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AN ORDINANCE to provide for the specifications for the con-
struction of concrete sidewalks upon the streets and alleys in the
City of Port Angeles, and providing a penalty for the violation there-
Section I. Hereafter it shall be unlawOor any person,
firm, or corporation to construct, lay or build concrete sidewalks
outside the limits of any private property or upon any street or al-
ley in the City of Port Angeles between the property line and the
street line, which
the specificatigxis
shall not conform with,. be equal to or better than
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and requirements set forth ii`n Section II here f.
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Section IE. It shall be la*ful for the City of Port An-
geles by its duly appointed and constituted agents and employees to
inspect all material and workmanship going into the construction of
concrete sidewalks described in Section I hereof, during the course
of construction thereof for the purpose of determining whether or not
the specifications provided in Section II of this ordinance are being
fully complied with.
Section I. Any person, firm or corporation violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance or laying, building or construct-
ing any sidewalk mentioned in Section I hereof, of a quality of con-
struction which is not in conformity with, equal to or better than
the specifications provided in Section I, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable for pay-
ment of a fine in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00).
SectionfV This ordinance is declared to be urgent and
necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, ealt
and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and afterhits
passage, approval and publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, March 23, 1927.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, March 30, 1927.
Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission,
Approved and signed by the Mayor this 10 day of' dl ,1927.
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
Published ' I �1
All cement used in cement oonerete sidewalks shall be
what is oommonly known as "American Portland Cement" and shall
meet the renuirements of the current standard specifications of
the "American Society for Testing Materials ".
Fine Aggregate.
Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or screen-
ings from hard,tough crushed rook,clean and free from any surface
film or coating and graded from fine to coarse,with coarse part-
icles predominating.
Pine aggregate ,when dry shall pass a screen having
four (4) mesh 'bib the linear inch; not more than twenty five (25)
per cent shall pass a screen having fifty (50) mesh to the linear
inoh;and not more than five (5) per oent shall pass a screen having
one hundred meat to the linear inch.
Fine aggregate shall not contain injurious vegetable or
organic matter,nor more than five (5) per cent by volume of clay
or loam.
• Field tests may be made by the City Lngineer at any time
during the progress of the work. If there is more than five (5)
per cent of clay or loam by volume,o p injurious vegetable matter,
the material represented by the sample shall be rejected.
Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean,durable crushed
rook or ebbles �(o f inc
p ,graded in size from coarseA,free from vegetable
or other organic matter and shall contain no soft,flat or elon-
gated particles. The size of the coarse aggregate shall range
in size from one and one half(lil inches down to fine,but not more
than five (5) per cent shall pass a screen having four (4) mesh
to the linear inch.
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The sub -grade shall be excavated to a depth of four (4)
inches below the finished grade,all soft and spongy places shall
be removed and filled with suitable material.
The sub -grade shall be thonoughly settled and compressed
by wetting and tamping before the concrete is placed thereon.
All material excavated or removed from the work and
not used on the improvement shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfaotory to the City ingineer,provided that the City Engineer
shall not require the property owner or contractor to haul the
excavated material a distance greater than two thousand (2000)
The contractor or owner shall furnish suitable lumber
for forms,of such shape and dimentiens as may be required. The
City Engineer will require forms and templates to be strongly
built and braced so that they will not go out of line or change
grade when the concrete is deposited in or against them.
Cement concrete sidewalks shall be oonstructed between,
and parallel to the property line and the line of the curb. The
• location and grade stakes will be set by the City Engineer.
The water used in mixing concrete shall be free
appreciable amounts of oil,acid,alkali or organic matter.
quabtity of water
to be used,in mixing concrete,shall not exceed
7.75 gallons per sack of cement,for 1 -3 -5 concrete.
