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191 fy u H __7__- .._-- ,- a�lcets a�6 t tout -2hbM1 P uteicfoyr, on, an efarinifau -t : -I CI oR t.___ '1 �4tIlxi-- 11 Gp't* lt�l 'D6 etIOa1 LYy ,r,P0t1AVas: 7 .-1 ,Sectltat..E, manoiCni:= .SES::,'� : tue;Cttirt el" �lat-1Rh!b . .duly 'Valli oy,:.the *�vote,ft qn ;ottal[Ned•+, r4: om,•• the- eit9-ans eh ..-,ar . T:of DeeemHert:. e r au- thorizes -construetron, Dt ,,eertsin ennlattoantai• - Water.3. • .00 .." tnO n ?s.-"larht ll•tet- Ett0 x;ot;PtoleC pl e'Threat ny. feria. -tb- m=e.Clt7�ot o Pe "kill; t aairl isti thirty . aiRih_ c ,raat ment. ot.i2 00' • tere: t $00Q:00 r.,a ry of. thereof e r_for t estil n, iIod of. thirty ,.years 'Washington' Miilp Pane. r , ;CarpaFpUobr ii-s a- .3por -1 Ceh61:Afferanetb a7m U. tha' OlfereO OOW 3ons'o nwater pecan 1b.00Q;000Sgli- lOneatty yQt_ per• diem 1¢n; ip'}bd •of thirty !yaar9 at g.. _Tor- na,2,pXOt.. :moot and -3O,OO000::or Via .ym t: ha ea'Fter 2tor tha '.aotdCpeY i4,te4 tddY Itt., thin ,.connection .- thelltatdt cnm -,': ':pool- '•yaveesubmttted .C6ntltbtY20" the --City Conunteelett.',enBodying, among,,iother thintttt the^ thattet above, ated.- wt 5 Seeilo.f 2.' The rev. nttee`td'be de-- rlvean:from - -the gsaale' -vf wute15 -as provided. by :the atild. contraats'have beep.+ determined to-- b tent to rMeire the isanff of- eight-bUPdre/1.; Itbov§and'"dollars dr bends",,41iiinther' hctth ttia-interest toAfoi dala`,thera {ton suthorized bg -the nald..Ordl ,maptt.TO_,„SkS for..the pttrpoae:yot- Catotructlagg the = Elwlta Rt or.: t Water Ettenllot 1}t'giect: 1 �;'SeeUontl. The 2.t ,r Ioi hereby.:. i authorized. -, emno.vered padd...,,t to .' 1t struated 'tot ee5cymte -Nit: sahiteon ,1 ducts Company" a etiinotatibMoontI fth WasbiiFto " 'uIp arxT-Pa�er • -- orporatiUn; a n corniall4on ;;and 1breboa_ra Protucts� =• InN d.- -car— ; infattan :for uidi;on; liehMi.: uV -the; -.City of., rt=- .Angeles. airy . rants'.. .aCtpand deed arid. tii Cltya(r1CtYc,18 f aiereby,,authorized m epoworodt!and ' 'instrut:ted ,.to a.Ltesti -the sitnif,god': ;tffls the *.city seals there,toUatldtSto' .lellrer-.copies RS'the; sumo ,to,:tho 'sold trot, ratlona 5`:xY .1F ig.i; seenati s Tlie ntfon anir"ae- ]ivory of- the said cetitradta+ iire= 7ierelty deNargdS10 1te0 nttaYjd. boceseary fo; the liitimedl tLpt;p rea- t �ervaflon et the pui1UG p� ae,,f tisd hnd amity- of the - lithglitthn , d peopie oY lsal$ }City ---oY Po .eMt gelea nd ;&hall oyatfeetyaltthbbo -ln fort to nieillate yE,u�ppntand,t1Om and a'gter-•,'its hani approval: Sod tlawf» i punlIOatibh 6c Li"XartioaiCO;OeCinenhic.ibier.tite,.eitir. tit 'Comm t loo ,D7 mh 97th,: aS2S -reef i r' 4,"Passea third readingtnnd flnatly, ,pill a'11 ilti(1 IPAPOghal''by - thet-.0 ty CoraMls$IbK� ecttmber•+'.27t At _ ..eYpy clvegIntt ,,signed 11by<l _ c Mayor t1l1 7th day=:of December;. `,9:203 0.2.g.y ''n.ii ;Attosfp,.0 t SHIELD 2 ^� rt•+•City Ctech. Abprsteu,at tdl'fbrui:- `teWJei.apa,c Church 'aCat oh Attorn0ya:bire�rn*1929. blished_Ilecembe ;[.28th •1 820: