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AN ORDINANCE providing for the guarantee of Local Improve-
ment bonds in the city of Port Angeles, creating a fund for
the purpose of guaranteeing to the extent of such funds,
bonds issued against local improvement districts for local
improvements therein; and prescribing certain rules and regu-
lations for the maintenance and operation of such fund.
Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 209, Ses-
sion Laws of the State of Washington for 1927, there is hereby created
in the treasury of the city of Port Angeles a fund which shall be known
and designated as "Local Improvement Guaranty Fund" for the purpose of
guaranteeing to the extent of such fund, and in the manner provided in
said Chapter 209, the payment of local improvement bonds and warrants
issued by the city of Port Angeles subsequent to April 7, 1926.
Section II. That for the purpose of maintaining such local
improvement guaranty fund, the city of Port Angeles shall be deemed and
held to have pledged to such fund a tax credit of said city in an amount
equal to five per cent (5 %) of its local improvement bonds or warrants
issued after April 7, 1926. The credit so pledged shall not constitute
an indebtedness of the city of Port Angeles within the meaning of any
constitutional or statutory provision or limitation respecting indebted-
ness. Such pledge shall be deemed to have been made as to any particular
local improvement district upon the delivery of the assessment roll to the
City Treasurer for collection. Such pledged credits, with the other re-
sources of such fund, shall constitute a reserve wherewith to purchase de-
faulted bonds and warrants guaranteed by such fund. As among the several
issues of the bonds or warrants guaranteed by such fund, no preference
shall exist, but defaulted interest coupons, bonds and warrants shall be
purchased out of such fund in the order of their presentation.
Section 3. That, after the passage and approval of this ordinance,
there shall be levied, from time to time, as other taxes are levied, such
sums as may be needed to meet the financial requirements of the Local Im-
provement Guaranty Fund herein created, but not in excess of the total of
the tax credits pledged to such fund; and whenever the City of Port Angeles
shall have paid out of said guaranty fund any sum on account of principal
and interest on a local improvement bond or warrant herein guaranteed, the
city of Port Angeles, as trustee for such fund, shall be subrogated to all
the rights of the holder of the bond or interest coupon or warrant so paid,
and the proceeds thereof, or of the assessment underlying the same, shall
become a part of such fund. There shall. also be paid into such fund the
interest received from bank deposits on such fund, as well as any surplus
remaining in any local improvement fund herein guaranteed after the payment
of all outstanding bonds or warrants payable primarily out of such local
improvement fund.
Section 4. Warrants drawing interest at a rate not to exceed six
per cent shall be issued against such guaranty fund to meet any liabilities
acruing against it. At the time of making the annual budget and tax levy
of the city of Port Angeles, the city shall provide for the levying of a
sum sufficient, with the other resources of the fund, to pay warrants so
issued during the preceding fiscal year; provided that no warrants shall
be issued against such fund in excess of the cash therein and the tax
credits pledged thereto, as provided in Section II of this ordinance; pro-
vided further. that no taxes shall be levied for such fund in excess of the
tax credits so pledged by Section II of this ordinance, and that the tax
levies herein directed shall be additional to, and, if need be, in excess
of any and all statutory limitations applicable to the tax levies of the
city of Port Angeles..
Section 5. That there shall be plainly written, printed or en-
graved on each local improvement bond hereafter issued by the city of Port
Angeles, the following:
"Neither the holder nor the owner of any bond or warrant issued
under the provisions of this act shall have any claim therefor against
the city or town by which the same is issued except for payment from
the special assessments made for the improvement for which said bond
or warrant was issued and except as against the local improvement
guaranty fund of such city or town, and the city or town shall not be
liable to any holder or owner of such bond or warrant for any loss
to the Guaranty Fund occurring in the lawful operation thereof by
the city or town. The remedy of the holder or owner of a bond or war-
rant, in case of non - payment, shall be confined to the enforcement of
the assessment and to the Guaranty Fund."
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after
its passage and approval from and after five days after its publication.
Passed first reading, August 22, 1928.
Passed second reading, August 29, 1928.
Passed third reading, August 29, 1928.
Adopted by the City Commission this 29th day of August, 1928.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this 29th day of August, 1928.
Attest: C. E. SHIELDS,
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
City Attorneys.
