayor
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