HomeMy WebLinkAbout0872ORDINANCE NO.f
AN ORDINANCE regulating the use, keeping and storage of Gaso-
line, Benzine, Naptha, Distillate or any hydro - carbon liquid within the
limits of the City of Port Angeles and providing a penalty for the viola-
tion thereof.; repealing all ordinances and parts.of ordinances in con-
flict herewith; and declaring an emergency.
Section 1. The word .Fire Chief, wherever used in this ordin.
ance shall be held and construed to mean Fire Chief of the City of Port
Angeles, or any of his authorized assistants or any competent party duly
appointed by the Mayor and commission of said City.
Section 2. The term benzine or gasoline, wherever used herein,
shall mean any product of petroleum or any hydro- carbon liquid that will
flash or emit an inflammable vapor below the 'temperature of one hundred
• and ten (110) 'degrees Fahrenheit.
'Section 3'` It shall`be unlawful for any'person, firm or cor-
poration, to keep, store or use, or to permit the keeping, storing or us-
ingof gasoline or benzine in larger quantities than one (1) gallon, with -
out first obtaining a_, written or printed permit frog the Fire Chief. Use
of gasoline or benzine shall include, burning, washing, cleaning, heating
generating gas and any other purpose to which such hydro - carbon liquid
or oils may be put; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be con-
illstrued as applying to gasoline or benzine contained in the service tanks
of motor vehicles, vessels, boats or airplanes, when such tanks are per-
manently connected with the motor engines which they supply.
Permits shall be granted -by the Fire,Chief only when the gaso-
line or benzine is to be kept or stored in accordance with the conditions
mentioned in the following sections, and excepting when in the judgment
of the Fire Chief the use by the applicant in the manner proposed or adopt-
ed by him or the quantity to be kept would endanger the safety of life
or property.
Section 4. Ail gasoline or benzine in excess of one (1)
gallon and not more than five (5) gallons must be kept outside the walls
4111 of any building in a manner to be safe from fire and secure from theft;
provided, that gasoline or benzine in quantity not exceeding five (5)
gallons may be kept within a building in strong metallic cans or contain-
ers that are at all times kept safe by devices that will effectively pre-
vent flames from entering the censer containers and which will automatic
ally open to release any unusual pressure or vapor inside; said cans or
containers must be constructed.of galvanized metal in thickness not less
than twenty -four (24) gauge and also marked so that it can be removed by
the Fire Department whenever`necessary.
Section 5. Gasoline or benzine,in excess of five (5) gallons
and not more than one thousand (1,000) gallons, must be kept or stored
in a tank outside the walls of any building,,and so buried in the ground
that there will be at least-four feet (4) of earth around the entire tank.
• Mien two (2) or more tanks are installed there shall not be less than
four (4) feet of earth or a brick or concrete dividing wall not less than
twelve (12) inches in thickness between and for the entire length of each
tank. The material of which said tanks are made must be steel, in thick-
ness not less than fourteen (14) gauge. All openings to said tank must
be on top. A filling pipe shall extend above the surface of the ground
outside the building and be provided with a permanent cover secured to
the pipe with a chain and lock.
A three- quarter,inch vent pipe shall extend from the tank to a
point high enough above the ground to prevent it being tampered with and
as far as possible from any opening in the building, and shall end in a
return bend of which the opening shall be closed with a brass wire net-
ting of fine mesh. The vent pipe must not_pass through or into the build-
ing. All piping must be galvanized and put together with litharge and
All tanks shall be filled only through hose directly connected
to the delivery wagon .or truck, when the Wagon or truck can be brought
close enough-to'said fill pipe or tank otherwise the gasoline or- benzine
must be carried to the fill pipe in metallic cans or containers which
shall be painted a bright red. Gasoline or benzine'sha11"be taken from
• the underggound tanks only by the means of a pump with an automatic cut -off.
It -shall be unlawful to use any'gravity, air - pressure deviceor'spstem for
taking gasoline or benzine from any tank; provided that the provisions of
this sectibiiAshall not *be`•nohstrued to'prohibit therinstallation, ,mainten-
ance and use by gasoline service stations of what are known as visible
container gasolinepumps'`operated`by gravity;
and the glass container thereof properly
protected'by a strong metal screen to prevent :breakage. All -boats that are
filled from tank wagons or trucks must have engines stopped and fires out
in ally `stoves 'at the time:of 'delivery. - ' 4 • . I - - - -
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Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor-
poration to make deliveries of gasoline, benzine or any hydro- carbon pro-
duct into any tank, receptacle or container which does not in all re-
spects conform to the terms of this ordinance.
Section 7. It shall be the duty of the person in charge of
every oil burner installed in any building to allow no accumulation or
leakage of oil in the furnace pit or in the fire box, or on the basement
• or boiler room floor; to keep the nozzle of the oil burner clean and free
from carbon and dirt; to keep the fire box free from excessive deposits
of carbon; to keep oil pipirgthrough which oil is delivered from the oil
storage tank to the burner absolutely tight and free from oil leaks; to
keep all packing glands of the oil pumping apparatus and burner tight and
free from oil leaks and to keep the oil butner in proper working order
at all times. In case carbon forma within two (2) feet of the nozzle of
the oil burner such carbon deposit shall be immediately removed and the
. cause thereof corrected.
Every oil burner shall be designed, installed and maintained
so as to prevent any oil particles from impinging and burning directly
on any boiler or other metal heating surface of a system subject to pres-
sure. All automatic devices shall be constructed of proper strength and
materials to minimize the lability to failure, breakage or other accident
or injury, and every important automatic controlling or protective device
shall be provided with substantial means for manually testing same to as-
certain its proper operating condition.
Section 8. Every person, firm or corporation violating any
. of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not
more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the City
Jail not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprison-
9 Z
Section 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. .
gection 10.• This ordinance'isdeclared t� be urgent and neces-
sary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and
safety of the inhabitants and people of said City'of Port Angeles, and
shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and from and after
its passage, approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission,
/1i'', 1929.
Passed second, reading by the City Commission MayAl , 1929.
Passed third reading and f inal4 passed and adopted by the City
Commission, Ma??, 1929.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, this day of May; 1929.
Attest ;°
Approved as to form:
Published May
City Attorneys.
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