Published August 3Dth, 1928
AN ORDINANCE providing for the guarantee of Local improve-
ment bonds in the city of Port Angeles, creating a fund for the pur-
pose of guaranteeing to the extent of such funds, bonds issued against
local improvement districts for local improvements therein; and pre-
scribing certain rules and regulations for the maintenance and opera-
tion of such fund.
Section I. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 209,
Session Laws of the State of Washington for 1927, there is hereby cregt-
ed in the treasury of the city of Port Angeles a fund which shall be
known and designated as "Local Improvement Guaranty Fund ", for the pur-
pose of guaranteeing to the extent of such fund, and in the manner pro -
vided in said Chapter 209, the payment of local improvement bonds and
warrants issued by the city of Port Angeles subsequent to April 7, 1926.
Section II. That for the purpose of maintaining such local
improvement guaranty fund, the city of Port. Angeles shall be deemed and
held to have pledged to such fund a tax credit of said city in an amount
equal to five per cent (50) of its local improvement bonds or warrants
issued after April 7, 1926. The credit so pledged, shall not constitute'
an indebtedness of the city of Port Angeles within the meaning of any
constitutional or statutory provision or limitation respecting indebt-
edness. Such pledge Shall be deemed to have been made as to any parti-
cular local improvement district upon the delivery of the assessment
roll to the City Treasurer for collection. Such pledged credits, with
the other resources of such fund, shall constitute a reserve wherewith
to purchase defaulted . bonds and warrants guaranteed by such fund. As
among the several issues of the bonds or warrants guaranteed by such
fund, no preference shall exist, but defaulted interest coupons, bonds
and warrants shall be purchased out of such fund in the order-of their
Section 3. That, after the passage and approval of this or-
dinance, there shall be levied, from time to time, as other taxes are
levied, such sums as may be needed to meet the financial requirements
of the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund herein created, but not in excess
of the total of the tax credits pledged to such fund; and whenever the
City of Port Angeles shall have paid out of said guaranty fund any sum
on account of principal and interest on a local improvement bond or war-
rant herein guaranteed, the city of Port Angeles, as trustee for such
fund, shall be subrogated to all the rights of the holder of the bond
or interest coupon or warrant so paid, and the proceeds thereof, or of
the assessment underlying the same, shall become a part of such fund.
There shall also be paid into such fund the interest received from bank
deposits on such fund, as well as any surplus remaining in any local im-
provement fund herein guaranteed` after #dye payment of all outstanding
bonds'or warrants Payable primarily out of such local improvement fund.
Section 4. Warrants drawing interest at a rate not to ex-
ceed six per cent shall be issued agnst" such guaranty fund to meet any
liabilities accruing against it. At the time of making the annual bud-
get and tax levy of the city of.Port Angeles, the city shall provide for,
the levying of a sum sufficient, with the other resources of the fund,
to pay warrants so issued during the preceding fiscal year; provided
that no warrants shall be issued against such fund in excess of the cash
therein and the tax credits pledged. thereto, as provided in Section II
of this ordinance; provided further that no taxes shall be levied for
Such fund in excess of the tax credits. so pledged by Section II of this
ordinance, and that the tax levies' herein directed. shall be additional
to, and, if need be, in excess of any and all statutory limitations ap-
plicable to the tax levies of the city of Port Angeles.
Section 5. That there shall be plainly written, printed or
engraved on each local improvement bond hereafter issued by the city of
Port Angeles, the following:;
"Neither the holder nor the owner of any bond or warrant
issued under the provisions of this act shall have any claim
therefor against the city or town by which the same is issued
except fez' payment from the special assessments made for the
improvement for which said bend orcarrant was issued and ex-
cept as against the local improvement guaranty fUnd of such
city or town, and the city or town shall not be liable to any
holder or owner of such bond or warrant, for any loss to the
Guaranty l''und occurring in the lawful operation thereof by the
city or town. The remedy of the holder or owner of a bond or
warrant, in case of non - payment, shall be confined to the en-
forcement of the assessment and to the Guaranty Fund."
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
after its passage and approval from and after five days after its pub-
Passed first reading, August; 1928.
Passed second reading, Au t1
g gust�� 928.
Passed third reading, August F.1,c928.
Adopted by the City Commission this29 day of August, 1928.
Approved and signed. by the t:ayor this a {'k day of August,
ATTF,S9: t
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Approved as to form:
City Attorneys.
