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ORDI:TAt7CE 110.
AU AADIRADCB authorising the Washington Refining Company,
a t7anhingtan Corporation, to lay, oonntruot,.maintain, oporato and
ropair pipelines for the transportation of petroleum oil and ita
by- produotn under, along and aoronn certain portions of ce$t in
ntrooto and alloys in tho City of Port Angoleo.
Tho CITY =MISSION of to City of Port Angolod Do Ordain
as follow!):
Section 1. That the Washington Roiining Company, a
?aahbi ton.Corporation, Ito nuocornors and cpoigna, is heroby
given a licenso and privile `for` fifty y+oara tram tho date on
which this orUnanoo ohall became otfootivo, to lay, oonntrnot,
maintain; oporato, repair, ronew rind chango tho nir�o of pipe linos
of not m r o than 4 in number, none to oaoeed. ,olght inchoa In internal
diameter, togother with neoesnary oonneotiono, manholes and appliance°
for the operation of said pipolineo.
: Said linen to be used for the trans-
portation of petroleum oil and its byproducts and for no other
purponoa whatever, under, aoroan and along tho tolloci ng described
portion of the following described streets and alloyo in the City
of Port Angeles, o -,,it: Beginning at tho Itorthtreoterly side of reat
to tl11. BloOer48,tePor Boles ! ownsito, thonae along motor St-.
Section 11. Tho terms.. oonditiona and provioionr3 under
which this .right and lieenvo is granted and to which it ohall at
all tined be eubjoet, and for a failuro of any one or mor.r of which
it may a$ the option of tho City be forthwith revokod, are the •
follow ing, to.oait:
1. All pipe to be laid and maintained under this liaonao
aha11 be of mod workmanohip and ohall Do standard otool pipe, lap
or butt vol&od with either waded, °crow or flange conno6tion.
S. Said p ipeiinen ohall bo laid at all points not leoo
than two foot under tho nartaot of the ground; all excavation°
for laying, repairing, renewing, changing the nice of and for
removing said pipes and appurtenant equipment ohall be done in ouch
manner an not to interfore with the free use of tho streets by the
publio oneept sash temporary interferenoo an may be necessarily
incident to the proper pronooution of paid work, and the Washington
Rofining Company shall rector° the surface of any a treo t or alloy
herein described which may bo dictambod by roaeon of its une
thoroof to a condition at loam as good an that of the root of
said utroot forthwith.
3. The Washington Rofining Company °hail hold the City
toma:.eos for any damago to poroons or property roouiting from the
opening of any rtroot or alloy; tho installation of any pipe or
apparatus and the maintenance of the mid pipoo and appurtenant
equipment, including any loon or damage occasioned by the osoapo
of petroleum, ganolino, gas or any petroleum products, or nand
any oonfl`g 'tiros- resulting -ism -any , esoaps -of .teach potroloi
and its by- products.
4. In tho evont tho City of Part Angeles obeli ohango
the de of any of the otroota alloys above doacribo4, the
Washington Rofining Company shall immliately, and at tat its
own °opt and azponm, ohango Ito pipeline and appurtenant equip-
ront to o cafori to ouch ehango of grado.
S. In the event the City of Port Angeles shill inotall
water pipes sower pipes, eleotrio amanita or any other oquipmont
to be used In connection troth parr on tho City's bueineee,
the pipoo and ap tons ut equipaon of the ilashix ton Refining
Company 'hall be by the paid C7shing ton Refining Copy any, and at
its can coot and exponao,,, irmaediato7;y °hanged ao ea to confor ► to
. anah installation of any auoh..equipmont .bythe. City of Port 4n ole3.
