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AN ORDINANCE confirming the estimate of expenditures for the
City of Port Angeles for the year 1929, and fixing tax levies for said
year 1929 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting
and sitting for that purpose on the 1st day of October, 1928.
Section 1. That the estimate of expenditures for the levy
of taxes made by the City Commission sitting as a body for that purpose
On the 1st day of October, 1928, be and the same is hereby confirmed,
and there is hereby fixed and levied for the City and its districts for
the year 1929 upon all property, both real and personal, subject to
taxation for the several funds shown herein, and upon' each and every
dollar of the assessed valuation thereof, as shown by the records of
1 assessments in the office of the County Assessor in and for Clallam
County, Washington, to wit:
Fund Mills Amount
Current Expenses, 18.00 $30883.05
Library, 1.70 2916.73
Park, 1.00 1715.72
Accident, .70 1201.00
Guarantee, 1.00 1715.72
Municipal Bond Interest, 1.10 1887.30
Municipal, bond Sinking, 5.00 8578.62
P.A. General Obligation Bond, .50 857.86
P.A. General Obligation Bond Inter-
est, .30 514.72
Total, 23.30 ;50270.72
Mille Amount
18.00 $40301.87
1.70 3806.28
Current Expense,
1.00 2238.99
.70 1567.29
1.00 2238.99
P. A. General Obligation Bond, .50-
P. A. General Obligation Bond In-
terest, .30
Section II. That all said taxes are necessary levies and
needed to raise sufficient revenue to maintain said City, its districts
and several departments for the year 1929, commencing January 1, and
ending December 31, 1929, and said taxes are hereby levied proportionate-
ly in said city and each said district respectively in accordance with
their joint and several needs and liabilities, as shown upon the assess-
ment roll of said Clailam County, as finally fixed and equalized by the
Board of Equalization of said County and State and extended upon the as-
sessment rolls of said County, showing the property within said City sub-
ject to taxation for municipal purposes as therein certified by the Coun-
ty Assessor of said County according to law.
Section III. There is urgent necessity and emergency for the
passage and adoption and taking effect of this ordinance for the imme-
diate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, which urgency
and emergency is now hereby stated and declared. Now therefore, this
ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and af-
ter and immediately upon its passage, approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City .Commission, October 3rd, 1928.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, October 10, 1928.
Passed third readingand adopted by the City Commission October 10, 1928.
Approved and signed by .the Mayor this / day of October,
Approved as to form:
City A torneys.
Date of Publication, October " , ,1928.:
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