HomeMy WebLinkAbout0890ORDINANCE NO..690
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Municipal Light and Power Plant
and system of the City of Port Angeles regulating and prescribing the
use and sale and price of electric current; defining offenses and fixing
penalty and repealing Ordinance No. 761 and certain ordinances relating
thereto and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
Section 1. The word "superintendent" hereafter used in this •
ordinance shall be held and construed to mean the superintendent of light-
ing of the City of Port Angeles; the word "person" hereinafter used in
this ordinance shall be held to mean and include persons of either sex,
association, co- partnership and corporation, whether acting by themselves
or by a servant, agent or employee. The singular number shall be held
to include the plural and the masculine pronoun to include the feminine.
Section 2. Any persons desiring to purchase electric current
from the City of Port Angeles shall make application therefor upon a
printed form to be furnished for that purpose, signed by the applicant
and filed in the office of the superintendent, which application shall
contain a description of the premises where such electric current is de-
sired and the voltage and rating in amperes, watts or horsepower of all
lights or other devices requiring electric current.
Section 3. The application provided for in the preceding sec-
tion shall contain a contract on the part of the person making the same
to pay for the electric current applied for at the rate, in the manner
and for the time specified in such contract, and shall reserve to the
City of Port Angeles the right to charge and collect the rates provided
for in this ordinance; to change said rates at any time by ordinance; to
discontinue the service at any time without notice to the consumer; to
install meter or meters to register the electric current consumed or the
maximum load or both; and shall specify that said contract is subject to
all the provisions. of this ordinance or any ordinance of the City of Port
Angeles passed; and shall provide that the City of Port Angeles shall not
be held responsible for any damage by fire or other cause resulting from
defective wiring or appliances on the premises supplied with electric cur-
rent installed by the owner or occupant of the said premises; the fact
that agents of the City of Port Angeles have inspected the wiring and ap-
pliances shall not be pleaded as a basis for recovery in any case of dam-
ages to the premises from any defective wiring or any appliances install-
ed by the owner or occupant of such premises; and shallprovide that in
case the supply of current shall be interrupted, or fail by reason of ac-
cident, or any other eause whatsoever the city shall not be liable for
damages from such interruption or failure, nor shall such failure or in-
terruption for any reasonable period of time be held as constituting a
breach of contract on the part of the City or in any way relieve the con-
sumer from performing the obligations of his contract.
Section 4. All. contracts shall take effect from the day they
are signed and rates shall be charged and bills rendered from the day
premises are connected with the city wires carrying electric current.
Section 5. All contractsshall be binding for the period speci-
fied in the contract and shall continue in effect until ten days after
written notice of discontinuance filed,in the office. of the Superintend-
ent is accepted by him and all charges for electric current and fines
and penalties imposed have been paid in full.
Section 6, At the time of making application for electric cur-
rent as herein provided, all applicants, other than those owning property
upon which service is to be installed, may be required by the Superintend-
ent to deposit with the City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor, an
amount of money which shall not be less than Five Dollars, which deposit
shall be held by the City Treasurer as security for payment of bills and
claims arising under such contract, and the. performance of all conditions
thereof, and shall be repaid at the expiration or termination of the con-
tract and upon receipt of a voucher signed by the superintendent certify-
ing that all conditions of the contract have been complied with.
Section 7. The superintendent, or any employee of the City of
Port Angeles acting under his authority, shall have free access at any
reasonable time to any and all premises furnished with electric current
by the City of Port Angeles for the purpose of inspection of any wires
or electric devices on said premises, reading or installing meters, and
removing or repairing any property of the City of Port Angeles or for any
other reaonsable purpose connected with the lighting system of the City
of Port Angeles.
Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the
Superintendent, or duly authorized employee of the City acting under his
authority, to connect any house, premises, wire or other appliances with
the Cityss electric circuit for the purpose of secuxing electric current
therefrom, or for any other purpose whatever.
Section 9. The ..superintendent may, before connecting any prem-
ises with the city's circuits or furnishelectric current therefrom, cause
the wiring, appliances and fixtures to be carefully inspected, and .until
0 such wiring, appliances and fixtures are put in proper condition satisfac-
tory to the superintendent, or his representatives, deelineIto connect
the service wires with the city circuits, and shall have the power at any
time to disconnect the service from any premises where the wiring, appli-
ances or fixtures shall become or are found to be defective or dangerous
until the same are repaired to the satisfaction of the Superintendent, or
his duly authorized representative.
Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any purchaser of electric
current to add any additional lights or other devices requiring electric
current to the service installed under his original contract without first
filing a written notice thereof in the office of the superintendent upon
the printed form provided for that purpose, and in addition to incurring
the penalty hereinafter provided such purchaser shall be held responsible
to the city for all damages or interruption of the service or for the in-
creased load on meters, transformers or appliances that may occur as a
0 result of failure to so notify the superintendent as hereinabove requir-
Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any purchaser or electric
current to connect his service with that of any other person or to in any
way supply any other person or premises with electric current through his
service without first filing a written application for such connection or
use at the office of the superintendent upon the printed form provided
for such purpose and receiving a permit therefor.
Section 12. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be con-
strued as requiring the City of Port Angeles, or the superintendent, to
enter into any contract or to furnish electric current to any person ap-
plying therefor. The superintendent is hereby authorized and empowered
to refuse to enter into any such contract or to furnish such electric
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Section 13. All bilis for electric current shall be charged
against the premises where supplied, or the owner thereof, and said own-
er shall be held liable for the payment of such electric current togeth-
er with such fines and penalties as may accrue against the same by reason
of any of the provisions of this ordinance and no change of ownership,
business or occupancy shall effect the application of this section.
Section 14. In case the consumer of electric current under the
contract provided for in this ordinance shall violate his contract or or-
der the discontinuance of service he shall be held liable for the payment
of the minimum monthly charge of the service for the unexpired portion
of the contract together with such percent of the cost of installation
as the remainder of the term of the contract bears to the whole term of
the contract.
Section 15. All lamps, meters, wires and other appliances sup-
plied by the City of Port Angeles shall be and remain the property of the
City and may be removed whenever the superintendent may so elect.
Section 16. When any consumer desires to use electricity for
purposes classified under different rates, separate meters must be in-
stalled to measure the current supplied at each rate, and the electricity
passing through each meter must be charged for at the price specified in
the rate schedule for such separate uses.
Section 17. The monthly rate for electricity consumed shall be
in accordance with the following schedule:
Rate No. 1, Light rate for domestic and commercial use,
First 40 KWH at 6ft per KWH,
Next 60 " 'r 50 n " ,
Next 100 " " 41e " "
Next 150 " " 3¢ " "
All over 350 KWH at 20 per KWH.
Minimum charge of 900 for 14 KWH or less.
Rate No. 2, Combination residential light, heat and cooking:
First 150 KWH at 30¢ per KWH;
Next 200 " tt 30 n to
All over 350 KWH at 20 per KWH,
Minimum charge of $2.80 for 80 KWH or less,
Consumer is entitled to rate 2 only when he has a con-
nected load of 2500 watts or more, exclusive of lamp
socket appliances.
Rate No. 3, Heating and commercial cooking,
First 300 KWH at 30 per KWH,
All over 300 KWH 2¢ " "
Minimum charge of $1.80 for 60 KWH or less.
The consumer is entitled to rate No. 3 only when he
has a connected load of 1000 watts or more emiusive
of lamp socket appliances.
Rate No. 4, Power Rate.
First 300 KWH at 30 er KWH,
Next 2200 " " 22 " " ,
All over 2500 ".2f/ " "
Minimum charge of 900 per H. P. up to 15 H. P.
All over 15 H. P. " H. F.
Rate No. 5. Hot Water Rate:
The schedule applied to flat rate water heating ser-
vice, $5.00 per KW connected per month.
Where seasonable service is desired the rate shall
be $6.50 per K. W. connected per month. This service
is to be limited to a maximum of 3K.W. per customer.
Beaters of less than one K.I. rating to be charged
for in proportion to the,rate per K. W.
This rate limited to city limits of Port Angeles.
Application of the above rates may be limited to
water hea jing. Installation in which the storage tank and heater,
if external, shall be covered with approved heat insulation.
Rate No,. 6. The superintendent may, at his option,, where deemed
advisable to the city's interest, make such other spec-
ial rates to individual consumers as he may see fit,
always with the sanction of the Commission.
Rate Ho. 7. The rate for the City of Port Angeles Street lighting
shall be 30 per KWH, the light department to supply
all lamps and other material and to maintain the system.
Section 18. Consumers of electric current are entitled to a
transfer of meter or meters from one house to another once during a per-
iod of 12 months; all over one transfer per year will be charged for at
the rate of $2.00 per meter per transfer for one house to another; and the
sum of $1.00 will be charged for transferring a meter from one room to
another within any one building.
No charge for the first installation and no meter will be trans-
ferred until all bills due or past due are paid.
Section 19. In' computing the rates for electricity as provided
above, results ending in lg, 2g, will be counted as "naught "; and results
ending in 3g, 4d, 69 and 7g will be counted as 5g; results ending in 8g,
9g, 1l¢ and 120 will be counted as 10.