6. Tho 17anhington Refining Company shall pay to the City
of Port Angeles for the lioonao herein given, tho aura of 0100.00,
Section 11.1, This ordinance shall take offeot and be
in full farce from and after Ito ptioaago and approval and from and
after thirty dare after ito lartful publication*
Pawed first reading by the City` Comiocton, January 26, 1921
Passed second reading by tho City Conmioeion February 1, 1928,
Paned third reading and finally ;weed and adopted by the
City Commission February 1, 1928
Approved and signed by tho liayor this lot day of February 1928
Attest ;
C1 E. Shialda
City Cleuk
Approvod ea to fermi
Lewis A Churoh
City Attorneys
_VV.. B..Het rick _
Date of Publication 2 -3 -28
ORDINANCE 110..840.
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Washington Refining Company,
a Washington Corporation, to lay, Construct, maintain, operate and
repair pipelines for the transportation of petroleum oil and its
by- products under, along and across certain portions of certain
streets and alleys in the 'City of Port Angeles,
The CITY CaDIISSION of the City of Port Angeles Do Ordain
as folloee:
Section 1. That the Washington Refining Company, a
Washington Corporation, its successors and assigns, is hereby
given a license and privilege for fifty years from the date,on
which this ordinanoe shall become effective, to lay, construct,
maintain, operate, repair, renew and change the size of pipe lines
Of not mare than 4 in number, none to exceed eight inches in internal
diameter, together with necessary connections, manholes and appliances
for the operation of Said pipelines.
Said lines to be used for the trans
portation of petroleum oil and its by- products and for no other
purposes whatever, under, across and along the follori ng described
portions of the following described streets and alleys in the City
of Port Angeles, to -wit: Beginning at the Northwesterly side of
Lot 11, Block 48, Port Angeles Townsite, thence along Tumvrater Street
to its Northerly terminus,
Section 11. The terms, conditions and provisions under
which this right and lioense 1.s granted and to which it shall at
all times be subject, and for a failure of any one or more of which
it may a$ the option of the City be forthwith revoked, are the
following,to -vit:
1. All pipe to be laid and maintained under this lioense
shall be of good workmanship and shall be standard steel pipe, lap
or butt welded with either welded, screw or flange connedtion.
2. Said pipelines shall be laid at all points not less
than two feet under the surfed) of the wound; all excavations
for laying, repairing, renewing, changing the size of and /or
removing said pipes and appurtenant equipment shall be one in such
manner as not to interfere with the free use of the streets by the
publie except such temporary interterenoe as may be necessarily
inoident to the proper proseontion of said work, and the Washington
Refining Company shall restore the surface of any street or alley
herein described which may to disturbed by reason of its use
thereof to a condition at least as good as that of the rest of
said street forthwith.
3. The Washington Refining Company shall hold the City
harmless fcr any damage to persons or property resulting from the
opening of any street or alley; the installation of any pipe or
apparatus..and the maintenance of the said pipes and appurtenant
equipment, inoluding any loss or damage occasioned by the escape
of petroleum, gasoline, gas or any petroleum products,, or any
oonflgration resulting from any escape of such petroleumaccut
and its by- products.
4, In the event the City gf Port Angeles shall change
the grade of any of the streetsotel streets, alleys above described, the
Washington Refining Company shall immediately, and at #:± its
own cost and expense, change its pipelines and appurtenant equip-
ment to oonform to such change of grade.
5. In the event the City of Port Angeles shall install
water pipes sewer pipes, electric conduits or any other equipment
to be used in Connection with carrying on the Cityis business,
the pipes and appurtenant equipment of the Washington Refining
Company shall be by the said Washington Refining Company, and at
its own cost and expense, immediately changed so 88 to conform to
suoh installation of any such equipment bythe City of Port Angeles.
6. The Washington Refining Company shall pay to the City
of Port Angeles for the lieenso herein given the sum of 0100.00.
'Section 111, This ordinance shall take effect and be
in full, force from and after its passage and approval and from and
after thirty days after its lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, January 25, 1926
Passed second reading by the City Commission February 1, 1928.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the
City Commission February/ 1, 1928
Approve& and signed by the Mayor this let day or February 1928
W, B. Hedrick
Attest ;
C. 2, Shields - n 5-'''
City Clerk 1.
Approved as to form:
Lewis & Church
City Attorneys