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AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the assessments and as-
sessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 115 created under Or-
dinance No. 823, approved June 10, 1927, ordering and providing for
the improvement of the following described portions of streets of the
City of Port Angeles, in the manner following, to wit: The improvement
of Lincoln Street in the City of Port Angeles from the north margin of
the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets to the north margin of Eigh-
th Street by removing old sidewalks; grading; constructing a roadway
fifty feet wide between curbs; constructing a concrete curb and gutter;
constructing concrete sidewalks five feet wide on each side of said
street; paving the approaches to all alleys opening on that portion of
Lincoln Street to be improved; gravelling the said roadway, andspread-
ing thereon, "Calcium Chloride", excepting that on the East side of
Lincoln Street between the south margin of the alley between Fifth and
Sixth Streets and the north margin of the alley between Fourth and
Fifth Streets, no curb and gutter or concrete sidewalks shall be con-
structed, and the present wooden sidewalks shall be left intact; also
to improve Eighth Street in said City from the east margin of Lincoln
Street to the east end of the Valley Creek bridge, by removing old
sidewalks; grading; constructing a roadway fifty feet wide between
curbs; constructing a concrete curb and gutter and concrete sidewalks
five feet wide on each side of said street; laying an eight inch Storm
sewer with all necessary inlets, catch basins, manholes, etc.; gravel-
ling the said roadway, and spreading "Calcium Chloride" on said road-
way; all of which improvement to be done and made in accordance with
maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, adopted
by the City Commission, and in ,accordance with Local Improvement Reso-
lution No.,115 of the City of Port Angeles; ordering the levy and col-
lection of such assessments; creating and establishing a special fund
for said district and ordering that said assessments be paid into said
special fund.
Section I. That the assessments and assessment roll for Lo-
cal Improvement District No. 115, created by Ordinance No. 823, approv-
ed June 10, 1927, which said ordinance ordered and provided for the
improvement of the following described streets and alleys in the City
of Port Angeles, and 'in the manner following to wit: The improvement
of Lincdn Street in the City of Port Angeles from the north margin of
the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets to the north margin of Eigh-
th Street by removing old sidewalks; grading; constructing a roadway
fifty feet wide between curbs; constructing a concrete curb and gut-
ter; constructing concrete sidewalks five feet wide on each side of
said street; paving the approaches to all alleys opening on that por-
tion of Lincoln Street to be improved; gravelling the said roadway,
and spreading thereon, "Calcium Chloride ", excepting that on the East
side of Lincoln Street between the south margin of the alley between
Fifth and Sixth Streets and the north margin of the alley between Four -
th and Fifth Streets, no curb and gutter or concrete sidewalks shall be
constructed, and the present wooden sidewalks shall be left intact;
also to itprove Eighth Street in said City from the east margin of Lin-
coln Street to the east end of the Valley Creek bridge, by removing
old sidewalks; grading, constructing a roadway fifty feet wide between
curbs; constructing .a concrete curb and gutter and concrete sidewalks
five feet wide on each side of said street; laying an eight inch Storm
sewer with all necessary inlets, catch basins, manholes, etc.; gravel-
ling the said roadway, and spreading "Calcium Chloride" on said road-
way; all of which improvement to be done and made in accordance with
maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, adopted
by the City Commission, and in accordance with Local Improvement Reso -.
lution No. 115 of the City of Port Angeles; and which said ordinance
created a local improvement district and provided for payment for said
improvement by the method of "payment by bonds "; as said assessment
roll now stands, as revised, changed, raised, lowered and modified by
the City Commission sitting as a Board of Equalization thereon on the
day of
, 1927, according to regular notice thereof and
the ordinances of said city, and in accordance with the findings and
order of said Board then and there made, be and the same are hereby in -.
all respects approved and confirmed in all things.
Section II. That each lot, tract and parcel of land shown
upon said assessment roll is hereby declared specially benefitted by
said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same, and
that the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to the
several assessments appearing upon said roll, and there is hereby lev-
ied and assessed against each said lot, tract or parcel of land appear-
ing on said roll the amount actually charged and assessed therein upon
and against the same.
Section III. That there is hereby created and established
for said Local Improvement District No. 115 a special fund to be known
• and designated as Local Improvement District No. 115 for the uses and
purposes provided in such case by law and the ordinances of said city.
Section IV. That said assessments, or any of them, may be
paid without interest at any time within thirty days from the date of
the first publication of the City Treasurerss notice to pay the same
as required by law to be given; and all assessments not paid within
said period of thirty days shall thereafter be paid in ten equal annual
installments with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per
• annum.
Section V. That immediately upon the taking effect of this
ordinance, said assessment roll shall be turned over and delivered to
the City Treasurer for the collection thereof, who shall thereupon pro-
ceed to collect the same according to law.
1 • r
Section VI. This ordinance shall be in full force and ef-
fect when it shall have been passed by the City Commission, approved
by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk, approved by the City Attor-
ney, and from and after five days after its publication in the official
newspaper of said city; and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause
the same to be so published.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, November 2 3, 1927.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, November 3° , 1927.
Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission, November 30 ,
Approved and signed by the Mayor, November 3 O , 1927.
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ity Clerk.
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Approved as to form: , /
y Attorney.