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AN ORDINANCE granting to Chas. A. Davidson the right to in-
stall and maintain ten rubbish cans or baskets on street corners in
he ,City of Port Angeles for a period of three years; providing for
servicing and maintaining said cans or baskets, and for placing ad-
vertising matter thereon.
Section I. That there be and is he by r t'__edd un o has.
A. Davidson the right, privilege, license, a hors y and fr c ise A a4i4
construct and place upon certain street corners in the City of Port
Angeles, ten rubbish cans or baskets of the following dimensions:
Two feet square by forty -four inches high, constructed of twenty -eight
gauge galvanized steel, sturdy channel iron frame; special self -clos-
ing lids, tapered tops.
`"77- "r7rrr tibn Il. Said can or baskets shall be installed' and
maintained where directed by the Street Department of the City of Port
Angeles at the following named locations: Southwest corner of Front
and Laurel Streets; Northeast corner of Front and Laurel Streets; South-
east corner of Front and Oak Streets; Southwest corner of Ptont and
Lincoln Streets; Southeast.00rner of First and Oak Streets; Northwest
• corner of First and Laurel Streets; Northeast corner of First and Lau -
rel Streets; Northwest corner of First and Lincoln Streets; Southwest
corner of First and Lincoln Streets; Southwest corner of Lincoln and
Second Streets.
Section'III. Said cans or bass shall be at all times
maintained by the said Davidson in a neat and sanitary condition, and
shall be serviced daily.
Section IV. The said Davidson shall have the right to place
such advertising matter upon the outside of said cans or baskets as he
may desire; provided, however, that no objectionable, unlawful or offen-
. sive advertising shall at any time be placed upon the same.
Section V. The said cans or baskets shall at all times be
under the control of the City of Port Angeles; and if found to be ob-
jectionable or to interfere in any way with the use of the City streets
Oitdesi•gnated, may be ordered removed entirely, or moved to
other locations..•.by the City Commission:
Section VI. This ordinance shall not become operative un-
til the said Davidson shall make and file with the City Commission of
the City of Port Angeles a surety company bond in the penal sum. of
�. Id
five thousand dollars (), conditioned to indemnify and save
harmless the City of Port Angeles from any and all damage to persons
or property caused or alleged to be caused by reason of the installa-
tion or maintenance of said cans or baskets.
Section VII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
full fhrce from and after its passage and approval and from and after
thirty days after its lawful publication.
• Passed first reading by the City Commission, June 15, 1927.'
Passed second reading by the City Commission, June 22, 1927.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Com-
mission, June 22, 1927.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this U day of June, 1927.
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
('w1- City Attorney.
Date of Publication Z 3 4, 1927.