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An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 819, entitled, "An or-
dinance regulating the installation, arrangement, alteration, repair,
use and operation of electrical wiring, connections, fixtures and
other electrical appliances in buildings and other structures within
the city of Port Angeles; providing for the inspection of same; fix-
ing the fees therefore; providing for the licensing of qualified per-
sons, firms or corporations to perform such work; fixing a license
fee therefor; providing a penalty for the violation of this ordin-
ance; repealing all former ordinances and parts of ordinances in con-
flict herewith and declaring an emergency ", approved March 23, 1927.
section I. That Section 15 of Ordinance No. 819, entitled,
"An ordinance regulating the installation, arrangement, alteration,
repair, use and operati -n of electrical wiring, connections, fixtures
and other electrical appliances in buildings and other structures
within the city of Port Angeles; providing for the inspection of same;
fixing the fees therefore; providing for the licensing of qualified
persons, firms or corporations to perform such work; fixing a license
fee therefor; providing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance;
repealing all former ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith and declaring an emergency ", be and the same is hereby amend-
ed to read as follows:
Section 15. (A) All buildings within the following describ-
ed district not wired prior to the passage of this amendment shall be
wired according to the Notional Electrical Code specifications for rigid
conduit, to wit: The North half of Blocks Thirty -three (33), Thirty -
two (32), all of Block Fifteen (15) and the South eighty feet and the
East fifty feet of Block Fourteen (14) of the Townsite of Port Angel-
es. The west one hundred feet of Block seventeen (17) and all of
Block sixteen (16), Norman R. Smith's Subdivision, and the South eigh-
ty feet of Block One (1), Tidelands West of Laurel Street. The South
eighty feet of Block One (1), Tidelands East of Laurel Street and the
South eighty feet of Lots eight (8) and Nine (9), Block Two (2), Tide-
lands East of Laurel Street.
(B) All public buildings in the City of Port Angeles wher-
ever located, not wired prior to the passage of this amendment, shall
be wired according to the National Electrical Code specifications for rigid
conduit, and the public building is hereby declared to be any build-
ing used for theatre, moving picture theatre, school, church, hospi-
tal, hotel, public dances and for the purposes of public gathering
or places where the public is invited to congregate.
(c) Service switches must be located as near as possible to
where wires enter building, not to exceed fifteen (15) feet where pos-
sible; and if possible must be within seven (7) feet from the ground
floor of building, and in no case will the service or entrance switch
• be allowed in basement, except an insulated mat be placed on the floor
in front of cabinet. Not more than four circuits will be allowed on
a 30 ampere entrance switch and Number 10 service wires.
(D) ';sires must not be run diagonally through joist, stud-
ding or timber.
(E) ;fires must be so knobbed that strain will not come on
tap or tube. Broken tubes or knobs must not be used for mud bushings.
(F) In attics, wires must be run through ceiling joists,
•and when necessary to jump to roof rafter must be run as close as pos-
sible to eaves or protected by suitable boxing.
(G) Split knobs must be used and fastened with screws or
nails as per code.
(H) No wire smaller than No. 10, B. & S. Gauge, may be us-
ed for service outlets.
(I) Where porch is not built when wiring is installed, wir-
es must be knobbed on outside wall and encased in loom long evugh to
reach outlet or be cut off at knobs.
(J) All conduit work must be double lock- nutted to_cabin-
ets, outlets or other boxes.
(K) Idot more than eight (8) light outlets for residents
and four (4) for business houses will be allowed on one circuit with-
out special permission from the electrical inspector. In no case will
a load of more than six hundred sixty (660) watts be permitted on any
lighting circuit.
(L) Each set of mains, of feeders or sub - feeders, must be
protected by separate fuses, or when wire sizes are changed.
(2:) All alternating current motors of less than two (2) H.
P. rating may be wired on one set of fuses. All alternating current
motors, the rating of which is two (2) or more H. P., when not provid-
ed with approved compensators, must be wired on double throw switches
with starting and running fuses. Motors of 10 or more U. P. must have
approved compensators or other equivalent starting device.
(N) All motors of 1 H. P. or larger, regardless of location
within the city, must be wired with conduit or armoured cable.
(0) All buildings within the city not wired previous to the
passage of this ordinance must have standard steel cabinets or cut out
boxes with continuous conduit service and approved service head, which
service head shall be at least six inches clear of the building at all
(P) Flexible loom shall not be extended to the weather.
(w) All heat and motor loads shall be wired in conduit or
approved -petal armour wherever located.
Section II. That Section 1 • nd every part thereof of the
said Ordinance No. 819, entitled, "An ordinance regulating the install-
ation, arrangement, alteration, repair, use and operation of electric-
al wiring, connections, fixtures and other electrical appliances in
buildings and other structures within the city of Port Angeles; provid-
ing for the inspection of same; fixing the fees therefore; providing
for the licensing of qualified persons, firms or corporations to per-
form such work; fixing a license fee therefor; providing a penalty
for the violation of this ordinance; repealing all former ordinances
and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emer-
gency", be and the same is hereby repealed, and from and after the
date of the taking effect of this ordinance, the same shall in every
respect be revoked, repealed and rescinded.
Section III. This ordinance is declared to be urgent and
necessary for the immediate preservation of tbe public peace, health
and safety; an emergency therefore exists and this ordinance shall be
in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and pub-
Passed first reading by the City Commission, Sentemter 28 1927.
A.L i- )-1,1. 14- r 5 11
Passed second reading by the City Commission,, 1327.
Passed. third reading, and adopted by the City Commission, , 13-S,01.
APproved and signed by the Mayor, . J-� • I4 (1
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
ma yo r .
City Attorney.
I Lit
Published 41` , 1927.