Cement concrete sidewalks in the City of Port Angeles
• shall consist of two (2) courses; 1st, a concrete base three and
one half (3i) inches thick
The wearing course shall be
depth and shall be composed
,composed of a 1 -3 -5 concrete mixture.
one half (2) inch thick or over in
of a 1-2* Portland cement and sand
Not less than one (1) barrel of cement shall be used
for each fifty (50) square feet of finished four (4) inch side-
The concrete shall be mixed in the proportions,by
volume of one (1) sack of portland oement,three (3) cubic feet
eof fine aggregate and five (5) cubic feet of coarse aggregate.
The concrete shall be mixed by maohine except when the
City Engineer shall permit under special conditions.
A batch mixer of approved type shall be used. The
ingredients of the concrete mortar shall be mixed to the specified
consistency andthe mixing shall continue for at least one minute
after all the materials are in the drum.
The materials shall be mixed wet enough to produce a
concrete of a consistency that will flush readily under tamping
but which can be handled without causing a separation of the coar-
se aggregate from the mortar. But Ihall not exceed the maximum
amount of water specified per sack of cement.
After mixing the concrete shall be handled rapidly and
the successive batches deposited in a continuous operation comp-
leting individual sections to the required delkpth and width.
Under no othrcumstances shall concrete that has partly
hardenedbe used. Forms shall be filled and the concrete str3k
off and tamped to a surface the thickness of the wearing course
below the established grade of the walk. If dirt, dust or sand s
collects on the base it shall be removed before the wearing
course is applied. Workman shall not be permitted to walk in
the freshly laid concrete.Any concrete in excess of that needed
to complete a section at the stopping of work shall not 'housed.
In no case shall concrete be deposited upon a frozen subgrade
or subbase.
•When it is necessary to mix by hand the material
shall be mixed on a watertight platform until the mixture is -a`
uniform color,the required amount of water added, and the mix-
ing continued until the mass is of a uniform consistency of
character throughout.
The wearing course shall be mixed in the proportion
t V.
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of one (1) saok of Portland Cement and two and one -half (2)
Cubic Peet of fine aggregate.
The mortar shall be of the driest consistency possible to work
with sawing motion of the strikeboard.
The wearing oourse shall be placed immediately after mixing. It
shall be deposited on the fresh concrete of the base before the
latter has appreciably hardened, and brought to the established
grade with a strikeboard.
After the wearing course has been brought to the
established grade by means of a strikeboard,it shall be worked
with a wooden float in a manner which will thoroughly compact it
and provide a surface free from depressions or irregularities
of any kind.
The surface shall have a "scratch trowel" finish.
The troweling effect shall ht all times be perpendicular to the
line of walk to expidite the movement of storm water of of the
walk. The type of trowel chosen for the work shall be approved
by the City Engineer.
In no case shall dry cement or a mixture of dry cement
and sand be sprinkled on the surface to absorb moisture or to
• hasten the hardening,
All mortar or concrete which, in the opinion of the
City Engineer,fail to how proper bond,or that fails to set
after a sufficient length of time,shall be taken up and replaced
by the Contractor or Owner ,at his own expense,with new mortar
ior concrete of proper quality.
The pattern on the finished walk shall consist of
• uniform squares,except when triangular or irregular figures
occur of neoessity,such squares shall occupy the whole or any
part of the width of the walk as directed by the Engineer.
The above mentioned pattern on the finished walk
shall be made with a Cement edging tool that will turn a
quarter inch radius and cut one quarter inch deep,
The marking shall be done in a workmanlike manner,
(5) ti
"V" GROOVES. Con't. J y
the traverse grooves shall be made at right angles
to the walk.
On grades steeper than four per cent,the surface shall
be roughtened finishing with a coarse brush,or in such a manner
as the City Engineer may direot.
At all places in street intersections when concrete
sidewalks join the curb,at all street margins produced,there
shall be an expansion joint. On straight lengths of walks,joints
shall be placed not over twenty -five feet apart.Joints shall not
be less than one -half inch thick and shall be perpendicular
to the line of the walk or parallel thereto. All joints shall be
perpendicular and extend entirely thru the sidewalk.
The filler for the joints shall be either Asphaltic
Filler,or prepared strips of Fiber matrix,and bitumen of manu-
facture approved by the City Engineer.