HomeMy WebLinkAbout0869ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE ordering. and providing for the following describ-
ed improvements in the following described portions of streets in the
City of Port Angeles, to wit: The installation of an ornamental street
lighting system, consisting of approximately ninety -six light standards
of the approximate height of sixteen feet each, with all the necessary
transformers, cable, wire, switches and approximately 4,375 linear feet
of conduit, et cetera, to complete the system upon the following describ-
bofP. sides of
ed portions of the following named streets, to wit: On^Front Street from
the westerly margin of Oak Street to the easterly margin. of Lincoln Street
on First Street from the westerly margin of Oatk Street to the easterly
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margin of Lincoln Street; onA0ak Street from the northerly margin of
haft, aides of
First Street to the southerly margin of Front Street; on Laurel Street
from the northerly margin of First Street to the Southerly margin of
‘otf.. std.Gs of
Railroad Avenue; and on Lincoln Street from the northerly margin of
• Third Street to the southerly margin of Front Street. The said lighting
system to be of multiple type, divided into eight circuits; the light
standards to be of the design shown on the drawings in the office of the
City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, ,
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together with all necessary material on each standard;
And *.♦ .1.10 t.. 4•1. W: 1.10,1111,1•111/ ...ytib :. e.1. t. •1. .0 •.•.• •. - v.
and all conduit, wires, equipment material and labor necessary and suit-
able to complete said improvement; creating Local Improvement District
No. 127, and providing for the payment of the cost and expense thereof
by special assessments upon the property within the said district, ac-
cording to law and by the mode of "payment by bonds", all in accordance
with improvement resolution No. 127 of the City of Port Angeles, and in
accordance with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City En-
gineer and the City Electrician and on file in the office of the said
Engineer, and approved and adopted by the City Commission.
Section I. That there is hereby ordered the installation of
an ornamental street lighting system,' consisting of approximately ninety -
six light standards of the approximate height of sixteen feet each, with
all the necessary transformers, cable, wire, switches and approximately
• 4,375 linear feet of conduit, et cetera, to complete the system upon the
following described portions of the following named streets, to wit: On
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AFront Street from the westerly margin of Oak Street to the easterly mar -
to'tk 5L•de
gin of Lincoln Street; on^First Street from the westerly margin of Oak
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Street to the easterly margin of Lincoln Street; on,LOak Street from the
northerly margin of First Street to the southerly margin of Front Street;
on Laurel Street from the northerly margin of First Street to the South -
bork s 4-es df
erly margin of Railroad Avenue; and onALincoln Street from the northerly
• margin of Third Street to the southerly margin of Front Street. The
said lighting system to be of multiple type, divided into eight circuits;
the light standards to be of the design shown on the drawings in the of-
fice of the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles,
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each standard,and all conduit, wires, equipment, material and
labor necessary and suitable to complete said improvement. All of said
improvement to be done in accordance with maps, plans and specifications
prepared by.the City Engineer and the City Electrician, and adopted and
approved by the city L'ommission, and in accordance with improvement Reso-
lution No. 127 of the City of Port Angeles.
Section II. That the cost and expense of said improvement, in-
cluding all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne by and as-
sessed against the property situated and included within the boundaries
of the district hereinafter created, 'and described, in accordance with
law and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles; and the City of Port
Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of said cost
and expense of said improvement, except in so far as the said City is
•made liable by virtue, of the statutes of the State of Washington in such
cases made and provided, and particularly those statutes providing and
directing that the City of Port Angeles create a Local Improvement Guar-
antee fund for the purpose of guaranteeing, to the extent of ,such fund
and in the manner provided by law, the payment of Local Improvement bonds
issued to pay for local improvements ordered by the said City.
Section III. That there is hereby created a Local Improvement
District to be called Local Improvement District No. 127, which said dis-
IIItrict is described as follows, to wit: All of the real property abutting
upon, adjoining, proximate, vicinal and contiguous to the said portions
of the said streets in the City of Fort Angeles, in Section I hereof des-
Section IV. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent
per annum, payable on or before twelve years from the date of their is-
sue, shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of said improve-
ment, which bonds may be redeemed by the collection of special assess-
ments to be levied and assessed against the property within said district,
• payable in ten annual installments, under the mode of "payment by bonds"
as provided by law. These bonds may be delivered to the contractors in
redemption of warrants on the special fund.of the local improvement dis-
trict herein created, on estimates of the City Engineer, or the said
City, at its election, may sell said bonds and make such redemption in
cash or cash warrants.
Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
after its passage and approval and from and after five days after its
lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, February 27, 1929.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, March 6, 1929.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commis-
sion, March 6, 1929.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, this 6th day of March, 1929.
Approved as to form:
-City Attorneys.
Description approved:
Published, March
City Engineer.
