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AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing for the following des-
cribed improvements in the following described portion of the City of
Port Angeles, to wit: The improvement of a portion of Third Street
and Third Street North by constructing a fifteen inch sanitary and
storm sewer along the south margin of Third Street from a point approx-
imately in the center line of "E" Street to a point on Third Street
North, approximately three hundred feet westerly from the west nargin
of "H" Street, which said sewer shall be drained by two outfalls, one
beginning at the . intersection of the center line of "E" street with
the South margin of Third Streets, and running thence northerly a dis-
tance of one hundred and fifty feet into Port Angeles Harbor, the oth -•
er outran beginning at a point approximately two hundred feet easter-
ly from the easterly margin of "H" Street, running thence northerly
through the Sampson Donation Claim, a distance of approximately seven
hundred feet into Port Angeles Harbor; together with all necessary man-
holes, catch basins, inlets, wyes, sand boxes, drainage gates and any
and all equipment necessary for the said construction; also the im-
provement of the above described portion of Third Street and Third
Street North by the construction thereon of a standard wooden sidewalk
along the southerly side thereof six feet in width, abutting upon the
southerly property line of said portion of Third Street and Third Street
North; creating Local Improvement District No. 122; and providing for
the payment of the cost and expense thereof by special assessments up-
on the property within the said distri\ t according to law and by the
mode of "payment by bonds ", all in accordance with improvement resolu-
tion No. 122 of the City of Port Angeles, and in accordance with maps,
plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved
and adopted by the City Commission.
Section I. That there is hereby ordered the following des-
cribed improvements'in the following described .portion of the City of
Port Angeles, to wit: The improvement of a portion of Third Street and
Third Street North by constructing a fifteen inch sanitary and storm
sewer along the south margin of Third Street from a point approximate-
ly in the center line of "E" Street to a point on Third Street North,
approximately three hundred feet westerly from the west margin of "H"
Street, which sald sewer shall be drained by two outfalls., one begin-
ning at the intersection of the center line of "E" street with the South
margin of Third Streets, and running thence northerly a distance of one.
hundred and fifty feet into Port Angeles harbor, the other outfall be-
ginning at a point approximately two hundred feet easterly from the eas-
terly margin of'"H" Street, running thence northerly through the Samp-
son Donation Claim, a distance of approximately seven hundred feet into
Port Angeles Harbor; together with all. necessary manholes, catch basins,
inlets, wyes, sand: boxes, drainage. ,ga-tes -;and any and all equipment nec -.
essary for the said construction; also the improvement of the above des-
cribed portion of Third Street and Third Street North by the construc-
tion thereon of a standard wooden sidewalk along the southerly side
thereof six feet in width, abutting upon the southerly property line of
said portion of Third Street and Third Street North. All of said im-
provement to be done in accordance with maps, plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and adopted and approved by the City Com-
mission, and in accordance with Improvement Resolution No. 122 of the
City of Port Angeles.
Section II. That the cost and expense of said improvement
including all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne by and
assessed against the property which shall be benefited by said improve-
ments, which property is hereby declared to be the property to be serv-
ed by the said storm and sanitary sewer between the termini of said im-
provement, according to the maps, plats and plans on filein the office
of the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles; and the City of Port
Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of said cost
and expense of said improvement, except in so far asthe said City is
made liable by virtue of the statutes of the State of Washington in
such cases made and provided, and particularly those statutes provid-
ing and directing that the City of Port Angeles create a Local Improve-
ment Guarantee fund for the purpose of guaranteeing, to the extent of
such fund and in the manner provided by the law, the payment of Local
Improvement bonds issued to pay for local improvements ordered by the
said City.
Section III. That there is hereby created a Local Improve-
ment District to be called Local Improvement District No. 1210 which
said district shall embrace the following described real estate in the
City of Port Angeles, to wit: Block A, Block B, Block C and Block D of
the Subdivision of Sampson's Donation Claim; Lots one (1) to six (6) in-
elusive, in BiOek 116, Lots one' (1) to` six (6) inclusive in Block 117,
Lots one (1) to seven (7) inclusive in Block 123, Lot one (1) in Block
125, and Lots ten (10) to thirteen (13) inclusive in. Block 124, all in
the townsite of Port Angeles.
Section IV. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum, payable on or before twelve years from the date of thiir
issue shall be issued in payments of the cost and expense of said improve-
ment, which bonds may
be redeemed by the collection of special assess-
ments to be levied and assessed against the property within said dis-
trict, payable in ten annual installments, under the mode of "payment
by bonds" as provided by law. These bonds may be delivered to the con-
tractors in redemption of warrants on the special fund of the local im-
provement district herein created, on estimates of the City gngineer,
or the said City at its election, may sell said.bonds and make such
redemption in cash or cash warrants.
Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
after its passage and approval, and from and after five days after its
lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, May 23, 1928.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, May 31, 1928.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the
City Commission, May .31, 1928.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, this 31st day of pray, 1928.
` ti cif
' City Clerk.
Approved as to form
City Attorneys.
Description. approved:
j city Engineer.
Published_ / 1928.
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