Section 20. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to keep
accounts of consumers of electric current and to enter all such accounts,
all charges and penalties. All charges against consumers of electric cur-
rent shall be due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, with-
out notice to the consumer, on or before the 25th day of each month for
the month preceding. Should any such accounts not be paid as required
they shall be delinquent. Should a delinquent account not be paid by the
21st day of the month in which it becomes delinquent, the city treasurer
shall notify the superintendent who shall immediately cut off electricity
from the premises and it shall not again be turned on until all arrears
are paid together with a fee of $1.00 for the turning on of the current.
All delinquent accounts shall be charged a, penalty of 10 per cent of the
amount of the bill.
Section-21. In case of defective service, or if the consumer
is not satisfied with the correctness of the meter registry, notice shall
be sent to the office of the superintendent. In case the consumer desired
a meter test to be made he will notify the City Treasurer to that effect,
depositing the sum of $2.00 to pay the cost of the test. Upon completion
of the test, should an error outside of the allowable variation be found
the deposit will be returned, otherwise it will be forfeited fo the City.
Section 22. The consumer shall at all times keep his wiring and
appliances in such condition'that they can be used for the purposes set
forth in his application without causing damage, delay or cost to the City.
Section 23. It shall be unlawful .for.any consumer of electric
current, under a contract provided for in this ordinance, or for any oth-
er person to interfere with any meter or to change, remove, disconnect,
or otherwise interfere with any wire or appliances belonging to the City.
Section 24. It shall be the duty of all police officers of
the City of Port Angeles to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and
to report to the office of the superintendent all violations thereof which
shall come to their knowledge,. ,
Section 25. It shall be unlawful for any inspector, agent or
employe of the City of Port Angeles to ask, demand, receive or accept any
personal compensation. for any service rendered to consumer of electric
current, or to the persons in connection of supplying or furnishing cur-
rent by the City'of Port Angeles.
Section 26. No promises, agreements or representation of any
employee or agent of the City of Port Angeles with reference to the fur-
nishing of electric current shall be binding on the City unless the same
shall be in writing signed by the Superintendent in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance.'
Section 27. It shall be unlawful for any person to in any man-
ner injure, mutilate, destroy, remove, disconnect or in any way interfere
or tamper with any of the machinery, poles, wires, meters or other appli-
ances belonging to, or in any manner connected with the mudcipal light
and power plant of, the City of Port Angeles.
Section 28. Whenever it becomes necessary to remove or cut any
of the electric wires belonging to the City of Port Angeles whether on
leads or house service, notice must be given to the Superintendent by the
person desiring such cutting or disconnection, stating when and where the
same is required and the sum sufficient to cover the cost thereof, as es-
timated by the Superintendent, must be deposited with the City Treasurer,
and such cutting, disconnecting or removal of wires shall be done by or
under the direction of the Superintendent; and the cost of the labor and
material shall be charged to the person desiring the work to be done and
paid from the monies deposited with the City Treasurer, and any surplus
of such deposit shall be returned upon a voucher duly signed by the Super-
Section 29. In all cases where by the provisions of this ordin-
ance discretion is vested in the Superintendent such discretion shall be
subject to the control of the'City Commission.
Section 30. Any persons violating any provisions of this ordin-
ance shall be guilty of misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall
be punished -by,a finetin any sum not exceeding 4100 or imprisonment for
a term not exceeding 30 days, or bytoth such fine and imprisonment; and
in addition to the penalty hereinabove provided'the,service of any person
found guilty of violating the provision of this ordinance shall be dis-
continued, and the person violating shall be liable for all damages and
for all extra current used by reason of such violation.
Section 31. If any section, sub - section, sub - division, sentence
clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitu-
tional or void, such invalidity shall not thereby affect the validity of
the remaining portion of this ordinance.
Section 32. That Ordinance No. 761 of the City of Port Angeles
entitled "An ordinance relating to the Municipal Light and Power Plant
and System of the City of Port Angeles, regulating. and prescribing the
use, sale and price of electric current, defining offenses and fixing pen-
alties and repealing Ordinance N-o. 450 and certain ordinances amendatory
,.. Appro d. as to form:
thereof, approved June 25th, 1924, and Ordinance No. 782, amendatory
thereof and other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith,
be and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 33. This ordinance.shall take effect and be in full
force from and after thirty days after its passage and approval and from
and after the lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, November 20, 1929.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, November 27, 1929.
Passed third reading by the City Commission, November 27, 1929..
Approved and signed by, the Mayor., Novemberi0 &/ 1929.
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'Date4b .ublication,
Y. Y
, 1929.
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