HomeMy WebLinkAbout0859ORDINANCE No. fJ
i s AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the assessments and as-
sessment roll in and for Local Improvement District No. 118 created un-
der Ordinance No. 831, approved November 3, 1927, ordering and provid-
ing for the improvement of the following.described portion of the City
of Port Angeles, and in the manner following, to wit: The improvement
of Oak Street from the northerly margin, of Front Street to the souther-
ly margin of Railroad Avenue;<Laurel Street from a point one hundred feet
north of the northerly margin of Front Street to the southerly margin of
Railroad Avenue; Lincoln Street from the northerly margin of Front Street
to the southerly margin of Railroad Avenue; Railroad Avenue from a point
seventy -five feet westerly from the westerly margin of Oak Street to a
point one hundred feet easterly from the easterly margin of Lincoln Street
by removing the present old trestle, constructing a bulkhead along the
0 northerly margin of Railroad Avenue, also extending back in a southerly
direction on a line parallel with Lincoln and Oak Streets tough water
line filling Railroad Avenue, Oak,Laurel and Lincoln Streets up to ap-
proximately elevation plus 16.50 above mean lower low water; all work A.
IN done and improvements made in connection with the above described
work which molgicbe necessary, and all the work and improvements herein
described be in accordance with plans, specifications and maps pre-
pared by the City Engineer., adopted by the City Commission, and in accor -•
dance with Local Improvement Resolution No. 118 of the City of Port An-
geles; ordering the levy and collection of such assessments; creating and
establishing a special fund for said district, and ordering that said
assessments be paid into said special fund.
Section I. That the assessments and assessment roll for Local
Improvement District No. 118, created by Ordinance No. 831, approved Nov-
ember 3, 1927, which said ordinance ordered and provided for the improve-
meet of the following described portion of the City of Port Angeles, and
in the manner following, to wit: The improvement of Oak Street from the
northerly margin of Front Street to the southerly margin of Railroad
Avenue; Laurel Street from a point one hundred feet north of the north-
erly margin of Front Street to the southerly margin of Railroad Avenue;
Lincoln Street from the northerly margin of Front Street to the souther-
ly margin of Railroad Avenue; Railroad Avenue from a point seventy -five
feet westerly from the westerly margin of Oak Street to a point one hun-
dred feet easterly from the easterly margin of Lincoln Street by remov-
ing the present old trestle, constructing a bulkhead along the northerly
margin of Railroad Avenue, also extending back in a southerly direction
on a line parallel with Lincoln and Oak Streets to high water line fill-
ing Railroad Avenue, Oak, Laurel and Lincoln Streets up to approximately
elevation plus 16.50 above mean lower low water; all work to be done and
improvements made in connection with the above described work which may
be necessary, and all the work and improvements herein described to be
in accordance with plans, specifications and maps prepared by the City
Engineer, adopted by the City Commission, and in accordance with Local.
Improvement Resolution No. 118 of the City of Port Angeles; and which
said ordinance created a local improvement district and provided for pay-
ment for said improvement by method of "payment by bond&"; as said as-
sessment roll now stands, as revised, changed, raised, lowered and modi-
fied by the City Commission sitting as a Board of Equalization thereon
111, 424t
on the h day of - 8okt -ember, 1928,- according to regular notice thereof
and the .ordinances of said city, and in accordance. with the findings and
order of said Board then and there made, be and the same are hereby in
all respects approved and confirmed in all things.
Section II. That each lot, tract and parcel of land shown
upon said assessment roll, is hereby declared specially benefitted by
said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same, and
that the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to the
several assessments appearing upon said roll, and there is hereby levied
and assessed against each said lot, tract or parcel of land appearing
on said roll the amount actually charged and assessed therein upon and
against the same.
Section_III. That there is hereby created and established for
said Local Improvement District No. 118, a special fund to be known and
designated as Local Improvement District No. 118 for the uses and pur-
poses provided in such case by law and the ordinances of said city.
Section IV. That said assessments or any of them, may be paid
without interest at any time within thirty days from the date of the first
publication of the City Treasurer's notice to pay the same as required
by law to be given; and all assessments not paid within said period of
thirty days shall thereafter be paid in ten equal annual installments
with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum.
• Section V. That immediately upon the taking effect of this
ordinance, said assessment roll shall be turned over and delivered to
the City Treasurer, for the collection thereof, who, shall thereupon pro-
ceed to collect the same according to law.
Section VI. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
when it shall have been passed by the City Commission, approved by the
Mayor, attested by the City Clear, approved by the City Attorneys, and
from and after five days after its publication in the official newspaper
of said city; and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the same to
be so published.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, 'br e661 1928.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, October f 1928.
Passed third reading and adapted by the City Commission, October. 1928.
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Approveand> signed by the Mayor, October fir, 1928.
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'`ATTEST: 0.-
,4 'Ey Clerk
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Approved as to form:
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