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AN ORDINANCE providing for the guarantee of Local Improvement bonds in the
'City of Port Angeles, creating a fund for the purpose of guaranteeing to the
extent of such funds, bonds Issued against local umprovement districts for local
improvements therein; and prescribing certain rules and regulations for the
6aintenance and operation of such fund.
Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 209, Session Laws of
the State of Washington for 1927, there is hereby created in the treasury of the
City of Port Angeles a fund which shall be known and designated as "Local Improve-
ment Guaranty Fund," for the purpose of guaranteeing to the extent of such fund,
;and in the manner provided in said Chapter 209, the payment of local improvement
nds and wattests issued by the City of Port Angeles subsequent to April 7, 1926.
Section 11. That for the purpose of maintaining such local Improvement
Guaranty Fund, the City of Port Angeles shall be deemed and held to have pledged
to such fund a tax credit of said city in an amount equal to five per cent (5 %)
•of its local improvement bonds or.warrants issued after April 7, 1926. The credit
so pledged shall not constitute aindebtedeness of the City of Port Angeles within
the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision or limitation respectiri
indebtedness. Such pledge shall be deemed to have been made as to any particular
local improvement district upon the delivery of the assessment roll to the City
Treasurer for collection. Such pledged credits, with the other resources of such
I,fund, shall constitute a reserve wherewith to purchase defaulted bonds and warrants
guaranteed by such fund. As among the several issues of the bonds or warrants
guaranteed by such fund, no preference shall exist, but defaulted interest coupons,
bonds and warrants shall be purchased out of such fund in the order of their
Section 3. That, after the passage and approval of this ordinance, there
shall be levied, from time to time, as other taxes are levied, sech sums as may
be needed to meet the financial requirements of the Local Improvement Guaranty
.Fund herein created, but not in excess of the total of the tax credits pledged to
;Such fund; and whenever the City of Port Angeles shall have paid out of said
guaranty fund any sum on account of principal and interest on a local improvement
bond or warrant herein guaranteed, the City of Port Angeles, as trustee for such
fund, shall be subrogated to all the rights of the holder of the bond or interest
coupon or warrant so paid, and the proceeds thereof, or of the assessment under -
ring the same, shall become a part of such fund. There shall also be paid into
such fund the interest received from bank deposits on such fund, as well as any
6urplus remaining in e y local im$rovement fund herein guaranteed after the payment
of all outstanding bonds or warrants parable primarily out of such local improve -
bent fund.
Section 4. Warrants drawing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent
shall be issued against such guaranty fund to meet any liabilities acruing against
it. At the time of making the annual budget and tax levy of the city of Port
Angeles, the city shall provide for the levying of a sum sufficient, with the
ther resources of the fund, to pay warrants so issued during the preceding fiscal
yyear; provided that no warrants shall be issued against such fund in excess of the
cash therein and the tax credits pledged thereto, as provided in Section II of
this ordinance; provided further that no taxes shall be levied for such fund in
excess of the tax credits so pledged by Section II of this ordinance, and that the
Itax levies herein directed shall be additional to, and if need be, in excess of any
and all statutory limitations applicable to the tax levies of the city of Port
Section 5. That there shall be plainly written, printed or engraved on
each local improvement bond hereafter issued by the city of Port Angeles, the
"Neither the holder nor'the owner of any bond or warrant issued under the
provisions of this act shall have any claim therefor against the city or town
by which the same is issued except for payment from the special assessments made
for the improvement for which said bond or warrant was issued and except as
against the local improvement guaranty fund of such city or town, and the city
or town shall not be
liable to any holder or owner of such bond or warrant for any loss to the
Guaranty Fund occurring in the lawful operation thereof by the city or town.
The remedy of the holder or owner of a bond or warrant, in case of non - payment,
shall be confined to the enforcement of the assessment and to•the Guaranty Fund."
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its
passage and approval from and after five days after its publication.
Passed first reading, August 2*,1928.
Passed second reading, August 29, 1928.
Passed third reading August 29, 1928.
Adopted by the City Commission this 29th day of August, 1928.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this 29th day of August, 1928.
IC. E. Shields, SIGNED;
, City Clerk
Lewis & Church
City Attorneys.
PUBLISHED: August 30, 1928.
SIGNED: W. B. Hedrick,