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AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing sanitary drainage for b,"
the following described real property in the City of Port Angeles by rt
the filling in of the said property to approximately elevation fil,
above mean lower low water, to wit: The real property enclosed by the; '
bulkhead, the construction of which has been ordered and provided for b
by Ordinance No.0 3r, to wit: Lot 1 and the EE of Lot 2 in Block 2, a
Tidelands West of laurel Street, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive in Block 1,
Tidelands west of Laurel Street, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in Block 1,
Tidelands East of Laurel Street and Lots 8 and 9. in Block 2, Tidelands
/he harper araa lying betZecn ytie norfl, J,ra o f a
East of Laurel Street ithe said filling and all work incidental there-
to to be carried on in connection with the said project, which may be
necessary, to be in accordance with plans, specifications and maps pre-
pared by the City Engineer, adopted by the City Commission, and in ac-
cordance with Local Improvement Resolution No. 119; and providing for
the payment of the cost of said improvement by special assessment upon
. b e property -with said district - according to 1$w •ancl "by 'Ne mode'-Of`
"payment by bonds ".
Section I. That the following described improvement of the
following described real property in the City of Port Angeles is here-
by ordered in the manner following to wit: The filling in of the fol-
lowing described property to wit: Lot 1 and the of Lot 2 in Block
2, Tidelands west of Laurel Street, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive in Block 1,
Tidelands west of Laurel Street, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in Block 1, Tide -1i,
lands East of Laurel Street and.Lots 8 ay. 9 i ploel 2�,s T�idsland Eat Tdr
and 4help vbar arty /y�ly e weer) e /V r the o ,f L e z BJ.
of Laurel Street, to approximately elevation 4.11 above mean lover low
water, in order to bring the said described real property which is in-
cluded within the interior limits of the bulkhead on Railroad Avenue,
Oak, Laurel and Lincoln Streets provided for in Ordinance No. of
the City of Port Angeles, which ordinance provides for the improvement
of Oak Street from the northerly margin of Front Street to the south-
411 erly margin of Railroad Avenue; Laurel Street from a point one hundred
feet north of the northerly margin of Front Street to the southerly
margin of Railroad Avenue; Lincoln Street from the northerly margin of
Front Street to the southerly margin of Railroad Avenue; Railroad
Avenue from a point seventy -five feet westerly from the westerly mar-
gin of Oak Street to a point one hundred feet easterly from the easter-
ly margin of Lincoln Street by removing the present old trestle, con-
structing a bulkhead along the northerly margin of Railroad Avenue, al-
so extending back in a southerly direction on a line parallel with Lin-
coln and Oak Streets to the high water line, filling Railroad Avenue,
Oak, Laurel and Lincoln Streets up to approximately elevation 416.50
above mean lower low water, to an elevation sufficient to provide sani-
tary drainage for the said real property, which filling is made neces-
sary by reason of the fact that the said elevation +16.50 above mean
"--"*" 1ower low water provided for the said bulkhead, is a higher elevation
than the private property abutting on said bulkhead and would thereby
render the drainage of said private property impracticable without the
raising of the surface of the said private property to approximately
elevation 411 above mean lower low water; and by further reason of the
fact that without the filling in of said private property to approxim-
ately elevation 411 above mean lower low water, the said private pro-
perty would be so low as to make sanitary drainage impracticable.
• Section II. That the cost and expense of said improvement,
• including all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne by and
assessed against the property included in the assessment district here-
inafter created, in accordance with law and the ordinances of the City
of Port Angeles; and the said city shall not be liable in any manner
for any part of the cost and expense of said improvement, except so
far-as the said City is made liable by virtue of the statutes of the
State of washington in such cases made and provided and particularly
those statutes providing and directing that the City of Port Angeles
create a Local Improvement guarantee fund for the purpose of guarantee-
ing, to the extent of such fund and in the manner provided by the law,
the payment of Local improvement bonds issued to pay for local improve-
ments ordered by the said City.
Section III. That there be and is hereby created and estab-
lished a local improvement district of said city to be called Local Im-
provement District No. 119, which said district shall include the fol-
lowing described property, to wit: Lot 1 and the Ei of Login Block 2,
Tidelands West of Laurel Street, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, in Block 1,
Tidelands west of Laurel Street, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, in Block 1,
Tidelands East of Laurel Street, Iand Lots 8 and 9 in Block 2 Tidelands, •
C a'," a" Ay�GI /y�•'+f'19 wee f'hc.J✓a.v/h liar o-7e /mil
East of Laurel Street a7 Jfh h f /tI cn�l sr�
* thr z ofLaf2, 8ctezL T -L. u/. efLaarc /s71,'ts
Section 1V. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per
cent,.per.,,.annum, payable on or before. twelve years -from =the data- ofw -i.-
suanoe shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of said im-
provement, which bonds shall be redeemed by collection of special as-
sessments to be levied and assessed upon and against the property in
said district, payable in ten annual installments, with interest at
said rate, under the mode of "payment by bonds" as defined by law and
the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. These bonds may be deli-
vered to the contractor in redemption of warrants on the local improve-
111 went district fund, issued on estimates of the City Engineer, or the
City of Port Angeles may, at its election, sell said bonds and pay for
said improvements in cash.
.f Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force after its passage and approval and from and after five days af-
ter its lawful publication.
[ s'
Passed first reading by the City Commission, October ,
-34 Passed second reading by the City Commission, November
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the
City Commission, November 1927.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this day of November,
F-e-45 VC-A- C.
city Clerk.
Approved as t
£y Attorney.
Description approved
City Engineer.
_.._.. iblished 710.44—