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AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing for the following describ-
ed improvements in the following described portions of streets in the
City of Port Angeles, to wit: The installation of an ornamental street
lighting system, consisting of approximately ninety -six light standards
of the approximate height of sixteen feet each, with all the necessary
transformers, cable, wire, switches and approximately 4,375 linear feet
of Conduit, et cetera, to complete the system upon the following describ-
ed portions of the following named streets, to wit: On both. sides of •
Front Street from the westerly margin of Oak Street to the easterly mar-
gin of Lincoln Street; on both sides of First Street from the westerly
margin of Oak Street to the easterly margin of Lincoln Street; on the
East side of Oak Street from the northerly margin of First Street to the
Southerly margin of Front Street; on both sides of .Laurel Street from
• the northerly margin of First Street to the Southerly margin of Railroad
,Avenue; and /both sides of Lincoln Street from the northerly margin of
Third Street to the southerly margin of Front Street. The said lighting
system to be of multiple type, divided into eight circuits; the light
standards to be of the design Shown on the drawings in the office of the
City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, together with all necessary
material on each standard, and all conduit, wires, equipment, material
and labor necessary arnd'suitable to complete said improvement; creating
isLocal Improvement District No. 127, and providing for the payment of the
cost and expense thereof by speciaa assessments.upon the property within
the said district, according to law and by the mode of "payment by bonds ",
all in accordance with improvement resolution No. 127 of the City of Port
Angeles, and in accordance with maps, plans and specifications prepared
by the City Engineer and the City Electrician and on file in the office
of the said Engineer and approved and adopted by the City Commission.
Section 1. That there is hereby 'ordered the installation of
an ornamental street lighting system, consisting of approximately ninety-
six light standards of the approximate height of sixteen feet each, with
all the necessary transformers, cable, wire, switches and approximately
4,375 linear feet of conduit, et cetera, to complete the system upon the
following described portions of the following names streets, to wit: On
both sides of Front Street from the westerly margin of Qak Street to the
easterly margin of Lincoln Street; on both sides of First Street from the
westerly margin of Oak Street to the easterly margin of Lincoln Street;
on the East side of Oak Street from the northerly margin of First Street
to the southerly margin of Front Street; on both sides of Laurel Street
from the northerly margin of First Street to the Southerly margin of Rail-
road Avenue; and on both sides of Lincoln Street from the northerly mar-
gin of Third Street to the southerly margin of Front $treet. The said
lighting system to be of multiple type, divided into eight circuits; the
• light standards to be of the design shown on the drawings in the office
of the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, together with all nec-
essary material on each standard, and all conduit, wires, equipment, ma-
terial and labor necessary and suitable to complete said improvement; all
of said improvement to be done in accordance with maps, plans and speci-
fications prepared by the City Engineer and the City Electrician, and
a dapted'and.,approved by the City Commission, and in accordance with im-
provement resolution No. 127 of the City of Pot't Angeles.
Section II. That the cost and expense of said improvement, in-
cluding all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne by and as-
sessed against the property situated and included within the boundaries
of the district hereinafter created, and described, in accordance with
law and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles; and the City of Port
Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of said coat
and expense of said improvement, except in so far as the said City is made
liable by virtue of the statutes of the, State of Washington in such cases
made and provided, and particularly those statutes providing and direct-
ing that the City of Port Angeles create a Local Improvement Guarantee
/ Fund for the purpose of guaranteeing, to the Extent of such fund and in
the manner provided by law, the payment of Loca 1 Improvement Bonds is-
sued to pay for ;local improvements ordered by the said`city.
Section III. That there is hereby created a local improvement
District to be called Local Improvement District No. 127, which said dis-
trict is described 'as follows, to wit: All of the real property abutting,
upon, adjoining, proximate, vicinal and contiguous to the said portions
of the said streets in the City of Port Angeles, in Section I hereof des-
Section IV. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum, payable on or before twelve years from the date of their
issue, shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of said improve-
ment, which bonds may be redeemed by the collection of special assessments
to be levied and assessed against the property within said district, pay-
able in ten annual installments, under the mode of "payment by bonds" as
provided by law. These bonds may be delivered to the contractors in re-
demption of warrants on the special fund of the local improvene nt district
herein created, on estimates of the City Engineer, or the said City, at
its election, may sell said bonds and make such redemption in cash or cash
Section V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force af-
ter its passage and approval and from and after five days after its lawful
4 publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission,(-
Passed Second reading by the City Commission, March -44/P/
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commis-
sion, 0March 1, /tz9
.�. /
�µ� (� p� roved and signed by the Mayor, this day of March, 1929.
City Clerk.
- ;,Approved as
to form:
DESC IPTIO approved:
' ufty J g neer.